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537 lines (467 loc) · 27.7 KB

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537 lines (467 loc) · 27.7 KB


Updated UML diagrams.


Polymorphic codecs and transports.

  • Session is now a move-only type that can be instantiated on the stack.
  • Deprecated Session::create.
  • Added ConnectionWish and ConnectionWishList which should now be used in place of the old Connection and ConnectionList classes.
  • Passing ConnectionWish and ConnectionWishList via Session::connect is now preferred over passing the legacy Connector instances via Session::create.
  • TcpHost and UdsPath now have withFormat methods which generate a ConnectionWish that can be passed to Session.
  • The authenticate, publish, 'yield', and cancel methods of Session not taking a completion handler now return an ErrorOrDone. The thread-safe overloads for those now return a std::future<ErrorOrDone>.
  • AnyCompletionExecutor is now used by session to contain the user executor.
  • Added Session::ongoingCall for progressive call results, which automatically applies rpc.withProgessiveResults(true).
  • Renamed Session::reset to Session::terminate, leaving the former as a deprecated alias.
  • Renamed Session::userExecutor to Session::fallbackExecutor, leaving the former as a deprecated alias.
  • Session::fallbackExecutor type relaxed to AnyCompletionExecutor.
  • Handlers registered via Session's setWarningHandler, setTraceHandler, and setStateChangeHandler will no longer be fired after Session::terminate is called and before Session::connect is called.
  • Added wamp::spawn and wamp::yield_context in <cppwamp/spawn.hpp>, which are aliases to their Boost.Asio counterparts.
  • Added wamp::spawnCompletionHandler and wamp::CompletionYieldContext to support spawning coroutines via Event::executor and Invocation::executor.
  • When CPPWAMP_USE_COMPLETION_YIELD_CONTEXT is defined, wamp::BasicYieldContextwamp::AnyCompletionExecutor will be passed to coroutines spawned via Event/Invocation unpackers. The relaxes the requirement that the Session::userExecutor() originate from boost::asio::io_context.
  • When CPPWAMP_USE_COMPLETION_YIELD_CONTEXT and ASIO_DISABLE_BOOST_COROUTINE are defined, the coroutine Event/Invocation unpackers will use the new Boost.Context-based coroutines introduced in Boost 1.80.0. Please note this bug in Boost 1.80.0 concerning exceptions thrown from these new Boost.Context-based coroutines.
  • Instead of throwing an exception, Session now emits a TransportErrc::badTxLength error via the completion handler or return value when the payload exceeds the transport's limit.
  • Challenge::authenticate, Invocation::yield and Interruption::yield now have thread-safe and non-thread-safe overloads.
  • Added SessionErrc error codes corresponding to new predefined error URIs that have appeared in the WAMP spec.
  • Added Session::setLogHandler which takes a handler of type void (LogEntry) and unifies all log event handling.
  • Added Session::setLogLevel for use with Session::setLogHandler.
  • Renamed AsioContext to IoContext, leaving the former as a deprecated alias.
  • Deprecated AsioErrorCode.
  • Deprecated ProtocolErrc and ProtocolCategory in favor of SessionErrc::protocolViolation.
  • Deprecated Session::setWarningHandler and Session::setTraceHandler in favor of Session::setLogHandler.

Implementation improvements:

  • Adding more codecs or transports in the future will no longer result in a combinatorial explosion of explicit template instantions due to the number of transport/codec combinations.
  • Codecs are now specializations of SinkEncoder and SourceDecoder.
  • Simplified codec tags to only provide their numeric ID.
  • Added AnyCodec polymorphic wrapper for codecs.
  • Added Transporting interface class which replaces the old Transport type requirement.
  • internal::Client is now non-templated and is retained by Session during the latter's lifetime.
  • Session::connect logic has been moved to internal::Client.
  • Renamed internal::AsioTransport to internal::RawsockTransport and simplified its previously convoluted design.
  • internal::RawsockConnector and internal::RawsockTransport now use policy classes instead of polymorphism to alter their behavior for tests.
  • Tidying of transport tests.
  • internal::Peer composition instead of inheritance.
  • Avoid unnecessary boost::asio::post in intermediate handlers.

