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Angular 13 + Spring Boot 2.6.2 + OAuth 2.0 Keycloak authentication

This repository provides an angular and maven project for managing a foo’s information.

✨ Getting Started 🚀 Download


Getting Started

Follow the below instructions to get started with Guess the Number Game source code:


Make sure you have the below requirements before starting:


You can get access to the source code by using one of the following ways:

  • ✨ Download Source Code
  • 🔥 Clone the repository locally:
git clone

NPM packages

Maven dependencies

Maven commands

  • mvn clean
  • mvn clean install

Configure application properties

Open src/main/resources/


# keycloak
keycloak.realm = myrealm
keycloak.auth-server-url = http://localhost:8180/auth
keycloak.ssl-required = external
keycloak.resource = backend-client
keycloak.use-resource-role-mappings = true
keycloak.bearer-only = true

# keycloak master realm
app.master.realm = master
app.master.username = admin
app.master.password = admin
app.master.clientId = admin-cli

Angular basic settings

Open src/environments/environment.ts

export const environment = {
  production: false,
  foo_api: 'http://localhost:8080/foo/',
  user_api: 'http://localhost:8080/user/',
  authResourceServerConfig: {
    allowedUrls: [
    sendAccessToken: true
  authConfig: {
    issuer: 'http://localhost:8180/auth/realms/myrealm',
    redirectUri: window.location.origin,
    clientId: 'frontend-client',
    responseType: 'code',
    scope: 'openid profile email offline_access',
    showDebugInformation: true,

The http://localhost:8080/foo URL corresponds to the backend FooController in our Spring Boot project.

Import the OAuthModule to src/app/app.module.ts

  resourceServer: environment.authResourceServerConfig

⚙️ Keycloak basic settings

🌍 Realm
Name: myrealm
👤 Clients
Client ID: backend-client
Access Type: bearer-only
Client ID: frontend-client
Valid Redirect URIs: http://localhost:4200/*
Web Origins: *
🔒 Client roles
Client ID: backend-client
🔒 Realm roles
Role Name: realm-admin
Composite Roles:
  Client: backend-client
    Associated Roles: ROLE_ADMIN
Role Name: realm-user
Composite Roles:
  Client: backend-client
    Associated Roles: ROLE_USER
😲 Users
Username: admin
Email: admin@localhost
Realm Roles: realm-admin, realm-user
Username: user
Email: admin@localhost
Realm Roles: realm-user

Keycloak Getting Started

Get started with Keycloak. A useful getting started guide can be found in the official documentation. But I strongly recommend you to follow the instructions below, as there are additional things we will need to do for this project.

Or alternatively, you can also watch this YouTube video Autenticación Keycloak + Angular 10 + Spring-Boot full-stack: Parte 2.

Table of Contents

Update default Keycloak port (Alternative 1 - Recommended)

Adjusting the port used by Keycloak (Alternative 2)

Start Keycloak

Create an admin user

Login to the admin console

Create a realm

Create a backend client

Create a frontend client

Naming Security Roles

Create client roles

Create realm roles

Create a user

Login to account console

Assign roles to a user

Update default Keycloak port (Alternative 1 - Recommended)

The default port is 8080. Go to standalone/configuration/standalone.xml in the Keycloak installation folder and look for jboss.http.port property. We want to change the default port to 8180.

From this:

<socket-binding name="http" port="${jboss.http.port:8080}"/>

To this:

<socket-binding name="http" port="${jboss.http.port:8180}"/>

Adjusting the port used by Keycloak (Alternative 2)

You can check the following articles:

Start Keycloak server by supplying a value for the jboss.socket.binding.port-offset system property. This value is added to the base value of every port opened by the Keycloak server. In this example, 100 is the value.

On Linux run:

$ cd bin
$ ./ -Djboss.socket.binding.port-offset=100

On Windows run:

> ...\bin\standalone.bat -Djboss.socket.binding.port-offset=100

And finally Confirm that the Keycloak server is running. Go to http://localhost:8180/auth/admin/ . If the admin console opens, you are ready to continue this guide.

Start Keycloak

From a terminal open the directory keycloak-16.1.0, then to start Keycloak run the following command.

On Linux run:


On Windows run:


Create an admin user

Keycloak does not come with a default admin user, which means before you can start using Keycloak you need to create an admin user.

To do this open http://localhost:8180/auth, then fill in the form with your preferred username and password.

Login to the admin console

Go to the Keycloak Admin Console and login with the username and password you created earlier.

