Strategy Description
The Script offers 9 different EMAs with 14 different MA types.
The make use of the script is to find the entry on the 1-4 hour altcoins while using the in-built 13/21 crossover strategy to be used in sync with Heikin Ashi cross-over with Fib levels of 0.236 Fib level.
How to use it.
Entry is to be made when the
- Cross over gives a P(Positive Sign) and the candle completely closes above the cross-over
- When the Heikin Ashi turns green and the next green HA candle goes above the previous green HA candle.
- The price should be at-least above the 0.236 Level from the Swing high.
All the Best. EmperorBTC
Strategy Arguments
Argument | Default | Description |
v_input_1 | 0 | Type: LowPass |
v_input_2 | 8 | MA 1 |
v_input_3 | 13 | MA 2 |
v_input_4 | 21 | MA 3 |
v_input_5 | 55 | MA 4 |
v_input_6 | 89 | MA 5 |
v_input_7 | 120 | IB |
v_input_8 | 121 | 2B |
v_input_9 | 200 | 21b |
v_input_10 | 221 | 22b |
v_input_11 | true | Enable 1 |
v_input_12 | true | Enable 2 |
v_input_13 | true | Enable 3 |
v_input_14 | false | Enable 4 |
v_input_15 | false | Enable 5 |
v_input_16 | false | Enable 6 |
v_input_17 | false | Enable 7 |
v_input_18 | false | Enable x |
v_input_19 | false | Enable x |
v_input_20 | 3 | *** Gaussian poles *** |
Source (PineScript)
start: 2022-04-06 00:00:00
end: 2022-05-05 23:59:00
period: 1h
basePeriod: 15m
exchanges: [{"eid":"Futures_Binance","currency":"BTC_USDT"}]
study(title = "MA Emperor insiliconot" , shorttitle = "MA Emperor insiliconot", overlay=true, precision=8)
haClose = close
haOpen = open
haHigh = high
haLow = low
haClose := (open + high + low + close) / 4
haOpen := (nz(haOpen[1]) + nz(haClose[1])) / 2
haHigh := max(high, max(haOpen, haClose))
haLow := min(low , min(haOpen, haClose))
ssrc = close
ha = false
o = ha ? haOpen : open
c = ha ? haClose : close
h = ha ? haHigh : high
l = ha ? haLow : low
ssrc := ssrc == close ? ha ? haClose : c : ssrc
ssrc := ssrc == open ? ha ? haOpen : o : ssrc
ssrc := ssrc == high ? ha ? haHigh : h : ssrc
ssrc := ssrc == low ? ha ? haLow : l : ssrc
ssrc := ssrc == hl2 ? ha ? (haHigh + haLow) / 2 : hl2 : ssrc
ssrc := ssrc == hlc3 ? ha ? (haHigh + haLow + haClose) / 3 : hlc3 : ssrc
ssrc := ssrc == ohlc4 ? ha ? (haHigh + haLow + haClose+ haOpen) / 4 : ohlc4 : ssrc
type = input(defval = "LowPass", title = "Type", options = ["Butterworth_2Pole", "DEMA", "EMA", "Gaussian", "Geometric_Mean", "LowPass", "McGuinley", "SMA", "Sine_WMA", "Smoothed_MA", "Super_Smoother", "Triangular_MA", "Wilders", "Zero_Lag"])
len1=input(8, title ="MA 1")
len2=input(13, title = "MA 2")
len3=input(21, title = "MA 3")
len4=input(55, title = "MA 4")
len5=input(89, title = "MA 5")
lenrib=input(120, title = "IB")
lenrib2=input(121, title = "2B")
lenrib3=input(200, title = "21b")
lenrib4=input(221, title = "22b")
onOff1 = input(defval=true, title="Enable 1")
onOff2 = input(defval=true, title="Enable 2")
onOff3 = input(defval=true, title="Enable 3")
onOff4 = input(defval=false, title="Enable 4")
onOff5 = input(defval=false, title="Enable 5")
onOff6 = input(defval=false, title="Enable 6")
onOff7 = input(defval=false, title="Enable 7")
onOff8 = input(defval=false, title="Enable x")
onOff9 = input(defval=false, title="Enable x")
gauss_poles = input(3, "*** Gaussian poles ***", minval = 1, maxval = 14)
linew = 2
shapes = false
variant_supersmoother(src,len) =>
Pi = 2 * asin(1)
a1 = exp(-1.414* Pi / len)
b1 = 2*a1*cos(1.414* Pi / len)
c2 = b1
c3 = (-a1)*a1
c1 = 1 - c2 - c3
v9 = 0.0
v9 := c1*(src + nz(src[1])) / 2 + c2*nz(v9[1]) + c3*nz(v9[2])
variant_smoothed(src,len) =>
v5 = 0.0
v5 := na(v5[1]) ? sma(src, len) : (v5[1] * (len - 1) + src) / len
variant_zerolagema(src, len) =>
price = src
l = (len - 1) / 2
d = (price + (price - price[l]))
z = ema(d, len)
variant_doubleema(src,len) =>
v2 = ema(src, len)
v6 = 2 * v2 - ema(v2, len)
variant_WiMA(src, length) =>
MA_s= nz(src)
MA_s:=(src + nz(MA_s[1] * (length-1)))/length
a = 1
nn = num <= 1 ? 1 : num
for i = 1 to nn
a := a * i
getPoles(f, Poles, alfa)=>
filt = f
sign = 1
results = 0 + n//tv series spoofing
for r = 1 to max(min(Poles, n),1)
