This repo contains the forward Regression framework used to model substitution probabilities for 7-mer sequence context model, as described in Aggarwala and Voight (2015).
Programs last tested:
R (v3.3.2)
Perl (v5.10.1)
R libraries:
DAAG (1.20)
lattice (0.20-34)
leaps (2.9)
latticeExtra (0.6-26)
RColorBrewer (1.1-2)
grid (3.3.2)
This may still be compatable with updated versions of these packages - but I have not tested with them!
Explaining variability in substitution model (CpG/nonCpG) contexts via forward regression analysis
Round 2, update to capture removal of refseq and 1000G masked regions
By: BF Voight
Initially Created: 12.15.2014
Aim here is to take sequence context rates inferred from Varun's 7mer model specifically looking at frequent substitutions in non-CpG contexts -- specifically C-T and A-G) -- and develop a set of features which explain low/high variability
ideally, the broad hypothesis is that variability in rates of polymorphism within these contexts depend on some unknown biological mechanism(s), but that these are determined in part by the sequence context
- Data Processing, creation of input files based on raw substitution probability tables
- Model and Feature Selection
- Making summary tables for features selected (e.g. Suppl. Table 7a, 7b)
- "Decoding" the sequence annotation (binary 0/1 encoding to A/C/G/T nucleotides)
- outputting "directional consistency" across different substitution classes
- output predicted values for models (example being C-T in CpG context)
On the RAW data file:
This file contains a set of substitution probabilities:
- for each type of substitution class
- for each 7-mer sequence context
- either for all chromosomes (autosome_rate), even chromosomes (training) and odd chromosomes (testing).
- estimated using the AFR continental group, excluding admixed samples, described in Aggarwala and Voight (2015).
wc raw_data/ben_data_7mer_bayesian_test_training_AFR_10
24579 147462 1879666 ben_data_7mer_bayesian_test_training_AFR_10
This matches (expected # of contexts is (4^7 * 3)/2 = 24576
- (+1 header line: the header)
- (+2 header line: which chromosomes selected for training/testing)
usage: %> [AC|AG|AT|CA|CG|CT]
arg 1: The substitution class of interest
arg 2: the CpG Flag (set 0 if desire AC|AG|AT; set =1 if desire CA|CG|CT -ve CpG context,
set =2 if desire CA|CG|CT +ve CpG context)
arg 3: the substitution probability table
arg 4: the directory to output the summary results files
### A to C/G/T substitutions [CpG = FALSE]
./ AC 0 raw_data/ben_data_7mer_bayesian_test_training_AFR_10 ratefiles
./ AG 0 raw_data/ben_data_7mer_bayesian_test_training_AFR_10 ratefiles
./ AT 0 raw_data/ben_data_7mer_bayesian_test_training_AFR_10 ratefiles
### C to A/G/T substitutions [CpG = FALSE]
./ CA 1 raw_data/ben_data_7mer_bayesian_test_training_AFR_10 ratefiles
./ CG 1 raw_data/ben_data_7mer_bayesian_test_training_AFR_10 ratefiles
./ CT 1 raw_data/ben_data_7mer_bayesian_test_training_AFR_10 ratefiles
### C to A/G/T substitutions [CpG = TRUE]
./ CA 2 raw_data/ben_data_7mer_bayesian_test_training_AFR_10 ratefiles
./ CG 2 raw_data/ben_data_7mer_bayesian_test_training_AFR_10 ratefiles
./ CT 2 raw_data/ben_data_7mer_bayesian_test_training_AFR_10 ratefiles
usage: %>mk_nonCpG_covfile [A-G|C-T] ratefilesdir
usage: %> [C-T|C-A|C-G] ratefilesdir
arg 1: The substitution class of interest: A-C, A-G, A-T, C-A, C-T, C-G
arg 2: the directory to output the summary results files.
./ A-C ratefiles
./ A-G ratefiles
./ A-T ratefiles
./ C-A ratefiles
./ C-T ratefiles
./ C-G ratefiles
./ C-A ratefiles
./ C-G ratefiles
./ C-T ratefiles
I've provide a listing of models given in the modelfiles
If you looked at one of those files, e.g.
head -n 20 modelfiles/CVsel_1_2wayALL
To remind you of how the model is encoded: Each position (pX) is defined by three variables (tY), which then defined the nucleotide state for each position of the sequence context. You might ask "couldn't you code this with two variables?" Write it out - you'll see that the T state is "1 1" which is not quite what you want.
