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Mapnik Changelog

A simple log of core changes affecting Mapnik usage.

Developers: Please commit along with changes.

For a complete change history, see the git log.



(Packaged from 8d9dc27)


  • Raster scaling: fixed crash and clipping negative pixel values of floating point rasters (mapnik#3349)
  • Restored support for unquoted strings in expressions (mapnik#3390)
  • TWKB support via mapnik#3356 (#3355)
  • Visual test runner can render SVG, PDF and Postscript with Cairo renderer (mapnik#3418)
  • Scale factor is now applied also to text-line-spacing and transforms (mapnik#3416)


Released: February 25, 2016

(Packaged from 5c0d496)


  • The shapeindex command now has a --index-parts option. When used the index will be bigger but will allow the Shapefile datasource to only parse polygon parts within the query bounds.
  • WARNING: index files generated with this newer Mapnik are invalid for older versions of Mapnik.
  • Any .index files accompanying a .shp must now be regenerated otherwise it will be skipped. To avoid this problem you can delete the existing .index files, or ideally run shapeindex to recreate the .index. (mapnik#3300) The trigger for this change was an optimization that required a new binary format for the shapefile indexes (mapnik#3217).
  • Shapeindex - another fix for skipping null shapes (#3288)
  • Fixed support for filter expressions starting with not (mapnik#3017)
  • Ensure mapped_memory_cache acts as singleton across shared objects (#3306)
  • Removed miniz support in PNG encoder (#3281)
  • Added -fvisibility=hidden -fvisibility-inlines-hidden to default compiler flags
  • Fixed parsing of SVG PathElement (mapnik#3225)
  • JSON parsing now supports arbitrary (nested) attributes in geometry
  • Support for rendering dash-array in SVGs
  • SVG parser is now stricter (fails is all input is not parsable) (#3251)
  • SVG parser now correctly handles optional separator (,) between multiple command parts
  • Optimized parsing of png format string
  • The memory_datasource now dynamically reports correct datasource type (vector or raster)
  • Upgraded mapbox::variant v1.1.0
  • Compare:


Released: November 26, 2015

(Packaged from 03a0926)


  • Fixed offsetting of complex paths and sharp angles (mapnik#3160) (via @winni159)
  • Fixed mapnik.util.variant issue when compiling with gcc-5.x and SSO enabled by default (mapnik#3103) (via @nkovacs)
  • Fixed issue with complex scripts where some character sequences weren't rendered correctly (mapnik#3050) (via @jkroll20)
  • Revived postgis.input tests
  • JSON: geometry grammar has been re-factored and optimized to have expectation points
  • Filled missing specializations for value_bool in mapnik::value comparison operators
  • mapnik.Image - fixed copy semantics implementation for internal buffer
  • JSON parsing: unified error_handler across all grammars
  • Improved unit test coverage
  • Raster scaling: fixed nodata handling, accuracy when working with small floats and clipping floats by [0; 255] (mapnik#3147)
  • Added code of conduct
  • GeoJSON plug-in is updated to skip feature with empty geometries
  • GeoJSON plug-in : ensure original order of features is preserved (fixed) (mapnik#3182)
  • Shapeindex utility: fixed empty shapes handling and ported tests to c++
  • Centroid algorithm: fixed invalid input handling, particularly empty geometries (mapnik#3185)
  • Updated SCons build system to the latest version 2.4.1 (


Released: October 23, 2015

(Packaged from 2d15567)


  • Renamed SHAPE_MEMORY_MAPPED_FILE define to MAPNIK_MEMORY_MAPPED_FILE. Pass ./configure MEMORY_MAPPED_FILE=True|False to request support for memory mapped files across Mapnik plugins (currently shape, csv, and geojson).
  • Unified mapnik-index utility supporting GeoJSON and CSV formats
  • Increased unit test coverage for GeoJSON and CSV plugins
  • shape.input - re-factor to support *.shx and improve handling various bogus shapefiles
  • geojson.input - make JSON parser stricter + support single Feature/Geometry as well as FeatureCollection
  • maintain 'FT_LOAD_NO_HINTING' + support >= harfbuzz 1.0.5
  • geojson.input - implement on-disk-index support


Released: October 12, 2015

(Packaged from e161253)


  • Removed MAPNIK_VERSION_IS_RELEASE define / mapnik-config --version not longer reports -pre for non-release versions. Use mapnik-config --git-revision instead (mapnik#3123)
  • Renamed nik2img command to mapnik-render
  • PostGIS: Fixed handling of all attributes when key_field_as_attribute=false (mapnik#3120)
  • PostGIS: Fixed parsing of key_field_as_attribute as boolean: now true/false can be used in addition to 0/1


Released: October 7, 2015

(Packaged from 3cebe97)


  • PostGIS plugin: added key_field_as_attribute option. Defaults to True to preserve current behavior of having the key_field added both as an attribute and as the value. If key_field_as_attribute=false is passed then the attribute is discarded (mapnik#3115)
  • CSV plugin has been further optimized and has gained experimental support for on-disk indexes (mapnik#3089)
  • SVG parser now fallsback to using viewbox if explicit dimensions are lacking (mapnik#3081)
  • Visual tests: new command line arguments --agg, --cairo, --svg, --grid for selecting renderers (mapnik#3074)
  • Visual tests: new command line argument --scale-factor or abbreviated -s for setting scale factor (mapnik#3074)
  • Fixed parsing colors in hexadecimal notation (mapnik#3075)
  • Removed mapnik::Feature type alias of mapnik::feature_impl (mapnik#3099)
  • Fixed linking order for plugins to avoid possible linking errors on linux systems (mapnik#3105)


Released: September 16, 2015

(Packaged from 165c704)


  • scale-hsla image filter: parameters are no longer limited by interval [0, 1] (mapnik#3054)
  • Windows: Fixed SVG file loading from unicode paths
  • colorize-alpha image filter: fixed normalization of color components (mapnik#3058)
  • colorize-alpha image filter: added support for transparent colors (mapnik#3061)
  • Enable reading optional MAPNIK_LOG_FORMAT environment variable(
  • CSV.input uses memory mapped file by default on *nix.
  • Updated bundled fonts to the latest version
  • Topojson.input - fixed geometry_index logic which was causing missing features
  • Fixed SVG file loading from unicode paths (mapnik/node-mapnik#517)
  • CSV.input - improved support for LF/CR/CRLF line endings on all platforms (mapnik#3065)
  • Revive zero allocation image interface and add unit tests
  • Benchmark: use return values of test runner.