Beaking Changes

  • Session::call can no longer be used for progessive call results, use Session::ongoingCall instead.
  • The Session destructor now automatically invokes Session::disconnect instead of Session::terminate, to better emulate the cancellation behavior of Asio sockets being destroyed.
  • Event::executor and Invocation::executor can no longer be directly used by Boost.Coroutine-based boost::asio::spawn to spawn coroutines. See workaround below in the Migration Guide.
  • The undecorated Challenge::authenticate, Invocation::yield and Interruption::yield are no longer thread-safe. See Migration Guide below.

Migration Guide

  • Replace Session::create(args...) with std::make_shared(args...), or instantiate Session as a stack or member variable.
  • Replace connection<TCodec>(TcpHost) with TcpHost::withFormat. E.g.: wamp::TcpHost{"localhost", 12345}.withFormat(wamp::json)
  • Replace Session::call with Session::ongoingCall when progressive results are desired.
  • Replace Session::reset with Session::terminate.
  • Replace Session::userExecutor with Session::fallbackExecutor
  • Manually call Session::terminate before a Session is destroyed if you must suppress the execution of pending completion handlers.
  • Replace AsioContext with IoContext.
  • When using Event::executor or Invocation::executor to spawn coroutines, use wamp::spawnCompletionHandler instead of boost::asio::spawn.
  • When calling Challenge::authenticate, Invocation::yield and Interruption::yield from multiple threads, use the new overloads taking the ThreadSafe tag type.
  • If checking for ProtocolErrc errors specifically, check for SessionErrc::protocolViolation instead.
  • Replace Session::setWarningHandler and Session::setTraceHandler with Session::setLogHandler and Session::setLogLevel.


Asio completion token support and thread-safe Session operations.

  • All asynchronous operations in Session now accept a generic completion token, which can either be a callback function, a yield_context, use_awaitable, or use_future.
  • C++20 coroutines now supported by Session.
  • Added examples using Asio stackless coroutines, C++20 coroutines, and std::future.
  • Migrated from AsyncResult to new ErrorOr class which better emulates the proposed std::expected.
  • Session's asynchonous operations now return an ErrorOr result when passed a yield_context as the completion token, and will not throw if there was a runtime error. ErrorOr::value must be called to obtain the operation's actual result (or throw an exception if there was an error).
  • Added Session::strand so that users may serialize access to the Session when using a thread pool.
  • Added Session overloads with the ThreadSafe tag type which can be called concurrently by multiple threads. These overloads will be automatically dispatch operations via the Session's execution strand.
  • Added the SessionErrc::invalidState enumerator which is now used to report errors when attempting to perform Session operations during an invalid session state.
  • Renamed AnyExecutor to AnyIoExecutor which aliases boost::asio::any_io_executor. AnyExecutor is now deprecated.
  • Added AnyReusableHandler which type-erases a copyable multi-shot handler, while storing the executor to which it is possibly bound.
  • Added AnyCompletionHandler which is a Boost-ified version of the prototype [asio::any_completion_handler] (chriskohlhoff/asio#1100).
  • Added AnyCompletionExecutor which is a Boost-ified version of the prototype asio::any_completion_executor.
  • Session and transports now extract a strand from the Connector passed by the user.
  • Moved corounpacker implementation to header directory root.
  • Added Realm::captureAbort.
  • Made config.hpp a public header.
  • Added DecodingErrc and DecodingCategory for deserialization errors not covered by jsoncons.
  • Session's setWarningHandler, setTraceHandler, setStateChangeHandler, and setChallengeHandler now take effect immediately even when connected.
  • Session's handlers for setWarningHandler, setTraceHandler, setStateChangeHandler, and setChallengeHandler are now executed via Session::userExecutor by default.
  • Boost.Asio [cancellation slot] ( support for Session::call.
  • Added Rpc::withCancelMode which specifies the cancel mode to use when triggered by Asio cancellation slots.
  • Added withArgsTuple, convertToTuple and moveToTuple to Payload class.
  • Added the Deferment tag type (with deferment constexpr variable) to more conveniently return a deferred Outcome` from an RPC handler.
  • Renamed Cancellation to CallCancellation. Cancellation is now a deprecated alias to ``CallCancellation`.
  • Renamed CancelMode to CallCancelMode. CancelMode is now a deprecated alias to CallCancelMode.
  • Renamed Basic[Coro]<Event|Invocation>Unpacker to Simple[Coro]<Event|Invocation>Unpacker, with the former kept as deprecated aliases.
  • Renamed basic[Coro]<Event|Rpc> to simple[Coro]<Event|Rpc>, with the former kept as deprecated aliases.
  • Renamed the CppWAMP::coro-headers CMake target to CppWAMP::coro-usage, leaving the former as an alias.
  • Deprecated CoroSession and AsyncResult.
  • Deprecated error::Decode
  • Deprecated the Session::cancel overloads taking CallCancellation.
  • Deprecated Outcome::deferred.

