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executable file
900 lines (596 loc) · 36.8 KB

GL-BLE-SDK bletool

bletool is a cmd-line tool which provides a basic and simple method for developers to operate all the BLE functions.

You can use it to quickly verify BLE functionality and API usage.


Make sure you have the compile option enabled before compiling the project.

make menuconfig
-> gl-inet-ble
		-> <M> libglble...................................... GL inet BLE driver library
		-> <M> gl-bletool................................ GL inet BLE Debug Cmdline Tool


make ./package/gl-ble-sdk/{clean,compile} V=s

Using the example

You can use SCP or other means to upload example ipk to the device.


opkg install libglble_2.0.0_mipsel_24kc.ipk
opkg install gl-bletool_2.0.0_mipsel_24kc.ipk



This example will detect whether the ble module firmware version is 4_2_0. If it is not, it will upgrade to the corresponding firmware version. However, the previous devices does not support this automatic upgrade method, which needs to be upgraded in other ways.

root@OpenWrt:~# bletool 
MODULE_CB_MSG >> { "type": "module_start", "major": 2, "minor": 13, "patch": 10, "build": 423, "bootloader": 17563648, "hw": 1, "ble_hash": "4d5a9661" }
The ble module firmware version is not 4_2_0, please switch it.

You can use the help command to quickly view the currently supported commands.

root@OpenWrt:~# bletool 
bletool >> MODULE_CB_MSG >> { "type": "module_start", "major": 4, "minor": 2, "patch": 0, "build": 321, "bootloader": 0, "hw": 257, "ble_hash": "1b0e33cd" }
bletool >> help 
quit                           Quit bletool
help                           Help
enable                         Enable or disable the module
set_power                      Set the tx power level
local_address                  Get local Bluetooth module public address
show_adv_handle_list           Show adv handle list
create_adv_handle              Create adv handle
delete_adv_handle              Delete adv handle
set_legacy_adv_data            Set legacy adv data
set_extended_adv_data          Set extended adv data
set_periodic_adv_data          Set periodic adv data
start_legacy_adv               Set and Start legacy advertising
start_extended_adv             Set and Start extended advertising
start_periodic_adv             Set and Start periodic advertising
adv_stop                       Stop advertising
send_notify                    Send notification to remote device
set_gattdb                     Set local gatt database
discovery                      Start discovery
stop_discovery                 End current GAP procedure
synchronize                    synchronize to periodic advertising
stop_synchronize               stop synchronize to periodic advertising
connect                        Open connection
disconnect                     Close connection
get_rssi                       Get rssi of an established connection
get_service                    Get supported services list
get_char                       Get supported characteristics in specified service
set_notify                     Enable or disable the notifications and indications
read_value                     Read specified characteristic value
write_value                    Write characteristic value

You can also use the TAB completion command and the up and down key to view the history commands.

CLI Command Instruction

A default value means you may not set this parameter. “-” means you must set this parameter.


bletool >> enable 
{ "code": 0 }

Description:Enable or disable the BLE hardware.


Type Name Default Value Description
int32_t enable 1 0 means disable the BLE hardware; None-zero means enable the BLE hardware.


bletool >> set_power 80
{ "code": 0, "current_power": 74 }

Description:Set the global power level.


Type Name Default Value Description
int32_t power - Power level (0.1 dBm steps)

Note: current_power means the selected maximum output power level after applying RF path compensation. Due to hardware differences, there may be some deviation from the set parameters


bletool >> local_address 
{ "code": 0, "mac": "94:de:b8:f1:35:1a" }

Description:Get the Local Bluetooth MAC address.


bletool >> set_identity_address 0 94:de:b8:f1:35:10
{ "code": 0 }

Description:Set the device's Bluetooth identity address.


Type Name Default Value Description
int32_t mac_type - 0: Public device address
1: Static device address
string mac _ The MAC address of the device

Note: The new address will be effective in the next system reboot. Please use enable 0 and enable 1 to reboot the module. To 00:00:00:00:00:00 and ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff as invalid addresses, if the address is set to these two will use the default address in the next system reboot.


bletool >> get_identity_address
{ "code": 0, "mac": "d4:de:b8:f1:2c:03", "mac_type": 1 }

Description:Get the Bluetooth identity address used by the device, which can be a public or random static device address.


