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File metadata and controls

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  • A Kubernetes cluster (kind, minikube, etc.)
  • OpenFaaS CLI
  • Arkade
  • Kubectl
  • KinD

2. Setup Tools

  • Arkade
$ curl -sLS | sudo sh
  • KinD
$ arkade get kind
  • Kubectl
$ arkade get kubectl
  • OpenFaaS CLI
$ arkade get faas-cli


1. Set Up a Kubernetes Cluster with Kind (Optional)

With Kind, you can run a local Kubernetes cluster using Docker containers as nodes. The steps in this section are optional. Follow them only if you don't have a running Kubernetes cluster.

Create a file named openfaas-cluster.yaml, and copy in the following spec:

kind: Cluster
- role: control-plane
- role: worker
$ kind create cluster --config kind-specs/kind-cluster.yaml
  • Deploy OpenFaaS to a Kubernetes Cluster with:
$ arkade install openfaas
  • Verify that the deployments were created
$ kubectl get deployments -n openfaas -l "release=openfaas, app=openfaas"

3. Deploy Validating Admission Webhook

$ cd deployment
$ sh
$ export CA_BUNDLE=$(kubectl config view --minify --flatten -o json | jq -r '.clusters[] | select(.name == "'$(kubectl config current-context)'") | .cluster."certificate-authority-data"')
$ sed -e "s|\${CA_BUNDLE}|${CA_BUNDLE}|g" validatingwebhook.yaml | kubectl apply -f -
$ cd ..
$ DOCKER_USER=username ./build
$ cd deployment
$ kubectl apply -f rbac.yaml
$ kubectl apply -f service.yaml
$ kubectl apply -f deployment.yaml # make sure you are using same 'DOCKER_USER' in deployment.yaml. i.e: devopps
# Label the default namespace to enable the webhook
$ kubectl label namespaces default admission-webhook-example=enabled

4. Building OpenFaaS Function

$ cd functions
$ faas-cli up -f requiredlabel.yml # (build-push-deploy) make sure you are using your docker hub username. i.e: devopps
  • Verify the functions that are working in openfaas-fn namespace.

5. Testing the whole workflow

  • K8S API -> WebHook Broker w/TLS -> OpenFaaS Gateway (w/HTTP) --> OpenFaaS Function

  • The purpose of this PoC is that to validate that pods has required labels. Which means you must have that labels: sleep sleep "0.1" dummy admission-webhook-example kubernetes
  • Any Pod who have above labels is valid for us.
`./deployment/sleep.yaml` -> Incorrect, not-valid (We should deny this creation request.)
`./deployment/sleep-no-validation.yaml` -> Skip-validation (Based on ` "false"` annotation, we skipped validation.)
`./deployment/sleep-with-labels.yaml` -> Correct, valid (We should accept this creation request.)

6. References