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File metadata and controls

1816 lines (1319 loc) · 72.1 KB

Table of Contents


Using npm:

npm install --save react-native-video

or using yarn:

yarn add react-native-video

Then follow the instructions for your platform to link react-native-video into your project:

iOS installation

iOS details

Standard Method

React Native 0.60 and above

Run npx pod-install. Linking is not required in React Native 0.60 and above.

React Native 0.59 and below

Run react-native link react-native-video to link the react-native-video library.

Enable Static Linking for dependencies in your ios project Podfile

Add use_frameworks! :linkage => :static just under platform :ios in your ios project Podfile.

See the example ios project for reference

Using CocoaPods (required to enable caching)

Setup your Podfile like it is described in the react-native documentation.

Depending on your requirements you have to choose between the two possible subpodspecs:

Video only:

  pod 'Folly', :podspec => '../node_modules/react-native/third-party-podspecs/Folly.podspec'
+  `pod 'react-native-video', :path => '../node_modules/react-native-video/react-native-video.podspec'`

Video with caching (more info):

  pod 'Folly', :podspec => '../node_modules/react-native/third-party-podspecs/Folly.podspec'
+  `pod 'react-native-video/VideoCaching', :path => '../node_modules/react-native-video/react-native-video.podspec'`

tvOS installation

tvOS details

react-native link react-native-video doesn’t work properly with the tvOS target so we need to add the library manually.

First select your project in Xcode.

After that, select the tvOS target of your application and select « General » tab

Scroll to « Linked Frameworks and Libraries » and tap on the + button

Select RCTVideo-tvOS

Android installation

Android details

Linking is not required in React Native 0.60 and above. If your project is using React Native < 0.60, run react-native link react-native-video to link the react-native-video library.

Or if you have trouble, make the following additions to the given files manually:


Add player source in build configuration

include ':react-native-video'
project(':react-native-video').projectDir = new File(rootProject.projectDir, '../node_modules/react-native-video/android')


From version >= 5.0.0, you have to apply these changes:

dependencies {
    compile project(':react-native-video')
+   implementation "androidx.appcompat:appcompat:1.0.0"
-   implementation "${rootProject.ext.supportLibVersion}"



Migrating to AndroidX (needs version >= 5.0.0):


If using com.facebook.react.PackageList to auto import native dependencies, there are no updates required here. Please see the android example project for more details. /examples/basic/android/app/src/main/java/com/videoplayer/

For manual linking

On top, where imports are:

import com.brentvatne.react.ReactVideoPackage;

Add the ReactVideoPackage class to your list of exported packages.

protected List<ReactPackage> getPackages() {
    return Arrays.asList(
            new MainReactPackage(),
            new ReactVideoPackage()

Enable custom feature in gradle file

Enable client side ads insertion

To enable client side ads insertion CSAI with google IMA SDK, you need to enable it in your gradle file.

buildscript {
  ext {
    RNVUseExoplayerIMA = true

Windows installation

Windows RNW C++/WinRT details


React Native Windows 0.63 and above

Autolinking should automatically add react-native-video to your app.

Manual Linking

React Native Windows 0.62

Make the following additions to the given files manually:


Add the ReactNativeVideoCPP project to your solution (eg. windows\myapp.sln):

  1. Open your solution in Visual Studio 2019
  2. Right-click Solution icon in Solution Explorer > Add > Existing Project...
  3. Select node_modules\react-native-video\windows\ReactNativeVideoCPP\ReactNativeVideoCPP.vcxproj

Add a reference to ReactNativeVideoCPP to your main application project (eg. windows\myapp\myapp.vcxproj):

  1. Open your solution in Visual Studio 2019
  2. Right-click main application project > Add > Reference...
  3. Check ReactNativeVideoCPP from Solution Projects

Add #include "winrt/ReactNativeVideoCPP.h".


Add PackageProviders().Append(winrt::ReactNativeVideoCPP::ReactPackageProvider()); before InitializeComponent();.

React Native Windows 0.61 and below

Follow the manual linking instuctions for React Native Windows 0.62 above, but substitute ReactNativeVideoCPP61 for ReactNativeVideoCPP.


Run yarn xbasic install in the root directory before running any of the examples.

iOS Example

yarn xbasic ios

Android Example

yarn xbasic android

Windows Example

yarn xbasic windows


// Load the module

import Video from 'react-native-video';

// Within your render function, assuming you have a file called
// "background.mp4" in your project. You can include multiple videos
// on a single screen if you like.

<Video source={{uri: "background"}}   // Can be a URL or a local file.
       ref={(ref) => {
         this.player = ref
       }}                                      // Store reference
       onBuffer={this.onBuffer}                // Callback when remote video is buffering
       onError={this.videoError}               // Callback when video cannot be loaded
       style={styles.backgroundVideo} />

// Later on in your styles..
var styles = StyleSheet.create({
  backgroundVideo: {
    position: 'absolute',
    top: 0,
    left: 0,
    bottom: 0,
    right: 0,

