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178 lines (137 loc) · 8.98 KB


Compatibility is a set of code that is designed to improve compatibility to allow using modern APIs on older platforms as well as provide simplified syntax for things. Also includes a Debug module and a Test harness module. Debug is a set of code that is designed for easily writing and enabling/disabling debug statements in code. This allows for easily breaking only certain levels of statements and having consistent flags in the output for easier reading of debug output. Also includes compatibility functions on Int.

The primary goals are to be easily maintainable by multiple individuals, employ a consistent API that can be used across all platforms, and to be maintainable using Swift Playgrounds on iPad and macOS. APIs are typically present even on platforms that don't support all features so that availability checks do not have to be performed in external code, and where irrelevant, code can simply return optionals.

This is actively maintained so if there is a feature request or change, we will strive to address within a week.


  • Can develop and modify without Xcode using Swift Playgrounds on iPad!
  • Threading features to make syntax easier (main {} and background {}).
  • Sleep feature for simple delays in tasks.
  • Testing framework for providing tests inline in frameworks that can be output/tested using #Previews.
  • Several SwiftUI features that have been added have been "Backported" so that you can use the new features on new platforms but have an automatic fallback for older platforms that do not support the feature.
  • Emoji prefixing of debug outputs.
  • Automatically including context in debug output to make finding the source of the debug easier.
  • .DEBUG and .NOTICE level statements will only be output during DEBUG build configurations and will not be output when compiled for RELEASE build configurations.
  • Easily set breakpoints on various levels of debug statements.
  • Provides a simple CustomError type that can be initialized with a string for throwing errors when you don't care about the type of error thrown.


  • iOS 11+ (15.2+ minimum required for Swift Playgrounds support)
  • macOS 10.5+ (UI only supported on macOS 12+)
  • macCatalyst 13.0+ (first version available)
  • tvOS 11.0+ (UI only supported on tvOS 15+, 17+ required for most SwiftUI features)
  • watchOS 4.0+ (UI only supported on watchOS 8+)
  • visionOS 1.0+
  • Theoretically should work with Linux, Windows, and Vapor, but haven't tested. If you would like to help, please let us know.

Known Issues

See for known issues and roadmap Note that the DataStore tests only work if entitlements and privacyinfo are included (therefore, they will not be functional in Previews and Swift Playgrounds).


Install by adding this as a package dependency to your code. This can be done in Xcode or Swift Playgrounds!

Swift Package Manager

Swift 5+

You can try these examples in a Swift Playground by adding package:

If the repository is private, use the following link to import: https://<your-PAT-string>

Or you can manually enter the following in the Package.swift file:

dependencies: [
    .package(url: "", from: "1.0.0"),


First make sure to import the framework:

import Compatibility

Here are some usage examples.

Get the version of Compatibility that is imported.

let version = Compatibility.version

Simple debug statement (can be used to replace debugging print statements) at the default debug level (which can be changed).

debug("This is a test string \(true ? "with" : "without") interpolation")

Debug statement at a specified level:

debug("Fatal error!  This will be output to console typically even in production code.", level: .ERROR)

Debug-only code:

If you have a feature you want to only show in debugging, you can add the following:

if Application.isDebug {
    // execute test/debug-only code.  This will only run in DEBUG configurations and will be removed during RELEASE compilations.

Running code on various threads and delaying execution of code:

background {
    // run long-running code on background thread
    sleep(4) // wait for 4 seconds before continuing
    delay(0.4) { // run this code after 0.4 seconds (similar to calling await sleep() and then executing code)
        main {
            // run this code back on the main thread

Trick to generate warning that can easily be disabled without using #warning():

Defaults to true so application will need to call a function during init/launch:

if false { // this will generate a warning if left as false
    debug("This should be run in init.")

Application version tracking and firstRun checks:

This should be run in the App init.

init() {
    Application.track() // ensures Application.main.isFirstRun and Application.main.versions variables are properly set.
    if Application.main.isFirstRun {
        debug("First Run!")
    debug("All versions run: \(Application.main.versionsRun)")

Storing data to iCloud Key Value Store if available.

This is super useful so we don't have to worry about whether the user has iCloud enabled or what happens if they log out. The app should do the correct thing automatically and will use the last updated value per key to resolve conflicts. If you need more fine-grained control, cache the value and monitor for changes to update the cached value. If you use this, you will need to add an entitlement as this uses iCloud Key Value Store. An example entitlement for the sample app can be found at Compatibility.swiftpm/Development/Resources/Entitlements.entitlements If you use a similar structure to the development Xcode project, you will want to set the Code Signing Entitlements build setting to Resources/Entitlements.entitlements. If you have a watchOS app, you may need to set the key manually vs pulling from the identifier so that the watchOS app and the iOS app use the same store: ex: $(TeamIdentifierPrefix)com.kudit.CompatibilityTest (note there is no period before the com) If you want it to automatically set and don't have a watchOS app, set the iCloud Key-Value Store entitlement entry to this: $(TeamIdentifierPrefix)$(CFBundleIdentifier)

This feature requires iOS 13, tvOS 13, and watchOS 9 for cloud usage as that is the minimum for NSUbiquitousKeyValueStore. If code uses older versions, you will need to add a PrivacyInfo file since UserDefaults can be used to fingerprint. Example file can be found in the package at Compatibility.swiftpm/Development/Resources/PrivacyInfo.xcprivacy

// either specify a default value or make it an optional
@CloudStorage("keyString") var myKey: Bool = false
@CloudStorage("key2String") var myOtherKey: Double?

Adding custom protocol storage support to @CloudStorage

public protocol CustomProtocol {
    init(string: String)
    var stringValue: String { get }
@available(iOS 13, tvOS 13, watchOS 6, *)
extension CloudStorage where Value: CustomProtocol {
    public init(wrappedValue: Value, _ key: String) {
            keyName: key,
            syncGet: { CloudStorageSync.shared.string(for: key).flatMap(Value.init) ?? wrappedValue },
            syncSet: { newValue in CloudStorageSync.shared.set(newValue.stringValue, for: key) })

All these tests can be demonstrated using previews or by running the app executable that is bundled in the Development folder of the module.


If you have the need for a specific feature that you want implemented or if you experienced a bug, please open an issue. If you extended the functionality yourself and want others to use it too, please submit a pull request.


This was a lot of work. If you find this useful particularly if you use this in a commercial product, please consider making a donation to


Feel free to use this in projects, however, please include a link back to this project and credit somewhere in the app. Example Markdown and string interpolation for the version:

Text("Open Source projects used include [Compatibility]( v\(Compatibility.version)


The complete list of people who contributed to this project is available here. A big thanks to everyone who has contributed! 🙏 Special thanks to this project for the CloudStorage base (cleaned up for broader compatibility here):