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Cactus discounted-asset-trade


Cactus discounted-asset-trade is a sample application that calculates asset cost based on customer type. In this application, when the users transfer the asset ownership in the cactus discounted-asset-trade, they present their employee proofs to the asset-owner company to receive an employee discount. We implement the employee proofs by proofs on Hyperledger Indy. Asset ownership is represented by a asset-transfer-basic chaincodetoken on Hyperledger Fabric, which can be exchanged for ETH currency on a private Ethereum blockchain. This Business Logic Plugin (BLP) application controls a process from employee certification using Hyperledger Indy to payment using Ethereum.

discounted-asset-trade image


The application works in the following scenario:


Alice wants to buy an asset using the services of company Thrift Corp. Alice chose this company because she is an employee of Acme Corp., which offers discounts on Thrift Corp.'s services as a benefit.

Note : Acme Corp and Thrift Corp have the same names on the sample application on Hyperledger Indy.


Alice knows that Acme Corp. provides digital certificates. She asks Acme Corp. to issue a credential when she uses various services, and the company issues it.

When Alice Uses the Service

  • Alice will use her client application to connect with discounted-asset-trade BLP application. This will create anoncreds connection between her and the BLP app.
  • Alice will send a purchase order to the BLP application.
  • BLP will request the proof of employment from Alice client application.
  • Once verified, the BLP will decide what she should pay based on the price list and then proceed with the business logic using cactus as an escrow to transfer ETH currencies and asset ownership tokens to each other.

Setup Overview


  • Validator for fabric ledger.
  • Started as part of discounted asset trade BLP.


  • Validator for ethereum ledger.
  • Started as part of discounted asset trade BLP.


  • Base image for cactus-example-discounted-asset-trade BLP.
  • Contains cactus cmd socketio server module
  • It will build the image and immediately exit on run.


  • Main logic for this sample application.
  • Use it's endpoint (localhost:5034) to interact the bussiness logic.
  • Docker network: cactus-example-discounted-asset-trade-net

Indy Schema

Indy node pool and validator


  1. Configure Cactus:

    # execute in root cactus dir
    pushd ../..
    npm run configure
  2. Create settings directory and make sure you have write permission on it

    sudo mkdir /etc/cactus
    sudo chown -R __YOUR_USERNAME__ /etc/cactus/
  3. Start the ledgers:

    • This script will start all ledger docker containers, networks, and will setup configuration needed to operate the sample app.
    • (NOTICE: Before executing the above, your account needs to be added to the docker group (usermod -a -G docker YourAccount from root user))
    • On success, this should start three containers:
      • geth1
      • asset_trade_faio2x_testnet
      • asset_trade_indy_all_in_one
  4. Setup Indy credentials:

    • Before running the sample application we need to register employment credential and issue it to Alice (user of our app).
    • Use setup-credentials script from cactus-example-discounted-asset-trade-client.
    # In separate shell (can be used later for client app)
    cd ./examples/cactus-example-discounted-asset-trade-client
    yarn setup-credentials
    • Copy the credential definition ID from the script output into this example application BLP configuration.

      # setup-credentials script output
      Running with log level INFO
      Connecting Alice with Issuer...
      Connecting aliceCactiAgent to issuerCactiAgent...
      Agents connected!
      Register and issue the employment credential...
      Register Credential Schema...
      Register employment certificate credential schema 'cactiJobCert'...
      Employment credential schemaId: did:indy:cacti:test:Th7MpTaRZVRYnPiabds81Y/anoncreds/v0/SCHEMA/cactiJobCert/1.0.0
      Register Credential Definition...
      Register job certificate credential definition (schemaId: 'did:indy:cacti:test:Th7MpTaRZVRYnPiabds81Y/anoncreds/v0/SCHEMA/cactiJobCert/1.0.0') ...
      # COPY THIS >>
      Employment credential credentialDefinitionId: did:indy:cacti:test:Th7MpTaRZVRYnPiabds81Y/anoncreds/v0/CLAIM_DEF/11/default
      # <<
      Issue the credential...
      Employment credential issued: 7f93ba15-98b2-4667-a7cf-ecec3059e9d4
      Accepting credential eb69032d-ec73-4fa1-bd83-1ff52a0dc4b5...
      Credential accepted!
      Credential was issed and accepted by a peer agent!
      Verify employment status proof...
      Proof request was sent
      Accepting proof 4d03e479-073a-4f51-98e4-befd7ba34345...
      Proof request accepted!
      Requested proof status: done
      Finishing - cleaning up the agents...
      All done.
      # Replace __CREDENTIAL_DEFINITION_ID__ in config file with actual credentialDefinitionId
      sed -i 's#__CREDENTIAL_DEFINITION_ID__#did:indy:cacti:test:Th7MpTaRZVRYnPiabds81Y/anoncreds/v0/CLAIM_DEF/11/default#g' "./etc/cactus/usersetting.yaml"
      # ... or do it manually in text editor
      vim ./etc/cactus/usersetting.yaml
  5. Launch discounted-asset-trade and validators from local docker-compose.yml (use separate console for that, docker-compose will block your prompt):