Configurable props

Name Platforms Support
adTagUrl Android, iOS
allowsExternalPlayback iOS
audioOnly All
automaticallyWaitsToMinimizeStalling iOS
backBufferDurationMs Android
bufferConfig Android
contentStartTime Android
controls Android, iOS
currentPlaybackTime Android
disableFocus Android, iOS
disableDisconnectError Android
filter iOS
filterEnabled iOS
focusable Android
fullscreen iOS
fullscreenAutorotate iOS
fullscreenOrientation iOS
headers Android
hideShutterView Android
ignoreSilentSwitch iOS
maxBitRate Android, iOS
minLoadRetryCount Android
mixWithOthers iOS
muted All
paused All
pictureInPicture iOS
playInBackground Android, iOS
playWhenInactive iOS
poster All
posterResizeMode All
preferredForwardBufferDuration iOS
preventsDisplaySleepDuringVideoPlayback iOS, Android
progressUpdateInterval All
rate All
repeat All
reportBandwidth Android
resizeMode Android, iOS, Windows UWP
selectedAudioTrack Android, iOS
selectedTextTrack Android, iOS
selectedVideoTrack Android
source All
subtitleStyle Android
textTracks Android, iOS
trackId Android
useTextureView Android
useSecureView Android
volume All
localSourceEncryptionKeyScheme All

Event props

Name Platforms Support
onAudioBecomingNoisy Android, iOS
onAudioTracks Android
onBandwidthUpdate Android
onBuffer Android, iOS
onEnd All
onError Android, iOS
onExternalPlaybackChange iOS
onFullscreenPlayerWillPresent Android, iOS
onFullscreenPlayerDidPresent Android, iOS
onFullscreenPlayerWillDismiss Android, iOS
onFullscreenPlayerDidDismiss Android, iOS
onLoad All
onLoadStart All
onPictureInPictureStatusChanged iOS
onPlaybackRateChange All
onProgress All
onReadyForDisplay Android, iOS, Web
onReceiveAdEvent Android, iOS
onRestoreUserInterfaceForPictureInPictureStop iOS
onSeek Android, iOS, Windows UWP
onTimedMetadata Android, iOS
onTextTracks Android
onVideoTracks Android


Name Platforms Support
dismissFullscreenPlayer Android, iOS
presentFullscreenPlayer Android, iOS
save iOS
restoreUserInterfaceForPictureInPictureStop iOS
seek All

Static methods

Name Platforms Support
getWidevineLevel Android
isCodecSupported Android
isHEVCSupported Android

Configurable props


Sets the VAST uri to play AVOD ads.



Note: On android, you need enable IMA SDK in gradle file, see: enableclient side ads insertion

Platforms: Android, iOS


Indicates whether the player allows switching to external playback mode such as AirPlay or HDMI.

  • true (default) - allow switching to external playback mode
  • false - Don't allow switching to external playback mode

Platforms: iOS


Indicates whether the player should only play the audio track and instead of displaying the video track, show the poster instead.

  • false (default) - Display the video as normal
  • true - Show the poster and play the audio

For this to work, the poster prop must be set.

Platforms: all


A Boolean value that indicates whether the player should automatically delay playback in order to minimize stalling. For clients linked against iOS 10.0 and later

  • false - Immediately starts playback
  • true (default) - Delays playback in order to minimize stalling

Platforms: iOS


The number of milliseconds of buffer to keep before the current position. This allows rewinding without rebuffering within that duration.

Platforms: Android


Adjust the buffer settings. This prop takes an object with one or more of the properties listed below.

Property Type Description
minBufferMs number The default minimum duration of media that the player will attempt to ensure is buffered at all times, in milliseconds.
maxBufferMs number The default maximum duration of media that the player will attempt to buffer, in milliseconds.
bufferForPlaybackMs number The default duration of media that must be buffered for playback to start or resume following a user action such as a seek, in milliseconds.
bufferForPlaybackAfterRebufferMs number The default duration of media that must be buffered for playback to resume after a rebuffer, in milliseconds. A rebuffer is defined to be caused by buffer depletion rather than a user action.
maxHeapAllocationPercent number The percentage of available heap that the video can use to buffer, between 0 and 1
minBackBufferMemoryReservePercent number The percentage of available app memory at which during startup the back buffer will be disabled, between 0 and 1
minBufferMemoryReservePercent number The percentage of available app memory to keep in reserve that prevents buffer from using it, between 0 and 1

This prop should only be set when you are setting the source, changing it after the media is loaded will cause it to be reloaded.

Example with default values:

  minBufferMs: 15000,
  maxBufferMs: 50000,
  bufferForPlaybackMs: 2500,
  bufferForPlaybackAfterRebufferMs: 5000

Platforms: Android


When playing an HLS live stream with a EXT-X-PROGRAM-DATE-TIME tag configured, then this property will contain the epoch value in msec.

Platforms: Android, iOS


Determines whether to show player controls.

  • false (default) - Don't show player controls
  • true - Show player controls

Note on iOS, controls are always shown when in fullscreen mode. Note on Android, native controls are available by default. If needed, you can also add your controls or use a package like react-native-video-controls or react-native-media-console, see Usefull Side Project.


The start time in ms for SSAI content. This determines at what time to load the video info like resolutions. Use this only when you have SSAI stream where ads resolution is not the same as content resolution.

Platforms: Android, iOS


Determines whether video audio should override background music/audio in Android devices.

  • false (default) - Override background audio/music
  • true - Let background audio/music from other apps play

Note: Allows multiple videos to play if set to true. If false, when one video is playing and another is started, the first video will be paused.

