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File metadata and controls

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Utitliy Commands

Gohan provides various utitliy commands.

Run gohan -h to list available commands

   gohan - Gohan

   gohan [global options] command [command options] [arguments...]

   client			Manage Gohan resources
   validate, v			Validate document
   init-db, idb			Initialize DB backend with given schema file
   convert, conv		Convert DB
   server, srv			Run API Server
   test_extensions, test_ex	Run extension tests
   migrate, mig			Generate goose migration script
   template, template		Convert gohan schema using pongo2 template
   run, run			Run Gohan script Code
   test, test			Run Gohan script Test
   openapi, openapi		Convert gohan schema to OpenAPI
   markdown, markdown		Convert gohan schema to markdown doc
   dot, dot			Convert gohan schema to dot file for graphviz
   glace-server, gsrv		Run API Server with graceful restart support
   help, h			Shows a list of commands or help for one command

   --debug, -d		Show debug messages
   --help, -h		show help
   --version, -v	print the version


     validate - Validate Json Schema file

     command validate [command options] [arguments...]


     --schema, -s '../schema/core.json'   Json schema path
     --json, -i '../example/example.json' json path


        template - Convert gohan schema using pongo2 template

        command template [command options] [arguments...]

        Convert gohan schema using pongo2 template

        --config-file "gohan.yaml"	Server config File
        --template, -t 		Template File


        openapi - Convert gohan schema to OpenAPI

        command openapi [command options] [arguments...]

        Convert gohan schema to OpenAPI

        --config-file "gohan.yaml"				Server config File
        --template, -t "embed://etc/templates/openapi.tmpl"	Template File
        --split-by-resource-group ""                           Group by resource
        --policy "admin"                                       Show only schema with chosen policy
        --scope	["tenant", "domain", "admin"]				           Show only schema with chosen token scopes. No scope flag will convert API with Keystone v2 policy.
        --version "0.1"					Version of the API
        --title "gohan API"					Title of the API
        --description ""					Description of the API


        markdown - Convert gohan schema using pongo2 template

        command markdown [command options] [arguments...]

        Convert gohan schema using pongo2 template

        --config-file "gohan.yaml"				Server config File
        --template, -t "embed://etc/templates/markdown.tmpl"	Template File
        --split-by-resource-group ""                           Group by resource
        --policy "admin"                                       Show only schema with chosen policy

CLI Client

You can use gohan client command to connect to gohan.

Gohan client will show quick help for sub command for current server schema.


Gohan CLI Client is configured though environment variables. Configuration can be divided into few sections. You can use default configuration for client with: source ./etc/gohan_client.rc


To configure keystone access for Gohan Client CLI, only few options should be set (they are compatible with those from gophercloud/gophercloud:

  • OS_AUTH_URL - keystone url
  • OS_USERNAME - keystone username
  • OS_PASSWORD - keystone password
  • OS_TENANT_NAME or OS_TENANT_ID - keystone tenant name or id
  • OS_DOMAIN_NAME or OS_DOMAIN_ID - keystone domain name or id


Gohan enpoint url can be specified directly or Gohan Client can get it from configured keystone.

To specify endpoint directly, set GOHAN_ENDPOINT_URL to proper url.

When using keystone:

  • GOHAN_SERVICE_NAME - Gohan service name in keystone
  • GOHAN_REGION - Gohan region name in keystone

Note: setting all above options will result in using GOHAN_ENDPOINT_URL!


Gohan CLI Client is fetching available schemas from Gohan endpoint and can cache them in temp file for performance:

  • GOHAN_SCHEMA_URL - Gohan schema url
  • GOHAN_CACHE_SCHEMAS - should cache schemas (default - true)
  • GOHAN_CACHE_TIMEOUT - how long cache is valid, uses 1h20m10s format (default - 5m)
  • GOHAN_CACHE_PATH - where to store cache schemas (default - /tmp/.cached_gohan_schemas)


Usage can be briefly described with:

gohan client schema_id command [arguments...] [resource_identifier]

Each part of above command is described below.


schema_id determines which resource type we want to manage.

