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File metadata and controls

346 lines (284 loc) · 20.4 KB

How to configure

  • First configure all settings that are shown to you (see below); don't configure your MAINSMET
  • Now you are ready to test/operate your SmartEVSE in its simplest mode, called Normal Mode.
  • If your EV charges at MAX current, everything works as expected, and you don't have a MAINSMET, you are done!
  • If you have a MAINSMET, configure it now; browse through the settings again, since now other options have opened up
  • If you are feeding your SmartEVSE with MAINS or EV data through the REST API or the MQTT API, make sure you have set up these feeds; as soon as you select "API" for the Meters, the data is expected within 11 seconds! You can use the test scripts in the test directory to feed your MQTT server with test data.
  • If you configured MULTIple SmartEVSE's, follow the instructions below
  • Put your SmartEVSE in Solar Mode, and some specific settings for Solar Mode will open up
  • Now your SmartEVSE is ready for use!

All menu options on the LCD screen:

        Per default you are in Normal EVSE mode; you can also choose Smart Mode or Solar Mode,
        but you will have to configure a MAINSMETer to use these modes. 
  <Normal>	The EV will charge with the current set at MAX
  <Smart>	The EV will charge with a dynamic charge current, depending on MAINSMET
                data, and MAINS, MAX, MIN settings
  <Solar>       The EV will charge on solar power

CONFIG  Configure EVSE with Type 2 Socket or fixed cable:
  <Socket>    Your SmartEVSE is connected to a socket, so it will need to sense the
              cable used for its maximum capacity
  <Fixed>     Your SmartEVSE is connected to a fixed cable, so MAX will determine your
              maximum charge current

LOCK    (only appears when CONFIG is set to <Socket>)
        Enable or disable the locking actuator (config = socket)
  <Disabled>  No lock is used
  <Solenoid>  Dostar, DUOSIDA DSIEC-ELB / ELM or Ratio lock
  <Motor>	  Signal wire reversed, DUOSIDA DSIEC-EL or Phoenix Contact

PWR SHARE  Power Share (used to be called LOAD BAL)
        2 to 8 EVSE’s can be connected via modbus, and the available power will be shared.
  <Disabled>  Power sharing is not used (single SmartEVSE)
  <Master>    Set the first SmartEVSE to Master. Make sure there is only one Master.
  <Node1-7>   And the other SmartEVSE's to Node 1-7.

MAINSMET Set type of MAINS meter (only appears in Smart or Solar mode):
  <Disabled>  No MAINS meter connected; only Normal mode possible
  <Sensorbox> The Sensorbox will send measurement data to the SmartEVSE
  <API>       The MAINS meter data will be fed through the REST API or the MQTT API.
  <Phoenix C> / <Finder> / <...> / <Custom> a Modbus kWh meter is used

  Note that Eastron1P is for single-phase Eastron meters, Eastron3P for Eastron three-phase
  meters and InvEastron is for Eastron three-phase meter that is fed from below (inverted).
  If MAINSMET is not <Disabled> and not <API>, these settings appear:

  MAINSADR    Set the Modbus address for the kWh meter
  GRID        3 or 4 wire (only appears when Sensorbox with CT’s is used)
    <4Wire>     star connection with 3 phase wires and neutral.          
    <3Wire>     delta connection with 3 phase wires without neutral.

EV METER Set type of EV kWh meter (measures power and charged energy)
  <Disabled>  No EV meter connected.
  <API>         The EV meter data will be fed through the REST API or the MQTT API.
  <Phoenix C> / <Finder> / <...> / <Custom> a Modbus kWh meter is used

  Note that Eastron1P is for single-phase Eastron meters, Eastron3P for Eastron three-phase
  meters and InvEastron is for Eastron's three-phase meter that is fed from below (inverted).
  If EV METER is not <Disabled> and not <API>, this setting appears:

  EV ADR   Set the Modbus address for the EV Meter

MAINS	(only appears when a MAINSMET is configured):
        Set Max Mains current: 10-200A (per phase)

MIN     (only appears when a MAINSMET is configured):
        Set MIN charge current for the EV: 6-16A (per phase)

MAX	Set MAX charge current for the EV: 10-80A (per phase)
        If CONFIG is set to <Fixed>, configure MAX lower or equal to the maximum current
        that your fixed cable can carry.

CIRCUIT Set the max current the EVSE circuit can handle (power sharing): 10-200A
        If PWR SHARE is set to <Disabled>:
        Only appears when an EV METER is configured, in Smart or Solar mode.