Platforms: Android


Determines if the player needs to throw an error when connection is lost or not

  • false (default) - Player will throw an error when connection is lost
  • true - Player will keep trying to buffer when network connect is lost

Platforms: Android


To setup DRM please follow this guide

Platforms: Android, iOS


Add video filter

  • FilterType.NONE (default) - No Filter
  • FilterType.INVERT - CIColorInvert
  • FilterType.MONOCHROME - CIColorMonochrome
  • FilterType.POSTERIZE - CIColorPosterize
  • FilterType.FALSE - CIFalseColor
  • FilterType.MAXIMUMCOMPONENT - CIMaximumComponent
  • FilterType.MINIMUMCOMPONENT - CIMinimumComponent
  • FilterType.CHROME - CIPhotoEffectChrome
  • FilterType.FADE - CIPhotoEffectFade
  • FilterType.INSTANT - CIPhotoEffectInstant
  • FilterType.MONO - CIPhotoEffectMono
  • FilterType.NOIR - CIPhotoEffectNoir
  • FilterType.PROCESS - CIPhotoEffectProcess
  • FilterType.TONAL - CIPhotoEffectTonal
  • FilterType.TRANSFER - CIPhotoEffectTransfer
  • FilterType.SEPIA - CISepiaTone

For more details on these filters refer to the iOS docs.


  1. Using a filter can impact CPU usage. A workaround is to save the video with the filter and then load the saved video.
  2. Video filter is currently not supported on HLS playlists.
  3. filterEnabled must be set to true

Platforms: iOS


Enable video filter.

  • false (default) - Don't enable filter
  • true - Enable filter

Platforms: iOS


Whether this video view should be focusable with a non-touch input device, eg. receive focus with a hardware keyboard.

  • false - Makes view unfocusable
  • true (default) - Makes view focusable

Platforms: Android


Controls whether the player enters fullscreen on play.

  • false (default) - Don't display the video in fullscreen
  • true - Display the video in fullscreen

Platforms: iOS


If a preferred fullscreenOrientation is set, causes the video to rotate to that orientation but permits rotation of the screen to orientation held by user. Defaults to TRUE.

Platforms: iOS


  • all (default) -
  • landscape
  • portrait

Platforms: iOS


Pass headers to the HTTP client. Can be used for authorization. Headers must be a part of the source object.


  uri: "",
  headers: {
    Authorization: 'bearer some-token-value',
    'X-Custom-Header': 'some value'

Platforms: Android


Controls whether the ExoPlayer shutter view (black screen while loading) is enabled.

  • false (default) - Show shutter view
  • true - Hide shutter view

Platforms: Android


Controls the iOS silent switch behavior

  • "inherit" (default) - Use the default AVPlayer behavior
  • "ignore" - Play audio even if the silent switch is set
  • "obey" - Don't play audio if the silent switch is set

Platforms: iOS


Sets the desired limit, in bits per second, of network bandwidth consumption when multiple video streams are available for a playlist.

Default: 0. Don't limit the maxBitRate.


maxBitRate={2000000} // 2 megabits

Platforms: Android, iOS


Sets the minimum number of times to retry loading data before failing and reporting an error to the application. Useful to recover from transient internet failures.

Default: 3. Retry 3 times.


minLoadRetryCount={5} // retry 5 times

Platforms: Android


Controls how Audio mix with other apps.

  • "inherit" (default) - Use the default AVPlayer behavior
  • "mix" - Audio from this video mixes with audio from other apps.
  • "duck" - Reduces the volume of other apps while audio from this video plays.

Platforms: iOS


Controls whether the audio is muted

  • false (default) - Don't mute audio
  • true - Mute audio

Platforms: all


Controls whether the media is paused

  • false (default) - Don't pause the media
  • true - Pause the media

Platforms: all


Determine whether the media should played as picture in picture.

  • false (default) - Don't not play as picture in picture
  • true - Play the media as picture in picture

Platforms: iOS


Determine whether the media should continue playing while the app is in the background. This allows customers to continue listening to the audio.

  • false (default) - Don't continue playing the media
  • true - Continue playing the media

To use this feature on iOS, you must:

Platforms: Android, iOS


Determine whether the media should continue playing when notifications or the Control Center are in front of the video.

  • false (default) - Don't continue playing the media
  • true - Continue playing the media

Platforms: iOS


An image to display while the video is loading
Value: string with a URL for the poster, e.g. ""

Platforms: all


Determines how to resize the poster image when the frame doesn't match the raw video dimensions.

  • "contain" (default) - Scale the image uniformly (maintain the image's aspect ratio) so that both dimensions (width and height) of the image will be equal to or less than the corresponding dimension of the view (minus padding).
  • "center" - Center the image in the view along both dimensions. If the image is larger than the view, scale it down uniformly so that it is contained in the view.
  • "cover" - Scale the image uniformly (maintain the image's aspect ratio) so that both dimensions (width and height) of the image will be equal to or larger than the corresponding dimension of the view (minus padding).
  • "none" - Don't apply resize
  • "repeat" - Repeat the image to cover the frame of the view. The image will keep its size and aspect ratio. (iOS only)
  • "stretch" - Scale width and height independently, This may change the aspect ratio of the src.

Platforms: all


The duration the player should buffer media from the network ahead of the playhead to guard against playback disruption. Sets the preferredForwardBufferDuration instance property on AVPlayerItem.

Default: 0

Platforms: iOS


Controls whether or not the display should be allowed to sleep while playing the video. Default is not to allow display to sleep.

Default: true

Platforms: iOS, Android


Delay in milliseconds between onProgress events in milliseconds.

Default: 250.0

Platforms: all


Speed at which the media should play.

