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QY70 (XG level 1) MIDI instruments for Dirtywave M8


This is a collection of .m8i MIDI instrument files to use with the Yamaha QY70. It should also work reasonably well with the Yamaha QY100 and probably any synthesizer that implements XG level 1.

It includes:

  • All 538 instruments in the QY70 List Book, pre-configured with common CCx FX
  • 3 new M8-specific utility "mix-in" instruments with supplemental CCx―including RPNs & NRPNs
  • A copy of each instrument for all 16 MIDI channels, as a multi-timbral safety feature

This is pack v2.0.0, tested on M8 firmware 3.0.3.

This instrument pack was heavily inspired by pselodux's trailblazing pack of all 470 "normal voice" QY70 instruments for the M8 v1 firmware (:trophy:). Although this pack was constructed separately and differently, using pelodux's original instruments informed so many of this pack's decisions it should be considered v1.0.0.


├── ch01/
│   ├── BASS/
│   │   ├── AcidBass.m8i
│   │   …
│   │   └── X WireBa.m8i
│   ├── BRASS/
│   ├── +DRUMKITS/
│   ├── FX/
│   ├── GUITAR/
│   ├── ORCH/
│   ├── ORGAN/
│   ├── PERC/
│   ├── PERC-CHR/
│   ├── PIANO/
│   ├── PIPE/
│   ├── REED/
│   ├── +SFX/
│   ├── +SFXKITS/
│   ├── STRINGS/
│   ├── SYNTH-FX/
│   ├── SYNTH-LD/
│   ├── SYNTH-PAD/
│   ├── WORLD/
│   └── _UTIL/
├── ch02/
├── ch16/

At the top level, there are chXX/ folders for MIDI channels 1–16. Each contains its own copy of:

Normal Voice Instruments

The full XG "Normal Voice" list is documented on pages 2–3 of the QY70 List Book.

Each normal voice instrument provides a standardized set of 10 "common" CCs:

FX CC Purpose Notes
CCA CC01 Mod Wheel
CCB CC11 Expression
CCC CC10 Panpot
CCD CC05 Portamento time
CCE CC65 Portamento on/off 0x00-0x3F: Off 0x40-0x7F: On
CCF CC91 Reverb Send
CCG CC93 Chorus Send
CCH CC94 Variation Send Only when Connection = 1 (System)
CCI CC74 Filter Cutoff 0x00: -64 0x40: 0 0x7F: +63
CCJ CC71 Filter Resonance 0x00: -64 0x40: 0 0x7F: +63

Note that the filter CCs (CCI) and (CCJ) are bipolar and default to center at 0x40.

By default, XG "Variation send" (CCH) effect is delay. It can be set to different effects (distortion, 3-band EQ, etc) directly on the device or via Sysex. There is a full list of possible variation effects on page 9 of the QY70 List Book.

XG patch name trivia

  • Instrument with names that begin with "S." ( S.SlwStr), or begin or end with St (StBrsSec, MidTGtSt) are stereo.
  • Instrument names that end with a capital "K" (ElGrPnoK) use "Key Scale Panning"―lower keys are panned left and higher keys are panned right.
  • Instrument names followed by a plus (+) on the QY70 display are non-GM variations

Note that the M8 file browser displays instrument file names in upper case. You can view the true mixed-case XG instrument names from the instrument screen (after loading the .m8i file) or by viewing the .m8i files from an external file browser that displays mixed-case names.

SFX Voice Instruments

SFX voices work almost the same as normal voices, except they use a bank select MSB of 0x40 "common" CCs.

The full XG "SFX Voice" list is documented on the right side of page 3 in the QY70 List Book.

FX CC Purpose Notes
CCA CC01 Mod Wheel
CCB CC11 Expression
CCC CC10 Panpot
CCD CC00 Bank Select MSB Default value sends bank MSB each hit
CCE CC32 Bank Select LSB Can be used to contradict BANK value
CCF CC91 Reverb Send
CCG CC93 Chorus Send
CCH CC94 Variation Send Only when Connection = 1 (System)
CCI CC74 Filter Cutoff 0x00: -64 0x40: 0 0x7F: +63
CCJ CC71 Filter Resonance 0x00: -64 0x40: 0 0x7F: +63

SFX voice instrument use the same CCs as normal voice instruments, except for CCD (CC00/Bank Select MSB) and CCE (CC32/Bank Select LSB).

