diff --git a/docs/infrastructure/kubernetes.version.md b/docs/infrastructure/kubernetes.version.md index 3bd1c3d0..bd854be2 100644 --- a/docs/infrastructure/kubernetes.version.md +++ b/docs/infrastructure/kubernetes.version.md @@ -59,7 +59,10 @@ Below is an example of upgrading from v1.27 to v1.28 4. Diff the stack to make sure that only versions are updated ```bash - npx cdk diff Workflows -c ci-role-arn=... + ci_role="$(aws iam list-roles | jq --raw-output '.Roles[] | select(.RoleName | contains("CiTopo")) | select(.RoleName | contains("-CiRole")).Arn')" + admin_role="arn:aws:iam::$(aws sts get-caller-identity --query Account --output text):role/AccountAdminRole" + workflow_maintainer_role="$(aws cloudformation describe-stacks --stack-name=TopographicSharedResourcesProd | jq --raw-output .Stacks[0].Outputs[0].OutputValue)" + npx cdk diff --context=maintainer-arns="${ci_role},${admin_role},${workflow_maintainer_role}" Workflows ``` The only changes should be Kubernetes version related.