  • 0.0 - Pauses the video
  • 1.0 - Play at normal speed
  • Other values - Slow down or speed up playback

Platforms: all


Determine whether to repeat the video when the end is reached

  • false (default) - Don't repeat the video
  • true - Repeat the video

Platforms: all


Callback function that is called when audio tracks change


Property Type Description
index number Internal track ID
title string Descriptive name for the track
language string 2 letter ISO 639-1 code representing the language
bitrate number bitrate of track
type string Mime type of track
selected boolean true if track is playing


  audioTracks: [
    { language: 'es', title: 'Spanish', type: 'audio/mpeg', index: 0, selected: true },
    { language: 'en', title: 'English', type: 'audio/mpeg', index: 1 }

Platforms: Android


Determine whether to generate onBandwidthUpdate events. This is needed due to the high frequency of these events on ExoPlayer.

  • false (default) - Don't generate onBandwidthUpdate events
  • true - Generate onBandwidthUpdate events

Platforms: Android


Determines how to resize the video when the frame doesn't match the raw video dimensions.

  • "none" (default) - Don't apply resize
  • "contain" - Scale the video uniformly (maintain the video's aspect ratio) so that both dimensions (width and height) of the video will be equal to or less than the corresponding dimension of the view (minus padding).
  • "cover" - Scale the video uniformly (maintain the video's aspect ratio) so that both dimensions (width and height) of the image will be equal to or larger than the corresponding dimension of the view (minus padding).
  • "stretch" - Scale width and height independently, This may change the aspect ratio of the src.

Platforms: Android, iOS, Windows UWP


Configure which audio track, if any, is played.

  type: Type,
  value: Value


  type: "title",
  value: "Dubbing"
Type Value Description
"system" (default) N/A Play the audio track that matches the system language. If none match, play the first track.
"disabled" N/A Turn off audio
"title" string Play the audio track with the title specified as the Value, e.g. "French"
"language" string Play the audio track with the language specified as the Value, e.g. "fr"
"index" number Play the audio track with the index specified as the value, e.g. 0

If a track matching the specified Type (and Value if appropriate) is unavailable, the first audio track will be played. If multiple tracks match the criteria, the first match will be used.

Platforms: Android, iOS


Configure which text track (caption or subtitle), if any, is shown.

  type: Type,
  value: Value


  type: "title",
  value: "English Subtitles"
Type Value Description
"system" (default) N/A Display captions only if the system preference for captions is enabled
"disabled" N/A Don't display a text track
"title" string Display the text track with the title specified as the Value, e.g. "French 1"
"language" string Display the text track with the language specified as the Value, e.g. "fr"
"index" number Display the text track with the index specified as the value, e.g. 0

Both iOS & Android (only 4.4 and higher) offer Settings to enable Captions for hearing impaired people. If "system" is selected and the Captions Setting is enabled, iOS/Android will look for a caption that matches that customer's language and display it.

If a track matching the specified Type (and Value if appropriate) is unavailable, no text track will be displayed. If multiple tracks match the criteria, the first match will be used.

Platforms: Android, iOS


Configure which video track should be played. By default, the player uses Adaptive Bitrate Streaming to automatically select the stream it thinks will perform best based on available bandwidth.

  type: Type,
  value: Value


  type: "resolution",
  value: 480
Type Value Description
"auto" (default) N/A Let the player determine which track to play using ABR
"disabled" N/A Turn off video
"resolution" number Play the video track with the height specified, e.g. 480 for the 480p stream
"index" number Play the video track with the index specified as the value, e.g. 0

If a track matching the specified Type (and Value if appropriate) is unavailable, ABR will be used.

Platforms: Android


Sets the media source. You can pass an asset loaded via require or an object with a uri.

Setting the source will trigger the player to attempt to load the provided media with all other given props. Please be sure that all props are provided before/at the same time as setting the source.

Rendering the player component with a null source will init the player, and start playing once a source value is provided.

Providing a null source value after loading a previous source will stop playback, and clear out the previous source content.

The docs for this prop are incomplete and will be updated as each option is investigated and tested.

Asset loaded via require


const sintel = require('./sintel.mp4');

URI string

A number of URI schemes are supported by passing an object with a uri attribute.

Web address (http://, https://)


source={{uri: '' }}

Platforms: all

File path (file://)


source={{ uri: 'file:///sdcard/Movies/sintel.mp4' }}

Note: Your app will need to request permission to read external storage if you're accessing a file outside your app.

Platforms: Android, possibly others

iPod Library (ipod-library://)

Path to a sound file in your iTunes library. Typically shared from iTunes to your app.


source={{ uri: 'ipod-library:///path/to/music.mp3' }}

Note: Using this feature adding an entry for NSAppleMusicUsageDescription to your Info.plist file as described here

Platforms: iOS

Explicit mimetype for the stream

Provide a member type with value (mpd/m3u8/ism) inside the source object. Sometimes is needed when URL extension does not match with the mimetype that you are expecting, as seen on the next example. (Extension is .ism -smooth streaming- but file served is on format mpd -mpeg dash-)


source={{ uri: 'http://host-serving-a-type-different-than-the-extension.ism/manifest(format=mpd-time-csf)',
type: 'mpd' }}
Other protocols

The following other types are supported on some platforms, but aren't fully documented yet: content://, ms-appx://, ms-appdata://, assets-library://