Type Name Default Value Description
string mac _ The MAC address of the device
int32_t mac_type - 0: Public device address
1: Static device address


bletool >> create_adv_handle 
{ "code": 0, "new_adv_handle": 0, "adv_handle_list": [ 0 ] }

Description:Create advertising set handle. It be used to operation of advertising.


bletool >> delete_adv_handle 0
{ "code": 0, "adv_handle_list": [ ] }

Description:Delete advertising set handle.


Type Name Default Value Description
int32_t adv_handle - The Advertising set handle which you want to delete.
You can view the currently created adv_handle by show_adv_handle_list.

Note: If the Advertising set handle that it is broadcasting, and then call this function to delete it, the broadcast is stopped.


bletool >> show_adv_handle_list 
{ "adv_handle_list": [ 0, 2, 3 ] }

Description:Show the list of advertising set handle that is created.


bletool >> set_legacy_adv_data ./legacy_adv.json 
{ "code": 0 }

Description:Act as BLE slave, set customized legacy advertising data


Type Name Default Value Description
string json_file_path - The path of configuration parameter json file.

json file parameter

Key Value_type Descriptiion
adv_handle int32_t Advertising set handle. It be created by create_adv_handle.
flag int32_t Adv data flag.
0: Legacy advertising packets, the maximum size is 31 bytes
1: Scan response packets, the maximum size is 31 bytes
legacy_adv_data string Customized legacy advertising data(hex). Like “020106”.
# The template of json file
        "adv_handle": 0,
        "flag": 0,
        "legacy_adv_data": "0201060709474c5f424c45"


bletool >> set_extended_adv_data ./extended_adv.json 
{ "code": 0 }

Description:Act as BLE slave, set customized extended advertising data


Type Name Default Value Description
string json_file_path - The path of configuration parameter json file.

json file parameter

Key Value_type Descriptiion
adv_handle int32_t Advertising set handle. It be created by create_adv_handle.
extended_adv_data string Customized extended advertising data(hex).
Maximum 1024 bytes of data can be set for unconnectable extended advertising.
Maximum 191 bytes of data can be set for connectable extended advertising.
# The template of json file
        "adv_handle": 0,
        "extended_adv_data": "020106111111111122222222223333333333444444444455555555556666666666777777777788888888889999999999000000000011111111112222222222333333333344444444445555555555666666666677777777778888888888999999999900000000001111111111222222222233333333334444444444555555555566666666667777777777888888888899999999990000000000111111111122222222223333333333444444444455555555556666666666777777777788888888889999999999000000000011111111112222222222333333333344"


bletool >> set_periodic_adv_data ./periodic_adv.json 
{ "code": 0 }

Description:Act as BLE slave, set customized periodic advertising data


Type Name Default Value Description
string json_file_path - The path of configuration parameter json file.

json file parameter

Key Value_type Descriptiion
adv_handle int32_t Advertising set handle. It be created by create_adv_handle.
periodic_adv_data string Customized periodic advertising data(hex).
Maximum 1024 bytes of data can be set for periodic advertising.
# The template of json file
        "adv_handle": 0,
        "periodic_adv_data": "020106111111111122222222223333333333444444444455555555556666666666777777777788888888889999999999000000000011111111112222222222333333333344444444445555555555666666666677777777778888888888999999999900000000001111111111222222222233333333334444444444555555555566666666667777777777888888888899999999990000000000111111111122222222223333333333444444444455555555556666666666777777777788888888889999999999000000000011111111112222222222333333333344"


bletool >> start_legacy_adv 0
{ "code": 0, "adv_handle": 0 }

Description:Set the advertising parameters and start advertising act as BLE slave.


Type Name Default Value Description
uint8_t adv_handle - Advertising set handle. It be created by create_adv_handle.
int32_t interval_min 160 (100ms) Minimum advertising interval. Value in units of 0.625 ms.
Range: 0x20 to 0xFFFFFF, Time range: 20 ms to 10485.759375 s.
int32_t interval_max 160 (100ms) Maximum advertising interval. Value in units of 0.625 ms.
Range: 0x20 to 0xFFFFFF, Time range: 20 ms to 10485.759375 s.
uint8_t discover 2 Discoverable mode.
0: Not discoverable
1: Discoverable by both limited and general discovery procedures
2: Discoverable by the general discovery procedure
3: Send legacy advertising and/or scan response data defined by the user.
The limited/general discoverable flags are defined by the user.
uint8_t connect 2 Connectable mode.
0: Undirected non-connectable and non-scannable legacy advertising
2: Undirected connectable and scannable legacy advertising
3: Undirected scannable and non-connectable legacy advertising


Interval_max should be bigger than interval_min.

