Some questions to consider:
- Why use or produce open source tools? Or creative commons materials?
- Have you considered issues of digital accessibility for differently abled or language-speaking individuals? For the latter group, beware of Google translate...
Some sources to check out:
- Samir Chopra and Scott Dexter, Decoding Liberation: The Promise of Free and Open Source Software, 2007
- Dr. Joshua Miele’s work on digital accessibility - see a review of his GC talk by Nanyamkah Mars here
Think about the digital project or research you are or will be working on.
- Who will be able to access your research or project?
- Where will it be accessible?
- Will it cost money to access?
- Will it be accessible in different languages?
- Will it be accessible to the visually, hearing or otherwise physically impaired?
Pair up with another person near you and discuss. Share as a class.