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fts-rest migration to Flask and Python3

Carles Garcia Cabot



JIRA Epic:

About the migration

The migration of fts-rest started after the decisions made in the evaluation (some of which have changed).

The evaluation considered four Python 3 Web Frameworks for the migration:

  • Django
  • Flask
  • Pyramid
  • FastAPI

Of those I reached the conclusion that Flask was the best option:

  • Many users, active ecosystem. From Jetbrain's The State of Developer Ecosystem 2020:
  • Its simplicity means that a significant amount of the current code can be reused.
  • SQLAlchemy works well with Flask
  • We don't need any third-party plugins. For example, for authorization and authentication we can reuse our custom code, we don't need Flask-login.

General points

  • This is a migration, so the goal has been to copy the structure and code as much as possible to avoid breaking things, even if some parts could have been improved.

  • We will support CentOS 7 Python 3.6 (good enough as .7 and .8 don't bring anything crucial. 3.6 EOL is end of 2021)

  • I updated all Copyright issues that hadn't been updated. At some point I added NOTICE, it's not necessary to have a notice in every file.


You can see an approximate history of the development in the list of tickets in the JIRA Epic. Briefly:

  • Evaluated options for migration
  • Created the CI (initially static code analysis)
  • Created a minimal Flask app to learn about the framework and do some proofs of concept
  • Migrated DB models
  • Migrated client
  • Created build script for client
  • Migrated HTTP exceptions
  • Migrated routing
  • Migrated controllers
  • Migrated the test client + CI
  • Migrated authentication and authorization
  • Migrated functional tests
  • Migrated admin config web pages
  • Created RPMs with Apache config + CI
  • Configured SELinux
  • Configured continuous delivery
  • Deploy to fts-flask-03

Development servers

  • fts-flask-02: for development, server runs from virtual environment in /home with local DB. local user ftsflask
  • fts-flask-03: pre-production environment, runs from RPM with DBOD ftsflask5. local user fts3

You can already make successful tranfers with I suggest you use the new client in the testing repository, you can install it with yum install fts-rest-client or alternatively install the wheel in a venv (you can get the wheel here. This server contains fts-rest-server and fts-server connected to DBOD ftsflask5. The installation was done manually, as if done via puppet it fails when including the fts module, as it tries to install fts-rest (python2) and many other things.

Note: When I installed fts-server manually it failed because missing I solved it by installing yum install zeromq-devel which is not a dependency currently.

Create a development server

# Create VM
export OS_PROJECT_NAME="IT FTS development";
ai-bs --foreman-hostgroup fts/flask --cc7 --foreman-environment ftsclean \
      --landb-responsible fts-devel --nova-flavor m2.large \
# Install dependencies
ssh root@fts-flask-02
yum install centos-release-scl-rh
yum-config-manager --enable centos-sclo-rh
yum install python3-devel openssl-devel swig gcc gcc-c++ make httpd-devel \
mysql-devel gfal2-python3 gfal2-plugin-mock rh-python36-mod_wsgi \
git mariadb mariadb-server gridsite -y

# Prepare DB and log directories
systemctl start mariadb    
mkdir /var/run/mariadb             
chown mysql:mysql  /var/run/mariadb
mkdir /var/log/fts3rest
chown ftsflask /var/log/fts3rest

# Prepare application and Python dependencies
su ftsflask
git clone
cd fts-rest-flask                 
# use --system-site-packages in order to use gfal2-python3      
python3 -m venv venv --system--site-packages
source venv/bin/activate
pip install --upgrade pip
pip install pip-tools
. ./ 
. ./
# Load DB
cd ..
curl -O
mysql_secure_installation # put a password for root
echo "CREATE DATABASE ftsflask;" | mysql --user=root --password
mysql --user=root --password ftsflask < fts-schema-6.0.0.sql
echo "CREATE USER ftsflask;" | mysql --user=root --password
echo "GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON ftsflask.* TO 'ftsflask'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'anotherpassword';" | mysql --user=root --password
cd fts-rest-flask

# Prepare server
cp fts-rest-flask/src/fts3rest/httpd_fts.conf /etc/httpd/conf.d/
setenforce 0
chmod o+rx -R /home/ftsflask/
systemctl restart httpd

Create a development environment (e.g. in your PC)

  • clone the repository and cd into it
  • create a venv and activate it
  • run pip install --upgrade pip
  • run pip install pip-tools
  • run source
  • run source If these steps fail, it's because you are missing some system dependencies. Check the beginning of .gitlab-ci/Dockerfile to see what you need to install.
  • run source

