- Refactor ODEqs and SDEqs into DiffEqDiffTools
- Unit tests for PRs into DiffEqDiffTools
- Review SciML/DifferentialEquations.jl#159
- Refactor JuliaDiffEq/OrdinaryDiffEq.jl@8318c0f
- The abstraction of the Shampine Matlab ODE Suite paper is the key goal for project. Many things spring off from this.
- Read tests and get on implementing ODEs as test cases
- Know who people are, what the repos and packages are, know them as a user.
- List 30 packages, people,
- JuliaDiff
- ForwardDiff.jl
- Calculus.jl
- OrdinaryDiffEq.jl
- StochasticDiffEq.jl
Work through Euler (May9 discussion, DiffEq lobby) and Jacobians
UCIDataScienceInitiative Projects and such
DevDocs use case and walkthrough
Complex autodifferentiation for physics - so then it probably can be a straightforward application of ForwardDiff to build those equations from a Hamiltonian
he'll need to dig into how the diffeq functions are differenitated which is all about handling closures and that jazz it's the same idea to differentiate H(p,q) so that would be a good exercise then the internals would make a lot more sense.
Turbo DiffEqPhysics
katthyat qmech
shutz and misner
wonsheok shin EM
add old methods for didactic purposes
- Connect well to LSODA
@shivin9 - speed up elliptics PDEs
Yannis - FEM
Ying Bo - BVP
Typos in all DiffEqDocs et al
Graph of DiffEq dependencies