Released: August 26, 2015

(Packaged from 17bb81c)


  • CSV.input: plug-in has been re-factored to minimise memory usage and to improve handling of larger input. (NOTE: large_csv branch adds experimental trunsduction parser with deferred string initialisation)
  • CSV.input: added internal spatial index (boost::geometry::index::tree) for fast bounding box queries (mapnik#3010)
  • Fixed deadlock in recursive datasource registration via @zerebubuth (mapnik#3038)
  • Introduced new command line argument --limit or -l to limit number of failed tests via @talaj (mapnik#2996)


Released: August 12, 2015

(Packaged from 3d262c7)


  • Fixed an issue with fields over size of int32 in OGR plugin (mapnik/node-mapnik#499)
  • Added 3 new image-filters to simulate types of colorblindness (color-blind-protanope,color-blind-deuteranope,color-blind-tritanope)
  • Fix so that null text boxes have no bounding boxes when attempting placement ( 162f82cba5b0fb984c425586c6a4b354917abc47 )
  • Patch to add legacy method for setting JPEG quality in images ( #3024 )
  • Added filter_image method which can modify an image in place or return a new image that is filtered
  • Added missing typedef's in mapnik::geometry to allow experimenting with different containers


Released: July 31, 2015

(Packaged from 8305e74)


This release is centered around improvements to the SVG parsing within mapnik. Most work was done in pull request #3003.

  • Added container to log SVG parsing errors
  • Reimplemented to use rapidxml for parsing XML (DOM)
  • Support both xml:id and id attributes ( xml:id takes precedence )
  • Added parse_id_from_url using boost::spirit
  • Added error tracking when parsing doubles
  • Unit tests for svg_parser to improve coverage
  • Fixed rx/ry validation for rounded_rect
  • Fixed dimensions parsing
  • Remove libxml2 dependency


Released: July 27th, 2015

(Packaged from 28f6f4d)


The 3.0.1 fixes a few bugs in geojson parsing, svg parsing, and rendering. It also avoids a potential hang when using line-geometry-transform and includes a speedup for text rendering compared to v3.0.0. It is fully back compatible with v3.0.0 and everyone is encouraged to upgrade.

  • Fixed text placement performance after #2949 (#2963)
  • Fixed rendering behavior for text-minimum-path-length which regressed in 3.0.0 (#2990)
  • Fixed handling of xml:id in SVG parsing (#2989)
  • Fixed handling of out of range rx and ry in SVG rect (#2991)
  • Fixed reporting of envelope from mapnik::memory_datasource when new features are added (#2985)
  • Fixed parsing of GeoJSON when unknown properties encountered at FeatureCollection level (#2983)
  • Fixed parsing of GeoJSON when properties contained {} (#2964)
  • Fixed potential hang due to invalid use of line-geometry-transform (6d6cb15)
  • Moved unmaintained plugins out of core: osm, occi, and rasterlite (#2980)


Released: July 7th, 2015

(Packaged from e6891a0)


The 3.0 release is a major milestone for Mapnik and includes many performance and design improvements. The is the first release to provide text shaping using the harfbuzz library. This harfbuzz support unlocks improved rendering and layer for many new languages, particularly SE Asian scripts. The internal storage for working with images and geometries has been made more flexible, faster, and strongly typed. The python bindings that were previously bundled with Mapnik have now been moved to and are versioned independently.


  • Mapnik 3.0.0 requires a compiler capable of std=c++11.
  • It is highly recommended you use the clang++ compiler on both OS X and Linux since it has robust c++11 support lower memory requirements.
Major Changes
  • Improved support for International Text (now uses harfbuzz library for text shaping)

  • Uses latest C++11 features for better performance (especially map loading)

  • Expressions everywhere: all symbolizer properties can now be data driven expressions (with the exception of face-name and fontset-name on the TextSymbolizer).

  • Rewritten geometry storage based on std::vector (#2739)

    • Separate storage of polygon exterior rings and interior rings to allow for more robust clipping of parts.
    • Enforces consistent winding order per OGC spec (exterior rings are CCW, interior CW)
    • Reduced memory consumption for layers with many points
    • Ability to adapt Mapnik geometries to boost::geometry operations (in a zero-copy way)
    • Ability to have i/o grammars for json/wkt work on geometries rather than paths for better efficiency and simpler code
  • Added new and experimental dot symbolizer for fast rendering of points

  • New functions supported in expressions: exp, sin, cos, tan, atan, abs.

  • New constants supported in expressions: PI, DEG_TO_RAD, RAD_TO_DEG

  • Added support for a variety of different grayscale images:

    • mapnik.imageType.null
    • mapnik.imageType.rgba8
    • mapnik.imageType.gray8
    • mapnik.imageType.gray8s
    • mapnik.imageType.gray16
    • mapnik.imageType.gray16s
    • mapnik.imageType.gray32
    • mapnik.imageType.gray32s
    • mapnik.imageType.gray32f
    • mapnik.imageType.gray64
    • mapnik.imageType.gray64s
    • mapnik.imageType.gray64f
  • Pattern symbolizers now support SVG input and applying transformations on them dynamically

  • Experimental / interface may change: @variables can be passed to renderer and evaluated in expressions

  • Supports being built with clang++ using -fvisibility=hidden -flto for smaller binaries

  • Supports being built with Visual Studio 2014 CTP #3

  • Shield icons are now pixel snapped for crisp rendering

  • MarkersSymbolizer now supports avoid-edges, offset, geometry-transform, simplify for line placement and two new placement options called vertex-last and vertex-first to place a single marker at the end or beginning of a path. Also clip is now respected when rendering markers on a LineString geometry.

  • TextSymbolizer now supports smooth, simplify, halo-opacity, halo-comp-op, and halo-transform

  • ShieldSymbolizer now supports smooth, simplify, halo-opacity, halo-comp-op, and halo-transform

  • The text-transform property of TextSymbolizer now supports reverse value to flip direction of text.

  • The TextSymbolizer now supports font-feature-settings for advanced control over Opentype font rendering (

  • New GroupSymbolizer for applying multiple symbolizers in a single layout

  • AGG renderer: fixed geometry offsetting to work after smoothing to produce more consistent results (#2202)

  • AGG renderer: increased vertex_dist_epsilon to ensure nearly coincident points are discarded more readily (#2196)

  • GDAL plugin

    • Now keeps datasets open for the lifetime of the datasource (rather than per featureset)
    • Added back support for user driven nodata on rgb(a) images (#2023)
    • Allowed nodata to override alpha band if set on rgba images (#2023)
    • Added nodata_tolerance option to set nearby pixels transparent (has similar effect to the nearblack program) (#2023)
    • At process exit Mapnik core no longer calls dlclose on gdal.input (#2716)
  • TopoJSON plugin

    • Now supporting optional bbox property on layer
    • Fixed support for reporting correct
    • Now supports inline string for passing data from memory
    • Faster parsing via static initialization of grammars
    • Fix crash on invalid arc index
  • GeoJSON plugin

