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Retrieving Data From A Single Table


The SELECT clause in SQL is used to specify the columns that you want to retrieve from a table

Selecting a database to query:

USE database_Name;

Selecting all columns from a table:

SELECT * FROM customers_table;

Filtering data using WHERE clause:

SELECT * FROM customers_table WHERE customer_id = 1;

Sorting data based on a specific column:

SELECT * FROM customers_table ORDER BY first_name;

Commenting out queries using --:

-- SELECT * FROM customers_table;

Selecting specific columns to get from a table:

SELECT first_name, last_name, points FROM customers_table;

Executing an arithmetic expression based on the column of the table:

--- Order of math operators matter
SELECT first_name, last_name, points, points * 10 + 100 FROM customers_table;

Specifying an alias to arithmetic expression:

    points * 10 + 100 AS discount_factor
FROM customers_table;
--- Alias name should be sourounded by quotes in case there is a space between

Selecting a unique list of values in the column:

SELECT DISTINCT state FROM customers_table;


The WHERE clause in SQL is used to filter the results of a query based on specific conditions. It allows you to specify criteria that must be met for a row to be included in the result set.

Selecting all customers with points greater than 3000:

SELECT * FROM customers_table WHERE points > 3000;

-- Other operators: >   >=  <   <=  =   !=  <>

Selecting only customers that are located in virginia:

SELECT * FROM customers_table WHERE state = "VA";
-- String "VA" is not case sensitive

Selecting all customers that are located outside of virginia:

SELECT * from customers_table WHERE state != "VA";
-- != and <> are equivalent

Selecting only customers are born after january first 1990:

FROM customers_table
WHERE birth_date > "1990-01-01";    -- Date default format in sql: yyyy-mm-dd


AND, OR, and NOT are logical operators used in SQL to combine multiple conditions in the WHERE clause.

Selecting all customers that are born after january first 1990 and have points more than 1000:

Select * From customers_table WHERE birth_date > "1990-01-01" AND points > 1000;

-- Both conditions should be true

Selecting all customers that are born after january first 1990 or have points more than 1000:

Select * FROM customers_table WHERE birth_date > "1990-01-01" OR points > 1000;

-- At least one of the conditions should be true

Selecting all customers that are born either after 1990 or they have more than 1000 points and live in virginia:

SELECT * from customers_table WHERE birth_date > "1990-01-01" OR points > 1000 AND state = "VA";

-- AND operator always evaluated before OR

Selecting all customers that are not born after january first 1990 or not have points more than 1000:

Select * FROM customers_table WHERE NOT (birth_date > "1990-01-01" OR points > 1000);

-- Equivalent to below:

Select * FROM customers_table WHERE birth_date <= "1990-01-01" AND points <= 1000;


The IN operator in SQL is used to check if a value exists within a list of values. It's a convenient way to simplify queries that involve multiple OR conditions.

Selecting all customers that are located in virginia or georgia or florida:

SELECT * FROM customers_table WHERE state = "VA" OR state = "GA" OR state = "FL";

-- Equivalent to below using IN operator:

Select * FROM customers_table WHERE state IN ("VA", "GA", "FL");

Selecting all customers that are not located in virginia or georgia or florida:

SELECT * FROM customers_table WHERE state NOT IN ("VA", "GA", "FL");


The BETWEEN operator in SQL is used to check if a value falls within a specified range. It's a convenient way to simplify queries that involve multiple comparison operators.

Selecting all customers that have more than 1000 and less than 3000 points:

SELECT * FROM customers_table where points BETWEEN 1000 AND 3000;

-- Range is inclusive ---> 1000 <= points <= 3000 


The LIKE operator in SQL is used for pattern matching. It allows you to search for rows that contain specific patterns within a column.

Selecting only customers who's last name starts with b:

SELECT * FROM customers_table WHERE last_name LIKE "b%";

-- % means any number of characters - case insensitive

Selecting only customers who's last name starts with brush:

SELECT * FROM customers_table WHERE last_name LIKE "brush%";

Selecting all customers who have b somewhere in their last name:

SELECT * FROM cusomers_table WHERE last_name LIKE "%b%";

Selecting only customers who's last name ends with y:

SELECT * FROM customers_table WHERE last_name LIKE "%y";

Selecting only customers whose length of their last name is 6 characters and ends with y;

SELECT * FROM customers_table WHERE last_name LIKE "_____y";

-- _ means a single character

Selecting only customers whose length of their last name is 6 characters and starts with b and ends with y;

SELECT * FROM customers_table WHERE last_name LIKE "b____y";


The REGEXP operator is a powerful tool for pattern matching in SQL, providing more flexibility and advanced features compared to the LIKE operator. While its availability and syntax may vary slightly across different database systems, the core concept remains consistent.

Selecting all customers who have field in their last name:

SELECT * FROM custoemrs_table WHERE last_name LIKE "%field%"

-- Equivalent to below:

SELECT * FROM customers_table WHERE last_name REGEXP "field";

Selecting all customers whose last name starts with field:

SELECT * From customers_table WHERE last_name REGEXP "^field";

Selecting all customers whose last_name ends with field:

SELECT * FROM customers_table WHERE last_name REGEXP "field$";

Selecting all customers who have words field or mac in their last name:

SELECT * FROM customers_table WHERE last_name REGEXP "field|mac";

Selecting all customers who have words field or mac or rose in their last name:

SELECT * FROM customers_table WHERE last_name REGEXP "field|mac|rose";

Selecting all customers whose last name ends with word field or have words mac or rose in their last name:

SELECT * FROM customers_table WHERE last_name REGEXP "field$|mac|rose";

Selecting all customers who have words ge or ie or me in their last name:

SELECT * FROM customers_table WHERE last_name REGEXP "[gim]e";

Selecting all customers who have range of characters from a to h before character e in their last name:

SELECT * FROM customers_table WHERE last_name REGEXP "[a-h]e";


The IS NULL operator in SQL is used to check if a value is null. A null value represents the absence of data.

Selecting all customers that do not have a phone number:

SELECT * FROM customers_table WHERE phone IS NULL;

Selecting all customers that do have a phone number:

SELECT * FROM customers_table WHERE phone IS NOT NULL;


The ORDER BY clause in SQL is used to sort the results of a query based on one or more columns. It allows you to arrange the rows in ascending or descending order.

Selecting all customers and sort them based on their first name in ascending order:

SELECT * FROM customers_table ORDER BY first_name;

Selecting all customers and sort them based on their first name in descending order:

SELECT * FROM customers_table ORDER BY first_name DESC;

Selecting all customers and sort them based on their state in ascending order and for each state sort them based on their first name in ascending order:

SELECT * FROM customers_table ORDER BY state, first_name;

Selecting all customers and sort them based on their state in descending order and for each state sort them based on their first name in descending order:

SELECT * FROM customers_table ORDER BY state DESC , first_name DESC;

Selecting first name and last name of all customers and sort them based on their birthdate:

SELECT first_name, last_name FROM customers_table ORDER BY birth_date;

Selecting and sorting customers based on an alias:

SELECT first_name, last_name, 10 AS points FROM customers_table ORDER BY points, first_name;


The LIMIT clause in SQL is used to specify the maximum number of rows to return from a query. It's particularly useful when dealing with large datasets or when you only need a subset of the results.

Selecting only 3 customers from customers table:

SELECT * FROM customers_table LIMIT 3;

Implementing the pagination in sql so that skip first 6 records and get other 3 records after skip section:

SELECT * FROM customers_table LIMIT 6, 3;