Legacy Avertising is transmitted on LE 1M PHY by default.

If you want multiple Avertising to run at the same time, make sure their advertising interval are different.


bletool >> start_extended_adv 0
{ "code": 0, "adv_handle": 0 }

Description:Set the advertising parameters and start advertising act as BLE slave.


Type Name Default Value Description
uint8_t adv_handle - Advertising set handle. It be created by create_adv_handle.
uint8_t primary_phy 1 The PHY on which the advertising packets are transmitted on the primary advertising channel.
1: LE 1M PHY, 4: LE Coded PHY(125k, S=8)
uint8_t secondary_phy 1 The PHY on which the advertising packets are transmitted on the secondary advertising channel. 1: LE 1M PHY, 2: LE 2M PHY, 4: LE Coded PHY(125k, S=8)
int32_t interval_min 320(200ms) Minimum advertising interval. Value in units of 0.625 ms.
Range: 0x20 to 0xFFFFFF, Time range: 20 ms to 10485.759375 s.
int32_t interval_max 320(200ms) Maximum advertising interval. Value in units of 0.625 ms.
Range: 0x20 to 0xFFFFFF, Time range: 20 ms to 10485.759375 s.
uint8_t discover 2 Discoverable mode.
0: Not discoverable
1: Discoverable by both limited and general discovery procedures
2: Discoverable by the general discovery procedure
3: Send extended advertising data defined by the user.
The limited/general discoverable flags are defined by the user.
uint8_t connect 4 Connectable mode.
0: Non-connectable and non-scannable extended advertising
3: Scannable extended advertising
4: Connectable extended advertising


Interval_max should be bigger than interval_min.

Maximum 191 bytes of data can be set for connectable extended advertising.

Maximum 1024 bytes of data can be set for unconnectable extended advertising.

When Extended advertising packet is more than 254 bytes and short advertising interval you set, it will cause lose packet problem. Here's recommend advertising interval of no less than 200ms.


bletool >> start_periodic_adv 0
{ "code": 0, "adv_handle": 0 }

Description:Set the advertising parameters and start advertising act as BLE slave.


Type Name Default Value Description
uint8_t adv_handle - Advertising set handle. It be created by create_adv_handle.
uint8_t primary_phy 1 The PHY on which the advertising packets are transmitted on the primary advertising channel.
1: LE 1M PHY, 4: LE Coded PHY(125k, S=8)
uint8_t secondary_phy 1 The PHY on which the advertising packets are transmitted on the secondary advertising channel. 1: LE 1M PHY, 2: LE 2M PHY, 4: LE Coded PHY(125k, S=8)
int32_t interval_min 80(100ms) Minimum periodic advertising interval. Value in units of 1.25 ms
Range: 0x06 to 0xFFFF, Time range: 7.5 ms to 81.92 s
int32_t interval_max 160(200ms) Maximum periodic advertising interval. Value in units of 1.25 ms
Range: 0x06 to 0xFFFF, Time range: 7.5 ms to 81.92 s


Interval_max should be bigger than interval_min.

The Periodic advertising interval you set should be smaller than synchronize timeout. If not, it will breaks the established synchronization.


bletool >> stop_adv 0
{ "code": 0 }

Description:Stop advertising.


Type Name Default Value Description
uint8_t adv_handle - Advertising set handle. It be created by create_adv_handle.
You can view the currently created adv_handle by show_adv_handle_list.


bletool >> send_notify 56:38:ac:a7:5f:96 16 010203
{ "code": 0 }

Description:Send notification to remote device.


Type Name Default Value Description
string remote_mac _ The MAC address of the remote device
int32_t notify_characteristic_handle _ GATT characteristic handle
string data _ Data value to be sent.(Must be hexadecimal ASCII. Like “020106”)

Note: If BLE master don't enable notify, BLE slaver can't send notification. You can get notify_characteristic_handle in GATT_CB_MSG, check more in CB_MSG->GATT_CB_MSG->remote_set


bletool >> set_gattdb ./gl_gattdb_cfg.json
It will take a while, please waiting...
{ "code": 0 }

Description:Set the local Gatt database dynamically.


