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52 lines (29 loc) · 835 Bytes

File metadata and controls

52 lines (29 loc) · 835 Bytes

Welcome to SIMS Help

Whenever you commit to this repository, GitHub Pages runs Jekyll to rebuild the pages in your site, from the content in your Markdown files.


Markdown is a lightweight and easy-to-use syntax for styling your writing. It includes conventions for

Syntax highlighted code block

# Header 1
## Header 2
### Header 3

This is a lead

* Bulleted
* List

1. Numbered
1. List

**Bold** and *Italic* and `Code` text



> A top tip.

> A top note.

> A top warning.

{% include faq.html explain="Additional stuff in a accordion" %}

Something inside an accordion

{% include faq-end.html %}

For more details see GitHub Flavored Markdown.