SWITCH  Set the function of an external switch (pin SW or connector P2)
  <Disabled>    A push button can be used to STOP charging
  <Access B>    A momentary push Button is used to enable/disable access to the charging station
  <Access S>    A toggle switch is used to enable/disable access to the charging station
  <Sma-Sol B>   A momentary push Button is used to switch between Smart and Solar modes
  <Sma-Sol S>   A toggle switch is used to switch between Smart and Solar modes
  <Grid Relay>  A relay, provided by your energy provider, is connected; when the relay is open, power usage is limited to 4.2kW, as per par 14a of the Energy Industry Act.
  <Custom B>    A momentary push Button can be used by external integrations
  <Custom S>    A toggle switch can be used by external integrations

RCMON   RCM14-03 Residual Current Monitor is plugged into connector P1
  <Disabled>    The RCD option is not used
  <Enabled>     When a fault current is detected, the contactor will be opened.

RFID    use a RFID card reader to enable/disable access to the EVSE
        A maximum of 100 RFID cards can be stored.
        Note that only a push button can be used simultaneously with the RFID reader.
  <Disabled>  RFID reader turned off
  <EnableAll> Accept all learned cards for enabling/disabling the SmartEVSE
  <EnableOne> Only allow a single (learned) card to be used for enabling/disabling the
              SmartEVSE. In this mode, the lock (if used) will lock the cable in the charging
              socket, and the same card is used to unlock it again
  <Learn>     Learn a new card and store it in the SmartEVSE. Make sure you stay on the
              menu when learning cards. Present a card in front of the reader. "Card Stored"
              will be shown on the LCD
  <Delete>    Erase a previous learned card. Hold the card in front of the reader. "Card
              Deleted" will be shown on the LCD once the card has been deleted
  <DeleteAll> Erase all cards from the SmartEVSE. The cards will be erased once you exit
              the menu of the SmartEVSE
  <Rmt/OCPP>  Authorize remotely over OCPP and bypass the SmartEVSE local RFID storage. For
              offline storage, use OCPP local lists. SmartEVSE sends RFID readings to the
              OCPP server in this mode only

WIFI          Enable wifi connection to your LAN
  <Disabled>  Wifi connection is disabled
  <SetupWifi> v3.6.3 or older: The SmartEVSE presents itself as a Wifi Acces Point "smartevse-xxxx";
              connect with your phone to that access point, go to
              and configure your Wifi password
              v.3.6.4 and newer: On your smartphone:
              -connect your smartphone to the wifi network you want your SmartEVSE connected to
              -download and run the ESPTouch app from your favorite app store
.              [Android](
.              (please ignore the strange Author name) or
.              [Apple]( or
.              [Github]( (for source code).
              -choose EspTouch V2,
              -fill in the password of the wifi network,
              -fill in "1" in device count for provisioning,
              -on the SmartEVSE LCD screen, select "Wifi", select "SetupWifi",
              -press the middle button to start the configuration procedure,
              -once pressed, the bottom line shows you a 16 character key, first 8 zeros,
              -note that from this point on, you have 120s TO FINISH this procedure!
              -fill in that key in the ESPTouch app, in the AES Key field
              -leave Custom Data empty
              -press "Confirm", within 30 seconds the app will confirm a MAC address and an IP address
              You are connected now. If you want special stuff (static IP address, special DNS address),
              configure them on your AP/router.

              v3.6.4 and newer BACKUP PROCEDURE: if you don't get it to work with the ESPTouch app, there is
              a backup procedure:
              -connect your SmartEVSE with a USB cable to your PC
              -install the USB driver (Windows) or not (Linux) for ESP32 chipset
              -connect your favorite serial terminal to the appropriate port,
               use the following settings: 115200bps, 8 bits, no parity, 1 stopbit
              -on the SmartEVSE LCD screen, select "Wifi", select "SetupWifi",
              -press the middle button to start the configuration procedure,
              -on your terminal window you should see a request to enter your
               WiFi access point name and password. 
              -the controller should now connect to WiFi.
  <Enabled>   Connect to your LAN via Wifi.

AUTOUPDAT     (only appears when WIFI is Enabled):
              Automatic update of the SmartEVSE firmware
  <Disabled>  No automatic update
  <Enabled>   Checks every day if there is a new stable firmware version available.
              It will download and install it once there is no EV connected.
              DOES NOT WORK if your current version is not one of the format vx.y.z, e.g. v3.6.1
              So locally compiled versions, or RCx versions, will NOT Autoupdate!