    • Now supporting optional bbox property on layer
    • Fixed support for reporting correct
    • Now supports inline string for passing data from memory
    • Faster parsing via static initialization of grammars
  • SQLite plugin

    • Fixed support for handling all column types
  • CSV Plugin

    • Added the ability to pass an extent in options
  • PostGIS plugin

  • Added support for web fonts: .woff format (#2113)

  • Added missing support for geometry-transform in line-pattern and polygon-pattern symbolizers (#2065)

  • Dropped support for Sun compiler

  • Upgraded unifont to unifont-6.3.20131020

  • Fixed crash when rendering to cairo context from python (#2031)

  • Moved label-position-tolerance from unsigned type to double

  • Added support for more seamless blurring by rendering to a larger internal image to avoid edge effects (#1478)

  • Fixed rendering of large shapes at high zoom levels, which might dissapear due to integer overflow. This bug was previously fixable when geometries were clipped, but would, until now, re-appear if clipping was turned off for a symbolizer (#2000)

  • Added single color argument support to colorize-alpha to allow colorizing alpha with one color.

  • Added color-to-alpha image-filter to allow for applying alpha in proportion to color similiarity (#2023)

  • Fixed alpha handling bug with comp-op:dst-over (#1995)

  • Fixed alpha handling bug with building-fill-opacity (#2011)

  • Optimized mapnik.Path.to_wkb

  • Python: added __geo_interface__ to mapnik.Feature and mapnik.Path (#2009)

  • Python: Exposed optimized WKTReader for parsing WKT into geometry paths (6bfbb53)

  • Optimized expression evaluation of text by avoiding extra copy (1dd1275)

  • Added Map level background-image-comp-op to control the compositing operation used to blend the background-image onto the background-color. Has no meaning if background-color or background-image are not set. (#1966)

  • Added Map level background-image-opacity to dynamically set the opacity of the background-image (#1966)

  • Removed RENDERING_STATS compile option since it should be replaced with a better solution (#1956)

  • Added support to experimental svg_renderer for grouping layers for inkscape and illustrator (#1917)

  • Fixed compile of python bindings against Python 3.x

  • Optimized SVG loading by improving color parsing speed (#1918)

  • Fixed startup problem when fonts cannot be read due to lacking permissions (#1919)

  • Fixed bad behavior when negative image dimensions are requested (#1927)

  • Fixed handling of marker-ignore-placement:true when marker-placement:line (#1931)

  • Fixed handling of svg opacity in Cairo renderer (#1943)

  • Fixed handling of SVG files which contain empty <g> (#1944)

  • Fixed various 32bit test failures

  • Fixed compile against icu when by using U_NAMESPACE_QUALIFIER

  • Fixed missing support for using PathExpression in marker-file (#1952)

  • Added support for line-pattern-offset (#1991)

  • Added support for building on Android (tested with android-ndk-r9)

  • Added support for compiling with both -ansi (aka -std=c++98) and -std=c++11

  • Added support for compiling and linking on OS X against libc++

  • Fixed regression in handling F type dbf fields, introduced in v2.2.0.

  • Added the ability to create a mapnik Feature from a geojson feature with mapnik.Feature.from_geojson in python.

  • Added to python bindings: has_tiff, has_png, has_webp, has_proj4, has_svg_renderer, and has_grid_renderer

  • Made it possible to disable compilation of grid_renderer with ./configure GRID_RENDERER=False (#1962)

  • Added premultiplied property on mapnik::image_32 / mapnik.Image to enable knowledge of premultiplied status of image buffer.

  • Added webp image encoding and decoding support (#1955)

  • Added scale-hsla image-filter that allows scaling colors in HSL color space. RGB is converted to HSL (hue-saturation-lightness) and then each value (and the original alpha value) is stretched based on the specified scaling values. An example syntax is scale-hsla(0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1) which means no change because the full range will be kept (0 for lowest, 1 for highest). Other examples are: 1) scale-hsla(0,0,0,1,0,1,0,1) which would force all colors to be red in hue in the same way scale-hsla(1,1,0,1,0,1,0,1) would, 2) scale-hsla(0,1,1,1,0,1,0,1) which would cause all colors to become fully saturated, 3) scale-hsla(0,1,1,1,0,1,.5,1) which would force no colors to be any more transparent than half, and 4) scale-hsla(0,1,1,1,0,1,0,.5) which would force all colors to be at least half transparent. (#1954)

  • The shapeindex tool now works correctly with point 3d geometry types


Released June 3rd, 2013

(Packaged from 9231205)

Summary: The 2.2.0 release is primarily a performance and stability release. The code line represents development in the master branch since the release of 2.1.0 in Aug 2012 and therefore includes nearly a year of bug-fixes and optimizations. Nearly 500 new tests have been added bring the total coverage to 925. Shapefile and PostGIS datasources have benefited from numerous stability fixes, 64 bit integer support has been added to support OSM data in the grid renderer and in attribute filtering, and many fixes have landed for higher quality output when using a custom scale_factor during rendering. Critical code paths have been optimized include raster rendering, xml map loading, string to number conversion, vector reprojection when using epsg:4326 and epsg:3857, hextree encoding, halo rendering, and rendering when using a custom gamma. Mapnik 2.2 also compiles faster than previous releases in the 2.x series and drops several unneeded and hard to install dependencies making builds on OS X and Windows easier than any previous release.

  • Removed 3 depedencies without loosing any functionality: ltdl, cairomm and libsigc++ (#1804,#806,#1681)

  • Added 64 bit integer support in expressions, feature ids, and the grid_renderer (#1661,#1662,#1662)

  • Added the ability to disable the need for various dependencies: proj4, libpng, libtiff, libjpeg

  • Added faster reprojection support between epsg:3857 and epsg:4326 (#1705,#1703,#1579)

  • Added colorize-alpha image filter that applies user provided color gradients based on level of alpha. Accepts one or more colors separated by commas. Each color can be paired with an offset value separated by a space that is either 0-100% or 0.0-1.0. An offset of 0 is implied and the default. For background on where this design came from see A simple example of colorizing alpha into a "rainbow" is colorize-alpha(blue,cyan,lightgreen, yellow, orange, red). An example of using offsets and the variety of supported color encodings is to produce a ramp which sharp contrast between blue and cyan is colorize-alpha(blue 30%, cyan, yellow 0.7 , rgb(0%,80%,0%) 90%) (#1371).

