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File metadata and controls

357 lines (240 loc) · 14.5 KB
  State: draft
  Created: 2021-02-03

06. Datum & Instructions


This RFC specifies the messages exchanged between the user's swap client and its daemon. As sketched below, the clientdaemon and daemonclient routes consist of datum and instruction messages. They control the state transitions of an ongoing swap. The client must present control choices to the end-user during the progression of the protocol execution.

Client and daemon interaction Fig 1. Interactions between a client and a daemon.

datum and instructions messages must follow the 'Type-Length-Value Format (TLV format)' defines in 'BOLT #1: Base Protocol' [1] standard from the Lightning Network specifications.

Table of Contents

Security considerations

From a security perspective, an important distinction between the client and the daemon is that the daemon only knows public keys - private keys are the privy treasure of the client(*). Nonetheless, the daemon MUST be viewed as a trusted component, since it exclusively verifies the correctness of the counterparty's data, controls the swap state, and can misreport the progress of the swap to the client or mislead the client into invalid protocol states.

For instance, assuming the client is Bob who initially owns BTC in a swap, and the cancel path is invoked: If the client signs the refund (e) transaction and instructs the daemon to relay it, a malicious daemon could abstain from relaying it, resulting in a loss of funds for Bob, if he does not detect this error and submit the signed transaction via an alternate route before Alice can submit the punish (f) transaction to punish Bob (**).

* With the exception of all private keys needed to read the blockchain state, e.g. the private view key when the accordant blockchain is Monero.

** For a better understanding of the transaction structure see 08. Transactions.


We define two categories of content composing the datum messages:

  1. Results of cryptographic operation
    • Signatures (partial and finalized)
    • Keys (public keys and exceptional private 'view' keys)
    • Off-chain multi-signature protocol messages (e.g., musig2)
    • Zero knowledge proofs requires by the above protocols (e.g., cross-group discrete log equality)
  2. Transactions; following PSBT standard & BIP 174 [2,3]

and a third category called instruction messages that represents:

  1. Control flow operations
    • Accepting a step in the swap process
    • User or protocol canceling the swap

We illustrate the effect the client's messages exert over a daemon and its feedback loop back to the client. Both client and daemon have the responsibility to exchange valid datum and instruction messages based on their respective state and user actions. Please see the trust assumptions at security considerations.

A protocol transition moves the protocol execution forward, that is a step in the swap process. The set of states that fulfills the predicates for enabling a given transition must be selected, to be able to carry out the step in the swap process.

Please find below a high-level summary of this interaction:

  1. Valid datum and instruction messages sent by the client and/or the daemon control their respective states.
  2. Daemon consumes client datum and instruction messages and
  3. Daemon fires transitions that are in one-to-one correspondence with client message (if predicate conditions met)
  4. As a consequence of firing protocol transitions, the daemon's internal swap state may be modified
  5. If the swap state was modified, the daemon must send client messages providing the client with the data, i.e. datum messages, for the next user executions. When applicable, Daemon must as well spawn Syncer tasks.
  6. Client then may give new datum and/or instruction messages and progress on the protocol execution (back to step 1)

Datum Messages

datum messages must convey all required data a daemon or a client needs to fulfill its mission, such as the keys or the transactions' signatures.

The transaction Datum

The transaction datum is used to convey a transaction between clients and daemons. The transaction is transmitted within the tx_value field in its serialized format.

  1. type: ? (transaction)
  2. data:
    • [u16: tx_id] The identifier of the transaction
    • [u16: tx_value_len]
    • [tx_value_len * byte: tx_value] The serialized value of the transaction

The type of the transaction is derived from the tx_id:

  1. tx_id:
    • 0x01: funding (a) arbitrating transaction
    • 0x02: lock (b) arbitrating transaction
    • 0x03: buy (c) arbitrating transaction
    • 0x04: cancel (d) arbitrating transaction
    • 0x05: refund (e) arbitrating transaction
    • 0x06: punish (f) arbitrating transaction

The key Datum

The key datum is used to convey keys between clients and daemons. The key is transmitted within the key_value field in its serialized format and is identified by the key_id.

  1. type: ? (key)
  2. data:
    • [u16: key_id] The identifier of the key
    • [u16: key_value_len]
    • [key_value_len * byte: key_value] The serialized value of the key

The type of the key is derived from the key_id:

  1. key_id:
    • 0x01: Ab Alice buy key
    • 0x02: Ac Alice cancel key
    • 0x03: Ar Alice refund key
    • 0x04: Ap Alice punish key
    • 0x05: Ta Alice adaptor key
    • 0x06: K_s^a Alice spend key
    • 0x07: K_v^a Alice private view key
    • 0x08: Bf Bob fund key
    • 0x09: Bb Bob buy key
    • 0x0a: Bc Bob cancel key
    • 0x0b: Br Bob refund key
    • 0x0c: Tb Bob adaptor key
    • 0x0d: K_s^b Bob spend key
    • 0x0e: K_v^b Bob private view key

The signature Datum

The signature datum is used to convey signatures between clients and daemons. When this datum comes from a client, it is usually a signature freshly generated or adapted by the client. When the datum is emitted by the daemon to the client, it is usually an adaptor signature to be adapted by the client.

  1. type: ? (signature)
  2. data:
    • [u16: tx_id] The identifier of the related transaction, see tx_id definition
    • [u16: role] The swap role that emitted the signature
    • [u16: sig_value_len]
    • [sig_value_len * byte: sig_value] The serialized value of the signature, the signature can be a adaptor, adapted, or regular signature

The swap role:

  1. role:
    • 0x01: Alice
    • 0x02: Bob

The proof Datum

The proof datum is used by clients to provides cryptographic proofs needed to secure the protocol.