mult = fact(Poles) / (fact(Poles - r) * fact(r))
matPo = pow(1 - alfa, r)
prev = nz(filt[r-1],0)
sum = sign * mult * matPo * prev
results := results + sum
sign := sign * -1
results := results - n
variant_gauss(Price, Lag, Poles)=>
Pi = 2 * asin(1)
beta = (1 - cos(2 * Pi / Lag)) / ( pow (sqrt(2), 2.0 / Poles) - 1)
alfa = -beta + sqrt(beta * beta + 2 * beta)
pre = nz(Price, 0) * pow(alfa, Poles)
filter = pre
result = n > 0 ? getPoles(nz(filter[1]), Poles, alfa) : 0
filter := pre + result
variant_mg(src, len)=>
mg = 0.0
mg := na(mg[1]) ? ema(src, len) : mg[1] + (src - mg[1]) / (len * pow(src/mg[1], 4))
variant_sinewma(src, length) =>
PI = 2 * asin(1)
sum = 0.0
weightSum = 0.0
for i = 0 to length - 1
weight = sin(i * PI / (length + 1))
sum := sum + nz(src[i]) * weight
weightSum := weightSum + weight
sinewma = sum / weightSum
variant_geoMean(price, per)=>
gmean = pow(price, 1.0/per)
gx = for i = 1 to per-1
gmean := gmean * pow(price[i], 1.0/per)
ggx = n > per? gx : price
variant_butt2pole(pr, p1)=>
Pi = 2 * asin(1)
DTR = Pi / 180
a1 = exp(-sqrt(2) * Pi / p1)
b1 = 2 * a1 * cos(DTR * (sqrt(2) * 180 / p1))
cf1 = (1 - b1 + a1 * a1) / 4
cf2 = b1
cf3 = -a1 * a1
butt_filt = pr
butt_filt := cf1 * (pr + 2 * nz(pr[1]) + nz(pr[2])) + cf2 * nz(butt_filt[1]) + cf3 * nz(butt_filt[2])
variant_lowPass(src, len)=>
LP = src
sr = src
a = 2.0 / (1.0 + len)
LP := (a - 0.25 * a * a) * sr + 0.5 * a * a * nz(sr[1]) - (a - 0.75 * a * a) * nz(sr[2]) + 2.0 * (1.0 - a) * nz(LP[1]) - (1.0 - a) * (1.0 - a) * nz(LP[2])
variant_sma(src, len) =>
sum = 0.0
for i = 0 to len - 1
sum := sum + src[i] / len
variant_trima(src, length) =>
len = ceil((length + 1) * 0.5)
trima = sum(sma(src, len), len)/len
variant(type, src, len) =>
type=="EMA" ? ema(src, len) :
type=="LowPass" ? variant_lowPass(src, len) :
type=="Linreg" ? linreg(src, len, 0) :
type=="Gaussian" ? variant_gauss(src, len, gauss_poles) :
type=="Sine_WMA" ? variant_sinewma(src, len) :
type=="Geometric_Mean" ? variant_geoMean(src, len) :
type=="Butterworth_2Pole" ? variant_butt2pole(src, len) :
type=="Smoothed_MA" ? variant_smoothed(src, len) :
type=="Triangular_MA" ? variant_trima(src, len) :
type=="McGuinley" ? variant_mg(src, len) :
type=="DEMA" ? variant_doubleema(src, len):
type=="Super_Smoother" ? variant_supersmoother(src, len) :
type=="Zero_Lag" ? variant_zerolagema(src, len) :
type=="Wilders"? variant_WiMA(src, len) : variant_sma(src, len)
cRed = #F93A00
ma1 = variant(type, ssrc, len1)
ma2 = variant(type, ssrc, len2)
ma3 = variant(type, ssrc, len3)
ma4 = variant(type, ssrc, len4)
ma5 = variant(type, ssrc, len5)
ma6 = variant(type, ssrc, lenrib)
ma7 = variant(type, ssrc, lenrib2)
ma8 = variant(type, ssrc, lenrib3)
ma9 = variant(type, ssrc, lenrib4)
col1 = c1
col2 = c2
col3 = c3
col4 = c4
col5 = c5
p1 = plot(onOff1 ? ma1 : na, title = "MA 1", color = col1, linewidth = linew, style = linebr)
p2 = plot(onOff2 ? ma2 : na, title = "MA 2", color = col2, linewidth = linew, style = linebr)
p3 = plot(onOff3 ? ma3 : na, title = "MA 3", color = col3, linewidth = linew, style = linebr)
p4 = plot(onOff4 ? ma4 : na, title = "MA 4", color = col4, linewidth = linew, style = linebr)
p5 = plot(onOff5 ? ma5 : na, title = "MA 5", color = col5, linewidth = linew, style = linebr)
p6 = plot(onOff6 ? ma6 : na, title = "MA 6", color = col5, linewidth = linew, style = linebr)
p7 = plot(onOff7 ? ma7 : na, title = "MA 7", color = col5, linewidth = linew, style = linebr)
p8 = plot(onOff8 ? ma8 : na, title = "MA 8", color = col5, linewidth = linew, style = linebr)
p9 = plot(onOff9 ? ma9 : na, title = "MA 9", color = col5, linewidth = linew, style = linebr)
longCond = crossover(ma2, ma3)
shortCond = crossunder(ma2, ma3)
plotshape(series=longCond, title="P", style=shape.triangleup, location=location.belowbar, color=green, text="P", size=size.small)
plotshape(series=shortCond, title="N", style=shape.triangledown, location=location.abovebar, color=red, text="N", size=size.small)
if longCond
strategy.entry("Enter Long", strategy.long)
else if shortCond
strategy.entry("Enter Short", strategy.short)
Last Modified
2022-05-08 00:11:51