  • Fixed concurrency problem when using cursors in postgis plugin (#1823,#1588)

  • Fixed postgres connection pool leaks when using persist_connection=false (#1764)

  • Fixed postgres connection key to respect highest value of max_size and initial_size for any layer in map (#1599)

  • Fixed potential crash in wkb parsing when postgis returns null geometry (#1843)

  • Fixed blurry rendering of image and SVG icons (#1316)

  • Added detection of invalid srs values when loading xml (#646)

  • Added support for specifying a base_path as a third, optional argument to load_xml

  • Removed muffling of projection errors while rendering (#646)

  • Improved logging system (

  • Added support for reading images from in memory streams (#1805)

  • Optimized halo rendering. When halo radius is < 1 new method will be used automatically (#1781)

  • Added text-halo-rasterizer property. Set to fast for lower quality but faster halo rendering (#1298) which matched new default method when radius is < 1.

  • Added support in shape, sqlite, geojson, and csv plugin for handling non-latin characters in the paths to file-based resources (#1177)

  • Fixed rendering of markers when their size is greater than the specified spacing value (#1487)

  • Fixed handling of alpha premultiplication in image scaling (#1489)

  • Optimized rendering when a style with no symbolizers is encountered (#1517)

  • Optimized string handling and type conversion by removing boost::to_lower, boost::trim, and boost::lexical_cast usage (#1687,#1687,#1633)

  • Optimized alpha preserving hextree method for quantization of png images (#1629)

  • Faster rendering of rasters by reducing memory allocation of temporary buffers (#1516)

  • Fixed some raster reprojection artifacts (#1501)

  • Fixed raster alignment when width != height and raster is being scaled (#1748,#1622)

  • Added support for caching rasters for re-use during rendering when styling more than once per layer (#1543)

  • Improved compile speeds of the code - in some cases by up to 2x and removed need for freetype dependency when building code against mapnik (#1688, #1756)

  • Removed internal rule cache on mapnik::Map c++ object (#1723)

  • Improved the scaled rendering of various map features when using scale_factor > 1 (#1280,#1100,#1273,#1792,#1291,#1344,#1279,#1624,#1767,#1766)

  • Added C++ api for overriding scale_denominator to enable rendering at fixed scale (#1582)

  • Added Layer buffer-size that can be used to override Map buffer-size to avoid over-fetching of data that does not need to be buffered as much as other layers. Map level buffer-size will be default if layers do not set the option. Renamed a previously undocumented parameter by the same name that impacted clipping extent and was not needed (clipping padding should likely be a symbolizer level option) (#1566)

  • Fixed potential file descriptor leaks in image readers when invalid images were encountered (#1783)

  • Fixed alpha handling in the blur and invert image filters (#1541)

  • Fixed error reporting in the python plugin (#1422)

  • Added the ability to run tests without installing with make test-local

  • Reduced library binary size by adding support for -fvisibility-inlines-hidden and -fvisibility=hidden (#1826,#1832)

  • Added mapnik::map_request class, a special object to allow passing mutable map objects to renderer (#1737)

  • Added the ability to use boost::hash on mapnik::value types (#1729)

  • Removed obsolete geos plugin (functionality replaced by csv plugin) and unmaintained kismet plugin (#1809,#1833)

  • Added new mapnik-config flags: --all-flags, --defines, --git-describe, --includes, --dep-includes, --cxxflags, --cxx (#1443)

  • Added support for unicode strings as arguments in python bindings (#163)

  • Added DebugSymbolizer which is able to render the otherwise invisible collision boxes (#1366)

  • Optimized rendering by reducing overhead of using gamma property (#1174)

  • Fixed rendering artifacts when using polygon-gamma or line-gamma equal to 0 (#761,#1763)

  • Fixed and optimized the display of excessive precision of some float data in labels (#430,#1697)

  • Removed the bind option for datasources (#1654)

  • Added ability to access style list from map by (name,obj) in python (#1725)

  • Added is_solid method to python mapnik.Image and mapnik.ImageView classes (#1728)

  • Changed scale_denominator C++ interface to take scale as first argument rather than map.

  • Added support for background-image in cairo_renderer (#1724)

  • Fixed building symbolizer rendering to be fully sensitive to alpha (8b66128c892 / bc8ea1c5a7a)

  • <Filter>[attr]</Filter> now returns false if attr is an empty string (#1665)

  • <Filter>[attr]!=null</Filter> now returns true if attr is not null (#1642)

  • Added support for DBF Logical type: #1614

  • Added serialization of line-offset to save_map (#1562)

  • Enabled default input plugin directory and fonts path to be set inherited from environment settings in python bindings to make it easier to run tests locally (#1594). New environment settings are:

  • Added support for controlling rendering behavior of markers on multi-geometries marker-multi-policy (#1555,#1573)

  • Added alternative PNG/ZLIB implementation (miniz) that can be enabled with e=miniz (#1554)

  • Added support for setting zlib Z_FIXED strategy with format string: png:z=fixed

  • Fixed handling of transparency level option in octree png encoding (#1556)

  • Added ability to pass a pre-created collision detector to the cairo renderer (#1444)

  • Tolerance parameter is now supported for querying datasources at a given point (#503/#1499)

  • Improved detection of newlines in CSV files - now more robust in the face of mixed newline types (#1497)

  • Allow style level compositing operations to work outside of featureset extents across tiled requests (#1477)

  • Support for encoding literal postgres types as strings 69fb17cd3/#1466

  • Fixed zoom_all behavior when Map maximum-extent is provided. Previously maximum-extent was used outright but now the combined layer extents will be again respected: they will be clipped to the maximum-extent if possible and only when back-projecting fails for all layers will the maximum-extent be used as a fallback (#1473)

  • Compile time flag called PLUGIN_LINKING to allow input datasource plugins to be statically linked with the mapnik library (#249)

  • Fixed dasharray rendering in cairo backend (#1740)

  • Fixed handling of opacity in svg rendering (#1744)

  • Fixed uneven rendering of markers along lines (#1693)

  • Fixed handling of extra bytes in some shapefile fields (#1605)

  • Fixed handling (finally) of null shapes and partially corrupt shapefiles (#1630,#1621)

  • Added ability to re-use mapnik::image_32 and mapnik::grid by exposing a clear method (#1571)

  • Added support for writing RGB (no A) png images by using the format string of png:t=0 (#1559)

  • Added experimental support for geometry simplification at symbolizer level (#1385)

Mapnik 2.1.0

Released Aug 23, 2012

(Packaged from a25aac8)

  • Feature-level compositing (comp-op) for all symbolizers (except building) in AGG and Cairo renderers (#1409)

  • Style-level compositing (comp-op) (#1409) and style-level opacity for AGG renderer (#314)

  • New experimental framework for image manipulation called image-filters to allow things to be done across entire layer canvas like burring (#1412)

  • Support for recoloring stroke, fill, and opacity of SVG files (#1410 / #659)

  • Support for data-driven transform expressions (#664)