How to run development server


export PYTHONPATH=/home/ftsflask/fts-rest-flask/src:/home/ftsflask/fts-rest-flask/src/fts3rest 
export FLASK_APP=/home/ftsflask/fts-rest-flask/src/fts3rest/
export FLASK_ENV=development
flask run 


cp /home/ftsflask/fts-rest-flask/src/fts3rest/httpd_fts.conf /etc/httpd/conf.d/
systemctl start httpd
curl http://localhost:80/hello

Connect to local database

To access the admin config web page:

INSERT INTO t_authz_dn VALUES ('yourdn', 'config');

Run tests



  • It only works with MySQL 5. MySQL 8 doesn't work because of the outdated version of SQLAlchemy in CentOS 7.
  • SQLAlchemy models: they are the same, some had to be updated to match the DB schema because they had been oudated for a long time.
  • We don't need Flask-SQLAlchemy:,
  • Connect to ftsflask5: mysql -h dbod-ga022 -P 5503 -u admin -p

Git workflow

  • Master cannot be pushed to directly.
  • Create a new branch for each ticket and merge it to master through a merge request.


I took the oportunity to start using Gitlab CI instead of Jenkins. With the new CI, we have static code analysis, functional testing, bulding and deployment.

Docker image for CI

I created a Docker image containing the necessary tools for CI so they don't have to be installed before every pipeline run, thus saving time. The Dockerfile is in the .gitlab-ci directory and the image is in the container registry for the project.

There are 2 images, one tagged as 'ci' and the other as 'rpm'. The latter is used only in the functional tests 36 job . The goal is to run these tests with the exact same dependencies as in production. In this image the packages are installed through yum instead of pip, meaning the versions are older, and some bugs might appear which we wouldn't catch with the latest versions.

To build and push the image, cd to .gitlab-ci and run This should be done when new dependencies are added or they need to be updated. For example, one time the pipeline stopped working because black was failing. It turned out that the local and CI versions of black were different; this was fixed by recreating the CI image, which updated the CI tools.

Multiple Python 3 versions

In the image I have installed Python 3.6, 3.7 and 3.8 so Pylint and the functional tests run with every Python3 version that is currently supported. In FTS we only support the CentOS 7 version: Python3.6. However it's good to have that because the logs show things that will be removed in future versions and things that may break.

To manage multiple Python versions I considered Tox, but it didn't seem necessary and added complexity. In the end I installed every version with pyenv. Before each stage in a pipeline, the version to use is set accordingly.

Pipeline stages

The current pipeline runs for every push in every branch. These are the stages:

  • black: fails if the code hasn't been formatted with black
  • pylint: fails if the code has syntax errors. If it fails and you are sure that pylint is mistaken, add # pylint: skip-file at the beginning of the relevant file. Runs for every supported Python3 version.
  • radon: fails if the code complexity is too high.
  • functional tests: Run for every supported Python3 version and calculate code coverage, which we didn't have before.
  • bandit: detects potential security issues in the code, but it's allowed to fail as there may be false positives. The logs should be checked regularly to see if there are issues to fix. To ignore a false positive, append # nosec" to the offending line.
  • build: RPM for the client and server, plus sdist and wheel for the client.
  • deploy: upload client and server RPM to the FTS testing repository.

Merge requests will proceed only if the pipeline succeeds.

In case of emergency the pipeline can be skipped.

pre-commit hook

Developers should add the pre-commit hook to their local repository. This scripts does this for every commit:

  • Runs black to format the changed files.
  • Runs pylint only on the changed files (for speed). As pylint works better when it is run on all the project, some rules have been disabled.
  • Runs radon and bandit only on the changed files. The hook can be skipped, in case bandit detects false positives, with the commit option --no-verify.


Already integrated in this document. But it need to be updated.

