In our project we have used five types of documents: Python files (, and, HTML files (layout.html, layout2.html, index.html, home.html, chordsheet.html, error.html and credits.html), JavaScript files (home.js chordsheet.js), CSS files (styles.css, styleform.css and stylegradient.cdd) and Lilypond files (,, and Inside our web app we create two more types of files: PDF and MIDI files. For the Lilypond files we use the Lilypond package and documentation.
This is the main document of the web app. After some declarations and importations, the first flask route of is "/", which is related to the index.html file.
This route displays index.html if the GET method is used and gets the form from the index.html if the POST method is used. This route first checks that all the fields in the index.html form have been filled, prompting an error message if any of the items (title, composer, time signature, key signature, tonality or tempo) is missing. Then we write all this information into the lilypond file “” in the format described in the Lilypond documentation. When writing the time, we convert every tempo signature into a metronome mark that depends on the time signature. If the time signature is 2/4, 3/4 or 4/4, then the tempo signature is computed in quarter notes per minute. Otherwise, it is computed in dotted quarter notes per minute. Even though is a Lilypond file, we use the same python I/O functions (i.e. file.write). At the end we add a final bar symbol and two brackets. These two brackets are necessary if we want the Lilypond to compile in order to produce the PDF with the music.
We then call the function update(), which is found in (we decided to code it there because we use it throughout the file and so we are avoiding copying and pasting the code in The update() function compiles the current Lilypond file and then produces a PDF file with all the music that has been composed. The first time that the user accesses the home page (the page with the keyboard) the PDF will only display the information that the user has provided in the form (the title and so on). Finally, the user is redirected to the home page (the keyboard page) to start composing.
The following route deals with the keyboard page. The GET method takes the user to home.html. In home.js, we have click event listeners for when the rest and keyboard buttons are clicked. In those event listeners, we post the form information to the POST method in the home route. The POST method in home is what converts the composed music selected on the form into a Lilypond file. In the home page there are many buttons that send information to the home route, but only the keyboard buttons (each key in the keyboard is a button) and the rest button will submit the POST form to the home route. The other options add additional information to the fundamental information, which is what note the user pressed in the keyboard or if the user has pressed the rest button (so the other buttons do not submit the form). The way Lilypond files take in the notes is the following: if for example the user wants to write a dotted C3 note with the value of a half note, with an accent and a piano dynamic, in the Lilypond file we would write c'2.\piano\accent (one apostrophe indicates the notes from C3 to B flat 3, two apostrophes indicate the following octave, and so on). So in the keyboard displayed in home.html, each key in the keyboard stores the value in this format (i.e. c'). The flats are indicated with the ending "es" and the sharps are indicated with the ending "is" (so for example, c sharp is “cis”). The rhythm is the only other feature besides the note that is not optional, and so by default we set it to a quarter note (a whole note is a 1, a half note is a 2, and so on).
The home route therefore extracts all this information from all these buttons in the home.html page and concatenates all the values that it has retrieved in order to create the note in Lilypond format. However, before writing the we write a note in the Lilypond file, we have to delete the last two brackets and the bar using the pop function (file.write does not allow us to write in a specific line of the file). We add the bar and the two brackets at the end so that we can compile the lilypond file. After deleting the last two brackets, the route then opens the Lilypond file and writes the information that the user has provided. Recall that the form can be submitted either by pressing the keyboard button or the rest button, and so we differentiate between these two cases in the home route. After writing either the note or a rest in the Lilypond file, we write again the final bar and the two brackets so that the Lilypond file can be compiled into a PDF. Finally, we call the function update() found in so that the PDF in the server is updated. We return jsonify(True) inside the POST method in home when we are done. The event listeners for the keyboard button and rest in home.js will receive jsonify(True) once POST in home.js is done and then reupdate the new pdf containing the very last note that the user has clicked on home.html page. This way, the PDF file is dynamically updated every time the user writes into the music sheet (either a note or a rest), and so the user is able to visualize his or her changes almost instantly.
This route deletes the last note or rest that the user has written into the music sheet. The delete button is found in home.html as an undo arrow. It is intended to allow the user correct any mistakes that he or she makes. In home.js, we have a click event listener that posts a request to the undo route on and then waits for a response. The undo route first reads and copies all text in the Lilypond file as a list where each line is an element in the list. We then determine if there is a note or rest that can be deleted by checking the size of the list. If the size of the list is smaller than the minimum lilypond size, we return jsonify(False), which will then prompt a javascript error message in home.js Otherwise, we delete the last entry in the Lilypond file using the pop function. Finally we call the update() function in so that the PDF in the server updates. Then we finally return jsonify(True), and then the undo event listener in home.js will then update the new pdf on home.html that shows the last note or rest that has been deleted.
