This is a nodejs application, which starts a chatbot and can be modified by changing the JSON file. This application uses 🕷Venom Bot🕸
One can simply edit the messages.json
to change the structure of the Chatbot
Edit messages.json
with the format below.
key is compulsory for every level of nesting.
- Hi (Necessary)
- Menu (Necessary)
- 1 - Can have a nested object with
key (Not Necessary)- 2 - Can have a nested object with
key (Not Necessary)
"hi": "Welcome to Manan's Chatbot",
"menu": {
"message": "1) msg1\n2)msg2\n3)msg3",
"1": {
"message": "!sendVcard,0000000000,NAME"
"2": {
"message": "msg_main2",
"3": {
"entryData": true,
"message": "Enter Your Details",
"name": {
"message": "Enter Name",
"email": {
"message": "Enter Email",
"message-saved": {
"message": "Thanks",
Install the dependencies
npm install
Use the start script
npm start
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.