The nomenclature I'm using here is:
- pX - where X is 1,2,3 or 5,6,7 - this is the position of the nucletoide sequence context
- tY - where Y is 1,2 or 3 - this denotes the "label" for the nucleotide at the position
- pX_tY*pX_tY - this denotes an 'interaction' term of the given position/nucleotide.
I've encoded this as (arbitarily) as:
0 0 0 = A
0 0 1 = C
0 1 0 = G
1 0 0 = T
which means the "reference" nucleotide is "A", i.e., the change in probability of substitution which is estimated is change (C, G, or T) relative To A.
Note that you can have multiple interactions (here, 2way, but 3 or 4 way, for example). The modelfiles will give the list all of these possible interactions
Finally, for specific models that fix CpG context, this means that p5 is always set to "G". in that case, you don't need to include this as a variable, and there will be no interaction terms possible with that position, i.e., the model space is 'reduced'. I have provided those listings for you.
And obviously, p4 is excluded since that is the position of the polymorphic site, and in our case, we're stratifying each substitution classes of which there are 9: A-C, A-G, A-T, C-A, C-G, C-T (non-CpG), and C-A, C-G, C-T (CpG).
By default, the P-value threshold for the F-test significance test to add terms is set at P = 0.001.
If you want to change this to something more strict (more significant P-value leading to fewer features selected) or less strict (leading to more features selected), you would need to edit the script
script and change $sig_th = 0.01;
to any p-value you desire.
Yes, I realize the how ugly this is. Bad Coder, no Doughnut!! I apologize -- it's what happens when the PI has to code with limited time. :/
For what it's worth, I've set this to something less strict (P=0.01) and qualitatively find similar results for 7-mer modelling purposes.
usage: %> [0|1|2] [A-C|A-G|A-T|C-A|C-G|C-T] path ratefiledir modelpath
arg 1: CpG Flag: =2 if CA,CG,CT in CpG is desired, =1 if CA,CG,CT if non-CpG is desired, =0 if AC,AG,AT is desired
arg 2: the directory in which to store the results [e.g., 00_AC for AC; 01_CT for CT in CpG, etc.]
arg 3: path where ratefiles are stored
arg 4: path where modelfiles are stored
This is a master script which:
- calls
in R, which is the unit that performs the actual feature selection steps.
This script performs the series of feature selection steps in turn, e.g. 0 interactions, 2-way, 3-way, then 4-way interactions.
This uses the training rate files to build the model out.
This script also maintains the "hierarchy of constraint": when adding increasingly complex interactions (i.e., 3-way), if the lower order terms are not present (2-way, 1-way), it will add those, increase the degree of freedom, and performs the F-test with the increased number of additional parameters (and higher df's)
- calls
, which performs the cross validation and summary analysis automatically for all models developed.
this script calls mutRate_CV_summary.R
in R, which is the unit that perform the actual cross validation experiments.
Here, 8-fold CV is performed.
# Run model and feature building.
./ 2 C-A 01_CA ratefiles modelfiles
./ 2 C-G 01_CG ratefiles modelfiles
./ 2 C-T 01_CT ratefiles modelfiles
./ 1 C-A 00_CA ratefiles modelfiles
./ 1 C-G 00_CG ratefiles modelfiles
./ 1 C-T 00_CT ratefiles modelfiles
./ 0 A-C 00_AC ratefiles modelfiles
./ 0 A-G 00_AG ratefiles modelfiles
./ 0 A-T 00_AT ratefiles modelfiles
Output are placed in the specified output directory (e.e., 00_AC, 00_AG, etc.).
File output produced: (X and Y are placeholders for nucleotides, e.g. C-A or C-T or A-C, etc.)
*.Rout: raw output from the given model_picker.R run
CVsel_*way_X-Y.CVout: Text file for the summary output results for cross validation (training phase) and results for holdout (testing phase) including ALL features
tryit_*way: the list of selected feature for the given interaction model (1way, 2way, 3way, or 4way). Format similar to files found in modelfile
tryit_*way_X-Y.CVout: Text file for the summary output results for cross validation (training phase) and results for holdout (testing phase) including the subset of selected features
modellist_X-Y: the list of all models that will be tested in cross validation
usage: %> R --vanilla <output_allmodels.R --args paramfile datafile outfile
arg 1 [paramfile]: a lists of features from the model (ie., "tryit_4way")
arg 2 [datafile]: the rate file to incorporate (i.e., ratefiles/*_all_cov_vf.txt)
arg 3 [outfile]: the path of the output file that is generated.