Property Description Platforms
fontSizeTrack Adjust the font size of the subtitles. Default: font size of the device Android
paddingTop Adjust the top padding of the subtitles. Default: 0 Android
paddingBottom Adjust the bottom padding of the subtitles. Default: 0 Android
paddingLeft Adjust the left padding of the subtitles. Default: 0 Android
paddingRight Adjust the right padding of the subtitles. Default: 0 Android


subtitleStyle={{ paddingBottom: 50, fontSize: 20 }}


Load one or more "sidecar" text tracks. This takes an array of objects representing each track. Each object should have the format:

Property Description
title Descriptive name for the track
language 2 letter ISO 639-1 code representing the language
type Mime type of the track
* TextTrackType.SRT - SubRip (.srt)
* TextTrackType.TTML - TTML (.ttml)
* TextTrackType.VTT - WebVTT (.vtt)
iOS only supports VTT, Android supports all 3
uri URL for the text track. Currently, only tracks hosted on a webserver are supported

On iOS, sidecar text tracks are only supported for individual files, not HLS playlists. For HLS, you should include the text tracks as part of the playlist.

Note: Due to iOS limitations, sidecar text tracks are not compatible with Airplay. If textTracks are specified, AirPlay support will be automatically disabled.


import { TextTrackType }, Video from 'react-native-video';

    title: "English CC",
    language: "en",
    type: TextTrackType.VTT, // "text/vtt"
    uri: ""
    title: "Spanish Subtitles",
    language: "es",
    type: TextTrackType.SRT, // "application/x-subrip"
    uri: ""

Platforms: Android, iOS


Configure an identifier for the video stream to link the playback context to the events emitted.

Platforms: Android


Controls whether to output to a TextureView or SurfaceView.

SurfaceView is more efficient and provides better performance but has two limitations:

  • It can't be animated, transformed or scaled
  • You can't overlay multiple SurfaceViews

useTextureView can only be set at same time you're setting the source.

  • true (default) - Use a TextureView
  • false - Use a SurfaceView

Platforms: Android


Force the output to a SurfaceView and enables the secure surface.

This will override useTextureView flag.

SurfaceView is is the only one that can be labeled as secure.

  • true - Use security
  • false (default) - Do not use security

Platforms: Android


Adjust the volume.

  • 1.0 (default) - Play at full volume
  • 0.0 - Mute the audio
  • Other values - Reduce volume

Platforms: all


Set the url scheme for stream encryption key for local assets

Type: String



Platforms: iOS

Event props


Callback function that is called when the audio is about to become 'noisy' due to a change in audio outputs. Typically this is called when audio output is being switched from an external source like headphones back to the internal speaker. It's a good idea to pause the media when this happens so the speaker doesn't start blasting sound.

Payload: none

Platforms: Android, iOS


Callback function that is called when the available bandwidth changes.


Property Type Description
bitrate number The estimated bitrate in bits/sec


  bitrate: 1000000

Note: On Android, you must set the reportBandwidth prop to enable this event. This is due to the high volume of events generated.

Platforms: Android


Callback function that is called when the player buffers.


Property Type Description
isBuffering boolean Boolean indicating whether buffering is active


  isBuffering: true

Platforms: Android, iOS


Callback function that is called when the player reaches the end of the media.

Payload: none

Platforms: all


Callback function that is called when the player experiences a playback error.


Property Type Description
error object Object containing properties with information about the error

Platforms: all


Callback function that is called when external playback mode for current playing video has changed. Mostly useful when connecting/disconnecting to Apple TV – it's called on connection/disconnection.


Property Type Description
isExternalPlaybackActive boolean Boolean indicating whether external playback mode is active


  isExternalPlaybackActive: true

Platforms: iOS


Callback function that is called when the player is about to enter fullscreen mode.

Payload: none

Platforms: Android, iOS


Callback function that is called when the player has entered fullscreen mode.

Payload: none

Platforms: Android, iOS


Callback function that is called when the player is about to exit fullscreen mode.

Payload: none

Platforms: Android, iOS


Callback function that is called when the player has exited fullscreen mode.

Payload: none

Platforms: Android, iOS


Callback function that is called when the media is loaded and ready to play.


Property Type Description
currentTime number Time in seconds where the media will start
duration number Length of the media in seconds
naturalSize object Properties:
* width - Width in pixels that the video was encoded at
* height - Height in pixels that the video was encoded at
* orientation - "portrait" or "landscape"
audioTracks array An array of audio track info objects with the following properties:
* index - Index number
* title - Description of the track
* language - 2 letter ISO 639-1 or 3 letter ISO639-2 language code
* type - Mime type of track
textTracks array An array of text track info objects with the following properties:
* index - Index number
* title - Description of the track
* language - 2 letter ISO 639-1 or 3 letter ISO 639-2 language code
* type - Mime type of track
videoTracks array An array of video track info objects with the following properties:
* trackId - ID for the track
* bitrate - Bit rate in bits per second
* codecs - Comma separated list of codecs
* height - Height of the video
* width - Width of the video


  canPlaySlowForward: true,
  canPlayReverse: false,
  canPlaySlowReverse: false,
  canPlayFastForward: false,
  canStepForward: false,
  canStepBackward: false,
  currentTime: 0,
  duration: 5910.208984375,
  naturalSize: {
     height: 1080
     orientation: 'landscape'
     width: '1920'
  audioTracks: [
    { language: 'es', title: 'Spanish', type: 'audio/mpeg', index: 0 },
    { language: 'en', title: 'English', type: 'audio/mpeg', index: 1 }
  textTracks: [
    { title: '#1 French', language: 'fr', index: 0, type: 'text/vtt' },
    { title: '#2 English CC', language: 'en', index: 1, type: 'text/vtt' },
    { title: '#3 English Director Commentary', language: 'en', index: 2, type: 'text/vtt' }
  videoTracks: [
    { bitrate: 3987904, codecs: "avc1.640028", height: 720, trackId: "f1-v1-x3", width: 1280 },
    { bitrate: 7981888, codecs: "avc1.640028", height: 1080, trackId: "f2-v1-x3", width: 1920 },
    { bitrate: 1994979, codecs: "avc1.4d401f", height: 480, trackId: "f3-v1-x3", width: 848 }

Platforms: all


Callback function that is called when the media starts loading.