This route is intended to produce the Lilypond file in order the produce a MIDI file so that the user can listen to his or her music that has been produced so far. In home.js, we have a click event listener for the play and download button that posts a request to the midi route on and then waits for a response if the midi file is up to date with the user’s current music. The midi route is called when the user presses the play or download button in home.html (and so we only create the MIDI file when the user wishes to do so; not every time he or she updates the music sheet). Per the Lilypond package documentation, the only difference between a Lilypond file that produces a PDF file when compiled and a Lilypond file that produces a MIDI file when compiled is the addition of "\midi {}" in a specific part of the file (after "\score{"). By tracing where "\score{" is in the file, we create a new Lilypond file called and we copy all the file in it, adding the "\midi {}" so that when compiled it produces a MIDI file instead of a PDF file. Again, in order to avoid code repetitions, we call the update() function in in order to compile the file and obtain a MIDI file. Using a JavaScript function in home.js, this MIDI file can then be played and stopped in home.html. The user is also able to download the MIDI file into his or her computer (this is coded in home.js and home.html; not in
This route renders the template credits.html.
This route generates the chord sheet page. This page is similar to the keyboard page in that it renders a pdf of the chord sheet (which is generated automatically whenever it redirects) and it has a play/stop/download bar on top, where it generates and plays a midi file when users press play. However, it does not have an option to edit the PDF or chord sheet-- it only has options to download the midi or pdf, but they can be edited by switching back to home. The way that the chordsheet lilypond file is generated is by using notestrings to convert the original notes into relative key (see notestrings function for explanation of pros of this) and chordsheet to generate the chord progression and figured bass, then inserting the outputs of both into a list. The list is then entered into replace_after(), which deletes everything after the header information (title, composer, tempo) in the original file to input the harmonies while maintaining the header. The PDF is compiled similarly to on the homepage by using subprocesses.
This document contains the following functions for creating the chordsheet: notestrings, chordsheet, scale, convert, and chordname. It also contains the function replace_after for creating the lilypond sheet. The goal is to provide functions to create a lilypond file with harmonies while maintaining the musical integrity of the original melody line.
The first function, notestrings, takes the original sequence of notes and returns a list containing the first note (without rhythm) and a string of notes without octave notation, which makes it easy to convert into a relative key. The pros of relative key are that it makes it easier to visually place the melody notes into their vertical/harmonic context, and it is more compatible with Lilypond's chordmode/chordmode midi conversions.
Chordsheet is the actual algorithm that takes the sequence of notes, converts them into scale degree, and finds an appropriate and fairly musical chord progression. It tries to maintain harmonic musicality as well as horizontal (melodic) integrity by making sure that the melody notes are a part of all the chords, then placing all chords into the context of the basic I-IV-V-I (tonic-predominant-dominant-tonic) chord progression: it uses flags to indicate where along the chord progression the melody is, and along each step of the chord progression, it will try to resolve dissonant chords by choosing what chords to best accompany each note by scale degree so that it can sound good when resolving to the next step.
It maps scale degrees to chords individually depending on if it is minor (i-iv-v-i chord progression) or major (I-IV-V-I) and determines tonality by searching for the substring "major". The quality of the chord (major, minor, diminished, dominant, etc.) is manually determined for each scale degree both by what harmonically makes sense in a key or what sounds best due to general music theory. Some scale degrees may map to different chords under different circumstances depending on whether the I and IV flags are turned on -- for example, if both flags are on, it indicates that there was an I chord and a IV chord, so a V chord would be appropriate for the 5th scale degree. On the other hand, if only the I chord is on, a V chord would not be appropriate for the 5th scale degree because a IV chord needs to come first.
Chordsheet also accounts for chords that are not in the natural major/minor scales by making tonicizations (temporary key changes) to keys that are close to the original key and tonality, although it does not generate permanent modulations.
Chordsheet first maps to chords in the format [scaledegree, scaledegree modification, chord quality], then uses this list to generate a string for the chord name with the function chordname. It concatenates this string with longer strings to make Lilypond code.