MAX TEMP      Maximum allowed temperature for your SmartEVSE; 40-75C, default 65.
              Charging will stop once the internal temperature has reached this threshold.
              Charging will resume once the temperature has dropped to 55°C.
              You can increase this if your SmartEVSE is in direct sunlight.

CAPACITY      (only appears when a MAINSMET is configured):
              Maximum allowed Mains Current summed over all phases: 10-600A
              This is used for the EU Capacity rate limiting.
CAP STOP      (only appears when CAPACITY is configured):
              Timer in minutes; if CAPACITY is exceeded, we do not immediately stop
              charging but wait until the timer expires.

The following options are only shown when MODE is set to <Solar> and
PWR SHARE set to <Disabled> or <Master>:
START         set the current on which the EV should start Solar charging:
              -0  -48A (sum of all phases)
STOP          Stop charging when there is not enough solar power available:
              Disabled - 60 minutes (Disabled = never stop charging)
IMPORT        Allow additional grid power when solar charging: 0-20A (sum of all phases)
              This option can be used when you do not have enough solar power
              installed, but still want to use as much of it to charge your EV.
              As the MIN charge current is usually 6A per phase, you will need
              6A x 3 x 230V = ~4140W of power to keep charging at 3 phases.
              Use this option to allow some power taken from the grid.
              NOTE: Note that START and IMPORT are summed over all phases, and MIN is per phase!
              Another option is to use a second contactor, and only charge at one 
              phase when solar charging. See next menu option.

CONTACT2      Use a second contactor (C2) that switches phases L2 and L3
              EV's have a minimal charge current of 6A. Switching off 2 phases
              in solar mode allows for a much smoother charging session, as the 
              minimum charge current drops from 18A (6A three phase) to 6A.

              IMPORTANT NOTE: Wire your C2 contactor according to the schematics
              in [Hardware installation](docs/ 

  <Not present> The second contactor C2 is not present
                In this case, SmartEVSE will assume 3-phase charging, which is the "worst case"
  <Always Off>  C2 is always off, so you are single-phase charging
                You can use this setting if you want SmartEVSE to assume 1 phase charging 
                in its calculations
  <Always On>   C2 is always on, so you are three-phase charging (if your Mains are 
                three-phase and your EV supports it) (default)
  <Solar Off>   C2 is always on except in Solar Mode where it is always off
  <Auto>        SmartEVSE starts charging at 3phase, but when in Solar mode and not enough
                current available for 3 phases, switches off C2 so it will continue on 1 phase
                Only works when Power Sharing is disabled.


See the OCPP section in the SmartEVSE dashboard for setting up identifiers and configuring the OCPP interface. Connect to the OCPP server using the credentials set up in the SmartEVSE dashboard. To use the RFID reader with OCPP, set the mode Rmt/OCPP in the RFID menu. Note that the other RFID modes overrule the OCPP access control. OCPP SmartCharging requires the SmartEVSE internal load balancing means to be turned off.


For the specification of the REST API, see REST API


Your SmartEVSE can now export the most important data to your MQTT-server. Just fill in the configuration data on the webserver and the data will automatically be announced to your MQTT server. Note that because the configuration data is transported to the SmartEVSE via the URL, special characters are not allowed.

You can easily show all the MQTT topics published:

mosquitto_sub -v -h ip-of-mosquitto-server -u username -P password  -t '#'

You can feed the SmartEVSE data by publishing to a topic:

mosquitto_pub  -h ip-of-mosquitto-server -u username -P password -t 'SmartEVSE-xxxxx/Set/CurrentOverride' -m 150

...where xxxxx your SmartEVSE's serial number, will set your Override Current to 15.0A.

Valid topics you can publish to are:


Your MainsMeter can be fed with:

mosquitto_pub  -h ip-of-mosquitto-server -u username -P password -t 'SmartEVSE-xxxxx/Set/MainsMeter' -m L1:L2:L3

...where L1 - L3 are the currents in deci-Ampères. So 100 means 10.0A.

You can find test scripts in the test directory that feed EV and MainsMeter data to your MQTT server.

Multiple SmartEVSE controllers on one mains supply (Power Share)

Up to eight SmartEVSE modules can share one mains supply.

