Matthew Berginski 2023-11-14
klaeger_screen_model_data = read_rds(here('results/klaeger_screen_for_classification_90.rds')) %>%
mutate(viability_90 = as.factor(viability_90))
klaeger_for_prediction = read_rds(here('results/klaeger_wide_for_prediction.rds'))
best_model_configs = read_rds(here('results/best_model_configs/rand_forest.rds'))
names(best_model_configs) <- c("P0119-T1 CAF", "P0422-T1", "P0411-T1")
Now to use the models to make predictions on the remainder of the compounds in the Klaeger data set and build a few plots showing the distribution of viability predictions.
CAF_importance = binary_90_models[["P0119-T1 CAF"]] %>%
vip(num_features = 30)
CAF_DK = CAF_importance$data$Variable[CAF_importance$data$Variable %in% dark_kinases$symbol]
P0422_importance = binary_90_models[["P0422-T1"]] %>%
vip(num_features = 30)
P0422_DK = P0422_importance$data$Variable[P0422_importance$data$Variable %in% dark_kinases$symbol]
P0411_importance = binary_90_models[["P0411-T1"]] %>%
vip(num_features = 30)
P0411_DK = P0411_importance$data$Variable[P0411_importance$data$Variable %in% dark_kinases$symbol]
CAF_plot_data =$data) %>%
mutate(Variable = fct_relevel(as.factor(Variable), rev(Variable)),
cell_line = "P0119-T1 CAF") #%>%
# mutate(cell_line = case_when(
# cell_line == "P1004" ~ "P0422-T1",
# cell_line == "P1304" ~ "P0411-T1",
# cell_line == "CAF" ~ "P0119-T1 CAF"
# ))
P0422_plot_data =$data) %>%
mutate(Variable = ifelse(Variable == "CSNK2A1;CSNK2A3","CSNK2A(1|3)",Variable)) %>%
mutate(Variable = fct_relevel(as.factor(Variable), rev(Variable)),
cell_line = "P0422-T1") #%>%
# mutate(cell_line = case_when(
# cell_line == "P1004" ~ "P0422-T1",
# cell_line == "P1304" ~ "P0411-T1",
# cell_line == "CAF" ~ "P0119-T1 CAF"
# ))
P0411_plot_data =$data) %>%
mutate(Variable = fct_relevel(as.factor(Variable), rev(Variable)),
cell_line = "P0411-T1") #%>%
# mutate(cell_line = case_when(
# cell_line == "P1004" ~ "P0422-T1",
# cell_line == "P1304" ~ "P0411-T1",
# cell_line == "CAF" ~ "P0119-T1 CAF"
# ))
CAF_plot = ggplot(CAF_plot_data, aes(y=Variable,x=Importance)) +
geom_col() +
labs(x="Importance",y="Kinase Target",title = 'P0119-T1 CAF Model') +
# theme(axis.text=element_text(size=6))
P0422_plot = ggplot(P0422_plot_data, aes(y=Variable,x=Importance)) +
geom_col() +
labs(x="Importance",y="Kinase Target",title = 'P0422-T1 Model') +
P0411_plot = ggplot(P0411_plot_data, aes(y=Variable,x=Importance)) +
geom_col() +
labs(x="Importance",y="",title = 'P0411-T1 Model') +
VIP_upset = bind_rows(CAF_plot_data, P0422_plot_data, P0411_plot_data) %>%
group_by(Variable) %>%
summarise(cell_lines = list(cell_line)) %>%
geom_bar() +
scale_x_upset() +
scale_y_continuous(breaks=seq(0,14,by=2)) +
BerginskiRMisc::theme_berginski() +
labs(x="Cell Lines",y="Number of Kinases")
full_importance_plot = CAF_plot + P0422_plot + P0411_plot
P0411_plot = ggplot(P0411_plot_data, aes(y=Variable,x=Importance)) +
geom_col() +
labs(x="Importance",y="Kinase Target",title = 'P0411-T1 Model') +
VIP_with_upset = (P0411_plot + P0422_plot) / (CAF_plot + VIP_upset)
VIP_with_upset = ggarrange(P0411_plot, P0422_plot,CAF_plot, VIP_upset, ncol= 2, nrow=2)
With predictions of the likelihood that the compounds will push cell viability below 90% or below 40%, the next step is to try to use these predictions to pick out compound that are likely to have interesting viability results. As for what interesting means, I’ve collected four types of interesting results:
- Compounds with Low Predicted Effect on Viability: Pick out the compounds that are predicted to have no/minimal effect on viability. This might seem to be the least interesting type of prediction at first, but a model is only as good as it’s ability to predict negative as well as positive results.
- Compounds with High Predicted Effect on Viability: Pick out the compounds that are predicted to strongly decrease cell viability.
- Compounds with Large Differences across Concentrations: Pick out compounds where the likelihood of affecting cell viability changes across the predicted concentrations. These should be compounds where low concentrations don’t affect cell viability, while high concentrations start to inhibit cell growth.
- Compounds with Large Differences across Cell Lines: Pick out the compounds with large differences between the cell lines. This one seems kind of obvious as well, but if the model predicts large differences between the cell lines, this is probably worth testing
As for calculating all these, I’ve taken an approach that looks across all the cell lines simultaneously. Searching for across the board low effect and high effects is done by looking for the lowest and highest average probability on a per compound basis. Searching for large differences across concentrations is done by looking for the compounds with the highest range between probabilities. The final criteria (differences between cell lines) is a bit tougher to quantify, but what I’ve done is:
- matched up all the predictions across compound and concentration for each cell line
- calculated the absolute value of all the combination of differences in probability value
- We have three cell lines here (CAF, P0422 and P0411), so three combinations (CAF/P0422), (CAF/P0411) and (P0422/P0411)
- find the compounds with the largest mean value across all differences