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ServiceStack is a simple, fast, versatile and highly-productive full-featured Web and Web Services Framework that's thoughtfully-architected to reduce artificial complexity and promote remote services best-practices with a message-based design that allows for maximum re-use that can leverage an integrated Service Gateway for the creation of loosely-coupled Modularized Service Architectures. ServiceStack Services are consumable via an array of built-in fast data formats (inc. JSON, XML, CSV, JSV, ProtoBuf, Wire and MsgPack) as well as XSD/WSDL for SOAP endpoints and Rabbit MQ, Redis MQ and Amazon SQS MQ hosts.
Its design and simplicity focus offers an unparalleled suite of productivity features that can be declaratively enabled without code, from creating fully queryable Web API's with just a single Typed Request DTO with Auto Query supporting every major RDBMS to the built-in support for Auto Batched Requests or effortlessly enabling rich HTTP Caching and Encrypted Messaging for all your existing services via Plugins.
Your same Services also serve as the Controller in ServiceStack's Smart Razor Views reducing the effort to serve both Web and Single Page Apps as well as Rich Desktop and Mobile Clients that are able to deliver instant interactive experiences using ServiceStack's real-time Server Events.
ServiceStack Services also maximize productivity for consumers providing an instant end-to-end typed API without code-gen enabling the most productive development experience for developing .NET to .NET Web Services.
ServiceStack now integrates with all Major IDE's used for creating the best native experiences on the most popular platforms to enable a highly productive dev workflow for consuming Web Services, making ServiceStack the ideal back-end choice for powering rich, native iPhone and iPad Apps on iOS with Swift, Mobile and Tablet Apps on the Android platform with Java, OSX Desktop Appications as well as targetting the most popular .NET PCL platforms including Xamarin.iOS, Xamarin.Android, Windows Store, WPF, WinForms and Silverlight:
Providing instant Native Typed API's for C#, TypeScript, F# and VB.NET directly in Visual Studio for the most popular .NET platforms including iOS and Android using Xamarin.iOS and Xamarin.Android on Windows.
Providing C# Native Types support for developing iOS and Android mobile Apps using Xamarin.iOS and Xamarin.Android with Xamarin Studio on OSX. The ServiceStackXS plugin also provides a rich web service development experience developing Client applications with Mono Develop on Linux
Providing an instant Native Typed API in Swift including generic Service Clients enabling a highly-productive workflow and effortless consumption of Web Services from native iOS and OSX Applications - directly from within Xcode!
Providing an instant Native Typed API in Java and Kotlin including idiomatic Java Generic Service Clients supporting Sync and Async Requests by levaraging Android's AsyncTasks to enable the creation of services-rich and responsive native Java or Kotlin Mobile Apps on the Android platform - directly from within Android Studio!
The ServiceStack IDEA plugin is installable directly from IntelliJ's Plugin repository and enables seamless integration with IntelliJ Java Maven projects for genearting a Typed API to quickly and effortlessly consume remote ServiceStack Web Services from pure cross-platform Java or Kotlin Clients.
The unmatched productivity offered by Java Add ServiceStack Reference is also available in the ServiceStackEclipse IDE Plugin that's installable from the Eclipse MarketPlace to provide deep integration of Add ServiceStack Reference with Eclipse Java Maven Projects enabling Java Developers to effortlessly Add and Update the references of their evolving remote ServiceStack Web Services.
In addition to our growing list of supported IDE's, the ssutil.exe cross-platform command-line .NET .exe makes it easy for build servers, automated tasks and command-line runners of your favorite text editors to easily Add and Update ServiceStack References!
