The core idea in haplotype comparison is to enumerate all possible haplotypes that are specified by a given VCF.
Here is an example:
chrQ 4 A T 0|1
chrQ 5 C T 1|0
=> two haplotypes
When variants are not phased, we don't know exactly which haplotype they are on. We can then enumerate all possible haplotype pairs:
chrQ 4 A T 0/1
chrQ 5 C T 0/1
=> pair 1 (variants are on the same haplotype)
=> pair 2 (variants are on alternate haplotypes)
Now assume we are given two samples and we would like to know if they have the same haplotypes:
chrQ 4 AC TT ./. 0|1
chrQ 4 A T 0/1 ./.
chrQ 5 C T 0/1 ./.
We know from above that SAMPLE1
has two possible haplotype pairs:
, we have exactly one pair: ACCACCACC | ACCTTCACC
, which matches
pair 1. from above.
This type of comparison can be applied in small windows across the genome to identify exactly matching haplotypes that are represented differently in VCF records.
Enumeration of all possible sequences is implemented using reference graphs.
The main tools of this package wrap the building blocks in the next section.
Each tool will show its command line options when run with the -h
This tool performs multi-threaded haplotype comparison. See
This is a wrapper around bcftools to compare VCFs only by alleles (useful for comparing/benchmarking somatic calls). See
This tool tries to identify variant callers and aligners by analysing the VCF and BAM headers. The output is a JSON file.
This is a VCF feature extraction script that can extract feature tables from VCF files.
This section outlines all the tools that come with this package. All tools typically require access to the reference sequence in indexed fasta format.
To create an index for your reference file, run
samtools faidx reference.fasta
Also, all the tools below require input VCFs to be bgzipped and indexed, otherwise they will fail.
Input: a VCF file, a (small) region in the genome.
- all possible Haplotype sequences described by the VCF (e.g. exactly two for phased diploid VCF files).
- a dot file showing the reference graph
Input: a VCF file, a (small) region in the genome.
All feasible haplotype pairs for this region.
Input: one or more VCF files, optionally regions in the genome.
A multi-sample VCF file that has been preprocessed.
Input: one or more VCF files, optionally regions in the genome.
A bed file with blocks that guarantee that block boundaries do not fall between two variants that are closer than a window length w.
Input: a VCF file
The VCF header and tabix contigs in JSON format.
This is the core comparison engine in
Input: two VCF files, optionally regions of the genome
- An annotated VCF file showing match / mismatch information for each location
This is a helper to debug haplotype comparison in fixed blocks.
Input: a multi-sample VCF file, optionally bed annotation regions for stratification
- a JSON file of stratified counts
- a tab-separated table with all ROC values
- a VCF file with annotated regions
Input: tab-separated table of instances classified as TP/FP/FN with a quality value each
Output: table of precision / recall values with varying quality threshold.
Given number of VCF files, superloci contain all variant calls that are no further apart than a given window length.
Input: one or more VCF files
Output: a bed file with all superloci
VCF files with invalid / incomplete headers can cause problems when converting them into the BCF format. Also, in some cases, certain types of alleles or reference overlaps might cause problems when comparing variants.
Input: a single VCF / BCF file
Output: return code != zero if the VCF file has problems + some statistics to stdout