Breaking Changes

  • Bumped Boost version requirements to 1.77 to support Asio cancellation slots.
  • Errors due to attempting to perform an asynchronous Session operation during an invalid state are now emitted via the ErrorOr passed to the handler, instead of throwing error::Logic. This is to avoid error::Logic exceptions being thrown due to race conditions outside the library user's control (for example, calling a remote procedure just as the peer terminates the session). This also avoids the complications involved in transporting exceptions to coroutines, as well as having two mechanisms for reporting errors from the same function.
  • Session::authenticate no longer throws if the session is not in the SessionState::authenticating state. Instead, the authentication is discarded and a warning is emitted.
  • Session::publish(Pub) no longer throws if the session is not in the SessionState::established state. Instead, the publicatioon is discarded and a warning is emitted.
  • Session::cancel no longer throws if the session is not in the SessionState::established state. Instead, the cancellation is discarded and a warning is emitted.
  • Numeric values of enumerators following SesesionErrc::invalidState have been bumped by one.
  • Session::call no longer returns the request ID. To obtain the request ID, use the new Session::call overload which takes a CallChit out parameter by reference.
  • The signature of lookupWampErrorUri has been changed so that it returns whether the corresponding error code was found.
  • Codec decoders now return a std::error_code instead of throwing an exception.
  • The Transport type requirement has been changed so that it provides a boost::asio::strand instead of a boost::asio::any_executor.

Migration Guide

  • Replace AnyExecutor with AnyIoExecutor.
  • Replace AsyncResult with ErrorOr.
  • Replace AsyncResult::get with ErrorOr::value.
  • Replace AsyncResult::errorCode with ErrorOr::error.
  • Replace AsyncResult::setValue with ErrorOr::emplace.
  • Replace Basic[Coro]<Event|Invocation>Unpacker with Simple[Coro]<Event|Invocation>Unpacker
  • Replace basic[Coro]<Event|Rpc> with simple[Coro]<Event|Rpc>
  • Replace Cancellation with CallCancellation
  • Replace CancelMode with CallCancelMode
  • Replace CoroSession<> with Session.
  • Replace Outcome::deferred with deferment.
  • Replace #include <cppwamp/corosession.hpp> with #include <boost/asio/spawn.hpp> and #include <cppwamp/session.hpp>.
  • Add .value() to Session methods taking a yield_context to preserve the old behavior where either the result value is returned upon success or an exception is thrown upon failure.
  • std::error_code pointers cannot be passed to the the consolidated Session class. Instead check the returned ErrorOr result via operator bool and AsyncResult::error().
  • Session::call no longer returns the RPC request ID. Instead use the Session::call overload which takes a CallChit out parameter by reference. Alternatively, you may bind an Asio cancellation slot to the completion token.
  • Replace Session::cancel(CallCancellation) usages with Session::cancel(CallChit).
  • If used directly, check the std::error_code returned by codec decoders instead of catching error::Decode exceptions.
  • Replace the CppWAMP::coro-headers CMake target with CppWAMP::coro-usage.


Fixed the non-compilation of examples.


Add -fPIC when building vendorized static Boost libraries.


Migrated to jsoncons for all serialization.

  • Support for CBOR has been added.
  • Codecs have been split into encoders and decoders that can be instantiated and reused for multiple encoding/decoding operations.
  • Simplified passing of encoded WAMP messages between Peer and AsioTransport.
  • Added toString free functions for dumping Variant, Array, and Object as a JSON-formatted std::string.

