tldr: click here to see all the characters of .decimalDigits
Have you ever needed to check if a string was made up only of digits? How about the presence of punctuation or non-alphanumeric characters? One could use a variety of methods from one of the Formatter
classes to NSScanner
to a NSPredicate
with a regex expression, but the most likely snippet you would've found involved the use of CharacterSet
In brief summary, CharacterSet
is an Objective-C-bridged Swift class that represents a set of Unicode characters. Its Objective-C counterpart, NSCharacterSet
is toll-free bridged with CoreFoundation's CFCharacterSet
. Written in C, CFCharacterSet
is quite old, dating back to at least Mac OS 8. The main idea behind CFCharacterSet
is to provide an Unicode-aware data structure that aids in the efficient searching of Unicode strings. Both NSString
and NSScanner
internally use NSCharacterSet
for their string searching operations.
can be initialized as an empty set, a set of characters given a string, bytes, or the contents of a file. It comes with many conveniently predefined sets (such as the characters allowed in a URL query fragment or alphanumeric characters) and even allows set algebra such as union, intersection, and exclusive-or.
Using one of CharacterSet
's predefined sets feel convenient:
let stringToCheck: String = "42"
let numbers: CharacterSet = CharacterSet.decimalDigits
let stringIsANumber: Bool = stringToCheck.rangeOfCharacter(from: numbers.inverted) == nil
/// returns: `true`
Let's take a step back and look at the code above. How do you know exactly which characters are included in .decimalDigits
?1 If the snippet above was validating untrusted user input for numerical characters (such as a phone PIN), not knowing exactly which characters belong in CharacterSet.decimalDigits
not only may have substantial security implications but also create bugs and other undefined behavior. Let's better understand predefined character sets.
Unfortunately, print()
does not work on CharacterSet
/// <CFCharacterSet Predefined DecimalDigit Set>
(This log output can be traced back to the original CFCharacterSet
. Take a look yourself at line 892 of the earliest publicly available source code for CFCharacterSet
Unfortunately, there is no convenient, built-in method to print all the characters in a CharacterSet
. CharacterSet
is neither a subclass of Set
nor provide any enumerators/iterators for its contents. Let's create our own enumerator for CharacterSet
! In order to do that, we have to have a good working knowledge of Unicode.
Unicode is a text-encoding standard that became necessary as many non-English speaking parts of the world became connected to the World Wide Web. It defines three structures that are relevant to us: UTF8, UTF16, and UTF32. The number at the end of those three names represent the size of their code units. A code unit are short blocks of bits that, when combined, represent characters. UTF8 has 8-bit code units and UTF16 has 16-bit code units.
UTF8 and UTF16 are considered variable width meaning that one UTF8 character may be represented by upto four 8-bit code units (and two 16-bit code units for UTF16). Consider these two examples:
Character (Hexadecimal) | Binary | UTF8 |
$ (U+0024) | 0010 0100 ( 2 4 ) |
Representable in 1 byte: 00100100 |
€ (U+20AC) | 0010 0000 1010 1100 ( 2 0 A C ) |
Representable in 3 bytes: 11100010 10000010 10101100 1 |
Notice that both four 8-bits and two 16-bits both add up to 32-bits. This is entirely by design: UTF32 is a fixed width format into which UTF8 and UTF16 can easily fit without any extra work. All UTF32 characters contain 32 bits, even if it's not necessary (as we saw above with $ and €). This makes for an inefficient format, but there is one benefit: it is great for searching because to find the Nth character, you can iterate over every 32 bits instead of decoding every byte to see where the next character begins. This is precisely the reason why NSCharacterSet.characterIsMember()
internally calls2 longCharacterIsMember()
which only accepts a UTF32 character.
