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12 Configure the AWS

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124 lines (117 loc) · 4.19 KB

Configure the AWS account

First login

Then, following the AWS IAM instructions for creating non-root users we can set up some users for our deployments.

Create a project

mkdir AwsConfig
cd AwsConfig
mkdir .pulumi
pulumi login file://./.pulumi
pulumi new fsharp -f -n AwsConfig
pulumi config set aws:region eu-west-2

Edit AwsConfig.fsproj

-  <ItemGroup>
-    <PackageReference Include="Pulumi.FSharp" Version="3.*" />
-  </ItemGroup>

And add the project references

dotnet paket add FSharp.Core --project AwsConfig
dotnet paket add Pulumi.FSharp --project AwsConfig
dotnet paket add Pulumi.Aws --project AwsConfig

Script the admin user creation

The code to create the admin user needs:

  • An 'Administrator' group to belong to
    let administrators =
                Name = input "Administrators"
  • Administrator access for that group (which is a built-in AWS policy)
    let administratorsPolicy =
                Group     = io administrators.Name,
                PolicyArn = input "arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AdministratorAccess"
  • The 'admin' user, with membership of the 'Administrators' group
    let admin =
                Name = input "admin"

    let adminGroupMemberships  =
                User   = io admin.Name,
                Groups = inputList [ io administrators.Name ]

Deploying the first time, running as the 'root' user

Since we need to use the root user to create our non-root users, navigate to the AWS IAM dashboard logged in as root.

  • Choose "My security credentials" from the drop-down
  • Expand "Access keys"
  • Click "Create new access key"
  • Click "Show access key"

Then store the security values in environment variables and use Pulumi to create the administrator user

set AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=Access key id value
set AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=secret access key value
pulumi up

Once that is done, you can delete the access key from the root user.

Adding a 'deploy' user, running as the new 'admin' user

Finally we can create a 'deploy' user which will be used from our scripts to do Pulumi deployments. The 'admin' user will only be used to adjust the definition of the 'deploy' user when necessary.

The 'Devops' group and 'deploy' user are the same as 'Administrators' and 'admin', but without the group policy for AdministratorAccess.

In the outputs of the Pulumi infra method, we'll return the key and secret to use when deploying our Aws cloud components as the 'deploy' user.

    let deployAccess =
                User = io deploy.Name

    dict [
        "deploy.AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID",     deployAccess.Id :> obj
        "deploy.AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY", deployAccess.Secret :> obj

To create our 'deploy' user we can now use the 'admin' user we created earlier, but we need to set the environment variables to the values for the user. From the IAM dashboard:

  • expand 'Access management'
  • select 'Users'
  • click 'admin'
  • select the 'Security credentials' tab
  • create an access key as before and get the secret too.
set AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=Access key id value
set AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=secret access key value
pulumi up

Which should create the 'deploy' user, but not show the keys for using it (because they're secrets). To see them use:

pulumi stack --show-secrets

and deploy.AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and deploy.AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY are the settings to be used in the project to deploy the function.