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232 lines (173 loc) · 7.22 KB

File metadata and controls

232 lines (173 loc) · 7.22 KB




The WebStudio is a web application that allows to manipulate energyml file (such as EPC or individual xml files)


  • Edit/create energyml (resqml/witsml/prodml) files.
  • Working with ETP servers
  • Generate EPC files
  • Validation of EPC file content
  • Graph and tree visualisation of energyml data
  • 3D data visualization


  • Java 11
  • Maven
  • Tomcat 10
  • Docker
  • Docker-compose

Version History

  • 1.0.1:

    • Initial working Release
  • 1.0.2:

    • ETP connexion bug fix
  • 1.0.9:

    • Better Ui
    • Possibility to import only some element from an EPC file
    • 3D vue to visualise some elements from an ETP server. Supported elements :
      • TriangualtedSetRepresentation
      • PolylineSetRepresentation
      • PointSetRepresentation
  • 1.0.11:

    • 3D visu :
      • ColorInformation in a GraphicalInformationSet can be used if it references an HSV color in a DiscreteColorMap
  • 1.0.14:

    • REST API :
      • A REST API has been added to be able to validate/fix EPC/xml files.
    • Bugfix :
      • Sometimes export the EPC file was failing from the interface. It was due to specific entities that were not supported for export.
      • Witsml/Prodml objects (like Log) can contain as sub-objects other AbstractObject. They are now detected during validation/auto-correction.
  • 1.0.15:

    • Bugfix
    • About button added in the interface to link to github
    • Verifications:
      • Verification on objectVersion in DOR


This project is licensed under the Apache 2.0 License - see the LICENSE file for details


Please enter an issue in the repo for any questions or problems.

Run the code :

See project webstudio-platfrom

Compile the project:

mvn -U clean package

If you do not have a settings.xml file, please copy the ci_settings.xml file and replace the ${env.CI_JOB_TOKEN} variable by your own token, and save this new file as settings.xml

Related projects :

Setting up project :

With ini file :

The WebStudio configuration can be done with a ".ini" file. Examples are given in the "docker/" folder of this projet. To be found by the WebStudio, you must set the environment variable WS_CONFIG_INI_FILE_PATH to the path of this file (inside the docker instance). Example in a dockerFile :

ENV WS_CONFIG_INI_FILE_PATH /config/sample-ws-config.ini

User Database

Your can parametrize the WebStudio to use or not a user database with postgresSQL. To enable this feature, set the property enableUserDB to true in the webstudio section.


To configure the database connection you can modify the ini file (with your own values) by creating a userdb section :


User Workspace persitence

The WebStudio also allows to save the work in progress for each user. This feature allows to recover data even if the user has been disconnected.+

Warning : Thuis feature is only enabled if the user-database is also enabled.

To enable this feature, set the property enableWorkspace to true in the webstudio section.


To configure the storage of the xml files, you can use an S3 bucket, Azure Blob Storage, or Google Cloud Storage.

Example for bucket s3 :

; must not have underscore in the url !

Example for Azure :


Example for Google :


With environment variables:

All variables set in the ini file can be overwritten with environment variable. To set variables you must follow the naming rule :


Example for S3 Property in a docker-compose :

  webstudio_enableUserDB: true
  webstudio_enableWorkspace: true
  workspace_databaseType: s3
  s3_localstackEndpoint: http://my-workspace:9000 
  s3_accessKey: myAdminLogin
  s3_secretKey: myAdminPassword

Change the https certs:

Generate the key with your password

keytool -genkey -alias tomcat -keyalg RSA -keystore sample-key.crt -storepass DemoCRT_password

Change the docker/server-production.xml to have a connector like this:



The WebStudio provides a simple REST API to validate and correct EPC/xml files.

Validation : "/EnergymlValidation"

A post request on the endpoint "/EnergymlValidation" with files inside "form-data" will return a json file containing information about the correctness of your xml/epc files.

The messages help you with a dotted notation for each error. Example : ".ChanelSet.O.Channel.1" means the 2nd Channel xml element in the 1st sub xml element "ChannelSet".

Example with postman : POSTMAN-validation-request

Correction : "/EnergymlFix"

A post request on the endpoint "/EnergymlFix" with files inside "form-data" will return an EPC file containing all of your xml files (even taken from an input EPC file), and also a log file that describes the modifications done to correct your entities.

For now the only correction done is on DOR information. If an object refers to an other one with its UUID, the Title and the QualifiedType/ContentType are verified and eventually fixed.

Export version: The resulting EPC can follow the old file naming convention "/[ENERGYML_TYPE]_[UUID].xml" but also the new one : "/[PACKAGE][PACKAGE_VERSION]/[ENERGYML_TYPE]_[UUID].xml". The new version is obtainable by sending a parameter called "version" with the value EXPANDED (uppercase).

Example with postman : POSTMAN-correction-request

Correction : "/ETPSurfaceToFile"

A post request on the endpoint "/ETPSurfaceToFile" with files inside "form-data" will return a 3D surface file in text format.

Format: The format can be "off" or "obj".

Example with postman : POSTMAN-correction-request