  • Hardware connections

    • Connect the A, B and GND connections from the Master to the Node(s).
    • So A connects to A, B goes to B etc.
    • If you are using Smart/Solar mode, you should connect the A, B , +12V and GND wires from the sensorbox to the same screw terminals of the SmartEVSE! Make sure that the +12V wire from the sensorbox is connected to only -one– SmartEVSE.
  • Software configuration

    • Set one SmartEVSE PWR SHARE setting to MASTER, and the others to NODE 1-7. Make sure there is only one Master, and the Node numbers are unique.
    • On the Master configure the following:
      • MODE Set this to Smart if a Sensorbox (or configured kWh meter) is used to measure the current draw on the mains supply. It will then dynamically vary the charge current for all connected EV’s. If you are using a dedicated mains supply for the EV’s you can leave this set to Normal.
      • MAINS Set to the maximum current of the MAINS connection (per phase). If the sensorbox or other MainsMeter device measures a higher current than this value on one of the phases, it will immediately reduce the current to the EVSE’s
      • CIRCUIT Set this to the maximum current of the EVSE circuit (per phase). This will be split between the connected and charging EV’s.
      • MAX Set the maximum charging current for the EV connected to -this- SmartEVSE (per phase).
      • MIN Set to the lowest allowable charging current for all connected EV’s.
    • On the Nodes configure the following:
      • MAX Set the maximum charging current for the EV connected to -this- SmartEVSE (per phase).

Home Battery Integration

In a normal EVSE setup, a sensorbox is used to read the P1 information to deduce if there is sufficient solar energy available. This however can give unwanted results when also using a home battery as this will result in one battery charging the other one.

For this purpose the settings endpoint allows you to pass through the battery current information:

  • A positive current means the battery is charging
  • A negative current means the battery is discharging

The EVSE will use the battery current to neutralize the impact of a home battery on the P1 information.

Regular updates from the consumer are required to keep this working as values cannot be older than 11 seconds.


  • Home battery is charging at 2300W -> 10A
  • P1 has an export value of 230W -> -1A
  • EVSE will neutralize the battery and P1 will be "exporting" -11A

The sender has several options when sending the home battery current:

  • Send the current AS-IS -> EVSE current will be maximized
  • Only send when battery is discharging -> AS-IS operation but EVSE will not discharge the home battery
  • Reserve an amount of current for the home battery (e.g. 10A) -> Prioritize the home battery up to a specific limit

Integration with Home Assistant

There are three options to integrate SmartEVSE with Home Assistant:

  • through the HA-integration - the easy way

    If you want to integrate your SmartEVSE with Home Assistant, please have a look at the SmartEVSE custom_component for Home Assistant. This custom_component uses the API to share data from the SmartEVSE to Home Assistant, and enables you to set SmartEVSE settings from Home Assistant. You will need firmware version 1.5.2 or higher to use this integration.

  • by manually configuring your configuration.yaml

    It's a lot of work, but you can have everything exactly your way. See examples in the integrations directory of our GitHub repository.

  • by MQTT

    If you don't like the integration, e.g. because it only updates its data every 60 seconds, you might like to interface through MQTT; updates are done as soon as values change.... you can even mix it up by using both the integration AND the MQTT interface at the same time!

EU Capacity Rate Limiting

In line with a EU directive, electricity providers can implement a "capacity rate" for consumers, encouraging more balanced energy consumption. This approach aims to smooth out usage patterns and reduce peak demand.

For further details, please refer to serkri#215.

  • The menu item "Capacity" can be set from 10-600A. (sum of all phases)
  • This setting applies only in Smart or Solar mode.
  • Beyond existing limits (Mains, MaxCircuit), the charging current will be controlled to ensure that the total of all Mains phase currents does not exceed the Capacity setting.
  • If you are unfamiliar with this setting or do not fall under the applicable regulations, it is advisable to keep the setting at its default setting. (disabled)

Building the firmware

You can get the latest release off of, but if you want to build it yourself:

For versions older than v3.6.0, build the spiffs filesystem:

  • Compile spiffs.bin: platformio run -t buildfs

If you are not using the webserver /update endpoint to upload the firmware:

I think I bricked my SmartEVSE

Luckily, there are no known instances of people who bricked their SmartEVSE. But if all else fails, connect your SmartEVSE via USB-C to your laptop and follow the instruction #79

Another tool can be found here:

Remember to flash to both partitions, 0x10000 and 0x1c0000 !!!