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Releases: chiflix/splayerx


05 Jul 14:24
@ipy ipy
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  • Added thumbnail icons for local subtitle files, including SSA、ASS、SRT、VTT
  • Automatically open related videos when opening local subtitles directly
  • Now closing playing window will not go back to launching page
  • Added shortcuts (Ctrl/CMD + Esc) for going back to launching page
  • Added Escape key on Touch Bar (macOS)
  • Optimized panel style when customized window scaling is applied
  • Fixed wrong background display of the start menu tiles on Windows
  • 增加 SSA、ASS、SRT、VTT 类型字幕文件的缩略图图标
  • 直接打开本地字幕时会自动关联同目录下同名的视频
  • 关闭播放窗口后不再回到启动页
  • 增加回到启动页的快捷键 (Ctrl/CMD + Esc)
  • 在 Touch Bar 上增加 Esc 键 (macOS)
  • 开启窗口自定义缩放时优化面板的样式
  • 修复了图标磁贴背景显示错误的问题 (Windows)


29 Jun 04:41
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  • Upgraded architecture to bring improvements of stability and reliability
  • Optimized core algorithm of Smart Translation to increase accuracy and success rate
  • Automatically open related videos when opening local subtitles directly
  • Added shortcuts for sliding playlists (←/→)
  • Added shortcuts for previous / next video (Ctrl/CMD + ←/→)
  • Added shortcuts (Ctrl + Q) for quitting the application directly (Windows)
  • Added an option 'Show All' corresponding with 'Hide Others'
  • Added new play/pause icons
  • Added upper limit for volume bar control sensitivity
  • Fixed a bug where season and episode information were wrong
  • Fixed the conflicts between scroll bar on translation panel and volume bar
  • Fixed that some hotkeys failed to work when using Double Pinyin input method
  • 全面升级软件架构,提升了软件稳定性和流畅度
  • 优化智能翻译核心算法,提高了翻译成功率和准确度
  • 增加上一集/下一集的快捷键 (Ctrl/CMD + ←/→)
  • 增加播放列表翻页快捷键 (←/→)
  • 增加直接退出播放器的快捷键 (Ctrl + Q) (Windows)
  • 增加 '隐藏其它' 对应的 '全部显示' 选项
  • 增加新的播放/暂停按钮图标
  • 增加了音量条调节的灵敏度上限
  • 修复文件名季数和集数识别错误的问题
  • 修复翻译面板滚动条和音量调节冲突的问题
  • 修复双拼导致快捷键失效的问题


10 May 15:38
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  • Moved or renamed files would be removed from the playlist
  • Fixed a bug where the windows would be in a wrong position after the rotation
  • Fixed that progress bar displayed improperly after existing full screen mode
  • Fixed that volume bar displayed improperly when opening files from the playlist
  • Fixed a bug where local subtitles of the same name were not loaded correctly
  • 被移动或是改名的文件将从播放列表中移除
  • 修复屏幕旋转恢复后窗口位置错误的问题
  • 修复退出全屏状态时进度条显示位置会错误的问题
  • 修复通过播放列表打开视频后音量条不显示的问题
  • 修复无法加载本地同名字幕的问题


08 May 20:44
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  • Fixed a bug where Microsoft Store version cannot be set as the default media player (Windows)
  • Fixed multiple issues that are caused by database updates
  • Fixed a bug where menu options sometimes are unable to click (Windows)
  • Fixed a bug where Chinese characters cannot be displayed properly on the subtitle list
  • Fixed multiple animation issues of the preferences panel
  • Added shortcuts (CMD+L / Ctrl+L) for rotating 90° clockwise
  • 修复 Microsoft Store 版不能设置为默认播放器的问题 (Windows)
  • 修复数据库更新导致的一系列问题
  • 修复右键菜单选项有时无法点击的问题 (Windows)
  • 修复中文字幕菜单文字显示不全的问题
  • 修复偏好设置面板中的一些动效问题
  • 新增了旋转画面的快捷键 (CMD+L / Ctrl+L)


07 May 06:58
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  • Updated shortcuts for adjusting subtitle delay and volume
  • Optimized loading speed of embedded subtitles
  • Optimized database structure and storage logic
  • Fixed a bug where the application would be stuck when loading translation results
  • Fixed rare crashes that could occur when playing certain format videos
  • 更新了字幕延迟和音量的快捷键
  • 提高了内嵌字幕的读取速度
  • 优化了数据库结构和存储逻辑
  • 修复加载在线翻译可能会导致播放器无响应的问题
  • 修复一些偶发的视频闪退问题


