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OpenACC device tasks

Nanos6 supports running OpenACC GPU tasks, using the CUDA Unified Memory mechanism, provided by the PGI compiler. The user only needs to provide the OpenACC region code and dependences; device selection, launch and synchronization are managed by the runtime.

The device clause needed for the OmpSs-2 outlined task is device(openacc) and support needs to be enabled in the runtime using --enable-openacc configuration flag.

For OpenACC device tasks support to work, the system needs to have an installation of PGI compilers. If the PGI compilers are in the PATH variable, detection is automatic by using the --enable-openacc flag. If not in PATH, the PGI installation path can be specified using --with-pgi=/path/to/pgi/version/.

Note: In both cases (PATH or custom folder), it is needed that the actual folder is used and not the linked one that the PGI installer usually creates. For example:

A working installation of PGI 19.10 may be in /opt/pgi/linux86-64-nollvm/19.10 and the installer has also created /opt/pgi/linux86-64-nollvm/2019 with links to the actual installation.

Please use the first one, either you choose to add it in the PATH or provide it as a custom path:

$ export PATH=/opt/pgi/linux86-64-nollvm/19.10/bin:$PATH


$ /path/to/configure --<conf_flags> --enable-openacc --with-pgi=/opt/pgi/linux86-64-nollvm/19.10

If you are using an NVIDIA HPC-SDK installation, replacing the PGI compilers, use the compilers folder in the provided path, for example:

$ export PATH=/opt/nvidia/hpc_sdk/Linux_x86_64/20.9/compilers/bin:$PATH


$ /path/to/configure --<conf_flags> --enable-openacc --with-pgi=/opt/nvidia/hpc_sdk/Linux_x86_64/20.9/compilers

Writing OpenACC tasks

As mentioned in general Device-tasks guidelines, OpenACC tasks need to be written as outlined OmpSs-2 tasks. For instance:

void vector_add(double *A, double *B, double *C, int size)
	/* Only absolutely necessary declarations and operations here */

#pragma acc parallel loop
	for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
		C[i] = A[i] + B[i];

	/* *Do not* put operations here that use *C!!
	 * (or any other variables that are written into)
	 * Taskifying this in OmpSs-2 implies *asynchronous*
	 * launch, therefore appending async(some_queue)
	 * in the acc pragma.

	 * It is possible though to put another
	 * acc kernels or parallel region; the sequence
	 * semantics will be maintained between -async- regions
	 * of the same task, as only one async queue will be used
	 * in the task.

	 * It is, however, suggested to keep regions as separate
	 * tasks in the general case, unless it is actually meaningful
	 * to have more regions in the same task.

Then, the outlined task prototype should be declared either in the same file or in a relevant header:

#pragma oss task device(openacc) in([size]A, [size]B) out([size]C)
void vector_add(double *A, double *B, double *C, int size);

OpenACC features in OmpSs-2 device(openacc) tasks

As illustrated in the above example, the scope of using OpenACC in an OmpSs-2 + OpenACC application differs from a standalone OpenACC program. OpenACC tasks are provided as a tool, within OmpSs-2 context, to easily offload compute-heavy, data-parallel regions that can benefit from GPU/Accelerator execution.

To summarize:

  • Use:
    1. Compute constructs (parallel, kernels, loop, serial -if you must-), together with their respective, execution-related clauses (gangs/workers/vectors, collapse, reduction, independent, private/firstprivate etc.)
    2. Atomic: Use acc atomic constructs when needed, inside OpenACC regions.
  • Do not use:
    1. async, wait: OmpSs-2 will do that automatically and compilation will fail if used
    2. Data constructs (declare, data, copy, copyin/out etc.): Unified Memory, provided by PGI, is used; thus they will be ignored.
    3. Executable directives (init, shutdown, update etc.)
    4. self (defined in OpenACC 2.7 and later): It defeats the purpose; use standard OmpSs-2 SMP tasks for all host-side workload.

Finally, it is possible to have function calls within OpenACC regions. Standard OpenACC rules apply in this case; if the compiler can't -or isn't allowed to- automatically inline the function, it must be declared using #pragma acc routine .... as in a standard OpenACC program.

OmpSs-2 features in device(openacc) tasks

As OpenACC regions are compiled directly to accelerator (CUDA here) code, there are limitations also to what features of the OmpSs-2 context can be used within OpenACC tasks' code.

THe following features are not supported

  • Launching OmpSs-2 tasks from OpenACC code.
  • Using oss atomic. Please use acc atomic (see above, and also note on atomic).
  • Nanos6 API calls from OpenACC tasks.

As stated in the previous section, the purpose of OpenACC tasks are to offload appropriate compute regions. Therefore, the above actions would make little sense in this context.

Using allocated data in OpenACC tasks

Use of pointers to user-allocated data is an obvious necessity in probably all programs. However, our use of PGI-enabled CUDA Unified Memory mechanism for OpenACC dictates some careful handling, due to implementation-related causes.

