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143 lines (107 loc) · 8.29 KB

File metadata and controls

143 lines (107 loc) · 8.29 KB


New Features

  • New system for frustum culling meshes processed by MeshInstanceRendererSystem. Add a MeshCullingComponent to the entity and it will only be rendered when it is in view. The culling system does not take shadows into account.
  • New system for LOD of meshes rendered with MeshInstanceRendererSystem.
    • MeshLODGroupComponent defines the lod sizes and active lod.
    • MeshLODComponent references an Entity with a MeshLODGroupComponent and enables / disables itself based on the specified active lod. Transforms between mesh and group must match.
  • Entity worlds can now be serialized and deserialized to/from a binary format using SerializeUtility
    • Use SerializeUtilityHybrid to support shared components


  • EntityDebugger's display of ComponentGroups is improved:
    • They will now wrap to multiple lines if there isn't enough space
    • Generic types are displayed nicely
    • Sort order is stable


New Features

  • OnStartRunning() and OnStopRunning() added to ComponentSystem and JobComponentSystem
    • OnStartRunning is called when a system's Enabled or ShouldStartRunning() becomes true
    • OnStopRunning is called when a system's Enabled or ShouldStartRunning() becomes false. Also when the system will get destroyed.
    • It will only send one of each in succession
      • Example: Two OnStartRunning() cannot be triggered for a given system without an OnStopRunning() call in between
  • Experimental SOA containers updated, now split into two different types:
    • NativeArrayFullSOA internally lays everything out in sub-arrays
    • NativeArrayChunked8 internally lays data out in chunks of 32 bytes
  • Component type versions in Chunks (for broadphase change tracking)
  • Query Archetype and Chunk iteration (query archetypes matching all/any/none component filter, and e.g. allow component existence checks on chunk level.)
  • Add SystemStateComponentData (answer to Reactive system for add/delete components)
  • IComponentSystemPatch to auto run ComponentSystem[Job] after every ComponentSystem.


  • Make it possible to create EntityArray in addition to ComponentDataArray with the new ForEachFilter


New Features

  • New API for faster filtering when going through all unique shared component values.
    • var filter = group.CreateForEachFilter(uniqueTypes);
    • var array = group.GetComponentDataArray(filter, i); // in a loop
    • filter.Dispose();


  • Throw ArgumentException when creating an entity with component data exceeding chunk size (64kb)
  • EntityManager.CreateComponentGroup is no longer public, use ComponentSystem.GetComponentGroup instead
  • Fix an incorrect hash calculation when resizing a HashMap


New Features

  • New Entity Debugger replaces EntityWindow and SystemWindow
    • Lists Systems, allowing you to browse the Entities in each of their ComponentGroups
    • Systems that are not running due to empty ComponentGroups will appear greyed out
    • Systems can be enabled and disabled temporarily for testing purposes
    • System main thread time is shown. Job time is not currently exposed (the Profiler is a more robust tool for this)
    • Selecting an Entity will show it in the inspector. This support is rudimentary, but will improve soon.


  • ComponentGroup.GetVariant replaced by ComponentGroup.SetFilter. The ComponentGroup is reused and simply chnages the filter on this ComponentGroup.
    • Reduces GC allocations, since only one ComponentGroup will ever be created.
    • Fixes bug where shared component data indices would go out of sync when used on a job.
  • EntityArray used in jobs must be marked [ReadOnly] now.



  • An EntityCommandBuffer that plays back automically after a ComponentSystem's update is available as PostUpdateCommands

  • Can now create entities/components from jobs and merge them into the world later via command buffers from injected BarrierSystems

  • DeferredEntityChangeSystem replaced by EndFrameBarrier (Note: This removes support for concurrent add/remove components. You'll need to change to IJob to add/remove components.)

  • NativeArraySharedValues<T> for creating index tables of shared/unique values in a NativeArray.

  • NearestTargetPositionSystem<TNearestTarget,TTarget> demonstrates how to use generics in JobComponentSystem

  • CopyComponentData<TSource,TDestination> utility to copy ISingleValue ComponentData to NativeArray

  • UnityPackageManager -> Packages folder. (Unity 2018.1 beta 7 introduces this change and we reflected it in the sample project)

  • EntityManager.CreateComponentGroup should be replaced with ComponentSystem.GetComponentGroup. It automatically associates & caches the ComponentGroup with the system (It is automatically disposed by ComponentSystem) and thus input dependencies will be setup correctly. Additionally ComponentSystem.GetComponentGroup should not be called in OnUpdate() (It is recommended to create and cache in OnCreateManager instead). ComponentSystem.GetComponentGroup allocates GC memory because the input is a param ComponentType[]...

  • Systems are automatically disabled when all ComponentGroups have zero entities. [AlwaysUpdateSystem] can be used to always force update a system. (We measured 5 - 10x speedup for empty systems)

  • EntityManager.GetComponentFromEntity/GetFixedArrayFromEntity have been moved to JobComponentSystem.GetComponentFromEntity. This way they can be safely used in jobs with the correct dependencies passed via the OnUpdate (JobHandle dependency)

  • EntityManager.GetComponentFromEntity/GetFixedArrayFromEntity have been moved to JobComponentSystem.GetComponentFromEntity. This way they can be safely used in jobs with the correct dependencies passed via the OnUpdate (JobHandle dependency)

  • Removed IAutoComponentSystemJob support

  • Various namespace refactoring. Unity.ECS -> Unity.Entities.

  • Optimizations for NativeHashMap and NativeMultiHashMap

  • Can now get an array of shared component data from a component group (ComponentGroup.GetSharedComponentDataArray) SharedComponentDataArray can also be injected similar to ComponentDataArray Access through SharedComponentDataArray is always read only

  • IJobProcessComponentData is significantly simplified. Supports 1, 2, 3 parameters. Supports read only, supports additional required components & subtractive components.


New Features


  • [InjectComponentGroup] and [InjectComponentFromEntity] were replaced by simply [Inject] handling all injection cases.

  • EntityManager component naming consistency renaming EntityManager can access both components and component data thus:

    • HasComponent(ComponentType type), RemoveComponent(ComponentType type), AddComponent(ComponentType type)
    • AddComponentData(Entity entity, T componentData) where T : struct, IComponentData
    • EntityManager.RemoveComponentData -> EntityManager.RemoveComponent
    • EntityManager.AddComponent(...) : IComponentData -> EntityManager.AddComponentData(...) : IComponentData
    • EntityManager.AddSharedComponent -> EntityManager.AddSharedComponentData
    • EntityManager.SetSharedComponent -> EntityManager.SetSharedComponentData
    • EntityManager.SetComponent -> EntityManager.SetComponentData
    • EntityManager.GetAllUniqueSharedComponents -> EntityManager.GetAllUniqueSharedComponentDatas



New Features

  • Burst Compiler Preview
    • Used to compile an C# jobs, simply put [ComputeJobOptimization] on each job
    • Editor only for now, it is primarily meant to give you an idea of the performance you can expect when we ship the full AOT burst compiler
    • Compiles asynchronously, once compilation of the job completes. The runtime switches to using the burst compiled code.
  • EntityTransaction API added to allow for creating entities from a job


  • NativeQueue is now block based and always have a dynamic capacity which cannot be manually set or queried.
  • Worlds have names and there is now a full list of them
  • SharedComponentData API is now robust, performs automatic ref counting, and no longer leaks memory. SharedComponent API redesigned.
  • Optimization for iterating component data arrays and EntityFromComponentData
  • EntityManager.Instantiate, EntityManager.Destroy, CreateEntity optimizations


Fix a deadlock in system order update