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File metadata and controls

119 lines (93 loc) · 4.28 KB

seurat cluster-3 overview:

  • runs an R script called seurat_cluster.R.
  • runs a second script called find_markers.R is run to find markers for each cluster.
  • runs an R markdown called Cluster.Rmd to visualise clustering and dimensional reduction

Pipeline commands

Generate the .yml file

scflow seurat cluster-3 config

Run the pipeline

nohup scflow seurat cluster-3 make full -v5


Inputs: Seurat objects filtered and unfiltered RDS files created from qc-1 and filter-2 pipelines.

Options Defined in pipeline.yml

Option Description Default
-i -input input files
-s --sample sample name
-v --variableFeatures Number of variable features 2000
--reddim What dimensionality reduction to use. PCA, harmony, zinbwave, CCA pca
-d --numdim How many dimensions to use. Default to all calculated ones, but can be user defined according to the Elbow Plot and Jack Straw plots
--resolution Resolution for finding clusters. Sets the 'granularity' of the downstream clustering, with increased values leading to a greater number of clusters. Between 0.4-1.2 good for ~3K cells. 0.5
|-m --metadata	|The input metadata file from doublet pipeline|


  • Define some arguments that can be included when the Rscript command is called, using the package "optparse".

  • Read in some metadata about doublets if this has been performed (not yet, maybe we come back to it?)

  • Read in the RDS files (Seurat objects, filtered and unfiltered).

  • Add doublet metadata to the Seurat object if relevant.

  • Perform usual steps in Seurat pipeline (see

    • Normalise the data
    • Find variable features
    • list top 10 variable genes (top10)
    • plot variable features (labelled_variable_feature_plot)
    • Scale the data
    • Perform PCA
    • Perform clustering (UMAP and tSNE)

Outputs: RDS files filtered and clustered in RDS_objects.dir.


Inputs: Clustered filtered Seurat object created by seurat_cluster.R

Options Defined in pipeline.yml

Option Description Default
-i --input input rds path of filtered clustered Seurat object
-s --sample sample name
-m --minPct Genes only tested if found in minimum percentage of cells in either population. 0.1
-l --logfc "Limit testing to genes which have (on average) a log fold change greater than this threshold 0.25
-t --testuse Test to use. Options: wilcox, bimod, roc, t, negbinom, poisson, LR, MAST, DESeq2. wilco
-c --maxClusters If you want to set a maximum number of clusters to find markers for. 0 = Do it for all clusters. 0


  • Define some arguments that can be included when the Rscript command is called, using the package "optparse".

  • Read in the RDS files of the clustered filtered object that was created in seurat_cluster.R

  • Find the total number of clusters and choose whether to use this number or assign it manually with -c parameter.

  • For each sample

  • Generate some statistics for each gene in each cluster

    • First define which cells are in the active cluster
    • Calculate the mean and experimental mean of each gene expression within the active cluster and all the other clusters, then compare the two means.
    • Identify markers for each cluster with FindMarkers
    • Generate a summary table of markers (combined)
    • Generate a summary table of markers and means (markers_filter_stats_combined)
    • Add the BH corrected p value to the summary tables (combined and markers_filter_stats_combined)
    • Select appropriate columns and order by padj/log2fc
    • Save as csv and tsv files

Outputs: Summary tables of cluster markers


Inputs: Filtered clustered Seurat Objects created by seurat_cluster.R

Steps: Read in seurat objects Plot and save

  • top 2000 variable features, labelled with EnsemblID (could be good to include gene name?)
  • JackStraw plot and ElbowPlot
  • PCA showing cluster membership
  • PCA loading for PCs 1 and 2
  • PC heatmaps for PCs 1-9
  • tSNE
  • UMAP


Plots in Clustering_Figures.dir for each sample

  • Variable features
  • JackStraw plot
  • Elbow plot
  • PCA showing cluster membership
  • PCA loading for PCs 1 and 2
  • PC heatmaps for PCs 1-9
  • tSNE
  • UMAP

Cluster.html markdown