This is a repository of deep neural network models that are compiled with MLIR using dialects in different abstraction levels. Currently, the original models are from IREE end-to-end test cases.
The model MLIRs are lowered and verified using tools in MLIR, MHLO, and IREE projects. Here are the commit IDs of the project repos.
- IREE: 794bbf4c23e790d9f897d7b6eebd0522e7c4af47
- LLVM: 0fbe3f3f486e01448121f7931a4ca29fac1504ab
- MHLO: e4d50a80ec92031c21a216e2855803cad1b7269a
- original-iree-model: the same models in IREE's end to end tests. Verified using command:
iree-run-mlir --iree-input-type=mhlo --iree-hal-target-backends=dylib-llvm-aot
- mhlo-dialect-only: replace IREE specific operations (Util) with arith dialect.
- lowered-linalg-dialect: the Linalg dialect verision that is lowered from MHLO. Command:
mlir-hlo-opt -mhlo-test-unfuse-batch-norm -cse -hlo-legalize-to-linalg
- trueth-llvm-dialect: the LLVM dialect verision that is lowered from Linalg.
Lowering command:
mlir-opt -convert-tensor-to-linalg -linalg-bufferize -arith-bufferize -tensor-bufferize -func-bufferize -buffer-deallocation -convert-linalg-to-loops -convert-scf-to-cf -convert-linalg-to-llvm -lower-affine -convert-scf-to-cf --convert-memref-to-llvm -convert-func-to-llvm -reconcile-unrealized-casts --arith-expand --convert-arith-to-llvm --convert-math-to-llvm -finalizing-bufferize
Verify command:
mlir-cpu-runner -e main -entry-point-result=void -shared-libs=/path/to/,/path/to/
- swaps IREE, util.address, and util.load operations to arith constant operation.
makefile: records the commands and flags to reproduce the lowering and verification processes.