  1. type: ? (proof)
  2. data:
    • [u16: proof_id] The identifier of the proof
    • [u16: proof_value_len]
    • [proof_value_len * byte: proof_value] The serialized value of the proof

The proof type is derived from the proof_id:

  1. proof_id:
    • 0x01: Cross-group discrete logarithm proof

The parameter Datum

The parameter datum is used to convey parameters between clients and daemons such as addresses, timelocks, fee strategies, etc. They are mostly used by clients to instruct daemons about user parameters and offer parameters.

  1. type: ? (parameter)
  2. data:
    • [u16: param_id] The identifier of the parameter
    • [u16: param_value_len]
    • [param_value_len * byte: param_value] The serialized value of the parameter

The type of the parameter is derived from the param_id:

  1. param_id:
    • 0x01: Alice destination address
    • 0x02: Bob refund address
    • 0x03: Cancel timelock
    • 0x04: Punish timelock
    • 0x05: Fee strategy

Datum Bundles

Datum described above is succinct and used to convey an atomic chunk of data (datum) between clients and daemons. We also present here the bundles used during the different steps of a swap by both Alice and Bob. A bundle is an aggregate of 1 or more datum generally related to each other.

The alice_session_params Bundle

Sent by: Alice clients|Bob daemon

Provides the (counter-party) daemon with all the information required for the initialization step of a swap.

  1. data:
    • The buy Ab public key
    • The cancel Ac public key
    • The refund Ar public key
    • The punish Ap public key
    • The Ta adaptor public key
    • The destination Bitcoin address
    • The K_v^a view private key
    • The K_s^a spend public key
    • The cross-group discrete logarithm zero-knowledge proof
    • The cancel and punish timelocks
    • The fee strategy

The bob_session_params Bundle

Sent by: Bob clients|Alice daemon

Provides the (counter-party) daemon with all the information required for the initialization step of a swap.

  1. data:
    • The buy Bb public key
    • The cancel Bc public key
    • The refund Br public key
    • The Tb adaptor public key
    • The refund Bitcoin address
    • The K_v^b view private key
    • The K_s^b spend public key
    • The cross-group discrete logarithm zero-knowledge proof
    • The cancel and punish timelocks
    • The fee strategy

The cosigned_arbitrating_cancel Bundle

Sent by: Alice|Bob clients

Provides daemon with a signature on the unsigned cancel (d) transaction.

  1. data:
    • The Ac|Bc cancel (d) signature

The core_arbitrating_transactions Bundle

Sent by: Bob clients|Alice daemon

Provides Bob's daemon or Alice's clients the core set of arbitrating transactions.

  1. data:
    • The lock (b) transaction
    • The cancel (d) transaction
    • The refund (e) transaction

The signed_adaptor_buy Bundle

Sent by: Bob clients|Alice daemon

Provides Bob's daemon or Alice's client with an adaptor signature for the unsigned buy (c) transaction.

  1. data:
    • The Bb(Ta) buy (c) adaptor signature

The fully_signed_buy Bundle

Sent by: Alice clients|Bob daemon

Provides Alice's daemon or Bob's clients with the two signatures on the unsigned buy (c) transaction.

  1. data:
    • The Ab buy (c) signature
    • The adapted Bb(Ta) buy (c) adaptor signature

The signed_adaptor_refund Bundle

Sent by: Alice clients|Bob daemon

Provides Alice's daemon or Bob's clients with a signature on the unsigned refund (e) transaction.

  1. data:
    • The Ar(Tb) refund (e) adaptor signature

The fully_signed_refund Bundle

Sent by: Bob clients|Alice daemon

Provides Bob's daemon or Alice's clients with the two signatures on the unsigned refund (e) transaction.

  1. data:
    • The Br refund (e) signature
    • The adapted Ar(Tb) refund (e) adaptor signature

The signed_arbitrating_lock Bundle

Sent by: Bob clients

Provides Bob's daemon with the signature on the unsigned lock (b) transaction.

  1. data:
    • The Bf lock (b) signature for unlocking the funding

The signed_arbitrating_punish Bundle

Sent by: Alice clients

Provides Alice's daemon with the signature on the unsigned punish (f) transaction.

  1. data:
    • The Ap punish (f) signature for unlocking the cancel transaction UTXO

Instructions: High level, Control flow messages

We define instruction messages as "courtesy" messages exchanged between a client and a daemon to express user action or counter-party choice of e.g. aborting the swap.

The abort Instruction

Sent by: Alice|Bob clients|daemon

Provides clients or the daemon the instruction to abort the swap. It is the daemon's responsibility to abort according to the current swap-state. Upon daemon abort instruction, the client must be able to provide any missing signatures.

The abort instruction can come from the client because the user chose to abort the swap and can come from the daemon to inform the client of the fact that the counter-party chose to abort.

  1. type: ? (abort)
  2. data:
    • [u16: abort_code] OPTIONAL: A code conveying the reason of the abort

Daemon's response to abort Instruction

Sent by: Bob and Alice daemon

abort instruction MAY trigger Tasks, and their downstream effects, depending on who called it and the current swap-state, such as: - Bob or Alice: publish_tx cancel | watch_tx cancel - Bob: fully_sign_refund - Bob: publish_tx refund & watch_tx refund - Alice: sign_arbitrating_punish - Alice: publish_punish

The next Instruction

Sent by: Alice|Bob clients

Provides daemon the instruction to follow the swap protocol, daemon can create locking steps during the protocol execution and require the client to acknowledge the execution progression.

The next_code may be used when next requires a choice by the client.

  1. type: ? (next)
  2. data:
    • [u16: next_code] OPTIONAL: A code conveying the type of execution progression
