- Libcloud provisioning
- Fix flaky tests
- Run massive workflows
- Better feedback (error messages, logging).
- Batch systems
- Google Pipelines
- AWS Batch
- Containerize leader (work with Consonance)
- Change the thread pool model to improve single machine usage.
- Improve the development process.
- Add a linter
- Add a code coverage tool.
- Organize tests.
- Better access to tests for external developers.
- TES support
- WES Support (if Consonance does not work well)
- Better track versions of specifications (e.g. CWL, WDL) and dependencies.
- Add other provisioners: OpenStack
- Singularity support.
- Uniform configuration (i.e. not just environment variables).
- Add management and monitoring UIs.
- Python 3 support.
- Add URL wrapping for streaming instead of copying.
- Basic WDL support.
- Travis CI for commits.
- Run Toil within Popper (https://cross.ucsc.edu/tag/popper/).
- Grafana for workflow monitoring
- Finish Google jobStore (GCP)