The best way to search the membership of a character within CharacterSet
is to get the UTF32 code point for that character and pass it to NSCharacterSet
's longCharacterIsMember()
. It looks like this:
let numbers: NSCharacterSet = NSCharacterSet.decimalDigits as NSCharacterSet
let character: UTF32Char = UTF32Char(48) /// U+0048 is "0"
numbers.longCharacterIsMember(character) /// returns `true`
Let's go back to our original goal: see what's inside of CharacterSet.decimalDigits
. Here is an example of why it's so important to understand what's inside of it:
func invalidCharactersExist(input: String) -> Bool {
let numbers = CharacterSet.decimalDigits
let rangeOfInvalidCharacters = input.rangeOfCharacter(from: numbers.inverted)
return rangeOfInvalidCharacters != nil
let string1 = "qwerty12345"
let string2 = "qwerty"
let string3 = "12345"
print("\"\(string1)\" contains invalid characters: \(invalidCharactersExist(input: string1))")
/// "qwerty12345" contains invalid characters: true
print("\"\(string2)\" contains invalid characters: \(invalidCharactersExist(input: string2))")
/// "qwerty" contains invalid characters: true
print("\"\(string3)\" contains invalid characters: \(invalidCharactersExist(input: string3))")
/// "12345" contains invalid characters: false
Given above, how about "᧐᪂᧐"? Let's see
let string4 = "᧐᪂᧐"
print("\"\(string4)\" contains invalid characters: \(invalidCharactersExist(input: string4))")
/// "᧐᪂᧐" contains invalid characters: false
What? Let's explore further to understand why.
Armed with how Unicode works for CharacterSet
, let's write some code to print the contents of CharacterSet
. Because NSCharacterSet
only provides a way to test if a UTF32 character exists in the set, we will have to loop through every possible UTF32 character and check for their membership in the set:
extension NSCharacterSet {
var characters:[String] {
/// An array to hold all the found characters
var characters: [String] = []
/// Iterate over the 17 Unicode planes (0..16)
for plane:UInt8 in 0..<17 {
/// Iterating over all potential code points of each plane could be expensive as there
/// can be as many as 2^16 code points per plane. Therefore, only search through a plane
/// that has a character within the set.
if self.hasMemberInPlane(plane) {
/// Define the lower end of the plane (i.e. U+FFFF for beginning of Plane 0)
let planeStart = UInt32(plane) << 16
/// Define the lower end of the next plane (i.e. U+1FFFF for beginning of Plane 1)
let nextPlaneStart = (UInt32(plane) + 1) << 16
/// Iterate over all possible UTF32 characters from the beginning of the current
/// plane until the next plane.
for char:UTF32Char in planeStart..<nextPlaneStart {
/// Test if the character being iterated over is part of this `NSCharacterSet`
if self.longCharacterIsMember(char) {
/// Convert `UTF32Char` (a typealiased `UInt32`) into a `UnicodeScalar`.
/// Otherwise, converting `UTF32Char` directly to `String` would turn it
/// into a decimal representation of the code point, not the character.
if let unicodeCharacter = UnicodeScalar(char) {
return characters
let numbers: NSCharacterSet = NSCharacterSet.decimalDigits as NSCharacterSet
for character in numbers.characters {
And if you ran that in [Xcode Swift Playgrounds](LINK TO THE PLAYGROUNDS), here is what you would get:
I encourage you to find other CharacterSet
s to explore! (Be careful, though. Some CharacterSet
s are massive and may make your system unstable until it finishes running.)
Standardized UTF8 bit structure
Number of bytes | Byte 1 | Byte 2 | Byte 3 | Byte 4 |
1 | 0xxxxxxx |
2 | 110xxxxx |
10xxxxxx |
3 | 1110xxxx |
10xxxxxx |
10xxxxxx |
4 | 11110xxx |
10xxxxxx |
10xxxxxx |
10xxxxxx |
Here's how to translate the character's code point value to UTF8 binary: Fill in all the x
s in the table above with the binary value for the character ("€" = 0010 0000 1010 1100
). To figure out how many bytes are needed, consider the length of the binary needed for the character. 1-byte UTF8 can only accomodate 7 bits (only 7 x
s in the table). 2-byte UTF8 can accomodate 11 bits. 3-byte can accomodate 16 bits, and 4-byte UTF8 can accomodate 21 bits. For the "€" character, we need at least 14 bits (the first two zeros could potentially be left out), so it looks like we'll be using the 3-byte structure. The binary filled into the UTF8 structure looks like this (with the original binary bolded): 11100010 10000010 10101100. (Notice if you take away the non-bolded binary digits, you get back the original binary for the "€" character!) The first byte in a 3-bite-long UTF8 character always begins with 1110
. This way, the UTF8 decoder knows how many following bytes belong to the same character in the data stream.
Apple does provide exact code points of characters in certain sets such as
, but for most other sets only describe the Unicode General Category represented by the set, which I don't find particularly helpful. This website amog others does provide a list of all characters in each Unicode General Category. ↩ ↩2 -
Check line 1655 of CFCharacterSet.c ↩