Chordsheet returns these two strings in a list: the first one is chordmode, which will actually implement the chords in the bassline, and the second one is chords, which shows the figured bass (text) labels.
Scale takes the key signature and generates the scale in order to make it easier to find scale degree. By the format the key signature is in ("note \majororminor"), we can find the tonic by finding the 1st character of the string and find the tonality by searching for the substring "major" (because it is either major or minor).
We can then use the unique sequence of whole and half steps in major vs minor scales to iterate over a chromatic scale list [a, a#, b, ...] to select the notes in this scale and insert them into a new list. We return this list as the scale.
Convert takes a note and calculates the scale degree in the given key in list form by finding the numerical degree by the note and then stating if it is a half-step above that degree.
By doing this, it makes it easy to have a general chordsheet function that is not key signature-dependent, since pitches and harmonies can be relatively determined via scale degrees and then rooted by setting the tonic as the key. It is used in chordsheet to convert from note to scale degree.
Chordname finds the name of the chord given the scale degree (number and accidental) and the key signature by referring to the scale produced in the scale function. Sometimes, the note name may be incorrect because all information is stored as sharps ("is") or half-steps up for simplicity, so while the chordname "Eb" may be more appropriate, it may actually be "D#". To take this into account, for notes that are a half-step below their analagous note of that scale degree, the function subtracts 1 from the scale degree.
Chordname is used in chordsheet to convert back from scale degree to note name. It also adds on the quality (major, minor, diminished, dominant seventh, etc.) of a chord in a form that lilypond can recognize.
Replace_after creates a copy of the main lilypond file (, then replaces the contents after a certain line with a certain input. It takes a list input: [index (of last line you want in the file), replacement text, name of output file]. It works similarly to insert_after, but first uses a while loop and the pop function to remove lines from the list until only the last line desired remains. After that, it inserts the replacement lines similarly to insert_after.
Replace_after makes it possible to insert the outputs from notestrings() and chordsheet() into a lilypond file to render into a pdf and midi.
This Python file is intended for functions that we use more than one time in, and so it allows us to avoid code repetitions and to save lines of code. It has several functions defined in it.
This function updates a Lilypond file to create the subsequent files of type pdf or midi. It takes in the parameters lilypond_name, output_file, and file_type. It converts the lilypond file [lilypond_name].ly into file location output_file of the file type (pdf/midi) [file_type]. We take in these parameters so that the user can compile any lilypond files they wish.
If a user wanted to the lilypond file "" to be compiled into a pdf in the location "static/piano_score.pdf" (i.e. a pdf
file called piano_score.pdf inside the folder static), he/she would run "update" with the parameters lilypond_name = "trying",
output_file = "static/piano_score.pdf" and file_type="pdf". The user can also compile a lilypond file "" into a MIDI file
in the location "static/music.midi" with update("midi", "static/music.midi", "midi")
In order to compile the Lilypond file inside a Python file we use the check_output function from the subprocess library. The subprocess library allows us to run command line arguments inside the shell and the check_output function catches errors. We use it because lilypond requires command line arguments to compile the lilypond files into pdf. We first compile the lilypond file into a pdf/midi file, and then move that created file into into the static folder so that it can be displayed in the respective HTML pages. We also check if there has been any error with the subprocess function and display an error message and bring the user back to the index page if this is the case.
Front_required function decorates routes to require that the front page is submitted. This is necessary since the home page and chords page require information from the front page.
After the user submits the form in index, we add a flag variable called front_required
inside session with the value True
We set clear the session when we go back to the home page. We use session since it was the best way to ensure that front_required
only existed for the user's current session.
This function essentially checks whether the front page has been submitted by seeing whether front_required
has any value
inside session. We use this decoration function when in the get routes of "/home" and "/chords" in
Since file I/O in Python does not allow us to write in a specific row of the file, we implement this function that allows us to insert a string into after a specific text that we know is inside the Lilypond file. This function only works if we know at which exact line of the Lilypond file we want to insert the string, and inserts the contents after that line.
This allows us to make small changes inside our lilypond files to create music files.
For example, to convert a lilypond file into a midi file, the lilypond file must have the text \\midi {\n}\n'
after }\\score {\n
in the lilypond file, which is convenient to execute with insert_after
We first read and copy all the text in "", the lilypond file of the user's currently composed music, as a list where each line is an element in the list. We do this with the readline() function. Next, we find the index of [line] in the list and insert the desired text after the index. We finally combine the entire list into a string using join and write the entire string into the output file.