This example is also available as a stand-alone integration test:
//Web Service Host Configuration
public class AppHost : AppSelfHostBase
public AppHost()
: base("Customer REST Example", typeof(CustomerService).Assembly) {}
public override void Configure(Container container)
//Register which RDBMS provider to use
container.Register<IDbConnectionFactory>(c =>
new OrmLiteConnectionFactory(":memory:", SqliteDialect.Provider));
using (var db = container.Resolve<IDbConnectionFactory>().Open())
//Create the Customer POCO table if it doesn't already exist
//Web Service DTO's
[Route("/customers", "GET")]
public class GetCustomers : IReturn<GetCustomersResponse> {}
public class GetCustomersResponse
public List<Customer> Results { get; set; }
[Route("/customers/{Id}", "GET")]
public class GetCustomer : IReturn<Customer>
public int Id { get; set; }
[Route("/customers", "POST")]
public class CreateCustomer : IReturn<Customer>
public string Name { get; set; }
[Route("/customers/{Id}", "PUT")]
public class UpdateCustomer : IReturn<Customer>
public int Id { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
[Route("/customers/{Id}", "DELETE")]
public class DeleteCustomer : IReturnVoid
public int Id { get; set; }
// POCO DB Model
public class Customer
public int Id { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
//Web Services Implementation
public class CustomerService : Service
public object Get(GetCustomers request)
return new GetCustomersResponse { Results = Db.Select<Customer>() };
public object Get(GetCustomer request)
return Db.SingleById<Customer>(request.Id);
public object Post(CreateCustomer request)
var customer = new Customer { Name = request.Name };
return customer;
public object Put(UpdateCustomer request)
var customer = Db.SingleById<Customer>(request.Id);
if (customer == null)
throw HttpError.NotFound("Customer '{0}' does not exist".Fmt(request.Id));
customer.Name = request.Name;
return customer;
public void Delete(DeleteCustomer request)
No code-gen required, can re-use above Server DTOs:
var client = new JsonServiceClient(BaseUri);
//GET /customers
var all = client.Get(new GetCustomers()); // Count = 0
//POST /customers
var customer = client.Post(new CreateCustomer { Name = "Foo" });
//GET /customer/1
customer = client.Get(new GetCustomer { Id = customer.Id }); // Name = Foo
//GET /customers
all = client.Get(new GetCustomers()); // Count = 1
//PUT /customers/1
customer = client.Put(
new UpdateCustomer { Id = customer.Id, Name = "Bar" }); // Name = Bar
//DELETE /customers/1
client.Delete(new DeleteCustomer { Id = customer.Id });
//GET /customers
all = client.Get(new GetCustomers()); // Count = 0
Same code also works with PCL Clients in Xamarin iOS/Android, Windows Store Apps
F# and VB.NET can re-use same .NET Service Clients and DTO's
const client = new JsonServiceClient(baseUrl);
client.get(new GetCustomers())
.then(r => {
const results = r.results;
let client = JsonServiceClient(baseUrl: BaseUri)
.then {
let results = $0.results;
JsonServiceClient client = new JsonServiceClient(BaseUri);
GetCustomersResponse response = client.get(new GetCustomers());
List<Customer> results = response.results;
val client = JsonServiceClient(BaseUri)
val response = client.get(GetCustomers())
val results = response.results
$.getJSON($.ss.createUrl("/customers", request), request,
function (r: dtos.GetCustomersResponse) {
alert(r.Results.length == 1);
$.getJSON(baseUri + "/customers", function(r) {
alert(r.Results.length == 1);
Calling the from Dart JsonClient
var client = new JsonClient(baseUri);
.then((r) => alert(r.Results.length == 1));
That's all the application code required to create and consume a simple database-enabled REST Web Service!
If you have NuGet installed, the easiest way to get started is to:
Latest v4+ on NuGet is a commercial release with free quotas.
The Definitive list of Example Projects, Use-Cases, Demos, Starter Templates
Since September 2013, ServiceStack source code is available under GNU Affero General Public License/FOSS License Exception, see license.txt in the source. Alternative commercial licensing is also available, see for details.
Contributors need to approve the Contributor License Agreement before any code will be reviewed, see the Contributing docs for more details. All contributions must include tests verifying the desired behavior.
ServiceStack includes source code of the great libraries below for some of its core functionality. Each library is released under its respective licence:
- Mono (License)
- Funq IOC (License)
- Fluent Validation (License)
- Mini Profiler (License)
- Dapper (License)
- TweetStation's OAuth library (License)
- MarkdownSharp (License)
- MarkdownDeep (License)
- HtmlCompressor (License)
- JSMin (License)
- RecyclableMemoryStream (License)
- ASP.NET MVC (License)
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- arxisos (Steffen Müller) / @arxisos
- desunit (Sergey Bogdanov) / @desunit
A big thanks to GitHub and all of ServiceStack's contributors:
- bman654 (Brandon Wallace)
- iristyle (Ethan Brown)
- superlogical (Jake Scott)
- itamar82
- chadwackerman
- derfsplat
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- dbeattie71 (Derek Beattie)
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- greghroberts (Gregh Roberts)
- int03 (Selim Selçuk)
- andidog (AndiDog)
- chuckb (chuckb)
- niemyjski (Blake Niemyjski)
- mj1856 (Matt Johnson)
- matthieugd (Matthieu)
- tomaszkubacki (Tomasz Kubacki)
- e11137 (Rogelio Canedo)
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- nicklarsen (NickLarsen)
- connectassist (Carl Healy)
- et1975 (Eugene Tolmachev)
- barambani
- nhalm
Similar Open source .NET projects for developing or accessing web services include:
- Nancy Fx - A Sinatra-inspired lightweight Web Framework for .NET:
- Fubu MVC - A "Front Controller" pattern-style MVC framework designed for use in web applications built on ASP.NET:
- Rest Sharp - An open source REST client for .NET