Format for the output file is:
(Intercept) 0.119725606572481 0.00133737269238609 89.5229932943157 0
p1_t1 0.00299726083766459 0.00135540478491911 2.21134001518481 0.0272734178496301
p1_t2 -0.000284399681618097 0.00108345427233726 -0.262493479309082 0.793003586043526
col 1: the parameter/feature (encoded)
col 2: the output effect size (BETA) from the regression
col 3: the statistic for the final regression including this
feature (in the context of all provided featuers)
col 4: the associated p-value for the statstic from the final
regression including this feature (in the context of all provided features)
## nonCpG
R --vanilla <output_allmodels.R --args 00_AC/tryit_4way ratefiles/nonCpG_rates_A-C_all_cov_vf.txt \
R --vanilla <output_allmodels.R --args 00_AC/tryit_4way ratefiles/nonCpG_rates_A-C_train_cov_vf.txt \
R --vanilla <output_allmodels.R --args 00_AC/tryit_4way ratefiles/nonCpG_rates_A-C_test_cov_vf.txt \
R --vanilla <output_allmodels.R --args 00_AG/tryit_4way ratefiles/nonCpG_rates_A-G_all_cov_vf.txt \
R --vanilla <output_allmodels.R --args 00_AG/tryit_4way ratefiles/nonCpG_rates_A-G_train_cov_vf.txt \
R --vanilla <output_allmodels.R --args 00_AG/tryit_4way ratefiles/nonCpG_rates_A-G_test_cov_vf.txt \
R --vanilla <output_allmodels.R --args 00_AT/tryit_4way ratefiles/nonCpG_rates_A-T_all_cov_vf.txt \
R --vanilla <output_allmodels.R --args 00_AT/tryit_4way ratefiles/nonCpG_rates_A-T_train_cov_vf.txt \
R --vanilla <output_allmodels.R --args 00_AT/tryit_4way ratefiles/nonCpG_rates_A-T_test_cov_vf.txt \
R --vanilla <output_allmodels.R --args 00_CA/tryit_4way ratefiles/nonCpG_rates_C-A_all_cov_vf.txt \
R --vanilla <output_allmodels.R --args 00_CA/tryit_4way ratefiles/nonCpG_rates_C-A_train_cov_vf.txt \
R --vanilla <output_allmodels.R --args 00_CA/tryit_4way ratefiles/nonCpG_rates_C-A_test_cov_vf.txt \
R --vanilla <output_allmodels.R --args 00_CG/tryit_4way ratefiles/nonCpG_rates_C-G_all_cov_vf.txt \
R --vanilla <output_allmodels.R --args 00_CG/tryit_4way ratefiles/nonCpG_rates_C-G_train_cov_vf.txt \
R --vanilla <output_allmodels.R --args 00_CG/tryit_4way ratefiles/nonCpG_rates_C-G_test_cov_vf.txt \
R --vanilla <output_allmodels.R --args 00_CT/tryit_4way ratefiles/nonCpG_rates_C-T_all_cov_vf.txt \
R --vanilla <output_allmodels.R --args 00_CT/tryit_4way ratefiles/nonCpG_rates_C-T_train_cov_vf.txt \
R --vanilla <output_allmodels.R --args 00_CT/tryit_4way ratefiles/nonCpG_rates_C-T_test_cov_vf.txt \
## CpG
######NOTE: for this substitution class (C-A), the best model was
"all first + 2 way via feature selection" (tryit_2way)
R --vanilla <output_allmodels.R --args 01_CA/tryit_2way ratefiles/CpG_rates_C-A_all_cov_vf.txt \
R --vanilla <output_allmodels.R --args 01_CA/tryit_2way ratefiles/CpG_rates_C-A_train_cov_vf.txt \