Property Description
isNetwork boolean
type string
uri string


  isNetwork: true,
  type: '',
  uri: ''

Platforms: all


Callback function that is called when the playback state changes.


Property Description
isPlaying boolean


  isPlaying: true,

Platforms: Android


Callback function that is called when picture in picture becomes active or inactive.

Property Type Description
isActive boolean Boolean indicating whether picture in picture is active


isActive: true

Platforms: iOS


Callback function that is called when the rate of playback changes - either paused or starts/resumes.

Property Type Description
playbackRate number 0 when playback is paused, 1 when playing at normal speed. Other values when playback is slowed down or sped up


  playbackRate: 0, // indicates paused

Platforms: all


Callback function that is called every progressUpdateInterval milliseconds with info about which position the media is currently playing.

Property Type Description
currentTime number Current position in seconds
playableDuration number Position to where the media can be played to using just the buffer in seconds
seekableDuration number Position to where the media can be seeked to in seconds. Typically, the total length of the media


  currentTime: 5.2,
  playableDuration: 34.6,
  seekableDuration: 888

Platforms: all


Callback function that is called when the first video frame is ready for display. This is when the poster is removed.

Payload: none

Platforms: Android, iOS, Web


Callback function that is called when an AdEvent is received from the IMA's SDK.

Enum AdEvent possible values for Android and iOS:

Event Platform Description
AD_BREAK_ENDED iOS Fired the first time each ad break ends. Applications must reenable seeking when this occurs (only used for dynamic ad insertion).
AD_BREAK_READY Android, iOS Fires when an ad rule or a VMAP ad break would have played if autoPlayAdBreaks is false.
AD_BREAK_STARTED iOS Fired first time each ad break begins playback. If an ad break is watched subsequent times this will not be fired. Applications must disable seeking when this occurs (only used for dynamic ad insertion).
AD_BUFFERING Android Fires when the ad has stalled playback to buffer.
AD_CAN_PLAY Android Fires when the ad is ready to play without buffering, either at the beginning of the ad or after buffering completes.
AD_METADATA Android Fires when an ads list is loaded.
AD_PERIOD_ENDED iOS Fired every time the stream switches from advertising or slate to content. This will be fired even when an ad is played a second time or when seeking into an ad (only used for dynamic ad insertion).
AD_PERIOD_STARTED iOS Fired every time the stream switches from content to advertising or slate. This will be fired even when an ad is played a second time or when seeking into an ad (only used for dynamic ad insertion).
AD_PROGRESS Android Fires when the ad's current time value changes. Calling getAdData() on this event will return an AdProgressData object.
ALL_ADS_COMPLETED Android, iOS Fires when the ads manager is done playing all the valid ads in the ads response, or when the response doesn't return any valid ads.
CLICK Android, iOS Fires when the ad is clicked.
COMPLETE Android, iOS Fires when the ad completes playing.
CONTENT_PAUSE_REQUESTED Android Fires when content should be paused. This usually happens right before an ad is about to cover the content.
CONTENT_RESUME_REQUESTED Android Fires when content should be resumed. This usually happens when an ad finishes or collapses.
CUEPOINTS_CHANGED iOS Cuepoints changed for VOD stream (only used for dynamic ad insertion).
DURATION_CHANGE Android Fires when the ad's duration changes.
FIRST_QUARTILE Android, iOS Fires when the ad playhead crosses first quartile.
IMPRESSION Android Fires when the impression URL has been pinged.
INTERACTION Android Fires when an ad triggers the interaction callback. Ad interactions contain an interaction ID string in the ad data.
LINEAR_CHANGED Android Fires when the displayed ad changes from linear to nonlinear, or the reverse.
LOADED Android, iOS Fires when ad data is available.
LOG Android, iOS Fires when a non-fatal error is encountered. The user need not take any action since the SDK will continue with the same or next ad playback depending on the error situation.
MIDPOINT Android, iOS Fires when the ad playhead crosses midpoint.
PAUSED Android, iOS Fires when the ad is paused.
RESUMED Android, iOS Fires when the ad is resumed.
SKIPPABLE_STATE_CHANGED Android Fires when the displayed ads skippable state is changed.
SKIPPED Android, iOS Fires when the ad is skipped by the user.
STARTED Android, iOS Fires when the ad starts playing.
STREAM_LOADED iOS Stream request has loaded (only used for dynamic ad insertion).
TAPPED iOS Fires when the ad is tapped.
THIRD_QUARTILE Android, iOS Fires when the ad playhead crosses third quartile.
UNKNOWN iOS An unknown event has fired
USER_CLOSE Android Fires when the ad is closed by the user.
VIDEO_CLICKED Android Fires when the non-clickthrough portion of a video ad is clicked.
VIDEO_ICON_CLICKED Android Fires when a user clicks a video icon.
VOLUME_CHANGED Android Fires when the ad volume has changed.
VOLUME_MUTED Android Fires when the ad volume has been muted.