If used schema_id is not defined in Gohan, Gohan CLI Client will return Command not found error.


Commands are identical for each resources:

  • list - List all resources
  • show - Show resource details
  • create - Create resource
  • set - Update existing resource
  • delete - Delete resource


Arguments should be specified in --name value format. Passing JSON null value --name "<null>" Passing JSON not null value --name '{"name": [{"name": "value"}, {"name": "value"}]}'

Common arguments

In addition to resource related commands, some formatting commands are available:

  • --output-format [json/table] - specifies in which format results should be shown. Can also be specified with :code:GOHAN_OUTPUT_FORMAT environment variable.

    • json, e.g:
        "name": "Resource name",
        "description": "Resource very long and meaningful description",
        "some_list": [
  • :code:table, e.g:
      |    FIELD    |               TYPE                   |
      | name        | Resource name                        |
      | description | Resource description                 |
      | some_list   | ["list_element_1", "list_element_2"] |
  • :code:--verbosity [0-3] - specifies how much information Gohan Client should show - handy for debugging. Can also be specified with :code:GOHAN_VERBOSITY environment variable.

    • :code:0 - no additional debug information is shown
    • :code:1 - Sent request url and method is shown
    • :code:2 - same as level :code:1 + request & response body
    • :code:3 - same as level :code:2 + used auth token
  • :code:--fields [field1,field2,field3] - specifies which fields Gohan Client should show - handy for filtering out unwanted data. Can also be specified with :code:GOHAN_FIELDS environment variable.

Resource identifier

Some commands (:code:show, set, delete) are executed on one resource only. To identify whis reource, it's name or id could be used:

  gohan client network show network-id
  gohan client network show "Network Name"
  gohan client subnet create --network "Network Name"
  gohan client subnet create --network network-id
  gohan client subnet create --network_id network-id

Custom commands

Any custom actions specified in schema are also supported as commands by gohan client and should be invoked as follows:

gohan client schema_id command [common arguments] [command input] [resource identifier]

Where common arguments and resource identifier are described aboved and command input is passed as JSON value.

Sync with backend

Gohan stores an event log recording create, update and delete database operations. This is done in the database transaction, so we can assume that this event log data is consistent with the resource data.

The event log data contains the following information. (see schema in gohan.json)

  • id -- an unique ID of the event
  • type -- the type of the event
  • path -- the path of the resource related to the event
  • timestamp -- the time at which the event occurred
  • version -- the version of the resource after this event occurred
  • body -- the contents of the resource after this event occurred

The Gohan server will select one master node using the etcd backend CAS API. Only the master node will then poll the event log table, pushing to the backend.

We may support mysql binlog api for better performance in future.

State updates

Gohan will keep track of the state version of any resource associated to a schema with metadata containing the key state_versioning set to true. In such a case Gohan will remember the config version and the state version of the resource. During creation the config version of such a resource will be set to 1. On delete and update the version is bumped by one. The state version is 0 originally and later read from the sync backend and updated asynchronously. Both the versions are returned in GET requests, together with additional information about the state.

For example say a simplistic resource with the following schema is created:

    - description: Just a named object
      id: named_object
      parent: ""
        state_versioning: true
      singular: named_object
      plural: named_object
      prefix: /v1.0
            default: ""
            - create
            - update
            title: Name
            type: string
            unique: false
            - create
            title: ID
            type: string
            format: uuid
        - id
        - name
        - name
        type: object
      title: Named Object

and the name is set to Alice. Then Gohan, through the standard event sync, writes the following JSON object to the backend under the key config/v1.0/named_object/someGeneratedUuid:

      "body": {
        "id": "someGeneratedUuid",
        "name": "Alice"
      "version": 1

A worker program might now read this information, create a corresponding southbound resource and write the following to the backend under the key state/v1.0/named_object/someGeneratedUuid:

      "version": 1,
      "error": "",
      "state": "Alice exists"

Gohan will read this information and update the database accordingly.

Any state updates made when the state version already equals the config version will be ignored.