Type Name Default Value Description
string json_file_name _ The json file name.

json file parameter

Key Value_type Descriptiion
service json array Each array element is a service instance
service_property int32_t 0: The service should not be advertised
1: The service should be advertised
service_uuid_len int32_t 2: 16 bits uuid by SIG
4: 32 bits uuid by SIG
16: 128 bits uuid by custom generate
service_uuid string Service uuid
characteristic json array mean the characteristics contained in a service instance, can be empty
Key Value_type Descriptiion
char_property int32_t A Characteristic Extended Properties descriptor is automatically added if the reliable write property is set.
char_flag int32_t 0: Automatically create a Client Characteristic Configuration descriptor when adding a characteristic that has the notify or indicate property.
1: Do not automatically create a Client Characteristic Configuration descriptor when adding a characteristic that has the notify or indicate property.
char_uuid_len int32_t 2: 16 bits uuid by SIG
16: 128 bits uuid by custom generate
char_uuid string Characteristic uuid
char_value_type int32_t 1: fixed_length_value
2: variable_length_value
3: user_managed_value
char_maxlen int32_t The maximum length of the characteristic value. Ignored if value_type is user_managed_value.
char_value_len int32_t At most 240 bytes when uuid_len is 2 bytes, At most 226 bytes when uuid_len is 16 bytes
char_value string it should be hex format
descriptor json array mean the descriptors contained in a characteristic instance, can be empty
Key Value_type Descriptiion
despt_property int32_t 1: GATTDB_DESCRIPTOR_READ
despt_uuid_len int32_t 2: 16 bits uuid by SIG
16: 128 bits uuid by custom generate
despt_uuid string Descriptor uuid
despt_value_type int32_t 1: fixed_length_value
2: variable_length_value
3: user_managed_value
despt_maxlen int32_t The maximum length of the descriptor value. Ignored if value_type is user_managed_value, or if this is a Client Characteristic Configuration descriptor.
despt_value_len int32_t At most 241 bytes when uuid_len is 2 bytes, At most 227 bytes when uuid_len is 16 bytes
despt_value string it should be hex format
# The template of json file
    "service": [
            "service_property": 0,
            "service_uuid_len": 2,
            "service_uuid": "180a",
            "characteristic": [
                    "char_property": 34,
                    "char_flag": 0,
                    "char_uuid_len": 16,
                    "char_uuid": "0D77CC114AC149F2BFA9CD96AC7A92F8",
                    "char_value_type": 1,
                    "char_maxlen": 5,
                    "char_value_len": 5,
                    "char_value": "342E322E30",
                    "descriptor": []
            "service_property": 1,
            "service_uuid_len": 2,
            "service_uuid": "1800",
            "characteristic": [
                    "char_property": 2,
                    "char_flag": 1,
                    "char_uuid_len": 2,
                    "char_uuid": "2A00",
                    "char_value_type": 1,
                    "char_maxlen": 6,
                    "char_value_len": 6,
                    "char_value": "474C5F424C45",
                    "descriptor": [
                            "despt_property": 1,
                            "despt_uuid_len": 2,
                            "despt_uuid": "2902",
                            "despt_value_type": 1,
                            "despt_maxlen": 2,
                            "despt_value_len": 2,
                            "despt_value": "3030"
                    "char_property": 10,
                    "char_flag": 1,
                    "char_uuid_len": 2,
                    "char_uuid": "2A23",
                    "char_value_type": 1,
                    "char_maxlen": 3,
                    "char_value_len": 3,
                    "char_value": "333231",
                    "descriptor": []

Note: Please config JSON file(like /etc/config/gl_gattdb_cfg.json) before execute this command. It will remove default static gatt database first before set new gatt database. When you exit bletool, it will recovery to the default static gatt database.


# Default parameters, not specify MAC address
bletool >> discovery
{ "code": 0 }

# Default parameters, specify MAC address
bletool >> discovery 72:64:21:10:00:ba
{ "code": 0 }

# Customize parameters, not specify MAC address
bletool >> discovery 1 16 16 0 2
{ "code": 0 }

# Customize parameters, specify MAC address
bletool >> discovery 1 160 160 0 2 72:64:21:10:00:ba
{ "code": 0 }

Description:Set and start the BLE discovery.


