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noresm2nc4mpi - hexagon compression tool for NorESM output

Run /work/shared/noresm/tools/noresm2nc4mpi -h to print detailed instructions: Usage: /work/shared/noresm/tools/noresm2nc4mpi

Example: export ACCOUNT=nn9039k

``        export WALLTIME=24:00:00 ``
``        noresm2nc4mpi /work/ingo/archive/my-noresm-case ``
`` ``

Purpose: Converts NorESM output to compressed netcdf 4 format and gzips restart files

Description: noresm2nc4mpi is fully mpi parallized and submits a pbs job

``            to the queue to do the compression on the backend.  ``
``           ``
``            IMPORTANT: Only run one instance of noresm2nc4mpi on a single case``
``            at a time. Yet, it is safe to run multiple instances of noresm2nc4mpi ``
``            on multiple NorESM cases at a time. In case that a noresm2nc4mpi job ``
``            terminates before completion then simply run noresm2nc4mpi again ``
``            (the tool with continue where it stopped).  ``
``            Influencial environmental variables (default values): ``
``              ACCOUNT   (nn2345k)``
``              WALLTIME  (48:00:00) ``
``              NTHREADS  (32)                             # number of cpus used``
``              ZIPRES    (1)                              # 1=gzip restart files ``
``              RMLOGS    (1)                              # 1=remove log files``
``              COMPLEVEL (5)                              # compression level ``
``              NCCOPY    (/opt/cray/netcdf/4.1.3/gnu/46/bin/nccopy)``
``              NCDUMP    (/opt/cray/netcdf/4.1.3/gnu/46/bin/ncdump)  ``
``              GZIP      (/usr/bin/gzip) ``
``              TEMPDIR   (/work/ingo/noresm2nc4mpi) ``