This is the source for the HealthHackMelb website - it is written using middleman.
The site is actually static HTML that is generated and pushed to an AWS S3 bucket. Right now we build it locally on our machines and push to S3. Middleman happily takes care of all of this.
To run a local server so you can see the changes:
To deploy your changes to the live site:
middleman build
# On a clean Ubuntu Precise:
sudo apt-get install -y curl git-core ruby-bundler rubygems nodejs
\curl -sSL | bash -s stable --ruby
source ~/.rvm/scripts/rvm
git clone
cd website
# Copy-paste the contents of the secret file that someone has given you:
nano secret
bundle install
# Build the content:
middleman build
# Run locally:
middleman server
# Deploy to Amazon S3:
Follow these instructions apart from bits you know already and you can just ignore :D.
You need the following:
RVM or similar (basic install instructions here )
Check out the source code for the website:
git clone
Or use the GitHub client.
cd into the directory and you will be given a prompt to activate the rvmrc file that tells RVM which ruby and gemset to use - type in 'yes' here
Install the gems:
bundle install
- To build the website:
middleman build
This generates all the static html to a folder called build/
- To see the website running:
middleman server
This will start serving the site and give you an address to go to in your browser.
You can keep the server running, make changes to the source files and rebuild the site files. Should be a fairly low-friction workflow.
- Edit files in the source folder, for example source/index.html.erb (the template file for the home page)
- Rebuild:
middleman build
- Your changes should be available from the same address as before - if the server is not running start it again:
middleman server
You don't technically need to do this to deploy, but please do - else if I deploy and I don't have your changes, your changes are history!
Assuming some basic GH workflow stuff is covered, but I can help with that over the next 48 hours.
As I said before, this is just a case of generating the site and syncing it with the S3 bucket sitting behind ( OK that doesn't sound simple, luckily enough a middleman gem does the hard work for us.
One time setup! You need to make sure you have a file called 'secret' in the root of the project. This has the credentials for s3 deployment so it obviously does not go into github. I will send this file to anyone who needs to do deployment.
Firstly make sure everything is built:
middleman build
Then deploy:
This has a bunch of warnings/errors due to a bug in one of the components it uses ("Invalid Excon request keys: :scheme, :host"). But if you go to ( your changes will be there!
Pages with .markdown in the file extension are built in kramdown Check out ( for syntax