Type Name Default Value Description
int32_t phys 1 The scanning PHY.
1: LE 1M PHY
4: LE Coded PHY
5: Simultaneous LE 1M and Coded PHY alternatively
int32_t interval 16 (10ms) Scan interval. Time = Value x 0.625 ms
Range: 0x0004 to 0xFFFF, Time Range: 2.5 ms to 40.96 s
int32_t window 16 (10ms) Scan window. Time = Value x 0.625 ms
Range: 0x0004 to 0xFFFF, Time Range: 2.5 ms to 40.96 s.
int32_t type 0 Scan type.
0: Passive scanning
1: Active scanning
int32_t mode 2 Bluetooth discovery Mode.
0: Discover only limited discoverable devices
1: Discover limited and generic discoverable devices
2: Discover all devices
string address: (optional)Scans the broadcast packet for the specified MAC address. Like “11:22:33:44:55:66”(low case).

Note: You can stop the current Ble scan by typing q+Enter.


bletool >> stop_discovery
{ "code": 0 }

Description:Stop discovery procedure.


# Default parameters
bletool >> synchronize
{ "code": 0 }

# Customize parameters 
bletool >> synchronize 0 100 94:de:b8:f1:23:f4 0 0
{ "code": 0 }

Description:Set and start the BLE synchronize.


Type Name Default Value Description
int32_t skip 0 The maximum number of periodic advertising packets that can be skipped after a successful receive. Range: 0x0000 to 0x01F3.
int32_t timeout 100(1000ms) The maximum permitted time between successful receives. If this time is exceeded, synchronization is lost. Unit: 10 ms.
Range: 0x0A to 0x4000, Time Range: 100 ms to 163.84 s.
string address NULL Address of the device to synchronize to. Like “11:22:33:44:55:66”(low case).
int32_t address_type NULL Address type of the device to connect to.
0: public address
1: random address
int32_t adv_sid NULL Advertising set identifiers. You can get adv_sid in GAP_CB_MSG, check more in CB_MSG->GAP_CB_MSG->scan_result.

Note: Please use discovery to enable ble scanner firstly, after that you can stop it or keep it enable. If you don't need to customize the parameters, you can use the default parameters. It automatically synchronizes the first periodic broadcast package scanned into the environment.


bletool >> stop_synchronize 
{ "code": 0 }

Description:Stop synchronizeprocedure.


bletool >> connect 1 1 73:8c:01:1d:3f:b0
{ "code": 0 }

Description:Act as master, start connect to a remote BLE device.


Type Name Default Value Description
int32_t phy _ The initiating PHY.
1: LE 1M PHY
4: LE Coded PHY
int32_t address_type - Advertiser address type.
0: Public device address
1: Static device address
2: Resolvable private random address
3: Non-resolvable private random address
string address - Remote BLE device address.(low case)

Note: If connect success, it will report a connect_open message, check more in CB_MSG->GAP_CB_MSG->connect_open.


bletool >> disconnect 73:8c:01:1d:3f:b0
{ "code": 0 }

Description:Disconnect with remote device.


Type Name Default Value Description
string address - The MAC address of the remote device(low case)

Note: If success, it will report a connect_close message, check more in CB_MSG->GAP_CB_MSG->connect_close.


bletool >> get_rssi 73:8c:01:1d:3f:b0
{ "code": 0, "rssi": -35 }

Description:Get rssi of connection with remote device.


Type Name Default Value Description
string address - The MAC address of the remote device


bletool >> get_service 73:8c:01:1d:3f:b0
{ "code": 0, "service_list": [ { "service_handle": 65539, "service_uuid": "1801" }, { "service_handle": 1310746, "service_uuid": "1800" }, { "service_handle": 2621490, "service_uuid": "fe35" }, { "service_handle": 3342389, "service_uuid": "046a" }, { "service_handle": 3539002, "service_uuid": "11c8b31080e44276afc0f81590b2177f" }, { "service_handle": 3866691, "service_uuid": "0000aaa0000010008000aabbccddeeff" }, { "service_handle": 4521983, "service_uuid": "181c" } ] }

Description:Act as master, get service list of a remote GATT server.