The default value CCD is required because the M8 MIDI instruments do not send bank MSB. As a side effect, the instrument's default bank MSB is sent before each note.

To prepare a MIDI channel to switch back to a normal voice instrument while using an SFX voice: use the fx CCD80 prior to playing the normal voice instrument's first note.

Drum Voice Instruments (XG drumkits)

The full XG "Drum Voice" instrument list is documented on pages 4–8 of the QY70 List Book.

FX CC Purpose Notes
CCA CC98 NRPN MSB NRPNs can be used to edit drum hits
CCB CC99 NRPN LSB NRPNs can be used to edit drum hits
CCC CC06 Data entry MSB NRPNs can be used to edit drum hits
CCD CC00 Bank Select MSB Default value sends bank MSB each hit
CCE CC32 Bank Select LSB Can be used to contradict BANK value
  • The default value CCD is required because the M8 MIDI instruments do not send bank MSB.
    • As a side effect, the instrument's default bank MSB is sent before each note.
  • NRPN & Data entry CCs are provided because NRPNs can customize a number of parameters for individual drumkit notes

To prepare a MIDI channel to switch back to a normal voice instrument while using an Drumkit voice: use the fx CCD80 prior to playing the normal voice instrument's first note.

SFX Drum Voice Instruments (SFXkits)

SFXkits are collections of SFX voice instruments compiled into (very sparse) drumkits. They are documented on page 8 of the QY70 List Book, at the end of the "Drum Voice" instrument list.

FX CC Purpose Notes
CCA CC98 NRPN MSB NRPNs can be used to edit drum hits
CCB CC99 NRPN LSB NRPNs can be used to edit drum hits
CCC CC06 Data entry MSB NRPNs can be used to edit drum hits
CCD CC00 Bank Select MSB Default value sends bank MSB each hit
CCE CC32 Bank Select LSB Can be used to contradict BANK value

SFXkits use the same CC tables as the XG drumkits

(CC-only) Mix-in utility instruments

The QY70 responds to many CC messages, but a single M8 MIDI instrument supports a maximum 10 CCx fx.

As a workaround: each channel folder contains an additional _UTIL/ directory containing special "mix-in" utility instruments to provide supplementary CCs. Unlike the normal voice instruments, mix-ins don't send bank or program messages.

Using mix-ins

Mix-in instruments provide additional CCx fx and send to the same MIDI channel as their folder's normal voice instruments. Using multiple instruments to send to the same MIDI channel can pose challenges on the M8―especially if they are playing simultaneously.

Mix-in instruments are intended to be used only for their extra CCx fx and not MIDI notes. But to use a mix-in's fx, it must first be triggered in the I column of a phrase. Unless you are careful, this could send unwanted MIDI note-on & note-off messages.

Some tips:

  • Trigger mix-in instruments at V00 to avoid sending unwanted MIDI note-ons.
    • But be careful: even at V00, triggering an instrument will kill any remaining events from the previous instrument. If that was a MIDI or external instrument, a MIDI note-off message will be sent to that instrument's MIDI channel.
  • Once triggered, you can keep using a mix-in instrument's CCx fx and table in that track until a different instrument is triggered.
    • If you can keep that track clear of other instruments, you can wait through many empty chains to send the mix-in's CCs without needing to trigger it again.
    • But be careful: M8 CCx fx are relative. If precise absolute values are needed by the target CC (NRPNs, CC84), it will probably be necessary to re-trigger the instrument anyway to ensure each value always starts from 00.
    • (Keep this in mind while placing REPs.)
  • Always preview mix-in instruments using the same MIDI channel (chXX/) folder as the target voice instrument
  • MIDI messages to a specific channel can come from any M8 track―simultaneously, if needed.
    • Keep mix-in instruments on different tracks from their MIDI channel's normal voice instruments while it's playing.
    • You can put mix-ins into any track(s) where they can fit and they will still affect the same voice on the QY.

Each mix-in utility instrument provides a related collection of CCs:


The _UTIL/SW+PEDAL CC.M8I instrument provides all switch and pedal CCs, as well as a few basic sound controls (including XG's enigmatic AC1). Some controls overlap with the voice instruments' CCs.

