A way to run the spike prime robot with the beauty of JavaScript
You can simply install it with node.js and the npm command in the console.
Simply use npm i spiky.js
This package is converting JavaScript code into spike prime python code into .llps files to run those on the spike prime robot.
You start of with including spiky
const Spiky = require("spiky.js")
Afterwards you gonna define an editor in which you include the base name of the file you want to create (not the name of the js file, the base name without an . ending of the llps file)
const robot = new Spiky(filename)
Now you can use commands and everything, just as in the spike python version! Some systems are changed, if you miss some go to the GitHub repository and summit your ideas!
This repository is no official Lego Mindstorms repsitory! Licenses can be found in the other branch!