Similarly to the previous function, we also need to extract information from the Lilypond files (to pass information from one file to another) for creating the chord sheet. Also similar to the previous function, we need to know the number of the line from which we start copying to the number of the line in which we finish copying. This function creates a list in which we append all the lines that we copy from the original file. It "cleans" the data by eliminating the "\n" with the split function and also removes all of the additional note decorations (ex. accents, dynamics), which are not necessary for the chord sheet. The list of the key signature and the notes is then returned at the end of the function.
This is the HTML that all the other HTML files extend. The style of this page comes from two CSS files: one imported from Bootstrap and one that we have created. We use AJAX to extend the blocks and so all the other HTML pages can use the same stlye. In this HTML page we also set up the navigation bar, which contains buttons that redirect the user to four possible HTML pages: the home page (compose), the chord sheet page, the index page (restart), and the credits page.
We needed to have this secondary layout page because for some stylistic purposes regarding radio buttons the previous layout.html did not allow us to have textboxes. This is because we wanted radiobuttons that displayed images instead of text, and in order to have this feature we could not have text boxes in the same layout, so this is why we have two layout html files. This second layout does allow textboxes and is therefore used in the form in the index.html page.
This is the first HTML that is displayed when the user launches the web page. It contains a personal CSS file for radiobuttons and also allows the background color to keep changing. The purpose of this HTML page is to have the user complete a form in order to get the basic information to set up the Lilypond file: this includes two text boxes (title and composer) and four dropdown menus (time signature, key signature, tonality and tempo). The value of each of these items is written exactly as how we will later use it in the Lilypond file. Finally, there is a button that sends the form to After the form we have also included some JavaScript that ensures that the user is filling all the required fields before submitting. If any of the fields has not been filled, the user will be prompted an alert and the form will not be sent. We have also included error checking for the form in just in case JavaScript has been disabled.
This is the main page in which the user is able to compose his or her music. The first feature that we include is a box that contains the items related to the MIDI files: a play button, a stop button, and a download button. We have also included the button that allows the user to delete the last note. The play button calls a JavaScript function that can be found in home.js. This function in home.js compiles the file so that it creates a MIDI file and then the browser is able to play it. We can also stop the MIDI file through another JavaScript function that we have included directly in the HTML file, and the download function is also embedded in the button. Finally, the delete button calls a JavaScript function that in turn will call the "/undo" route in that we have previously described.
Below these features related to the MIDI file we find the features related that can be added to the music composed: duration, rests, dots, dynamics and articulations. This form is sent to and, as we have previously explained, it can be sent either by pressing the rest button or by pressing any key in the keyboard. The other buttons add complementary features to the note that is being written. Similarly to the form in index.html, the values of all the buttons in home.html are exactly written as required by the Lilypond file documentation. We also put images in the radio buttons instead of text, so that the information can be much more visual. The JavaScript functions needed to send the form either through the rest button or through the keyboard can be found in home.js.
Below this we can find a virtual keyboard. This keyboard has been built by using the polygon feature of HTML and then defining the points for each rectangle, as well as the color (either white or black). The value of each key in the keyboard is the alphabetical representation of the notes as required by the Lilypond file documentation.
After the keyboard there is a text line displaying "Wait, PDF is still loading...". This line is initially hidden and shows up when the user is pressing the keyboard too fast, thereby not allowing the PDF to update before another note can be added. Since we update the PDF every time a key in the keyboard is pressed, the user has to wait until he or she can add another note to the PDF file. If this is not the case, then this message becomes visible through a JavaScript function that can be found in home.js. The message will disappear again when the PDF has been uploaded, again through a JavaScript function that can be found in home.js.
Finally, the HTMl contains the PDF that displays the music that is being written by the user. The Lilypond file is compiled into a PDF file in, and so the HTML just needs to display the PDF. The PDF can be downloaded and printed.
This HTML file is very similar to home.html. It again contains the same box regarding the MIDI features (play, stop and download), although it does not contain the delete button. These buttons allow the user to interact with another MIDI file which contains not only the melody that the user has created but also the harmonization that we provide. The harmonization is created through an algorithm in, whereas the MIDI JavaScript playing features can be found in home.js.
After this box we display the PDF of the Lilypond file that contains both the melody of the user and the harmonization that we have created. Similar to home.html, the PDF is already compiled in, and so HTML just needs to display it. The PDF can be downloaded and printed.