Property Type Description
event AdEvent The ad event received


  "event": "LOADED"

Platforms: Android, iOS


Callback function that corresponds to Apple's restoreUserInterfaceForPictureInPictureStopWithCompletionHandler. Call restoreUserInterfaceForPictureInPictureStopCompleted inside of this function when done restoring the user interface.

Payload: none

Platforms: iOS


Callback function that is called when a seek completes.


Property Type Description
currentTime number The current time after the seek
seekTime number The requested time


  currentTime: 100.5
  seekTime: 100

Both the currentTime & seekTime are reported because the video player may not seek to the exact requested position in order to improve seek performance.

Platforms: Android, iOS, Windows UWP


Callback function that is called when timed metadata becomes available


Property Type Description
metadata array Array of metadata objects


  metadata: [
    { value: 'Streaming Encoder', identifier: 'TRSN' },
    { value: 'Internet Stream', identifier: 'TRSO' },
    { value: 'Any Time You Like', identifier: 'TIT2' }

Platforms: Android, iOS


Callback function that is called when text tracks change


Property Type Description
index number Internal track ID
title string Descriptive name for the track
language string 2 letter ISO 639-1 code representing the language
type string Mime type of the track
* TextTrackType.SRT - SubRip (.srt)
* TextTrackType.TTML - TTML (.ttml)
* TextTrackType.VTT - WebVTT (.vtt)
iOS only supports VTT, Android supports all 3
selected boolean true if track is playing


  textTracks: [
      index: 0,
      title: 'Any Time You Like',
      type: 'srt',
      selected: true

Platforms: Android


Callback function that is called when video tracks change


Property Type Description
trackId number Internal track ID
codecs string MimeType of codec used for this track
width number Track width
height number Track height
bitrate number Bitrate in bps
selected boolean true if track is selected for playing


  videoTracks: [
      trackId: 0,
      codecs: 'video/mp4',
      width: 1920,
      height: 1080,
      bitrate: 10000,
      selected: true

Platforms: Android


Methods operate on a ref to the Video element. You can create a ref using code like:

return (
  <Video source={...}
    ref={ref => (this.player = ref)} />



Take the player out of fullscreen mode.



Platforms: Android, iOS



Put the player in fullscreen mode.

On iOS, this displays the video in a fullscreen view controller with controls.

On Android, this puts the navigation controls in fullscreen mode. It is not a complete fullscreen implementation, so you will still need to apply a style that makes the width and height match your screen dimensions to get a fullscreen video.



Platforms: Android, iOS


save(): Promise

Save video to your Photos with current filter prop. Returns promise.


let response = await;
let path = response.uri;


  • Currently only supports highest quality export
  • Currently only supports MP4 export
  • Currently only supports exporting to user's cache directory with a generated UUID filename.
  • User will need to remove the saved video through their Photos app
  • Works with cached videos as well. (Checkout video-caching example)
  • If the video is has not began buffering (e.g. there is no internet connection) then the save function will throw an error.
  • If the video is buffering then the save function promise will return after the video has finished buffering and processing.


  • Will support multiple qualities through options
  • Will support more formats in the future through options
  • Will support custom directory and file name through options

Platforms: iOS



This function corresponds to the completion handler in Apple's restoreUserInterfaceForPictureInPictureStop. IMPORTANT: This function must be called after onRestoreUserInterfaceForPictureInPictureStop is called.



Platforms: iOS



Seek to the specified position represented by seconds. seconds is a float value.

seek() can only be called after the onLoad event has fired. Once completed, the onSeek event will be called.

Example:; // Seek to 3 minutes, 20 seconds

Platforms: all

Exact seek

By default iOS seeks within 100 milliseconds of the target position. If you need more accuracy, you can use the seek with tolerance method:

seek(seconds, tolerance)

tolerance is the max distance in milliseconds from the seconds position that's allowed. Using a more exact tolerance can cause seeks to take longer. If you want to seek exactly, set tolerance to 0.

Example:, 50); // Seek to 2 minutes with +/- 50 milliseconds accuracy

Platforms: iOS

Static methods

Video Decoding capabilities

A module embed in ReactNativeVideo allow to query device supported feature. To use it include the module as following:

import { VideoDecoderProperties } from '@ifs/react-native-video-enhanced'

Platforms: Android


Indicates whether the widevine level supported by device.

Possible results:

  • 0 - unable to determine widevine support (typically not supported)
  • 1, 2, 3 - Widevine level supported

Platforms: Android


VideoDecoderProperties.getWidevineLevel().then((widevineLevel) => {


Indicates whether the provided codec is supported level supported by device.


  • mimetype: mime type of codec to query
  • width, height: resolution to query

Possible results:

  • true - codec supported
  • false - codec is not supported


VideoDecoderProperties.isCodecSupported('video/avc', 1920, 1080).then(

Platforms: Android


Helper which Indicates whether the provided HEVC/1920*1080 is supported level supported by device. It uses isCodecSupported internally.


VideoDecoderProperties.isHEVCSupported().then((hevcSupported) => {

iOS App Transport Security

  • By default, iOS will only load encrypted (https) urls. If you want to load content from an unencrypted (http) source, you will need to modify your Info.plist file and add the following entry:

For more detailed info check this article

Audio Mixing

At some point in the future, react-native-video will include an Audio Manager for configuring how videos mix with other apps playing sounds on the device.