Breaking Changes

  • The Codec type requirements have changed. It affects those who used codecs to encode/decode variants outside of the Session APIs. This also affects those who have extended CppWAMP to use their own custom codecs.
  • The Transport type requirements have changed. It affects those who extended CppWAMP to use their own custom transports.
  • Variant instances are output as true JSON via operator(ostream&, const Variant&). That means strings variants are now output with quotes. Blob variants are now also output with quotes, along with a \u0000 prefix, as if they were being transmitted over WAMP.
  • Session warnings no longer output to std::cerr by default. Session::setWarningHandler must be explicitly called to re-enable this behavior.


Refactored WAMP message processing.

  • Payloads/options for Session commands are now directly stored in WampMessage
  • Added WampMessage subclasses responsible for marshalling message fields
  • Consolidate peer/session data objects to the same C++ module
  • Print WAMP message names in traces
  • Defunct HEARTBEAT message no longer recognized as valid
  • More selective inclusion of Msgpack-c headers
  • Add config for older Crossbar versions (for unit tests)
  • Perform move capture wherever possible
  • Perform automatic enum<->variant conversions while allowing custom conversion of specific enum types
  • Callbacks can now be registered for session state change events
  • Added caller-initiated timeout support
  • Support progressive call results for caller
  • Added authentication tutorial
  • Enriched authentication-related API to handle CRA and SCRAM (user must still compute cryto signatures using a 3rd party library)
  • Added example programs using the async API
  • Added more practical examples of scoped registrations/subscriptions in documentation
  • Added session logging tutorial
  • Added example of converting nested objects in documentation
  • Added session leave overloads that don't require a Reason


Migrated to newer Boost.Asio, CMake, and Catch.


  • Migrated to newer Boost.Asio: Boost 1.74 or above now required.
  • Removed Boost.Endian dependency.
  • Migrated test framework to Catch2: version 2.3 or greater now required.
  • RapidJSON and Msgpack-c dependencies are no longer mandatory if their respective codecs are not needed.
  • CMake minimum version is now 3.12.
  • Migrated to newer Doxygen for generating docs (tested with version 1.8.17)


  • Overhauled CMake build to adopt modern practices.
  • CMake package config now provided when built and installed.
  • Separate CMake targets now provided for easy import into another CMake project: CppWAMP::headers, CppWAMP::core, CppWAMP::json, CppWAMP::msgpack, and CppWAMP::coro.

Breaking API Changes

  • AsioService now aliases boost::asio::io_context
  • iosvc() method in Event, Invocation, and Interruption replaced with executor() method.
  • Signed/unsigned comparisons of numeric Variants are now performed correctly (in the mathematical sense).
  • Removed the following deprecated methods: Pub::withBlacklist, Pub::withWhiteList, Rpc::withBlacklist, Rpc::withWhitelist, Rpc::withExcludeMe

Other API Changes

  • Added API visibility macros for shared library builds.
  • Session, CoroSession, and connect(...) now have overloads that accept boost::asio::any_executor.
  • Added TcpOptions and UdsOptions which encapsulate socket options.
  • TcpHost and UsdPath now prefer to take socket options via TcpOptions and UdsOptions respectively in their constructors.
  • Allow passing SO_OOBINLINE socket option.
  • wamp::ValueTypeOf now mimics std::remove_cvref_t instead of std::decay_t.


  • Removed git submodules in favor of CMake FetchContent.
  • Removed vestigial Qt Creator and Mercurial stuff.
  • Fixed json.hpp and msgpack.hpp leaking internals in CPPWAMP_COMPILED_LIB mode.
  • Removed CPPWAMP_TESTING_FOO macros in favor of Catch2 runtime tags.
  • WAMP tests now use any available codec.
  • Made header files self-contained to avoid clangd error messages.
  • Fixed -Wall warnings.
  • An AUTHENTICATE message with empty signature is now sent to a router if a CHALLENGE message is received and there is no registered challenge handler. This is to prevent deadlocking.
  • Installation directions are now in README instead of GitHub wiki.
  • Tutorials are now located in repo instead of GitHub wiki.