  • New support for offsetting geometries / parallel lines in line_symbolizer (#927/#1269)

  • New support for clipping geometries - now default enabled on all symbolizers (#1116)

  • Framework for chainable geometry transformations (called vertex_converters) so that you can do things like clip, smooth, and offset at the same time (#927)

  • WKT parsing now is more robust and supports multi-geometries (#745)

  • New support for outputting WKT/WKB/GeoJSON/SVG from mapnik.Geometry objects (#1411)

  • New experimental python datasource plugin (#1337)

  • New experimental geojson datasource plugin using in-memory rtree indexing (#1413)

  • Cairo rendering is now much more similiar to AGG rendering as cairo backend now supports scale_factor (#1280) and other fixed have landed (#1343, #1233, #1344, #1242, #687, #737, #1006, #1071)

  • mapnik::Feature objects and datasource plugins now use a Context to store attribute schemas to reduce the memory footprint of features (#834)

  • Added Stroke miterlimit (#786)

  • Python: exposed Map background_image (and aliased background to background_color)

  • Python: exposed BuildingSymbolizer

  • Support in the CSV plugin for reading JSON encoded geometries (#1392)

  • Increased grid encoding performance (#1315)

  • Added support for setting opacity dynamically on images in polygon pattern and markers symbolizers

  • Added support for filtering on a features geometry type, either point, linestring, polygon, or collection using the expression keyword of [mapnik::geometry_type] (#546)

  • MarkersSymbolizer width and height moved to expressions (#1102)

  • PostGIS: Added simplify_geometries option - will trigger ST_Simplify on geometries before returning to Mapnik (#1179)

  • Improved error feedback for invalid values passed to map.query_point

  • Fixed rendering of thin svg lines (#1129)

  • Improved logging/debugging system with release logs and file redirection ( (#937 and partially #986, #467)

  • GDAL: allow setting nodata value on the fly (will override value if nodata is set in data) (#1161)

  • GDAL: respect nodata for paletted/colormapped images (#1160)

  • PostGIS: Added a new option called autodetect_key_field (by default false) that if true will trigger autodetection of the table primary key allowing for to represent globally unique ids. This option has no effect if the user has not manually supplied the key_field option. (#804)

  • Cairo: Add full rendering support for markers to match AGG renderer functionality (#1071)

  • Fix Markers rendering so that ellipse height/width units are pixels (previously were unintentionally radii) (#1134)

  • Added ignore-placement attribute to markers-symbolizer (#1135)

  • Removed PointDatasource - use more robust MemoryDatasource instead (#1032)

  • SQLite - Added support for !intersects! token in sql subselects (#809) allow custom positioning of rtree spatial filter.

  • New CSV plugin - reads tabular files - autodetecting geo columns, newlines, and delimiters. Uses in-memory featureset for fast rendering and is not designed for large files (#902)

  • Fixed bug in shield line placement when dx/dy are used to shift the label relative to the placement point (Matt Amos) (#908)

  • Added <layer_by_sql> parameter in OGR plugin to select a layer by SQL query (besides name or index): see for specifications (kunitoki) (#472)

  • Added support for output maps as tiff files (addresses #967 partially)

  • Added support for justify-alignment=auto. This is the new default. (#1125)

  • Added support for grouped rendering using the group-by layer option:

Mapnik 2.0.2

Released Aug 3, 2012

(Packaged from adb2ec741)

  • Fixed handling of empty WKB geometries (#1334)

  • Fixed naming of stroke-dashoffset in save_map (cc3cd5f63f28)

  • Fixed support for boost 1.50 (8dea5a5fe239233)

  • Fixed TextSymbolizer placement in Cairo backend so it respects avoid-edges and minimum-padding across all renderers (#1242)

  • Fixed ShieldSymbolizer placement so it respects avoid-edges and minimum-padding across all renderers (#1242)

  • Rolled back change made in 2.0.1 to marker width/height meaning that Mapnik > 2.0.2 will stick to assuming width/heigh are radii for back compatibility with 2.0.0. The reverted change is seen below as "Fix Markers rendering so that ellipse height/width units are pixels (previously were unintentionally radii)". Issue tracking this is #1163

  • XML: Fixed to avoid throwing if a <Parameters> element is encountered (which is supported in >= 2.1.x)

  • Support for PostGIS 2.0 in the pgsql2sqlite command (e69c44e/47e5b3c)

  • Fixed reference counting of Py_None when returning null attributes from Postgres during UTFGrid encoding, which could cause a Fatal Python error: deallocating None (#1221)

  • Fixed possible breakage registering plugins via python if a custom PREFIX or DESTDIR was used (e.g. macports/homebrew) (#1171)

  • Fixed memory leak in the case of proj >= 4.8 and a projection initialization error (#1173)

Mapnik 2.0.1

Released April 10, 2012

(Packaged from 57347e9106)

  • Support for PostGIS 2.0 (#956,#1083)

  • Switched back to "libmapnik" and "import mapnik" rather than "mapnik2" (mapnik2 will still work from python) (#941)

  • Restored Python 2.5 compatibility (#904)

  • Fixed mapnik-config --version (#903)

  • Cairo: Add full rendering support for markers to match AGG renderer functionality (#1071)

  • Fix Markers rendering so that ellipse height/width units are pixels (previously were unintentially radii) (#1134)

  • Added ignore-placement attribute to markers-symbolizer (#1135)

  • Removed svn_revision info from mapnik-config and python bindings as git is now used

  • Removed OGCServer from core - now at (e7f6267)

  • Fixed SQLite open stability across platforms/versions (#854)

  • Workaround for boost interprocess compile error with recent gcc versions (#950,#1001,#1082)

  • Fix possible memory corruption when using hextree mode for png color reduction (#1087)

  • Fixed bug in shield line placement when dx/dy are used to shift the label relative to the placement point (Matt Amos) (#908)

  • Fix to avoid modifying a feature if an attribute is requested that does not exist (0f5ab18ed)

  • Fixed ability to save to jpeg format from python (7387afd9) (#896)

Mapnik 2.0.0

Released September 26, 2011

(Packaged from 5b4c20eab3)

  • Add minimum-path-length property to text_symbolizer to allow labels to be placed only on lines of a certain length (#865)

  • Add support for png quantization using fixed palettes (#843)

  • Add AlsoFilter functionality -

  • SQLite Plugin: optimize i/o using shared cache and no mutexes (#797)

  • Directly link input plugins to libmapnik to avoid having to set dlopen flags from binding languages (#790)

  • Throw an error during registration for fonts which Freetype2 does not report a family or style name (r2985).

  • Fixed quoting syntax for "table"."attribute" in PostGIS plugin (previously if table aliases were used quoting like "table.attribute" would cause query failure) (r2979).