🌍 Create a realm

A realm in Keycloak is the equivalent of a tenant. It allows creating isolated groups of applications and users. By default there is a single realm in Keycloak called master. This is dedicated to manage Keycloak and should not be used for your own applications.

Let’s create our first realm.

  1. Open the Keycloak Admin Console

  2. Hover the mouse over the dropdown in the top-left corner where it says Master, then click on Add realm

  3. Fill in the form with the following values:

    • Name: myrealm
  4. Click Create


👤 Create a backend client

We will need 2 (two) clients, one for the backend and one for the frontend in our realm, so let’s create them:

  1. Open the Keycloak Admin Console

  2. Click Clients (left-hand menu)

    • Click Create (top-right corner of table)
  3. Fill in the form with the following values:

    • Client ID: backend-client

    • Client Protocol: openid-connect

  4. Click Save


The client will need a bearer-only access type. To do this:

  1. Click Settings (top of the page)

  2. Fill in the form with the following values:

    • Access Type: bearer-only
  3. Click Save


👤 Create a frontend client

Now let's create the client for the frontend:

  1. Open the Keycloak Admin Console

  2. Click Clients (left-hand menu)

    • Click Create (top-right corner of table)
  3. Fill in the form with the following values:

    • Client ID: frontend-client

    • Client Protocol: openid-connect

  4. Click Save


The client will need a Valid URI pattern in order to be able to redirect to after a successful login or logout. To do this:

  1. Click Settings (top of the page)

  2. Fill in the form with the following values:

    • Valid Redirect URIs: http://localhost:4200/*

    • Web Origins: *

  3. Click Save


🔤 Naming Security Roles

Spring Security, when using role-based authentication, requires that role names start with ROLE_. For example, an administrator role must be declared in Keycloak as ROLE_ADMIN or similar, not simply ADMIN.


🔒 Create client roles

Initially there are no roles in a client, so let’s create one:

  1. Click Clients (left-hand menu)

    • Click backend-client (Client ID column of table)
  2. Click Roles (top of the page)

  3. Click Add Role (top-right corner of table)

  4. Fill in the form with the following values:

    • Role Name: ROLE_USER

    • Web Origins: *

  5. Click Save


Repeat the above steps but now with the following role names:


🔒 Create realm roles

We will now need two roles for our realm. So let's create them:

Create realm-admin role

  1. Open the Keycloak Admin Console

  2. Click Roles (left-hand menu)

    • Click Add Role (top-right corner of table)
  3. Fill in the form with the following values:

    • Role Name: realm-admin
  4. Click Save


The realm-admin role will need Composite Roles enabled, as we want to associate backend-client roles to it. To do this:

  1. Click Details (top of the page)

  2. Click ON next to Composite Roles

    • Select backend-client next to Client Roles
  3. Add in the Associated Roles the following roles:



Create realm-user role

  1. Open the Keycloak Admin Console

  2. Click Roles (left-hand menu)

    • Click Add Role (top-right corner of table)
  3. Fill in the form with the following values:

    • Role Name: realm-user
  4. Click Save


The realm-user role will need Composite Roles enabled, as we want to associate backend-client roles to it. To do this:

  1. Click Details (top of the page)

  2. Click ON next to Composite Roles

    • Select backend-client next to Client Roles
  3. Add in the Associated Roles the following roles:



😲 Create a user

Initially there are no users in a new realm, so let’s create one:

  1. Open the Keycloak Admin Console

  2. Click Users (left-hand menu)

    • Click Add user (top-right corner of table)
  3. Fill in the form with the following values:

    • Username: myuser

    • First Name: Your first name

    • Last Name: Your last name

  4. Click Save


The user will need an initial password set to be able to login. To do this:

  1. Click Credentials (top of the page)

  2. Fill in the Set Password form with a password

  3. Click ON next to Temporary to prevent having to update password on first login


Repeat the above steps but now with the following user names:

  • admin
  • user

Login to account console

Let’s now try to login to the account console to verify the user is configured correctly.

  1. Open the Keycloak Account Console

  2. Login with myuser and the password you created earlier

You should now be logged-in to the account console where users can manage their accounts.


🔒 Assign roles to a user

Assign roles to admin

  1. Open the Keycloak Admin Console

  2. Click Users (left-hand menu)

    • Click admin (ID column of table)
  3. Click Role Mappings (top of the page)

  4. In Realm Roles add the following Available Roles:

    • realm-admin
    • realm-user


Assign roles to user

  1. Open the Keycloak Admin Console

  2. Click Users (left-hand menu)

    • Click user (ID column of table)
  3. Click Role Mappings (top of the page)

  4. In Realm Roles add the following Available Roles:

    • realm-user