On iOS, if you would like to allow other apps to play music over your video component, make the following change:


#import <AVFoundation/AVFoundation.h>  // import

- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions
  [[AVAudioSession sharedInstance] setCategory:AVAudioSessionCategoryAmbient error:nil];  // allow

You can also use the ignoreSilentSwitch prop.

Android Expansion File Usage

Expansions files allow you to ship assets that exceed the 100MB apk size limit and don't need to be updated each time you push an app update.

This only supports mp4 files and they must not be compressed. Example command line for preventing compression:

zip -r -n .mp4 *.mp4
// Within your render function, assuming you have a file called
// "background.mp4" in your expansion file. Just add your main and (if applicable) patch version
<Video source={{uri: "background", mainVer: 1, patchVer: 0}} // Looks for .mp4 file (background.mp4) in the given expansion version.
       resizeMode="cover"           // Fill the whole screen at aspect ratio.
       style={styles.backgroundVideo} />

Load files with the RN Asset System

The asset system introduced in RN 0.14 allows loading image resources shared across iOS and Android without touching native code. As of RN 0.31 the same is true of mp4 video assets for Android. As of RN 0.33 iOS is also supported. Requires react-native-video@0.9.0.


Play in background on iOS

To enable audio to play in background on iOS the audio session needs to be set to AVAudioSessionCategoryPlayback. See [Apple documentation][3] for additional details. (NOTE: there is now a ticket to expose this as a prop )


  • See an [Example integration][1] in react-native-login note that this example uses an older version of this library, before we used export default -- if you use require you will need to do require('react-native-video').default as per instructions above.

  • Try the included [VideoPlayer example][2] yourself:

    git clone
    cd react-native-video/example
    npm install
    open ios/VideoPlayer.xcodeproj

    Then Cmd+R to start the React Packager, build and run the project in the simulator.

  • Lumpen Radio contains another example integration using local files and full screen background video.


Version 6.0.0


In your project Podfile add support for static dependency linking. This is required to support the new Promises subdependency in the iOS swift conversion.

Add use_frameworks! :linkage => :static just under platform :ios in your ios project Podfile.

See the example ios project for reference

Version 5.0.0

Probably you want to update your gradle version:

- distributionUrl=https\://
+ distributionUrl=https\://


From version >= 5.0.0, you have to apply this changes:

dependencies {
    compile project(':react-native-video')
+   implementation "androidx.appcompat:appcompat:1.0.0"
-   implementation "${rootProject.ext.supportLibVersion}"



Migrating to AndroidX (needs version >= 5.0.0):


Version 4.0.0

Gradle 3 and target SDK 26 requirement

In order to support ExoPlayer 2.9.0, you must use version 3 or higher of the Gradle plugin. This is included by default in React Native 0.57.

ExoPlayer 2.9.0 Java 1.8 requirement

ExoPlayer 2.9.0 uses some Java 1.8 features, so you may need to enable support for Java 1.8 in your app/build.gradle file. If you get an error, compiling with ExoPlayer like: Default interface methods are only supported starting with Android N (--min-api 24)

Add the following to your app/build.gradle file:

android {
   ... // Various other settings go here
   compileOptions {
     targetCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8

ExoPlayer no longer detaches

When using a router like the react-navigation TabNavigator, switching between tab routes would previously cause ExoPlayer to detach causing the video player to pause. We now don't detach the view, allowing the video to continue playing in a background tab. This matches the behavior for iOS.

useTextureView now defaults to true

The SurfaceView, which ExoPlayer has been using by default has a number of quirks that people are unaware of and often cause issues. This includes not supporting animations or scaling. It also causes strange behavior if you overlay two videos on top of each other, because the SurfaceView will punch a hole through other views. Since TextureView doesn't have these issues and behaves in the way most developers expect, it makes sense to make it the default.

TextureView is not as fast as SurfaceView, so you may still want to enable SurfaceView support. To do this, you can set useTextureView={false}.

Version 3.0.0

All platforms now auto-play

Previously, on Android ExoPlayer if the paused prop was not set, the media would not automatically start playing. The only way it would work was if you set paused={false}. This has been changed to automatically play if paused is not set so that the behavior is consistent across platforms.

All platforms now keep their paused state when returning from the background

Previously, on Android MediaPlayer if you setup an AppState event when the app went into the background and set a paused prop so that when you returned to the app the video would be paused it would be ignored.

Note, Windows does not have a concept of an app going into the background, so this doesn't apply there.

Use Android target SDK 27 by default

Version 3.0 updates the Android build tools and SDK to version 27. React Native is in the process of switchting over to SDK 27 in preparation for Google's requirement that new Android apps use SDK 26 by August 2018.

You will either need to install the version 27 SDK and version 27.0.3 buildtools or modify your build.gradle file to configure react-native-video to use the same build settings as the rest of your app as described below.

Using app build settings

You will need to create a project.ext section in the top-level build.gradle file (not app/build.gradle). Fill in the values from the example below using the values found in your app/build.gradle file.

// Top-level build file where you can add configuration options common to all sub-projects/modules.

buildscript {
    ... // Various other settings go here

allprojects {
    ... // Various other settings go here

    project.ext {
        compileSdkVersion = 31
        buildToolsVersion = "30.0.2"

        minSdkVersion = 21
        targetSdkVersion = 22

If you encounter an error Could not find reinstall your Android Support Repository.