  • Added the ability to control the PostGIS feature id by suppling a key_field to reference and integer attribute name (r2979).

  • Added alternative, more robust proj_transform functions to project a bbox using more points than just the four corners to ensure an optimally sized bbox despite proj4 out of bounds conditions. (olt)

  • Added map.base parameter that can be set to control where files with relative paths should be interpreted from when a map is loaded from a string or saved to a string. It defaults to an empty string which means that the base path will be the current working directory of the mapnik process. When a stylesheet is read from a file that files directory is used. And a custom value can still be passed as an argument to load_map_from_string().

  • Added python function render_grid to allow conversion of grid buffer to python object containing list of grid pixels, list of keys, and a and dictionary of feature attributes.

  • Added new rendering backend, grid_renderer, that collects the attributes of rendered features and burns their ids into a grid buffer.

  • Added optional maximum-extent parameter to map object. If set will be used, instead of combined layer extents, for return value of map.zoom_all(). Useful in cases where the combined layer extents cannot possibly be projected into the map srs or the user wishes to control map bounds without modifying the extents of each layer.

  • Support for nodata values with grey and rgb images in GDAL plugin (#727)

  • Print warning if invalid XML property names are used (#110)

  • Made XML property names use consistent dashes, never underscores (#644)

  • Added support for drawing only first matching rule using filter-mode="first" in Style (#706)

  • Added support to PointSymbolizer (ignore_placement) for skipping adding placed points to collision detector (#564)

  • Added ability to register fonts within XML using Map level font-directory parameter (#168)

  • TextSymbolizer: Change text_convert to text_transform to better match css naming (r2211)

  • Shapefile Plugin: Throw error if attribute name is requested that does not exist (#604)

  • Upgraded to the latest proj4 string literal for EPSG:4326 (WGS84) as global default projection (#333)

  • Added mapnik_version_from_string() function in python bindings to easily convert string representation of version number to the integer format used in mapnik/version.hpp. e.g. 0.7.1 --> 701.

  • Added xinclude ( support to libxml2-based xml parser (oldtopos) (#567)

  • Optimized rendering speeds by avoiding locking in the projection code (r2063) (r2713)

  • Added support for setting global alignment of polygon pattern fills (#203)

  • Added support for choosing OGR layer by index number using layer_by_index parameter (r1904)

  • Added support for fractional halo widths (using FT Stroker) (#93)

  • Added support for reading jpeg images (in addition to png/tiff) for image symbolizers (#518)

  • Made libjpeg dependency optional at compile time and added mapnik2.has_jpeg() method to check for support in python (#545).

  • Fixed reading of PostGIS data on Big Endian systems (#515)

  • PostGIS: Added better support for alternative schemas (#500)

  • AGG Renderer - Enforced default gamma function on all symbolizers to ensure proper antialiasing even when gamma is modified on the PolygonSymbolizer. (#512)

  • Added ability to read pre 2.0.0 stylesheets, but prints a warning for deprecated syntax (r1592, #501)

  • Rasterlite Plugin: Experimental support for Rasterlite, to practically use sqlite database with wavelet compressed rasters (#469)

  • PNG: fixed png256 for large images and some improvements to reduce color corruptions (#522)

  • Implement MarkersSymbolizer in Cairo render and improve the markers placement finder. (#553)

Mapnik 0.7.2

Released Oct 18, 2011

(Packaged from bc5cabeb6a)

  • Added forward compatibility for Mapnik 2.0 XML syntax (

  • Build fixes to ensure boost_threads are not used unless THREADING=multi build option is used

  • Fixes for the clang compiler

  • Support for latest libpng (>= 1.5.x) (r2999)

  • Fixes to the postgres pool

  • Fix for correct transparency levels in png256/png8 output (#540)

  • Various build system fixes, especially for gcc compiler on open solaris.

  • When plugins are not found, report the searched directories (#568)

  • Improved font loading support (#559)

  • Fix to shapeindex for allowing indexing of directory of shapefiles like shapeindex dir/*shp

  • Fixed handling of null and multipatch shapes in shapefile driver - avoiding inf loop (#573)

  • Fixed raster alpha blending (#589,#674)

  • Enhanced support for faster reprojection if proj >= 4.8 is used (#575)

  • Allow for late-binding of datasources (#622)

  • Fix to OSM plugin to avoid over-caching of data (#542)

  • Various fixes to sqlite, ogr, and occi driver backported from trunk.

  • Ensured that \n triggers linebreaks in text rendering (#584)

  • Support for boost filesystem v3

  • Fixes to cairo renderer to avoid missing images (r2526)

  • Fixed reading of label_position_tolerance on text_symbolizer and height for building_symbolizer

Mapnik 0.7.1

Released March 23, 2010

(Packaged from r1745/db89f1ca75)

  • Rasters: Various fixes and improvements to 8bit png output (#522,#475)

  • XML: Save map buffer_size when serializing map.

  • SCons: Added new build options PRIORITIZE_LINKING and LINK_PRIORITY. The first is a boolean (default True) of whether to use the new sorting implementation that gives explcit preference to custom or local paths during compile and linking that will affect builds when duplicate libraries and include directories are on the system. LINK_PRIORITY defaults to prioritizing internal sources of the mapnik source folder, then local/user installed libraries over system libraries, but the option can be customized. Sorting not only ensures that compiling and linking will more likely match the desired libraries but also gives more likelyhood to avoid the scenario where libraries are linked that don`t match the includes libmapnik compiled against.

  • XML: Fixed behavior of PolygonPatternSymbolizer and LinePatternSymbolizer whereby width, height, and type of images is actually allowed to be optionally ommitted (#508). This was added in r1543 but only worked correctly for PointSymbolizer and ShieldSymbolizer.

  • Fixed reading of PostGIS data on Big Endian systems (#515)

  • PostGIS: Added better support for alterative schemas (#500)

  • AGG Renderer - Enforced default gamma function on all symbolizers to ensure proper antialiasing even when gamma is modified on the PolygonSymbolizer. (#512)

  • PNG: fixed png256 for large images and some improvements to reduce color corruptions (#522)

  • PNG: Added new quantization method for indexed png format using hextree with full support for alpha channel. Also new method has some optimizations for color gradients common when using elevation based rasters. By default old method using octree is used. (r1680, r1683, #477)

  • PNG: Added initial support for passing options to png writter like number of colors, transparency support, quantization method and possibly other in future using type parameter. For example "png8:c=128:t=1:m=h" limits palette to 128 colors, uses only binary transparency (0 - none, 1 - binary, 2 - full), and new method of quantization using hextree (h - hextree, o - octree). Existing type "png256" can be also written using "png8:c=256:m=o:t=2" (r1680, r1683, #477)

Mapnik 0.7.0

Released January, 19 2010

(Packaged from r1574/a0da946be9)

  • Core: Fixed linking to external libagg (r1297,r1299)

  • Core: Completed full support for PPC (Big endian) architectures (r1352 -> r1357)

  • Gdal Plugin: Added support for Gdal overviews, enabling fast loading of > 1GB rasters (#54)

    • Use the gdaladdo utility to add overviews to existing GDAL datasets
  • PostGIS: Added an optional geometry_table parameter. The geometry_table used by Mapnik to look up metadata in the geometry_columns and calculate extents (when the geometry_field and srid parameters are not supplied). If geometry_table is not specified Mapnik will attempt to determine the name of the table to query based on parsing the table parameter, which may fail for complex queries with more than one from keyword. Using this parameter should allow for existing metadata and table indexes to be used while opening the door to much more complicated subqueries being passed to the table parameter without failing (#260, #426).