R --vanilla <output_allmodels.R --args 01_CA/tryit_2way ratefiles/CpG_rates_C-A_test_cov_vf.txt \
R --vanilla <output_allmodels.R --args 01_CG/tryit_4way ratefiles/CpG_rates_C-G_all_cov_vf.txt \
R --vanilla <output_allmodels.R --args 01_CG/tryit_4way ratefiles/CpG_rates_C-G_train_cov_vf.txt \
R --vanilla <output_allmodels.R --args 01_CG/tryit_4way ratefiles/CpG_rates_C-G_test_cov_vf.txt \
R --vanilla <output_allmodels.R --args 01_CT/tryit_4way ratefiles/CpG_rates_C-T_all_cov_vf.txt \
R --vanilla <output_allmodels.R --args 01_CT/tryit_4way ratefiles/CpG_rates_C-T_train_cov_vf.txt \
R --vanilla <output_allmodels.R --args 01_CT/tryit_4way ratefiles/CpG_rates_C-T_test_cov_vf.txt \
This script takes output from the output_allmodel.R
script (i.e., *modelsum_*.txt
, above) reads the PARAM
column, and appends a new column with interprets the sequence context (given the previous coding listed above):
./ <00_AC/nCpG_A-C_modelsum_all.txt >00_AC/nCpG_A-C_modelsum_all_bpseq.txt
./ <00_AG/nCpG_A-G_modelsum_all.txt >00_AG/nCpG_A-G_modelsum_all_bpseq.txt
./ <00_AT/nCpG_A-T_modelsum_all.txt >00_AT/nCpG_A-T_modelsum_all_bpseq.txt
./ <00_CA/nCpG_C-A_modelsum_all.txt >00_CA/nCpG_C-A_modelsum_all_bpseq.txt
./ <00_CG/nCpG_C-G_modelsum_all.txt >00_CG/nCpG_C-G_modelsum_all_bpseq.txt
./ <00_CT/nCpG_C-T_modelsum_all.txt >00_CT/nCpG_C-T_modelsum_all_bpseq.txt
./ <01_CA/CpG_C-A_modelsum_all.txt >01_CA/CpG_C-A_modelsum_all_bpseq.txt
./ <01_CG/CpG_C-G_modelsum_all.txt >01_CG/CpG_C-G_modelsum_all_bpseq.txt
./ <01_CT/CpG_C-T_modelsum_all.txt >01_CT/CpG_C-T_modelsum_all_bpseq.txt
./ <00_AC/nCpG_A-C_modelsum_train.txt >00_AC/nCpG_A-C_modelsum_train_bpseq.txt
./ <00_AG/nCpG_A-G_modelsum_train.txt >00_AG/nCpG_A-G_modelsum_train_bpseq.txt
./ <00_AT/nCpG_A-T_modelsum_train.txt >00_AT/nCpG_A-T_modelsum_train_bpseq.txt
./ <00_CA/nCpG_C-A_modelsum_train.txt >00_CA/nCpG_C-A_modelsum_train_bpseq.txt
./ <00_CG/nCpG_C-G_modelsum_train.txt >00_CG/nCpG_C-G_modelsum_train_bpseq.txt
./ <00_CT/nCpG_C-T_modelsum_train.txt >00_CT/nCpG_C-T_modelsum_train_bpseq.txt
./ <01_CA/CpG_C-A_modelsum_train.txt >01_CA/CpG_C-A_modelsum_train_bpseq.txt
./ <01_CG/CpG_C-G_modelsum_train.txt >01_CG/CpG_C-G_modelsum_train_bpseq.txt
./ <01_CT/CpG_C-T_modelsum_train.txt >01_CT/CpG_C-T_modelsum_train_bpseq.txt
./ <00_AC/nCpG_A-C_modelsum_test.txt >00_AC/nCpG_A-C_modelsum_test_bpseq.txt
./ <00_AG/nCpG_A-G_modelsum_test.txt >00_AG/nCpG_A-G_modelsum_test_bpseq.txt
./ <00_AT/nCpG_A-T_modelsum_test.txt >00_AT/nCpG_A-T_modelsum_test_bpseq.txt
./ <00_CA/nCpG_C-A_modelsum_test.txt >00_CA/nCpG_C-A_modelsum_test_bpseq.txt
./ <00_CG/nCpG_C-G_modelsum_test.txt >00_CG/nCpG_C-G_modelsum_test_bpseq.txt
./ <00_CT/nCpG_C-T_modelsum_test.txt >00_CT/nCpG_C-T_modelsum_test_bpseq.txt
./ <01_CA/CpG_C-A_modelsum_test.txt >01_CA/CpG_C-A_modelsum_test_bpseq.txt
./ <01_CG/CpG_C-G_modelsum_test.txt >01_CG/CpG_C-G_modelsum_test_bpseq.txt