FX CC Purpose Notes
CCA CC64 Sustain on/off 0x00-0x3F: Off 0x40-0x7F: On
CCB CC65 Portamento on/off 0x00-0x3F: Off 0x40-0x7F: On
CCC CC66 Sostenuto on/off 0x00-0x3F: Off 0x40-0x7F: On
CCD CC67 Soft pedal on/off 0x00-0x3F: Off 0x40-0x7F: On
CCE CC05 Portamento time
CCF CC84 Portamento Control
CCG CC16 AC1 controller
CCH CC07 Main volume
CCI CC10 Panpot
CCJ CC11 Expression

A quick review of how the QY70 responds to the switches/pedals:

  • Sustain: Sustains all notes playing while it's active

  • Sostenuto: Sustains only notes that were already playing when it was activated

  • Soft Pedal: Lowers the volume of any notes played. It should also "damper" the sound's character, but that only seems to affect certain Piano patches

  • Portamento: When on, notes glide from pitch of the previous note.

    • Portamento time (CCE/CC05) controls the glide length
    • Portamento control (CCF/CC84) resets the previous note for the purposes of gliding to the absolute number of the CC.
    • ⚠️ If you set CC84, the next note will glide from that value at the rate set by CC05―even if the portamento switch (CCB/CC65) isn't activated!

The AC1 controller (CCG) is a special XG-only effects control (the dots on pages 9–11 of the QY70 List Book show what it can affect). However: by default AC1 is completely useless on the QY70:

  • Its initial modulation strength is 0 :faceplam:
  • You can't change it without using Sysex 🤦🤦
  • If you manage to turn it on: AC1 modulates a single parameter (usually Dry/Wet) on each reverb and most of the variation effects ...but only when VARIATION is set to INSERT mode 🤦🤦🤦

The Sysex string to maximize AC1's modulation strength is F0 43 10 4C 02 01 5F 7F F7. You can't send this from the M8, but you can punch it directly into the QY70's song/pattern event list by selecting the event XG Exc Effect > AC1Var and setting it to either extreme (+63 or -64) and playing the song/pattern to execute the event.


The _UTIL/NRPN RPN CC.M8I mix-in instrument provides CCs for NRPNs & RPNs, and a table with common NRPNs to trigger using TH0.

NRPNs are the only way you can use CCs to affect XG vibrato parameters or the complete set of EG parameters (for some reason there is no single CC for EG decay). They can also customize individual drumkit notes!

NRPNs and RPNs use at least three CCs to change, which must be sent in order:

  • Data entry MSB
  • (RPNs only) Data entry LSB

Warning: M8 CCx fx values are relative, but RPN & NRPN triggers are absolute. To make sure you select the correct N/RPN MSB/LSB values, always trigger this mix-in instrument on the same step. This will ensure that all CCx fx start from 0 and send the exact value you specify on the step.

(As a reminder: to trigger an M8 instrument, put the instrument number in the phrase's I column on that step. This will interrupt any previously playing instrument and tables on that track.)

FX CC Purpose Notes
CCC CC06 Data entry MSB
CCF CC038 Data entry LSB
CCG CC96 Data entry inc 0x7F: increment RPN
CCH CC97 Data entry dec 0x7F: decrement RPN

Pages 45―46 of the QY70 List Book cover the available RPNS & NRPNs

NRPN table

To simplify sending N/RPNs from the M8, the mixin's table is pre-populated with MSB+LSB triggers for common NRPNs.

To use: Select an NRPN with THO and set the data entry MSB value with CCC (CC05). All further CCC values will continue to modify that NRPN until another NRPN is triggered or the special NRPN reset message (THO0E) is sent.


  • To set Vibrato Rate to 128 (maximum):

    THO01 CCC7F
Row Purpose Notes
01 Vibrato Rate CCC = 0x00: -64 0x40: 0 0x7F: +63
03 Vibrato Depth CCC = 0x00: -64 0x40: 0 0x7F: +63
05 Vibrato Delay CCC = 0x00: -64 0x40: 0 0x7F: +63
08 EG Attack time CCC = 0x00: -64 0x40: 0 0x7F: +63
0A EG Decay time CCC = 0x00: -64 0x40: 0 0x7F: +63
0C EG Release time CCC = 0x00: -64 0x40: 0 0x7F: +63
0E NRPN Reset No data byte; just use THO0E

A note about XG LFO (vibrato)

The "Vibrato" parameters actually control the instrument's single LFO. In XG MIDI, this LFO can also be configured to affect amplitude, pitch, and/or filter, controlled by the mod wheel, pitch bend, and/or channel aftertouch.