01 May 16:34
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  • Added preference for setting SPlayer as the default video player (Windows)
  • Added preference for restoring data and settings (macOS)
  • Progress bar control by touchpad is now supported
  • Fixed a bug where wrong season and episode information is shown on the playlist
  • Updated Smart Translation descriptions in the preference panel
  • Fixed a bug where the application would be stuck and show NaN in the progress bar when playing some videos.
  • Fixed a bug where playback history and thumbnails were not logged correctly
  • Fixed a bug where videos in the playlist would not match any translation result
  • 偏好设置新增设为默认视频播放器 (Windows)
  • 支持使用触摸板控制播放进度
  • 修复播放列表显示错误的季数和集数的问题
  • 更新偏好设置面板中对智能翻译的描述
  • 修复播放部分视频时卡住且进度条显示为NaN的问题
  • 修复播放列表无法正确记录播放进度和视频截图的问题
  • 修复加入播放列表的视频无法匹配到翻译结果的问题


23 Apr 13:44
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  • Fixed a bug where progressing bar were not shown on the playlist
  • Fixed a bug where volume bar wouldn’t be shown when opening a video
  • 修复播放列表上不显示播放进度的问题
  • 修复打开视频后不显示音量控件的问题


20 Apr 08:46
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  • History playlists will be displayed on the Landing View Page
  • Added preference for enabling reverse scrolling (macOS)
  • Added preference for setting SPlayer as the default video player (macOS)
  • Modified volume control shortcuts to "arrow up/down" (Windows)
  • Supported has been included to upload secondary subtitle
  • Fixed the issue that subtitle delay option in menu sometimes doesn't work
  • Information on the About Page has been updated
  • Optimized the Landing View Page style
  • Fixed the issue with only displaying part of the local subtitle name
  • Fixed black screen issue while playing some AVI format videos
  • 首界面将会记录并显示用户所创建的播放列表
  • 偏好设置新增鼠标滚轮反向的开关 (macOS)
  • 偏好设置新增设为默认视频播放器 (macOS)
  • 音量调节修改为上下键 (Windows)
  • 新增了对上传第二字幕的支持
  • 修复了菜单中字幕延迟选项失效的问题
  • 更新了关于页面上的信息
  • 优化了登陆界面的样式
  • 修复了本地字幕名称显示不全的问题
  • 修复了播放部分AVI格式没有画面的问题


11 Apr 07:56
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  • Snapshot is now supported
  • Window size of your newly opened video will be adjusted based on your former choice
  • Updated shortcuts list page
  • Fixed the issue that shortcuts for playing in original video size doesn't work
  • Fixed misc bugs
  • 新增视频截图功能
  • 新开视频的窗口大小会根据上一次的记录进行调节
  • 快捷键列表页面新增截图等快捷键
  • 修复以视频原分辨率播放的快捷键失效的问题
  • 修复添加文件时访达的显示语言错误的问题


04 Apr 13:21
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  • Added the link to shortcuts list page in the help menu
  • Optimized font spacing between Kana, Kanji and English typeface
  • Optimized the default subtitle styles "Anime Style"
  • Fixed display issue with control panel animation
  • Fixed issue with loading previous second subtitle when opening a new video
  • Fixed issue with wrong subtitle position after rotating the video
  • Fixed the issue that preference shortcuts doesn't work on Windows
  • Fixed the issue that videos cannot be opened from the playing history on landing view
  • Optimized Arabic UI to align all the text to right
  • Fixed display issue with Arabic playlist name in playing view
  • Modified "step forward/back 60s" shortcuts from combined keys to "arrow up/down"
  • 在帮助菜单中加入了打开快捷键列表页面的链接
  • 将快进快退60秒的快捷键从组合按键调整为上下键
  • 修复AppStore版本不能通过历史记录打开视频的问题
  • 修复旋转视频后导致字幕位置错误的问题
  • 修复打开新视频后仍会加载之前所选第二字幕的问题
  • 优化日语假名, 日语汉字与英语的间距
  • 优化了预设字幕风格"动漫风格"的样式
  • 修复Windows下打开偏好设置面板快捷键失效的问题
  • 修复使用阿拉伯语时播放列表名称换行错误
  • 优化阿拉伯语右对齐显示
  • 修复播放界面控件动画的显示错误