Monitoring updates

After a resource has been created in the southbound, one might monitor its status. This is done using a very similar approach to status updates. Monitoring updates the monitoring field in the database, which is returned together with the rest of the state.

A continuation of the above example follows. After the resource has been created in the southbound a worker program might monitor its status and then write the result of this monitoring under the key monitoring/v1.0/named_object/someGeneratedUuid as the following JSON:

      "version": 1,
      "monitoring": "Alice is well"

Gohan will read this information and update the database accordingly.

Any monitoring updates made when the state version does not yet equal the config version or the version in the JSON data doesn't match with the config version will be ignored.

Sync watch

Gohan has another way to handle data reported from sync layer. Gohan will watch sync keys with prefix then if its key's creation/update/deletion happens, gohan will occur notification type event with action and data. Sync keys and event path can be configured in gohan.yaml configuration file like:

        - /v2.0/servers
        - /v2.0/systems
        - v2.0

With an above configuration example, gohan will watch the updates of sync keys including /v2.0/servers and /v2.0/systems as an prefix. If gohan detected some changes, emitted events can be handled by gohan extension by configuring following extensions configuration, for example:

- id: sync_watch_handler
  path: "v2.0"
  url: ./handler.js

In Gohan HA environment, watched keys are load-balanced among working gohan instances. Even if new gohan instance is added or some gohan instance is stopped, each gohan will automatically detect instance addition and deletion then watched keys are automatically reballanced.


gohan migrate command is a simple wrapper for goose command. Using gohan migrate command, you can use gohan configuration to manage goose based db migraion. gohan create command will genenarete initial goose file using schema.

   gohan migrate - Manage migrations

   gohan migrate [global options] command [command options] [arguments...]


   up			Migrate to the most recent version
   up-by-one		Migrate one version up
   create		Create a template for a new migration
   initial, init	Generate initial goose migration script from schema
   down			Migrate to the oldest version
   redo			Migrate one version back
   status		Display migration status
   version		Display migration version
   help, h		Shows a list of commands or help for one command

   --help, -h	show help


gohan generate command generates server side code. The idea is to genearate code which is fastest as possible.

  • Use echo framework which is fastest web framework in golang in early 2017
  • Trying to minimize use of interface
  • Use sqlboilar OR mapping framework SQLBoilar SQLBoilar framework generates ORM code from table schema. This is fastest ORM solution for golang in early 2017 accoding to benchmark.
  • Generate JSON marshal function

You can also change generated code providing custom template.

   generate - Generate ServerSide Code

   command generate [command options] [arguments...]

   --template, -t                       Application template path
   --templates                          Template configuration
   --config-file, -c "./gohan.yaml"     Gohan config file
   --output, -o "."                     Dir of output
   --package, -p "gen"                  Package Name
   --dbname, -d "gohan"                 DB Name
   --resetdb                            Reset Database on create

This command requires mysql setup, and generated code would work with only MySQL.


Setup mysql


Prepare gohan.yaml with MySQL configuration


Write template configuration files.

type can be all, group or resource. If type is all, all schema would be included in to a single file. If type is resource, we will generate files for each resources. If type is group, we will generate files for each resources groups.

You can control generated filename using output_path. output_path may contrain "resource", and this identifire would be substituted by actual schema id.

- type: all 
  template_path: server.tmpl
  output_path: base_controller.go
- type: resource 
  template_path: controller.tmpl
  output_path: __resource___controller.go


Prepare main.go file

package main

import (

	_ ""

func main() {
	configFile := "./gohan.yaml"
	gen.RunServer(configFile, nil)


You can add custom logic by providing own controller struct using embed struct.

type Controller struct {
	DB *sql.DB

func (controller *Controller) CreateUser(c echo.Context) error {
    // Custom Logic
//Route setup routes
func (controller *Controller) Routes() map[string]*gen.Handler {
	routes := controller.BaseController.Routes()
	routes["/ccc/users"].POST = controller.CreateUser
	return routes

//Route setup routes
func (controller *Controller) SetDB(db *sql.DB) {
	controller.DB = db