Topsy-Turvy is a novel method that synthesizes protein sequence information and inherent network structures transferrable across species to construct and/or enrich the PPI network for the target species.
For more information about the model architectures (and downloading the pretained models and datasets), go to [[]].
All the relevant test and evaluation codes are found inside the `topsy_turvy` folder. The major files for training/evaluation are:
`` is used to produce the PLM embeddings from the input sequence file in fasta format. It can be run using
`` is used to train the model, given the sequence and network information for a source network. It can be run using
python [-h]
[--pos-pairs POS_PAIRS] # Positive edgelist for training
[--neg-pairs NEG_PAIRS] # Negative edgelist for training
[--pos-test POS_TEST] # Positive edgelist for testing
[--neg-test NEG_TEST] # Negative edgelist for testing
[--embedding EMBEDDING] # PLM embedding obtained using ``
[--augment] # If (p, q) in training edgelist, add (q,p) for training too
[--protein-size PROTEIN_SIZE] # Maximum protein size to use in training data: default = 800
[--projection-dim PROJECTION_DIM] # Dimension of the projection layer: default 100
[--dropout-p DROPOUT_P] # Parameter p for the embedding dropout layer
[--hidden-dim HIDDEN_DIM] # Number of hidden units for comparison layer in contact prediction
[--kernel-width KERNEL_WIDTH] # The width of the conv. filter for contact prediction
[--use-w] # Use the weight matrix in the interaction prediction or not
[--do-pool] # Use the max pool layer
[--pool-width POOL_WIDTH] # The size of the max pool in the interaction model
[--sigmoid] # Use sigmoid activation at the end of the interaction model: Default false
[--negative-ratio NEGATIVE_RATIO] # Number of negative training samples for each positive training sample
[--epoch-scale EPOCH_SCALE] # Report the heldout performance every multiple of this many epochs
[--num-epochs NUM_EPOCHS] # Total number of epochs
[--batch-size BATCH_SIZE] # Minibatch size
[--weight-decay WEIGHT_DECAY] # L2 regularization
[--lr LR] # Learning rate
[--lambda LAMBDA_] # The weight on the similarity objective
# Use these parameter for Topsy-turvy training
[--use_glider] # Use this to train with Topsy-Turvy.
[--glider_param GLIDER_PARAM] # g_t param: default 0.2
[--glider_thresh GLIDER_THRESH] # g_p param: Default 92.5
# Output and device information
[--save-prefix SAVE_PREFIX]
[--checkpoint CHECKPOINT]
In order to use the `` in Topsy-Turvy mode, add `–use_glider` option in the
`` is used to perform evaluation, given the positive and negative test examples. It can be run using
[--model MODEL] # Model Location
[--pos-pairs POS_PAIRS]
[--neg-pairs NEG_PAIRS] # Positive and Negative Pairs
[--embeddings EMBED] # PLM embedding file
[--fasta FASTA] # If there is no PLM file, use FASTA to generate the PLM internally
[--outfile OUTFILE] # Output prefix
[--device DEVICE] # GPU device
The best pre-trained models for D-SCRIPT and Topsy-Turvy are provided in the folder `Pretrained-Models`