./ <01_CT/CpG_C-T_modelsum_test.txt >01_CT/CpG_C-T_modelsum_test_bpseq.txt
./ 00_AC/nCpG_A-C_modelsum_all_bpseq.txt \
00_AG/nCpG_A-G_modelsum_all_bpseq.txt \
00_AT/nCpG_A-T_modelsum_all_bpseq.txt \
00_CA/nCpG_C-A_modelsum_all_bpseq.txt \
00_CG/nCpG_C-G_modelsum_all_bpseq.txt \
00_CT/nCpG_C-T_modelsum_all_bpseq.txt \
./ 00_AC/nCpG_A-C_modelsum_train_bpseq.txt \
00_AG/nCpG_A-G_modelsum_train_bpseq.txt \
00_AT/nCpG_A-T_modelsum_train_bpseq.txt \
00_CA/nCpG_C-A_modelsum_train_bpseq.txt \
00_CG/nCpG_C-G_modelsum_train_bpseq.txt \
00_CT/nCpG_C-T_modelsum_train_bpseq.txt \
./ 00_AC/nCpG_A-C_modelsum_test_bpseq.txt \
00_AG/nCpG_A-G_modelsum_test_bpseq.txt \
00_AT/nCpG_A-T_modelsum_test_bpseq.txt \
00_CA/nCpG_C-A_modelsum_test_bpseq.txt \
00_CG/nCpG_C-G_modelsum_test_bpseq.txt \
00_CT/nCpG_C-T_modelsum_test_bpseq.txt \
## CpG
./ 01_CA/CpG_C-A_modelsum_all_bpseq.txt \
01_CG/CpG_C-G_modelsum_all_bpseq.txt \
01_CT/CpG_C-T_modelsum_all_bpseq.txt \
./ 01_CA/CpG_C-A_modelsum_train_bpseq.txt \
01_CG/CpG_C-G_modelsum_train_bpseq.txt \
01_CT/CpG_C-T_modelsum_train_bpseq.txt \
/ 01_CA/CpG_C-A_modelsum_test_bpseq.txt \
01_CG/CpG_C-G_modelsum_test_bpseq.txt \
01_CT/CpG_C-T_modelsum_test_bpseq.txt \
#append directional consistency
./ <finaltables/nCpG_sorted_featuretable_all.txt \
./ <finaltables/nCpG_sorted_featuretable_train.txt \
./ <finaltables/nCpG_sorted_featuretable_test.txt \
./ <finaltables/CpG_sorted_featuretable_all.txt \
./ <finaltables/CpG_sorted_featuretable_train.txt \
./ <finaltables/CpG_sorted_featuretable_test.txt \
#extract final columns and report tables
awk -F ' ' ' {print($1,$2,$3,$5,$7,$9,$11,$13,$15)} ' <finaltables/nCpG_sorted_featuretable_all_wdir.txt \
awk -F ' ' ' {print($1,$2,$3,$5,$7,$9,$11,$13,$15)} ' <finaltables/nCpG_sorted_featuretable_all_wdir.txt \
awk -F ' ' ' {print($1,$2,$3,$5,$7,$9,$11,$13,$15)} ' <finaltables/nCpG_sorted_featuretable_all_wdir.txt \
awk -F ' ' ' {print($1,$2,$3,$5,$7,$9)} ' <finaltables/CpG_sorted_featuretable_all_wdir.txt \
awk -F ' ' ' {print($1,$2,$3,$5,$7,$9)} ' <finaltables/CpG_sorted_featuretable_all_wdir.txt \
awk -F ' ' ' {print($1,$2,$3,$5,$7,$9)} ' <finaltables/CpG_sorted_featuretable_all_wdir.txt \
#command line called:
R --vanilla --args 01_CT/tryit_4way
#R code here for above command:
args <- commandArgs();
paramfile <- args[4];
datafile_train <- args[5];
datafile_test <- args[6];
outfile <- args[7];
tr <- read.table(file=datafile_train,header=T)
ts <- read.table(file=datafile_test,header=T)
x <- tr[order(tr[,2]),]
tr <- x
x <- ts[order(ts[,2]),]
ts <- x
form <- intx_makeformula(paramfile,"",flag=0);
reg <- lm(form, data=tr);
pred_tr <- cbind(as.character(tr$SEQ_REF), predict(reg,interval=c("prediction")));
write.table(pred_tr[,1:2],file=outfile,quote=F,row.names=F, col.names=F)