  • PostGIS Plugin: Added optional geometry_field and srid parameters. If specified these will allow Mapnik to skip several queries to try to determine these values dynamically, and can be helpful to avoid possible query failures during metadata lookup with complex subqueries as discussed in #260 and #436, but also solvable by specifying the geometry_table parameter. (r1300,#376)

  • PostGIS: Added an optional extent_from_subquery parameter that when true (while the extent parameter is not provided and estimate_extent is false) will direct Mapnik to calculate the extent upon the exact table or sql provided in the table parameter. If a sub-select is used for the table parameter then this will, in cases where the subquery limits results, provide a faster and more accurate layer extent. It will have no effect if the table parameter is simply an existing table. This parameter is false by default. (#456)

  • PostGIS Plugin: Added !bbox! token substitution ability in sql query string. This opens the door for various complex queries that may aggregate geometries to be kept fast by allowing proper placement of the bbox query to be used by indexes. (#415)

    • Pass the bbox token inside a subquery like: !bbox!

    • Valid Usages include:

      (Select ST_Union(geom) as geom from table where ST_Intersects(geometry,!bbox!)) as map (Select * from table where geom && !bbox!) as map
  • PostGIS Plugin: Added scale_denominator substitution ability in sql query string (#415/#465)

    • Pass the scale_denominator token inside a subquery like: !scale_denominator!

    • e.g. (Select * from table where field_value > !scale_denominator!) as map

  • PostGIS Plugin: Added support for quoted table names (r1454) (#393)

  • PostGIS: Add a persist_connection option (default true), that when false will release the idle psql connection after datasource goes out of scope (r1337) (#433,#434)

  • PostGIS: Added support for BigInt (int8) postgres type (384)

  • PostGIS Plugin: Throw and report errors if SQL execution fails (r1291) (#363, #242)

  • PostGIS Plugin: Fixed problem in conversion of long numbers to strings (r1302,1303)

  • PostGIS Plugin: Added missing support for BigInt(int8) postgres datatypes (r1250) (#384)

  • OGR Plugin: Added support for reading multipoint features (#458)

  • Shape Plugin: Fixed bug in file extension stripping (#413)

  • Shape Plugin: Fixed missing compiler flags that causes crashing on newer g++ versions (#436)

  • PNG: Fixed problem with garbled/striped png256 output along sharp edges(#416,#445,#447,#202)

  • PNG: Added support for semi-transparency in png256 output (#477,#202)

  • PolygonSymbolizer: Added gamma attribute to allow for dilation of polygon edges - a solution to gap artifacts or "ghost lines" between adjacent polygons and allows for slight sharpening of the edges of non overlapping polygons. Accepts any values but 0-1 is the recommended range.

  • TextSymbolizer: Large set of new attributes: text_transform, line_spacing, character_spacing, wrap_character, wrap_before, horizontal_alignment, justify_alignment, and opacity.

    • More details at changesets: r1254 and r1341
  • SheildSymbolizer: Added special new attributes: unlock_image, VERTEX placement, no_text and many attributes previously only supported in the TextSymbolizer: allow_overlap, vertical_alignment, horizontal_alignment, justify_alignment, wrap_width, wrap_character, wrap_before, text_transform, line_spacing, character_spacing, and opacity.

    • More details at changeset r1341
  • XML: Added support for using CDATA with libxml2 parser (r1364)

  • XML: Fixed memory leak in libxml2 implementation (#473)

  • XML: Added function to serialize map to string, called mapnik.save_map_to_string() (#396)

  • XML: Added parameter to called minimum_version to allow for enforcing the minimum Mapnik version needed for XML features used in the mapfiles. Uses Major.Minor.Point syntax, for example would throw an error if the user is running Mapnik less than 0.6.1.

  • XML: Added support for relative paths when using entities and mapnik.load_map_from_string() (#440)

  • XML: Made width and height optional for symbolizers using images (r1543)

  • XML: Ensured that default values for layers are not serialized in save_map() (r1366)

  • XML: Added missing serialization of PointSymbolizer opacity and allow_overlap attributes (r1358)

  • XML: Default text vertical_alignment now dependent on dy (#485, r1527)

  • Python: Exposed ability to write to Cairo formats using mapnik.render_to_file() and without pycairo (#381)

  • Python: Fixed potential crash if pycairo support is enabled but python-cairo module is missing (#392)

  • Python: Added mapnik.has_pycairo() function to test for pycairo support (r1278) (#284)

  • Python: Added mapnik.register_plugins() and mapnik.register_fonts() functions (r1256)

  • Python: Pickling support for point_symbolizer (r1295) (#345)

  • Python: Ensured mapnik::config_errors now throw RuntimeError exception instead of UserWarning exception (#442)

  • Filters: Added support for != as an alias to <> for not-equals filters (avoids <>) (r1326) (#427)

  • SCons: Improved boost auto-detection (r1255,r1279)

  • SCons: Fixed support for JOBS=N and FAST=True to enable faster compiling (r1440)

  • SCons: Ensured that -h or --help will properly print help on custom Mapnik options before a user has been able to properly run configure. (r1514)

  • SCons: Added ability to link to custom icu library name using ICU_LIB_NAME (r1414)

  • SCons: Improved reliability of python linking on OSX (#380)

  • Fonts: Added unifont to auto-installed fonts, which is used by the OSM styles as a fallback font (r1328)

Mapnik 0.6.1

Released July 14, 2009

(Packaged from r1247/353ff576c7)

  • Plugins: expose list of registered plugins as a plugin_names() method of DatasourceCache (r1180)

  • XML: Fixed serialization and parsing bugs related to handling of integers and Enums (#328,#353)

  • SCons: Added the ability to set the PKG_CONFIG_PATH env setting (#217)

  • SCons: Improved linking to only required libraries for libmapnik (#371)

