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GOMAD: Functional Patterns in Golang

This package is still in an early stage of development. Feel free to open a PR and contribute or just open an issue to help me prioritize features.

Following is a list of featured and upcoming modules in no specific order:

  • Identity
  • Eq
  • Ord
  • Semigroup
  • Monoid
  • IO
  • Functor
  • Apply
  • Applicative
  • Monad
  • Chain
  • Maybe
  • Either
  • Result
  • List
  • Pipe
  • HKT
  • Task
  • Reader


All these modules use the newly added features of Golang v1.18 (Still in beta as of today) notably type and function generics.


go get<Desired module>

go get



go get

Maybe is a monadic pattern allowing for data manipulation while abstracting whether or not the value actually exists or is nil. For example, if we fetch data from an external API that could be nil, we can still perform manipulation on it while disregarding its actual state. The Maybe struct will take care of managing the value itself. This is similar to the Maybe interface in Elm or Haskell or Optional in Java. This is helpful for CRUD operations by simplifying the code and allowing for seamless manipulation of nullable data.

You can use the functions Just, None or Nillable to instanciate a Maybe struct. The type parameter will be determined by the passed argument or by specifying it. For example:

maybeNilInteger := maybe.Nillable[int](nil)

nilInteger := maybe.None[int]()

someInteger := maybe.Just[int](1)


  • Example 1 Nil Value
nilInt := maybe.None[int]()
nilInt.Map(func(i int) int { return i + 1 })

The Map call does nothing since myint is nil. We also can't unwrap it since it's a nil value (will panic otherwise).

We can however return an alternative value:

nilInt.Or(99) // returns 99 (alternative value)
  • Example 2 Some Value (not nil)
someInt := maybe.Just(3)
    Map(func(i int) int { return i + 1 }).
    Unwrap() // returns 4 (3 + 1)

if we give an alternative value, we still get the actual value since it's not nil.

    Map(func(i int) int { return i + 1 }).
    Or(99) // returns 4 (original value mapped)
  • Example 3 Nillable Value (unsure if nil or not)
nilPerson := new(Person)
nilPerson = nil
maybePerson := maybe.Nillable(nilPerson)
maybePersonMapped := maybePerson.Map(func(p Person) Person {
    return Person{name: "john"}
maybePersonMapped.IsNil() // true
    Or(Person{name: "jane"}).
    name // returns "jane"

We get a Person with its name attribute equal to jane which is the alternative value we provided since the actual one is nil.

  • Example 4: Nillable Value (unsure if nil or not) + Map existing value
somePerson := &Person{name: "foo"}
maybePerson := maybe.Nillable(somePerson) maybePersonMapped := maybePerson.
    Map(func(p Person) Person {
        return Person{name: "bar"}
maybePersonMapped.IsNil()  // false
maybePersonMapped.IsSome() // true 
    Or(Person{name: "jane"}).
    name // returns "bar" (original value mapped)

We get a Person with its name attribute equal to bar which is the original value after the Map call since the actual value is Person{name: "foo"} (not nil).

maybePersonMapped := Person) Person {
    person2 := p := + "bar"
    return person2

maybePersonMapped.IsNil() // false 
maybePersonMapped.IsSome() // true 
    Or(Person{name: "jane"}). 
    name // returns "foobar" (original value mapped)

We get a Person with its name attribute equal to foobar which is the original value after the Map call since the actual value is Person{name: "foobar"} (not nil).


go get

Allows to manipulate pairs of mutually exclusive data. For example, if we would want to fall back to a value B if A answers to a specific predicate. This interface allows integrating this behavior seamlessly by abstracting all the underlying logic of managing both values. A common use case for this is form validation for front-end applications.



go get

This interface aim at abstracting all logic related to operations susceptible to failures, such as external API calls, etc. It offers constructors and methods to safely manipulate the result in case of success and handle errors gracefully in case of failure.