We're glad you want to contribute to a Engine Yard v5 Cookbooks repository ! This document will help answer common questions you may have during your first contribution.
- Ensure you are working in a branch in ey-cookbooks-stable-v5
- Please do not fork to another repository, as this can prevent us from making minor changes to your code that may otherwise prevent your commit from being accepted.
- The branch should be named after the feature being worked on. Ticket id (For example: CC-1123 ) should be used instead of feature name if you are Engine Yard employee.
- Rebase your branch against the most recent version of the master branch:
git fetch --all && git rebase -i origin/master
- Squash all the commits down to a single commit, with a summary commit message with the ticket as a prefix (e.g.: [CC-199] Enables users to ..."
- Use the following Pull Request template in the description field
Description of your patch
Recommended Release Notes
Estimated risk
Components involved
Description of testing done
QA Instructions
Notes: For "Estimated risk", specify low, medium or high, and justify your selection. "Components involved" should list not the files changed, but the area of work (i.e.: a region specific change, customers on ruby 1.8.7, all node customers, etc)
- Update the ticket to 'Pull Request' status, and add a link to the pull request
- Do not continue to do work in the branch used for the pull request -- PRs are automatically updated with any changes
- Monitor your pull request for updates. Your pull request will be reviewed on or before each Thursday at 8:30 am Pacific. Any deficiencies found must be rectified by 12:pm Pacific to make it into that week's release.