This is the repository for the HyDE development environment for creating software for Machine Learning and similiar tasks via a multi-paradigm editor, currently combining graphical and textual programming side-by-side.
HyDE is implemented as a Visual Studio Code webview with a nodejs websocket server. In order to run it, you must...
- Open this directory in Visual Studio Code
- Install all dependencies:
Python 3
andfor Windows: Visual Studio - Desktop dev with C++
, then runnpm install
- Compile the core app:
npm run app-compile
- Start a VSC instance hosting the webview. The default build task for this project will do this for you. Press F5 to run this task.
- Open any *.grml.json file to start using HyDE.
To use the textual extension of HyDE, follow the steps above and ...
- Split the editor, such that the same file is opened twice.
- Right-click the filename in one editor and 'Reopen Editor With ...'
HyDE's interface to access, write and save to files is implemented within the ext > src folder. To compile the extension:
npm run vsc-compile