In a nutshell:

  1. Before calling malloc (and friends) or new, for data that will be used in an OpenACC task --> insert a #pragma acc set device_num(0). This applies to all functions/smp-task regions, and only needs to be done once per context/region (even if there are multiple allocations in succesion).
  2. The code files that contain these allocations must be compiled with the PGI-enabled Mercurium (pgimcc or pgimcxx, see below in compilation).
Detailed explanation

CUDA Unified Memory + multi-threading

For CUDA Unified Memory to work for OpenACC, PGI compilers transform all allocation calls to cudaMallocManaged() (and OpenACC regions to CUDA kernels). In CUDA, for these calls to work, the thread that is calling them must be associated with a valid CUDA context. This is the default case in an OpenACC program, that is inherently single-threaded from the host side.

In OmpSs-2 context, however, tasks run in different threads (and main() is also a task). Therefore, calling a -PGI-transformed- cudaMallocManaged() from a thread (running a task) that has not been associated with a CUDA context will result in a CUDA Runtime error, or a segmentation fault later on.

Although multi-threaded behaviour is not -yet- defined in OpenACC standard, we inherit this limitation from the underlying CUDA implementation. The good news is that we also inherit the work-around to it. For CUDA + multi-threading it is suggested that each thread does a -dummy- cudaSetDevice() operation, that serves to actually have the CUDA runtime bind the present thread to a CUDA context (see here)

If we apply the same principle in OpenACC, the #pragma acc set device_num(0) actually translates to cudaSetDevice(0). As it is a dummy operation, the actual device number doesn't matter; we only use it to achieve binding the thread-to-context and device 0 is certainly present in all GPU-enabled systems so it is a safe choice.

This work-around has solved all problems we had in this aspect for now, as the OpenACC standard will define these use-cases in future revisions. It also explains why all data that will be used in OpenACC tasks needs to be in code compiled with PGI, in order to be transformed; other data can obviously be allocated in files compiled with mcc/mcxx and will use standard malloc (and derivatives).

Compiling OmpSs-2 + OpenACC (+ CUDA) applications

As of May 2020, upstream Mercurium has support for OmpSs-2 + OpenACC tasks & PGI compilers in the master/release branch.

Use --enable-pgi-compilers when configuring Mercurium and consult Mercurium documentation.

To use OpenACC tasks, it is needed to use PGI-enabled Mercurium, and add the --openacc flag:

$ pgimcc -c --ompss-2 --openacc a_part_in_c.c
$ pgimcxx -c --ompss-2 --openacc a_part_in_cpp.cpp
$ pgimcxx --ompss-2 --openacc a_part_in_c.o a_part_in_c_plus_plus.o -o app

Note that the above invocation automatically passes -fast -acc -ta=tesla:managed flags to the PGI compilers, so NVIDIA target devices with unified memory are assumed without need for the user to specify these options. Additionally, mixed compilation with mcxx and pgimcxx -used to compile different object files- is also supported, useful for existing projects that may need to add an OpenACC tasks part on top of the current code base. However, in these cases the final executable is suggested to be linked with pgimcxx.

Special cases

Note on oss atomic

As explained previously, oss atomic is not valid in OpenACC tasks; use acc atomic pragmas instead. It is important to note, however, that even if oss atomic is used inside a standard, simple SMP task, the file containing this task will not compile with pgimcc/xx.

Therefore, if there is a task using oss atomic in an OmpSs-2 + OpenACC program:

  1. Seperate this task (and, even better, all that are not relevant to OpenACC) in a different source file(s).
  2. Compile said file(s) with mcc/mcxx -c file.cpp --ompss-2 --openacc <rest flags>.
  3. Compile all OpenACC-related source files (see subsection Using allocated data above) with pgimcc/pgimcxx respectively. (also see general compiling notes above).

As all OmpSs-2 #pragma directives, oss atomic triggers a source-to-source transformation by Mercurium.

To implement the atomic functionality, Mercurium relies on using specific GCC built-in intrinsics (namely __sync_synchronize() here). These intrinsics, although may be supported by other compilers (e.g. IBM), are not supported by PGI. Therefore, when Mercurium feeds its transformed code to the PGI compiler, compilation fails.

Using plain mcc/xx feeds the same code to GCC, as was intended.

Combining with CUDA tasks

It is supported to use both CUDA and OpenACC OmpSs-2 tasks within an application. However, as we have shown, compilation procedure might be complex, so it is needed to keep things as separated as possible:

  • See CUDA tasks documentation for CUDA compilation details.
  • CUDA tasks can take advantage of mallocs that PGI transforms to cudaMallocManaged as they make use of Unified Memory too, thus users can benefit if a CUDA task will be using the same data with an OpenACC task.
  • Hence, CUDA tasks (-->function calls) can be called from a file compiled with PGI-Mercurium.
  • CUDA tasks compilation however must be done with mcxx as shown in the documentation.

Nanos 6 configuration variables for OpenACC tasks

The runtime provides the following configuration variables related to OpenACC:

  1. devices.openacc.default_queues: The number of preallocated async queues per device. Default value is 64.
  2. devices.openacc.max_queues: The max number of async queues, and therefore tasks, that can be concurrently run per device. Default value is 128.
  3. devices.openacc.polling.pinned: Indicates whether the OpenACC polling services should constantly run while there are OpenACC tasks running on their GPU. Enabling this option may reduce the latency of processing OpenACC tasks at the expenses of occupiying a CPU from the system. Default value is true.
  4. devices.openacc.polling.period_us: The time period in microseconds between OpenACC service runs. During that time, the CPUs occupied by the services are available to execute ready tasks. Setting this option to 0 makes the services to constantly run. Default value is 1000 microseconds.