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Python iDEAL

Version: 0.3.0
Keywords:python, ideal, django

Build status coverage MIT License Supported Python versions


Implementation of the iDEAL v3.3.1 specification in Python.


You can install ideal either via the Python Package Index (PyPI) or from source.

To install using pip:

$ pip install -U ideal


It is assumed you have already requested access at your bank for iDEAL.

  1. Install the ideal library:

    $ pip install ideal
  2. Generate or locate your certificates (cert.cer, and priv.pem) and your bank's public certificate (here named ideal_v3.cer but depends on your bank), and place them in a folder where your web application can access them.

  3. Create a config file called ideal.cfg (or copy and modify the ideal-example.cfg):

    debug = 1
    private_key_file = priv.pem
    private_key_password = secret
    private_certificate = cert.cer
    certificates = ideal_v3.cer
    merchant_id = 123456789
    sub_id = 0
    merchant_return_url =
    acquirer = ING
  1. In Python, make sure your settings are initialized by loading the config file:

    from ideal.conf import settings
    # You may adjust (or completely define) your settings (capitalized) in Python as well
    settings.DEBUG = True
  2. After your settings are loaded, you can communicate with iDEAL:

    from ideal.client import IdealClient
    ideal = IdealClient()
    response = ideal.get_issuers()


These settings are lower-case and stored in your ideal.cfg file (or in Django's, prefixed with IDEAL_).

DEBUG (boolean)
Uses the test URL of the acquirer if set to True, otherwise the production URL is used (default: True).
Absolute path to the merchant's private key (default: priv.pem).
Password to access the merchant's private key.
Absolute path to the merchant's private certificate (default: cert.cer).
CERTIFICATES (list or comma-separated string if file config is used)
Absolute path the the acquirer's iDEAL certificate (default: ideal_v3.cer).
MERCHANT_ID (string)
The ID of the online shop, received by the acceptor during the iDEAL registration process.
SUB_ID (string)
Sub ID of the online shop, also received during the registration process (default: 0).
The callback URL for iDEAL. The customer is redirected to this URL after the payment process at the acquirer.
The time a transaction is valid for in ISO 8601 format, minimum is 1 minute, maximum is 1 hour (default: PT15M).
ACQUIRER (string)
Acquirer code to identify the endpoint. Valid values are: [ING, RABOBANK] (default: None).
Overrides the default acquirer URL and ignores the ACQUIRER and DEBUG setting (default: None).
LANGUAGE (string)
Response language in ISO 639-1 format, only Dutch (nl) and English (en) are supported (default: nl).


To run all unit tests, download the entire package and run:

$ python test



  1. All settings can be capitalized and prefixed with IDEAL_ and placed in Django's file, rather than using a configuration file. Of course, you may still use the settings file method.

  2. Add ideal.contrib.django.ideal_compat to your INSTALLED_APPS.

  3. Run python migrate to create the Issuer table in your database, to store a local copy of all issuers.

  4. Run python sync_issuers to fill the Issuer table with a list of issuers. You should run this command every day or so using a cronjob.

  5. You should create a view to handle the iDEAL callback and add the URL (as defined in your settings as MERCHANT_RETURN_URL) to your Below, you'll find an example view to redirect the use depending on the transaction status:

    from django.views.generic.base import RedirectView
    from ideal.client import IdealClient, TransactionStatus
    from ideal.exceptions import IdealException
    class IdealCallbackView(RedirectView):
        permanent = False
        def get_redirect_url(self, **kwargs):
            Simplistic view to handle the callback. You probably want to
            update your database with the transaction status as well,
            or sent a confirmation email, etc.
            client = IdealClient()
                response = client.get_transaction_status(
                if response.status == TransactionStatus.SUCCESS:
                    # Redirect to some view with a success message.
                    return '<payment success url>'
            except IdealException as e:
                # Do something with the error message.
                error_message = e
            # Redirect to some view with a failure message.
            return '<payment failed url>'
  6. Optionally, you can add the the following to your main to test your configuration and perform all iDEAL operations via a web interface:

    if settings.DEBUG:
        urlpatterns += [
            url(r'^ideal/tests/', include('ideal.contrib.django.ideal_compat.test_urls')),
  7. If you are in DEBUG mode and use runserver, you can point your browser to: http://localhost:8000/ideal/tests/.