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Releases: liuchengxu/vim-clap

Release v0.14

25 Apr 05:23
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[0.14] 2020-04-25


  • Add new check-release command, you can use maple check-release --download to download the latest release binary to bin directory. And :Clap install-binary! will run this command when possible. (#410)


  • When cmd in job(cmd) is a String, the path containing spaces could be problematic on Windows(GVim). Use List instead. (#407)
  • The positions of matched items in Rust fzy implementation extracted_fzy crate is incorrect. The pure Python fzy impl is consistent with the original fzy C implementation. (#409)

Release v0.13

20 Apr 08:56
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[0.13] 2020-04-20


  • New provider :Clap proj_tags for project-wide tags.(#391)
  • Allow :Clap files +name-only to filter the file name only instead of the full file path. Require you have built the Python dynamic module or uses in the cached mode. (#389)
  • Add provider action property, you can delete the buffer in :Clap buffers using the action dialog triggered by <S-Tab>. (#396)


  • List all the autoloaded providers instead of the builtin ones in :Clap providers.
  • Handle the icon highlight offset on Python and Rust side.


  • Now :Clap tags will filter the tag name column only, same with :Clap proj_tags.
  • Change truncated dots from ... to .. for displaying one more useful char.


  • Fix installer on Windows and some other job related issues. Thanks to @TissueFluid. (#405)
  • Add default value when ClapSearchText highlight group misses some attributes. #390
  • The final result of dyn filter is not ordered, ref #385 (comment) .
  • Make use of command line --winwidth option, fix the unsuitable truncation for long matched lines.

Release v0.12

12 Apr 04:31
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[0.12] 2020-04-12


  • Add --content-filtering in maple. You can use :Clap files +name-only ~ to filter the file name instead of full file path, but you can only use it when clap is using the cached tempfile inside vim.


  • icon highlight for truncated grep text.


  • grep2 will not match the file path by default. (#385)


  • ITEMS_TO_SHOW is fixed at the moment, only 30 rows can be shown correctly for dyn filter. #385 (comment)
  • Fix wrong icon for dyn filter when the text is truncated.

Release v0.11

09 Apr 09:24
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[0.11] 2020-04-09


  • New provider :Clap grep2 with cache and dynamic refresh support. grep2 is much faster than the previous grep provider as it'll reuse the cached contents from previous run and do the filtering with dynamic results. grep2 is not a typical grep tool but a fuzzy filter tool, for it tries to collect all the output and then filtering on the results. grep is merely to dispatch the rg command and show the results returned by rg directly, no fuzzy filter actually. (#383)

  • Double bang version of :Clap!!, shortcut for :Clap [provider_id_or_alias] +no-cache, e.g., :Clap!! files ~ is same to :Clap files +no-cache ~.


  • Change ITEMS_TO_SHOW from 100 to 30, UPDATE_INTERVAL from 200ms to 300ms. A normal screen can only show about 50 rows, 30 rows should look like the same to 100 rows as the default clap window size is 1/3 of the screen height, but it reduces the overhead of communication between vim and maple significantly.
  • Add using_cache status to g:clap_forerunner_status_sign, the default sign is *, which indicates clap is using the cached file which could be outdated. Use +no-cache to run without cache and also rebuild the cache accordingly, e.g., :Clap files +no-cache /.
  • The cache directory name changed to vim.clap from clap_cache in your system temp_dir.


  • [perf]Try using the cached file when rerunning the same command under the same directory. The cache directory uses which will be purged when you restart the computer. Or you can use maple cache --list to list the current cached info.


  • has('gui_running') does not work for neovim. #378
  • Wrong Vim job stop API usage.(#377)
  • #371 (comment)
  • The postponed preview action can be triggered when the main window is closed. #382

Release v0.10

04 Apr 04:39
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[0.10] 2020-04-04


  • Add init for Clap grep, fill the content when query is empty for git repo.(#347)
  • Add g:clap_popup_border for adding the border for the preview popup. (#349)


  • Print a note about Rust nightly is requred for building the Python dynamic module.
  • Refine the syntax of Clap lines with ClapLinesBufname and ClapLinesNumber group added.
  • [perf] Use const table instead of lazy_static for the icons, more info. Thanks to @ImmemorConsultrixContrarie .
  • [perf] Major improvement 🎉 support the filter dynamic support, contribution by @ImmemorConsultrixContrarie. (#364)


  • Clap filer always selects the first entry when you narrow down and navigate the list. (#348)

Release v0.9

10 Mar 02:55
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[0.9] 2020-03-10


  • Support multi-byte input for vim's popup thanks to @Bakudankun. You need patch 8.2.0329 to make it work as expected. (#320)
  • Add new option g:clap_insert_mode_only to disable the feature of other mode, use the insert mode only. (#335)
  • Add new option g:clap_providers_relaunch_code(@@ default). You can input @@ or use C-L to invoke :Clap to reselect another provider at any time.(#328)
  • Add new keymapping C-L.(#328)
  • Add preview support for Clap filer.
  • Add blines subcommand in maple for always prepending the line number even there are 1M+ lines.