Unfortunately: these extra mappings are impossible to configure without using Sysex (which the M8 doesn't send). As a result, the LFO is stuck modulating whatever the voice is configured to use it for. Practically every instrument on the QY just uses the instrument LFO to affect pitch, controlled by the mod wheel. And so: it's "vibrato."


The _UTIL/CHAN MODE CC.M8I instrument has CCs to send MIDI channel mode messages. All of them are triggered with the value 00.

FX CC Purpose Notes
CCA CC120 All sound off 0x00: trigger
CCB CC121 Reset all controllers 0x00: trigger
CCC CC123 All notes off 0x00: trigger
CCD CC124 Omni mode off 0x00: trigger
CCE CC125 Omni mode on 0x00: trigger
CCF CC126 Mono (ch mode 2) 0x00: trigger
CCG CC127 Poly (ch mode 3) 0x00: trigger
CCJ CC0 Bank Select MSB Use CCJ00 to reset bank to normal

CCA00 (All sound off) is particularly useful if you need to quickly silence hanging instruments from the M8.

See page 44–45 of the QY70 List Book for descriptions of each channel mode message

Limitations / Workarounds

M8i only sends Bank Select LSB, not MSB

M8 MIDI instruments' BANK setting only handles the MIDI Bank Select LSB (CC32)―it does not affect Bank Select MSB (CC0) at all. XG MIDI uses the Bank Select MSB to partition instruments into several categories:

Bank Select MSB XG Voice category Notes
0x00 Normal Voice
0x40 SFX voice
0x7E SFX kit
0x7F Drum voice / Rhythm kit

Bank Select MSB is 0 unless changed, so if you are only using normal voice instruments, you will never need to send it.

The .m8i instruments for the other instrument categories (SFX voice, Drum Voice, SFX kit) use CCD to Bank Select MSB (CC0), with the default set to their bank MSB. This ensures that the bank select message are always sent in the correct order, but at the expense of sending C00 before every note.

For this reason, the "Normal voice" instruments do not include Bank Select MSB (CC0). This prevents unecessary CC0 traffic and keeps all 10 CCx slots for common CCs―but the trade-off is that ⚠️ playing a normal voice instrument after another kind of voice does not automatically send the bank select MSB back to normal. ⚠️

Workaround: When you are using a SFX/drumkit/SFXkit instrument, send CCD80 just before switching to a normal voice instrument. This sends the correct Bank Select MSB ahead of the normal instrument sending its natice Bank Select LSB & Program Change.

chXX: Multi-timbral instruments saftey workaround

The multiple chXX/ folders are a multi-timbral safety feature: the M8 instrument browser previews MIDI instruments by sending their program + bank changes to the channel saved in each .m8i file. This can make it dangerous to preview instruments for a multi-timbral device like the QY70 unless the previewed .m8i files are already configured for the target MIDI channel.

⚠️ Browsing MIDI instruments on the wrong MIDI channels risks accidentally reconfiguring unrelated voices.

This is especially risky when mixing "normal voice" instruments with instruments that send CC0/Bank Select MSB messages, because it won't be possible to to switch back to the normal voice instrument without explicitly sending Bank Select MSB 0.

M8 firmware 3.0.3a: Switching between certain instruments does not send BANK:PG messages

While testing this pack on M8 FW 3.0.3a, it was observed that changing between certain instrument pairs (in either direction) from the M8 does not send the new instrument's BANK LSB (CC32) + program change messages. This is very rare, but repeatable between affected instrument pairs.

Some example pairings (in BANK:PG format) include:

  • 66:101 <-> 67:101
  • 64:101 <-> 65:101
  • 000:102 <-> 008:102

Workaround: Change to an unaffected instrument to force the change messages, then change to the target instrument.

It is very likely this issue will be fixed in future FW updates.



2023-04-25 ― ineffable-twaddle

  • Update instruments to M8 v3 instrument format
  • Move Bank LSB CC into the instrument settings to free up CCA
  • Add common QY70 CCs to each voice instrument
  • Add new mix-in utility instruments to provide additional CCs
  • Add table to trigger common NRPNs
  • Make 16 channel variations of all instruments to prevent multi-timbral preview disasters
  • Add instruments that require non-zero bank MSB CCs:
    • SFX
    • Drumkits
    • SFX kits
  • Add documentation


2021-01-24 ― pselodux