    docker-compose build && docker-compose up
    # or
    npm run start

    This will build and launch all needed containers, the final output should look like this:

    cactus-example-discounted-asset-trade-indy-validator | 2022-01-31 16:00:49,552 INFO success: validator entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs)
    cactus-example-discounted-asset-trade-indy-validator-nginx | 2022/01/31 16:00:49 [notice] 1#1: start worker process 35
    cmd-socketio-base-dummy exited with code 0
    cactus-example-discounted-asset-trade-blp      | [2022-01-31T16:00:56.208] [INFO] www - listening on *: 5034

Dockerless run

For development purposes, it might be useful to run the sample application outside of docker-compose environment.

  1. Configure cactus and start the ledgers as described above.
  2. Run ./ from cactus-example-discounted-asset-trade/ directory. This will patch the configs and copy it to global location.
  3. Start asset-trade: npm run start-dockerless

How to use this application

  • Use run-discounted-asset-trade-client script from cactus-example-discounted-asset-trade-client to interact with this application.

    # In separat shell
    cd ./examples/cactus-example-discounted-asset-trade-client
    yarn run-discounted-asset-trade-client
    # Sample output
    Running with log level INFO
    Connected to the discounted asset trade sample app agent! ID: 19949a1e-0ef6-449b-9c37-256449258b51
    Action: (Use arrow keys)
    ❯ Start the trade
      Get this agent credentials
      Get assets
  1. (Optional) Check credentials in Alice wallet by selecting Get this agent credentials.

    Action: Get this agent credentials
        "id": "eb69032d-ec73-4fa1-bd83-1ff52a0dc4b5",
        "schemaId": "did:indy:cacti:test:Th7MpTaRZVRYnPiabds81Y/anoncreds/v0/SCHEMA/cactiJobCert/1.0.0",
        # Note: This credential matches one we'll be requesting in discounted asset trade example
        "credentialDefinitionId": "did:indy:cacti:test:Th7MpTaRZVRYnPiabds81Y/anoncreds/v0/CLAIM_DEF/11/default",
        "connectionId": "32134b50-a245-4de5-8408-f35fcb069373",
        "credentials": [
            "credentialRecordType": "anoncreds",
            "credentialRecordId": "dd6aba0c-8674-451d-a063-a630004be1dd"
        "credentialAttributes": [
            "mime-type": "text/plain",
            "name": "first_name",
            "value": "Alice"
            "mime-type": "text/plain",
            "name": "last_name",
            "value": "Garcia"
            "mime-type": "text/plain",
            "name": "salary",
            "value": "2400"
            "mime-type": "text/plain",
            "name": "employee_status",
            # Note: Alice is a permanent employee
            "value": "Permanent"
            "mime-type": "text/plain",
            "name": "experience",
            "value": "10"
  2. (Optional) Check the balance on Ethereum and the asset ownership on Fabric by selecting Get assets.

    Action: Get assets
    # Ethereum fromAccount:
    # Ethereum escrowAccount:
    # Ethereum toAccount:
    # Fabric:
          ID: 'asset2',
          color: 'red',
          size: 5,
          owner: 'Brad',
          appraisedValue: 400
  3. Run the transaction execution by selecting Start the trade

    Action: Start the trade
    Trade request sent! Response: { tradeID: '20231103185232057-001' }
  4. (Optional) Check the final balance on Ethereum and the asset ownership on Fabric by selecting Get assets.

    Action: Get assets
    # Ethereum fromAccount:
    # Ethereum escrowAccount:
    # Ethereum toAccount:
    # Fabric:
          ID: 'asset2',
          color: 'red',
          size: 5,
          owner: 'Cathy',
          appraisedValue: 400

How to stop the application and Docker containers

  1. Press Ctrl+C in docker-compose console to stop the application.

  2. Run cleanup script

    sudo ./ # for root owned files
    ./ # for user owner files

Manual cleanup instructions

  1. Remove the config files on your machine

    sudo rm -r ./etc/cactus/
  2. Stop the docker containers of Ethereum, Fabric and Indy

    • docker stop geth1 asset_trade_faio2x_testnet asset_trade_indy_all_in_one
    • docker rm geth1 asset_trade_faio2x_testnet asset_trade_indy_all_in_one
  3. Clear indy-all-in-one

    pushd ../../tools/docker/indy-all-in-one/
  4. Remove geth files

    pushd ../../tools/docker/geth-testnet/
    rm -fr ./data-geth1/geth/