Changes in directories and files

  • I've removed files that were unnecessary
  • fts3/model has been moved to fts3rest/fts3rest/model, as it only concerns the server code and there was no reason for it to be there
  • fts3/util/ has been moved to fts3rest/fts3rest/config for the same reasons
  • fts3/rest/client/ has been removed. We now only support python-requests
  • fts3rest/fts3rest/config/routing/ has been removed, as the endpoints were not used
  • fts3rest/fts3rest/config/ has been combined with
  • removed these files for being Pylons specific:
    • fts3rest/fts3rest/lib/middleware/
    • fts3rest/fts3rest/lib/
    • fts3rest/fts3rest/lib/
  • fts3rest/fts3rest/lib/ has been divided in 2 files because the cyclomatic complexity was extremely high.
  • fts3rest.lib.base has been replaced by fts3rest.model.meta, which contains Session
  • fts3rest/fts3rest/public has been renamed to static
  • fts3rest/fts3rest/lib/middleware/ removed as not needed anymore


  • ErrorasJson middleware converted to a Flask's error handler (in
  • Mako templates migrated by compiling them with the library. The most important difference between Pylons and Flask is that Pylons uses Mako templates and Flask uses Jinja2 templates (we are talking about HTML templates). Fortunately I was able to configure Mako's engine in Flask and so I didn't have to translate the templates.
  • Pylon's controller classes are now Flask's view functions. When a controller class had init code and was subclassed, it was been converted to a view class. See for example fts3rest/fts3rest/controllers/
  • Migrated Pylon's webob exceptions to Flask's werkzeug exceptions
  • Renamed fts3config to fts3restconfig. The problem is fts3config is installed by fts-server, which means that every time the configuration options for fts-rest need a change, the fts-server package has to be updated. This is unnecessary coupling, so now fts-rest has its own independent configuration file.

API Documentation

The file controllers/ contains code for the api documentation and is not trivial to migrate. We'll need to find a way to migrate documentation. It should be written in the code and then converted to markdown or html with a publickly available tool. Currently the endpoints are documented with decorators that have not been migrated. See also and


  • In fts-rest, each functional test module was a class that subclassed TestController. This superclass set up a Pylon's WebTest client. However, Flask has it's own test client. In order to be able to reuse all the existing functional tests without changes, I created a test client that subclasses the Flask test client but has the same interface as the Pylon's test client. It adapts the request methods so they can be used with old functional tests created for Pylon's WebTest.
  • Selenium tests are in a bad state, so not migrated:
  • Same with unit tests:
  • OpenID tests don't run in CI because the container would need a client registered and this is difficult to set up. To run these tests in a development environment, the environment variables 'xdc_ClientId' and 'xdc_ClientSecret' must be set.

Packaging and deployment

  • We have a python package that can be build with (sdist and wheel). Eventually it should be uploaded to PyPI.

  • Some dependencies are not found in EPEL or any other community repositories so we have to package them and upload them to our repo. These packages are listed in the spec. There's an easy way to generate an RPM from missing rpms can be generated by downloading the latest package from PyPI and running python3 bdist_rpm. This will generate an RPM that should be uploaded to our repo. Note that when you do this, the generated RPM doesn't include the list of dependencies, so you must also do the same for them if they aren't in the official repos.

  • Spec file has been divided in client and server, plus subpackages don't exist anymore. Need to choose the package version number.

  • The package names are

    • fts-rest-server
    • fts-rest-client
  • Configured SELinux for the server. Wrote the rules in the RPM scriplets as writing a module is not well documented.

  • Created a docker image, need to test it. Some users use containers such as Fermilab.

  • Apache configuration: mod_wsgi for python3 is needed, and it cannot be found in the default repos in CC7. So we have to use Red Hat repos.

  • Client already advertised to Cristina and DTO (it's beta)

Python dependencies

This project uses pip-tools to manage dependencies:

  • list of dependencies for the production app
  • extra list of packages used for development (e.g. static code analysis)
  • run it in the development venv in order to generate requirements.txt
  • run it afterwards to synchronize the virtual environment with the requirements.

Installation requirements

Because we need mod_wsgi built for Python 3.6, we need to use rh-python36-mod_wsgi

yum-config-manager --enable centos-sclo-rh
yum install rh-python36-mod_wsgi

All other requirements are specified in the spec files.

Build packages

Check .gitlab-ci.yml to see how the packages are built


  • One problem is that the development environment run the code in a virtual environment with the latest dependencies , while the RPM uses outdated dependencies form the repositories. This means that some bug caused due to old dependencies will only be caught in the CI.
  • Some new commits might have not been migrated to Python3
  • Authentication for WebFTS doesn't work. fts3rest/lib/middleware/fts3auth/methods/ This cannot be migrated because m2ext is a 9 year old obsolete package. Apparently it's used by WebFTS.

Probable causes if bugs appear:

  • Python2 str is Python3 bytes
  • Python2 filter/map return list, Python3 return generator


  • Put fts-flask-03 (or a new server) behind an alias so it runs with real traffic
  • Decide version number
  • Update Gitlab README
  • Add sqlalchemy version which supports mysql8