Benchmark collection of Fluentd use cases.
For the simplest usecase, have a look at one_forward first.
Testcase | Purpose |
in_forward | Measure forwarding input rate |
kafka-connect | Measure Kafka rate |
keep_forward | Measure rate with keepalive |
one_forward | Measure rate with single forwarder |
out_forward | Measure forwarding output rate |
out_kafka | Measure various output rates to Kafka |
peer_deliver | Measure multi-receiver (separate) rate |
round_robin_deliver | Measure multi-receiver (integrated) rate |
For the usecases with Kafka or Keepalive a Docker Compose based test setup is
provided, consisting of a YAML-based Docker Compose description and
wrapping it.
You would run it like this:
git clone
cd fluentd-benchmark
./ one_forward
Please note that this does not use your current checked out version, but the
from - adjust as needed.
This wrapper expects Docker Compose, GNU sed, GNU head and to be installed
(MacOS: brew install coreutils docker-compose gnu-sed st