Type Name Default Value Description
string address - The MAC address of the remote device(low case)


bletool >> get_char 73:8c:01:1d:3f:b0 65539
{ "code": 0, "characteristic_list": [ { "characteristic_handle": 3, "properties": 32, "characteristic_uuid": "2a05" } ] }

Description:Act as master, Get characteristic list of a remote GATT server.


Type Name Default Value Description
string address - The MAC address of the remote device(low case)
int32_t service_handle - Service handle


bletool >> set_notify 73:8c:01:1d:3f:b0 61 1
{ "code": 0 }

Description:Act as master, Enable or disable the notification or indication of a remote gatt server.


Type Name Default Value Description
string address - The MAC address of the remote device(low case)
int32_t char_handle - Characteristic handle
int32_t flag - Notification flag.
0: disable
1: notification
2: indication


bletool >> read_value 73:8c:01:1d:3f:b0 61
{ "code": 0 }

Description:Act as master, Read value of specified characteristic in a remote gatt server.


Type Name Default Value Description
string address - The MAC address of the remote device(low case)
int32_t char_handle - Characteristic handle

Note: If success, it will report a remote_characteristic_value message, check more in CB_MSG->GATT_CB_MSG->remote_characteristic_value.


bletool >> write_value 73:8c:01:1d:3f:b0 67 0 0102  
{ "code": 0 }

Description:Act as master, Write value to specified characteristic in a remote gatt server.


Type Name Default Value Description
string address _ The MAC address of the remote device(low case)
int32_t char_handle _ Characteristic handle
int32_t res _ Response flag
0: without response
1: with response
string value _ Value to be written(hex)


Description:Test the stability of serial communication.


Bletool displays any data that is actively reported by ble module.



This data is reported every time the Ble module is started.

MODULE_CB_MSG >> { "type": "module_start", "major": 4, "minor": 2, "patch": 0, "build": 321, "bootloader": 0, "hw": 257, "ble_hash": "1b0e33cd" }



This data is reported when scanning ble Legacy broadcast.

GAP_CB_MSG >> { "type": "legacy_adv_result", "mac": "6c:56:69:93:db:3c", "address_type": 1, "rssi": -54, "packet_type": 0, "bonding": 255, "data": "02011a020a070bff4c0010060d1abc419e9c" }

This data is reported when scanning ble Extended broadcast.

GAP_CB_MSG >> { "type": "extended_adv_result", "mac": "94:de:b8:f1:13:75", "address_type": 0, "rssi": -27, "tx_power": 127, "event_flags": 0, "adv_sid": 0, "periodic_interval": 120, "bonding": 255, "data": "1234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890" }

This data is reported when sync ble Periodic broadcast.

GAP_CB_MSG >> { "type": "sync_result", "tx_power": 127, "rssi": -29, "data": "123455" }

This data is reported when connection parameters update.

GAP_CB_MSG >> { "type": "connect_update", "mac": "56:38:ac:a7:5f:96", "interval": 40, "latency": 0, "timeout": 500, "security_mode": 0, "txsize": 27 }

This data is reported when connection open.

bletool >> GAP_CB_MSG >> { "type": "connect_open", "mac": "56:38:ac:a7:5f:96", "address_type": 1, "connect_role": 0, "bonding": 255, "advertiser": 0 }

This data is reported when connection close.

bletool >> GAP_CB_MSG >> { "type": "connect_close", "mac": "56:38:ac:a7:5f:96", "reason": 531 }



This data is reported when get remote device characteristic value.

GATT_CB_MSG >> { "type": "remote_characteristic_value", "mac": "73:8c:01:1d:3f:b0", "characteristic": 61, "att_opcode": 11, "offset": 0, "value": "01" }

This data is reported when local gatt attribute change, such as remote device writing data.

GATT_CB_MSG >> { "type": "local_gatt_attribute", "mac": "5a:51:f9:7d:fb:11", "attribute": 14, "att_opcode": 18, "offset": 0, "value": "12" }

This data is reported when master setting characteristic flag, such as setting client_config_flags.

GATT_CB_MSG >> { "type": "remote_set", "mac": "56:38:ac:a7:5f:96", "characteristic": 16, "status_flags": 1, "client_config_flags": 1 }