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Recruitment plots


This document aims to cover the technical aspects of the recruitment plot functions in the enveomics.R package, focusing on the peak finder and gene-content diversity analyses.


This is a working document, describing unstable and/or experimental code. The material here is susceptible of changes without warning, pay attention to the modification date and (if in doubt) the commit history. The definitions and default parameters of the functions described here may change in the near future as result of further experimentation or more stable implementations.

The current document was generated and tested with the enveomics.R package version 1.3. To check your current version in R, use packageVersion('enveomics.R').

IMPORTANT: Some of the functions described here may return unexpected results with your data. Carefully evaluate all your results.

Package: enveomics.R

The functionalities described here are provided by the enveomics.R package. Some features described here are updated more frequently than the official CRAN releases. In order to have the latest updates (package HEAD), download (or update), and install this git repository.

Quick installation guide

🌐 To install the latest stable version available in CRAN, use in R:


:octocat: To install the latest HEAD version (potentially unstable) available in GitHub, use in R:

install_github('lmrodriguezr/enveomics', subdir='enveomics.R')

Recruitment plots: enve.recplot2

The first step in this analysis is the mapping of reads to the genome, processed with We'll assume the mapping is saved in the file and this is also the prefix of the processed files.

Once you have these input files (.rec and .lim), you can build the recruitment plot. For this, you'll have two options.

Option 1: Using the BlastTab.recplot2.R stand-alone script

The stand-alone script BlastTab.recplot2.R is the easiest option to run, and should be the preferred method if you're automating this analysis to process several mappings, but it doesn't offer access to advanced options.

You can run it like this using two CPUs:

BlastTab.recplot2.R --prefix --threads 2 my-recplot.rdata my-recplot.pdf

NOTE 1: It's NOT recommended to map reads against genes, the recommended strategy is to map against contigs. However, if you did map reads against genes, you may want to use the --pos-breaks 0 option to use each gene as a recruitment window.

NOTE 2: If you want to plot the population peaks at this step, simply pass the --peaks-col darkred option.

Now you should have two output files: my-recplot.rdata, containing your enve.RecPlot2 R object, and my-recplot.pdf with the graphical output of the recruitment plot.

Option 2: Using the enve.recplot2 R function

If you require access to advanced options, or for some other reason prefer to calculate the recruitment plot interactively, you can directly use the enve.recplot2 R function. This is and example session in R:

# Load the package
# Open the PDF
# Build and plot the object using two threads and no peak detection
# (to turn on peak detection, simply remove `peaks.col=NA`)
rp <- enve.recplot2('', threads=2, peaks.col=NA)
# Close the PDF
# Save the object
save(rp, file='my-recplot.rdata')

IMPORTANT: Remember to save the enve.RecPlot2 R object (that's the last line above) before closing the R session.

Naturally, you may want to see what other (advanced) options you have. You can access the documentation of the function in R using ?enve.recplot2.

Summary statistics

Here we explore some frequently used summary statistics from recruitment plots. First, load the package and the enve.RecPlot2 object you saved previously, in R:


Centrality measures of sequencing depth

mean(enve.recplot2.seqdepth(rp)) # <- Average
median(enve.recplot2.seqdepth(rp)) # <- Median
enve.truncate(enve.recplot2.seqdepth(rp)) # <- 95% Central Truncated Mean
enve.truncate(enve.recplot2.seqdepth(rp), 0.9) # <- 90% Central Truncated Mean

The functions above only use hits with identity above the cutoff for "in-group" (by default: 95%). In order to estimate the sequencing depth with a different identity cutoff, modify the cutoff first:

rp98 <- enve.recplot2.changeCutoff(rp, 98) # <- Change to ≥98%
mean(enve.recplot2.seqdepth(rp98)) # <- Average (for the new object)
median(enve.recplot2.seqdepth(rp98)) # <- Median (for the new object)

Average and median sequencing depth excluding zero-coverage windows

seqdepth <- enve.recplot2.seqdepth(rp)
mean(seqdepth[seqdepth>0]) # <- Average
median(seqdepth[seqdepth>0]) # <- Median

Average Nucleotide Identity from reads (ANIr)

enve.recplot2.ANIr(rp) # <- Complete recruitment plot
enve.recplot2.ANIr(rp, c(90,100)) # <- All reads above 90% (recommended for intra-population)
enve.recplot2.ANIr(rp, c(95,100)) # <- Reads above 95%
enve.recplot2.ANIr(rp, c( 0, 90)) # <- Between populations (other species)

Coordinates of each sequence window with their respective sequencing depth

d <- enve.recplot2.coordinates(rp)
d$seqdepth <- enve.recplot2.seqdepth(rp)

Sequencing breadth (upper boundary)

This estimate depends on the window size. The smaller the window size, the better the estimate. When the window size is 1bp, the estimate is exact, otherwise it's consistently biased (overestimate).

mean(enve.recplot2.seqdepth(rp) > 0)

Peak-finder: enve.recplot2.findPeaks

In this step we will try to identify one or multiple population peaks corresponding to different sub-populations and/or composites of sub-populations.

NOTE This step can be performed together with the step above, but we separate it here for two reasons: (1) This step is much more unstable but less computationally demanding than the step before, so it makes sense to re-run only this part with different parameters and/or package updates; and (2) We want to save the R objects independently, so the following steps are more clear.

In R:

# Load the package
# Load the `enve.RecPlot2` object you saved previously
# Find the peaks
peaks <- enve.recplot2.findPeaks(rp)
# Save the peaks R object (optional)
save(peaks, file='my-recplot-peaks.rdata')
# Plot the peaks in a PDF (optional)
p <- plot(rp, use.peaks=peaks, layout=4) # <- Remove `layout=4` for the full plot

The key function here is enve.recplot2.findPeaks. This function has several parameters, depending on the method used. To see all supported methods, use ?enve.recplot2.findPeaks. To see all the options of the default method ('emauto') use ?enve.recplot2.findPeaks.emauto.

Gene-content diversity: enve.recplot2.extractWindows

In R:

# Load the package and the objects (unless you're still in the same session from the last step)
# Find the peak representing the core genome
cp <- enve.recplot2.corePeak(peaks)
# The following functions illustrate how to obtain different results. Please explore the resulting
# objects and the associated documentation
# Find the coordinates of windows significantly below the average sequencing depth
div <- enve.recplot2.extractWindows(rp, cp, seq.names=TRUE)
# Add sequencing depth
div$seqdepth <- enve.recplot2.seqdepth(rp, as.numeric(rownames(div)))
# Save the coordinates as a tab-delimited table
write.table(div, 'my-low-seqdepth.tsv', quote=FALSE, sep='\t', row.names=FALSE)
# Find all the windows with sequencing depth zero
zero <- enve.recplot2.coordinates(rp, enve.recplot2.seqdepth(rp)==0)

To do

  • Document structure
  • Package: enveomics.R
  • Recruitment plots: enve.recplot2
  • Summary statistics
  • Peak-finder: enve.recplot2.findPeaks
  • Gene-content diversity: enve.recplot2.extractWindows
  • Compare identity profiles: enve.recplot2.compareIdentities