Update for latest 3rd-party dependencies.

  • Updated 3rd-party subrepos.
  • Fixed missing RawNumber for RapidJSON parser (fixes #100).
  • Added missing spaces in conversion exception messages (fixes #101).


Variant conversion enhancements.

  • ConversionAccess can now access private default constructors (closes #98).
  • To/FromVariantConverter now throws error::Conversion exclusively.
  • All RPC argument conversion failures are now propagated back to caller (fixes #97).
  • Added test cases for bad From/ToVariantConverter conversions.
  • Enforced Client::LocalSubs non-empty invariant during unsubscribe.
  • Added Variant::at accessors (closes #95).
  • Updated config.json test/example files for Crossbar 0.13.0.
  • Blob is now stored via a pointer within the Variant::Field union, to reduce the size of a Variant object.


Bug fixes.

  • Fixed encoding of multibyte UTF-8 sequences to JSON (fixes #96).
  • Added test case for converting multibyte UTF-8 sequences to JSON.


Better support for asynchronous RPC and event handlers.

Breaking Changes:

  • Session and CoroSession now take an extra boost::asio::io_service argument in their create() functions. This IO service is now used for executing user-provided handlers. It can be the same one used by the transport connectors.
  • Support for non-handshaking raw socket transports has been removed (closes #92).


  • Added basicCoroRpc(), basicCoroEvent(), unpackedCoroRpc(), and unpackedCoroEvent() wrappers, which execute a call/event slot within the context of a coroutine. This should make it easier to implement RPC/event handlers that need to run asynchronously themselves (closes #91).
  • Invocation and Event now have an iosvc() getter, which returns the user-provided asio::io_service (closes #91).
  • Added Variant conversion facilities for std::set and set::unordered_set.


Fixes and enhancements.

  • Added support for binary WAMP payloads (closes #50)
  • Fixed wrong header guard in <cppwamp/types/unorderedmap.hpp> (fixes #73)
  • Added SessionErrc mappings to new predefined error URIs added to the spec (closes #77)
  • Added recently proposed exclude_authid, exclude_authrole, eligible_authid, eligible_authrole options (closes #80).
  • Fixed ScopedRegistrations and ScopedSubscriptions that weren't being moved properly (fixes #82).
  • Added basicRpc and basicEvent functions. basicRpc allows the registration of statically-typed RPC handlers that don't take an Invocation parameter and don't return an Outcome result. Likewise, basicEvent allows the registration of statically-typed event handlers that don't take an Event parameter (closes #84).


More fixes for v0.5.0 release.

  • Fixed JSON encoding of control characters (fixes #72)
  • Added test case for converting derived DTO classes (see #70)


Minor fixes and enhancements to v0.5.0 release.

  • Fixed namespace-related errors that occur for user-defined conversions.
  • Can now specify a fallback value when extracting an object member during conversion.
  • Added Rpc::captureError which allows users to retrieve ERROR message details returned by a callee.
  • Variant-to-Variant conversion is now handled properly.


User-defined type support.

New Features

  • Users may now register custom types that can be converted to/from Variant. These registered custom types may be passed directly to RPC and pub/sub operations and handlers. See Custom Variant Conversions in the tutorial for usage examples (closes #69).
  • timeservice and timeclient examples have been provided which showcase the use of conversion facilities. These examples use the CppWAMP library in a header-only fashion (closes #67).
  • Converters have been provided for std::unordered_map and boost::optional (closes #68).

Breaking Changes

  • Payload::withArgs now takes variadic arguments, instead of a std::initializer_list<Variant>. This change makes it possible for registered user-defined types to be automatically converted to Variant. Wherever you do Rpc("foo").withArgs({"hello", 42}) should be changed to Rpc("foo").withArgs("hello", 42) (notice the removed curly braces).
  • std::tuple support is now provided via the new conversion facilities, in <cppwamp/types/tuple.hpp>.

Other Changes

  • Fixed compile errors that occur only when the library is used in a header-only fashion.


Connection API improvements.