  • Shape Plugin: Added compile time flag to allow disabling the use of memory mapped files (r1213) (#342)

  • Core: Improved support for PPC (Big endian) architectures (r1198 -> r1213)

  • Scons: Improved auto-detection of boost libs/headers (r1200) (#297)

  • Plugins: Exposed list of available/registered plugins (r1180) (#246)

  • SCons: Improve build support for SunCC (patches from River Tarnell) (r1168, r1169)

  • Python: Pickling support for text_symbolizer (r1164) (#345)

  • Python: Pickling support for proj_transform and view/coord_transform (r1163) (#345)

  • Python: Pickling support for parameters (r1162) (#345)

  • Python: Pickling support for stroke objects (r1161) (#345)

  • Python: Pickling support for line_symbolizer (r1160) (#345)

  • Python: Pickling support for projection objects (r1159) (#345)

  • Python: Pickling support for shield_symbolizer (r1158) (#345)

  • Python: Pickling support for polygon_symbolizer (r1157) (#345)

  • Python: Pickling support for query objects (r1156) (#345)

  • Python: Pickling support for pattern symbolizers (r1155) (#345)

  • Python: Pickling support for raster_symbolizer (r1154) (#345)

  • Python: Added mapnik.has_cairo() function to test for cairo support (r1152) (#284)

  • Python: Exposed dash_array get method (r1151) (#317)

  • Python: Pickling support for Coord objects (#345)

  • GDAL Plugin: Added an experimental option to open files in shared mode (r1143)

  • Python: Exposed RasterSymbolizer options in Python (r1139)

  • Plugins: Fixed support for non-file based sources in GDAL and OGR plugins (#336,#337)

  • Plugins: Formal inclusion of new plugin for Kismet server (r1127) (#293)

  • Python: Made access to features and featuresets more Pythonic (r1121) (#171,#280,#283)

  • XML: Ensured relative paths in XML are interpreted relative to XML file location (r1124) (#326)

  • XML: Added ability to serialize all default symbolizer values by passing third argument to save_map(m,file.xml,True)(r1117) (#327)

  • Core: Added support for alpha transparency when writing to png256 (patch from Marcin Rudowski) (#202)

  • SCons: Ensured ABI compatibility information is embedded in libmapnik.dylib on Mac OS X (#322)

  • SCons: Ensured that the full install_name path would be added to libmapnik.dylib on Mac OS X (#374)

  • Tests: Added testing framework in Python using nose (r1101-r1105)

  • Raster Plugin: Added a tile/bbox-based read policy for large (rasters width * height > 1024*1024 will be loaded in chunks) (r1089)

  • OGCServer: Made lxml dependency optional (r1085) (#303)

  • Rasters: Handle rounding to allow better alignment of raster layers (r1079) (#295)

  • AGG Renderer: Added option to control output JPEG quality (r1078) (#198)

  • Plugins: Fixed segfault in OGR Plugin with empty geometries (r1074) (#292)

Mapnik 0.6.0

Released April 1, 2009

(Packaged from r1066/c88e03436f)

  • Python: Added support for aspect_fix_mode (r1013)

  • OGCServer Fixed axis-ordering for WMS 1.3.0 request (r1051) (#241)

  • Plugins: Added option to all plugins to support using a base path argument (r1042)

  • Symbolizers: RasterSymbolizer now support composing modes for hillshading (r1027)

  • SCons: Added options to build the rundemo and pgsql2sqlite tools (r989)

  • OGCServer: Added content-length output (r986)

  • SCons: Replaced LIBS/INCLUDES options for postgres and gdal with pg_config and gdal-config (r977)

  • SCons: Created an optional configure stage (r973)

  • Python: Added further pickling/copy support to Map, Layers, Datasources, Styles,and Rules (r907,r913,r921)

  • Plugins: Added Sqlite driver for reading sqlite databases (r881)

  • Python: Exposed a number of properties for the Text Symbolizer (r869)

  • Plugins: PostGIS plugin now accepts multi-line queries (r862)

  • Filter parsing: Allow numbers in the filter field name. This allows for shapefiles with columns like 1970.

  • Plugins: Added OGR driver for reading all OGR supported formats (kunitoki) (r836) (#170)

  • XML: Added serialization of Fontsets (r807)

  • XML: Added support for reading xml from a string (r806)

  • C++: renamed mapnik::Color to mapnik::color (r796)

  • Python: Made available the scale_denominator property from the map in c++ and python (r794)

  • Python: Added ability to resize map and clear all layers and styles from python (r793)

  • Python: Exposed Proj to/from transformation for projected coordinate systems (r792,r822) (#117)

  • Memory Datasource: Added support for dynamically adding Points to map using Point Datasource (r790)

  • XML: Added xml serialization for abstract, title, minzoom, maxzoom, and queryable attributes (r787)

  • Core: Transformation is now skipped if srs values match exactly (r777)

  • Symbolizers: min_distance now honored for POINT placement using Text Symbolizer (r771)

  • Plugins: PostGIS plugin now accepts a geometry_field,record_limit, cursor_size options (r769,r872)

  • Python: Added ability to transform as a method on Coord and Envelope objects (r764)

  • Python: Added docstrings to the Layer object (r763)

  • Plugins: Loosened the type checking in Shapefile Plugin dbf reader (r762)

  • Fonts: Added support for Right-to-left Hebrew text (r749)

  • Core: Added a Map buffer parameter - helps to avoid cut labels at tile edges (r744)

  • Symbolizers: Added opacity support to Point Symbolizer (r743)

  • Symbolizers: Added support of using Points with Shield Symbolizer (r741)

  • Plugins: PostGIS plugin now accepts alternate schemas (r773)

  • Core: Added a Map aspect_fix_mode to ensure proper syncing of map dimensions and bbox (r705)

  • Fonts: Added support for fallback fonts (r704)

  • Cairo: Cairo support exposed in Python (r666)

  • Plugins: Added OSM plugin for reading directly from OSM data (r663)

  • Filters: Added support for boolean expressions (r660)

  • Python: Added ability to open Image32 files (r652)

  • Cairo: Cairo rendering support added (r656)

  • Core: Added unicode support based on ICU (r650)

  • Core: Added support for single and multi threaded variants of Mapnik (r632,r634)

  • Plugins: Use memory mapped files for reading shape file (r628)

  • Core: Use streams to write images (i/o re-factor) (r628) (#15)

Mapnik 0.5.1

Released April 15, 2008

(Packaged from c29cb7386d)

Mapnik 0.5.0

Released April 15, 2008

(Packaged from 0464a3563c)

Mapnik 0.4.0

Released February 26, 2007

(Packaged from 8d73e3a8dc)

Mapnik 0.3.0

Released May 22, 2006

(Packaged from 3ae046ebe2)