  • Now you can use :Clap grep ++query=@visual to search the visual selection. (#336)
  • Ensure the long matched elements from the filter always at least partially visible. (#330)
  • Use file name as the preview header for Clap grep, Clap blines, Clap tags, Clap marks and Clap jumps.
  • Make <Del> work in vim's popup.


  • Change the default value of g:clap_popup_cursor_shape from '|' to '' for using the new block-style cursor in vim's popup By @Bakudankun. (#340)

Release v0.8

21 Feb 02:49
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[0.8] 2020-02-21


  • Add new clap theme let g:clap_theme = 'atom_dark' by @GoldsteinE.
  • Add new provider :Clap search_history by @markwu. (#289)
  • Add new provider :Clap maps by @markwu. (#293)
  • Add g:clap_project_root_markers for specifing how vim-clap intentify a project root. Previously only the git-based project is supported, i.e., g:clap_project_root_markers = ['.git', '.git/']. The default value of g:clap_project_root_markers is ['.root', '.git', '.git/'] you can add .root file under the directory you want to the project root.(#290)
  • Add preview support for yanks, buffers, files, git_files and history provider.
  • Add new highlight group ClapSelectedSign and ClapCurrentSelectionSign for the sign texthl, they are linked to WarningMsg by default.
  • Add multi-selection support for :Clap blines.
  • [neovim] normal mappings: j/k, gg/G, <C-d>/<C-u> and see ftplugin/clap_input.vim.


  • Add ClapDefaultPreview for the light theme.
  • Open quickfix window at the exact size of entries if there are only a few ones.


  • The minimal requred version for neovim is v0.4.2 as v0.4.0 does not work.
  • More robust fpath detection for grep preview.#321


  • Add <nowait> to neovim's open action mappinngs.
  • Change the default icon for filer to  .
  • Set &foldcoloumn to 0 for neovim by default.
  • Decrease the default g:clap_popup_input_delay from 200ms to 100ms, use the Rust binary.
  • Update clap_tags syntax due to liuchengxu/vista.vim#231.
  • Use a standalone floating win instead of virtual text for the matches count.(#315)
  • [neovim] <Esc> won't exit clap but enter the normal mode.#322

Release v0.7

31 Jan 03:54
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[0.7] 2020-01-31


  • Add new provider :Clap filer for ivy-like file explorer, this also introduces a new type of clap provider: stdio-based RPC provider. (#272)
  • Add new provider :Clap help_tags by @markwu. (#248)
  • Add maple version to get the detailed maple info and include it in :Clap debug.(#262)
  • Add g:clap_forerunner_status_sign and deprecate g:clap_forerunner_status_sign_done and g:clap_forerunner_status_sign_running.
  • Support skim as the external filter, ref lotabout/skim#225 . (#269)
  • Add a new property source_type for non-pure-async provider.(#270)
  • Add g:ClapPrompt which is Funcref to give more control of the prompt of clap, please see #134 (comment) for the usage.(#265)
  • Add init property for each provider, which will be invoked when initializing the display window.(#280)


  • Split out the native VimScript filter implementation in favor of the potential vim9 improvement.(#267)


  • Use  as the icon of markdown.
  • Change the default spinner frames to ['⠋', '⠙', '⠚', '⠞', '⠖', '⠦', '⠴', '⠲', '⠳', '⠓'].
  • Change the default prompt format to ' %spinner%%forerunner_status%%provider_id%:'.
  • Disable coc_pairs.

Release v0.6

24 Jan 00:58
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[0.6] 2020-01-24


  • New provider :Clap loclist for listing the entries of current window's location list.(#244)
  • New provider :Clap providers for listing all the providers by splitting out the previous anonymous _ provider.(#242)
  • Add g:clap_layout to control the size and position of clap window. Now the default behaviour has been changed to window relative. If you prefer the previous behaviour, use let g:clap_layout = { 'relative': 'editor' }.
  • Add multi-select support for Clap files and Clap git_files.(#258)
  • Add g:clap_theme for changing the clap theme easily, the theme material_design_dark is shipped by default.#259


  • Now maple use subcommand instead of option for the various function, this refactor also makes adding new features easier.(#255)


  • Refine :Clap debug and require it in the bug report. (#241)


Release v0.5

15 Jan 08:19
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[0.5] 2020-01-15


  • Add icon support for history provider.
  • Provide the prebuilt binary support since Release v0.4. Now you should use :Clap install-binary! for buliding the binary locally or otherwise downloading the prebuilt binary.
  • Add script for downloading the prebuilt binary easily and support downloading via plugin manager directly.(#222)
  • Push the current position to the jumplist for blines provider so that you can jump back using <C-O>.(#227)
  • Add <PageDown> and <PageUp> keybindings. (#232)
  • Add icon for exact matched file name and more file-extension based icons.(#233)


  • Make the display window compact when there are too few results for grep provider.


  • Do not apply the offset for matched items when using substring filter.
  • Git submodule detection.(#175)
  • Regression of using neovim job without maple.(#234)