Breaking Changes

  • TcpConnector and UdsConnector have been replaced with connector factory functions in <cppwamp/tcp.hpp> and <cppwamp/uds.hpp>. The new interface uses a fluent API which allows the user to specify setsockopt socket options (closes #63). Consult the revised tutorials and documentation to learn how to migrate your app code to the revised connection interface.
  • Revised connection API so that unused serialization libraries are not needed when using CppWAMP in a header-only fashion (fixes #64).

Other Changes

  • Raw socket transports now use 16MB as the default maximum length for incoming messages (closes #39).


Fixes and additional tests.


  • Added as many test cases as possible for supported advanced WAMP features. Some features cannot be tested because they are not supported on Crossbar, or they are not "symmetrically" supported on CppWAMP (closes #43).
  • Added test cases where asynchronous Session operations are executed within call/event slots (closes #44).
  • Made changes to allow building with Clang on OS X (thanks taion!) (fixes #55).
  • Added test case for constructing Variant from std::vector (closes #58).
  • Rpc, Procedure, Pub, Topic, and friends now have converting (implicit) constructors (closes #60).
  • NaN and infinite Real values are now encoded as null over JSON (fixes #61).
  • Fixed unpackedEvent and unpackedRpc so that they can take a lambda functions by value.
  • Reorganized wamptest.cpp so that related test cases are grouped in SCENARIO blocks. The Crossbar router process can no longer be forked from the test suite because of this.


Made further refinements to the API. The minimal Boost library version required is now 1.58.0.


  • The library now depends on Boost 1.58, which now includes Boost.Endian. This removes the dependency on the "standalone" Boost.Endian (closes #5).
  • Revamped subscriptions and registrations to more closely model Boost.Signals2 connection management. Users are no longer forced to keep Subscription/Registration objects alive. ScopedSubscription and ScopedRegistraton have been added to permit automatic lifetime management, if desired (closes #45).
  • RPC handlers are now required to return an Outcome object. This makes it harder to forget returning a result from within an RPC handler (closes #46).
  • Statically-typed call/event handlers are now handled by EventUnpacker and InvocationUnpacker wrappers. This eliminates the need for Session::subscribe and Session::enroll overloads, and greatly simplifies subscription/registration management (closes #51).
  • Unpacking of positional arguments for statically-typed call/event slots now uses a simpler technique inspired by std::integer_sequence (closes #52)
  • Updated examples and tests to use raw socket handshaking, which is now supported on Crossbar (closes #54).


Overhauled API to make use of fluent API techniques. Some Advanced WAMP Profile features are now supported.


  • Renamed some classes:
    • Client -> Session
    • CoroClient -> CoroSession
    • internal::Session -> internal::Dialogue
    • internal::ClientImplBase -> internal::ClientInterface
    • internal::ClientImpl -> internal::Client
  • Removed the Args class, as similar functionality is now provided by Payload with a cleaner API
  • Folded CoroErrcClient into CoroClient (now SessionClient) by taking an extra, optional std::error_code pointer
  • Session (formerly Client) now makes extensive use of fluent API techniques, via data objects declared in <cppwamp/dialoguedata.hpp> and <cppwamp/sessiondata.hpp> (fixes #6, fixes #7, fixes #34)
  • Subscription and Registration are now returned via shared pointer, and are no longer "handle" objects that mimic a shared pointer (fixes #40).
  • Added operator[] support to Variant, to make it more convenient to access elements/members.
  • Added Variant::valueOr to make it easier to treat a Variant as an optional value.
  • Added support for the "low-hanging fruit" among advanced WAMP features. These are features that only require some Details or Options attributes to be set, and require no other special treatment by the client (fix #10, fix #11, fix #12, fix #13, fix #14, fix #15, fix #23, fix #24, fix #25, fix #26, fix #27, fix #35, fix #37, fix #38):
    • General: agent identification, feature announcement
    • Callee: call_trustlevels, caller_identification, pattern_based_registration, progressive_call_results
    • Caller: call_timeout, callee_blackwhite_listing, caller_exclusion, caller_identification
    • Publisher: publisher_exclusion, publisher_identification, subscriber_blackwhite_listing
    • Subscriber: pattern_based_subscription, publication_trustlevels, publisher_identification


Initial public release.

Copyright © Butterfly Energy Systems, 2014-2015