This HTML is very short and is only used to display errors in the Python file (therefore not related to JavaScript). For example, we use the error.html page to display an error message if the user has not filled all the fields in the form displayed in index.html. This HTML displays a message that is passed by the Python and can be included by using AJAX.
This HTML page does not include any forms, buttons, or JavaScript functions. It is an HTML page that just displays information about us. We have included a short biography of the three of us as well as one picture of each. We have also included links to the documentation of the packages and languages that we have used.
This JavaScript file is used in the other Python and HTML files that we have just described in order to implement interactive functions.
This JavaScript function is related to the virtual keyboard that can be found in home.html, as well as all the buttons that are related to musical features also in home.html (the rhythm, dot, res, dynamic and articulation buttons). We use this function to submit the form in home.html to the "/home" page in when any key in the keyboard is pressed. Note that in JavaScript we have two functions that submit the form in home.html to the "/home" page: this function ('.white, .black'), which submits the form if a key is pressed, and the '#rest' function, which submits the form if the rest button is pressed. The function extracts the note and the octave directly from the id of the key and other values (note, octave, alteration, duration, dynamics, articulation, and dot) It modifies the values and posts the form value in the proper format to the "/home" route in Once the "/home" route in has successfully created the pdf with the added note, this function updates the pdf in home.html and updates flag variables accordingly.
Similarly to the previous function, this one also submits the form from home.html to "/home" in but when the rest button is pressed. The duration of the rest is extracted from the length value in home.html. Because we will just write the rest in the music sheet, all the other variables are left empty. We then post information about the rest and its duration to /home in After the /home route in has succefully created the pdf with the added rest, this function updates the pdf in home.html and updates the flag variables accordingly.
This function posts to the undo route in when the undo button is pressed and error checks to make sure that there are notes to be deleted. After the undo route has successfully created the pdf with the deleted note, this function updates the pdf in home.html and updates the flag variables accordingly.
This function is triggered when the user clicks the play button in home.html. It allows the user to play the MIDI file of the music that he or she has written so far. If the audio is up to date with the user's current compsition, then the JavaScript function will just play this file using a JavaScript library. Else, the audio needs to be updated, so this function posts a request to the "/midi" route in, which will then update the MIDI file. Once the MIDI file has been succesfully updated, the audio is played in the browser.
Like the play event listener, it allows the user to download the MIDI file of the music that he or she has written so far. If the audio is not up to date, then the function posts a request to '/midi' route in, which updates the MIDI file.
Clear form is a helper function for the rest button and piano button event listeners. After the piano button is pressed, it clears the form for everything except length/duration option values. This allows user to conveniently add notes without having to unselect form options.
This function is triggered when the user clicks the play button in chordsheet.html. It allows the user to play the MIDI file of the music found in chordsheet.html (that is, the melody of the user plus the harmonization that we provide). If the audio is up to date with the user's current chord sheet harmonization, then the JavaScript function will just play this file using a JavaScript library. Else, the audio needs to be updated, so this function posts a request to the "/midi2" route in, which will then update the MIDI file for the chord sheet. Once the MIDI file has been succesfully updated,the audio is played in the browser.
Like the play event listener, it allows the user to download the MIDI file of the chord sheet music that the user has written so far.If the audio is not up to date, then the function posts a request to '/midi2' route in, which updates the MIDI file.
This is our general design for all of our HTML pages.
This CSS file allows the permanent change of the color of the background of index.html (the first page that is prompet when the user launches the web app).
This CSS file customs radio buttons.
This is the main Lilypond file and it is where all the notes from the keyboards and rests are first inserted. All the other three Lilypond files extract the information from this first file.
This is the Lilypond file that will produce a MIDI file when compiled. This file is created by copying all the information in and adding a MIDI feature as per the Lilypond documentation. This addition is possible thanks to the update_after function that is found in
This is the Lilypond file that contains both the melody of the user and our harmonization of it (we include both the chords displayed in the stave and the chords written in plain letters below the stave). The melody is copied from and then the harmonization is added following the algorithm explained in The Lilypond library then allows us to display the chords both in the stave and below in English.
This is the Lilypond file that will produce a MIDI file when compiled. This file is created by copying all the information in and then adding a MIDI feature as per the Lilypond documentation. This addition is possible thanks to the update_after function that is found in
Links that we visited/were helpful to us.