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How to build - Mac

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Building PrusaSlicer on Mac OS

To build PrusaSlicer on Mac OS, you will need the following software:

  • XCode
  • CMake
  • git
  • gettext
  • zlib
  • m4

XCode is available through Apple's App Store, the other three tools are available on brew (use brew install cmake git gettext zlib m4 to install them).

It may help to skim over this document's Troubleshooting](#troubleshooting) first, as you may find helpful workarounds documented there.


PrusaSlicer comes with a set of CMake scripts to build its dependencies, it lives in the deps directory. Open a terminal window and navigate to the PrusaSlicer sources directory. Use the following commands to build the dependencies:

cd deps
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..

This will create a dependencies bundle inside the build/destdir directory. You can also customize the bundle output path using the -DDESTDIR=<some path> option passed to cmake.

Warning: Once the dependency bundle is installed in a destdir, the destdir cannot be moved elsewhere. (This is because wxWidgets hardcodes the installation path.)

FIXME The Cereal serialization library needs a tiny patch on some old OSX clang installations USCiLab/cereal#339 (comment)

Building PrusaSlicer

If dependencies are built without errors, you can proceed to build PrusaSlicer itself. Go back to top level PrusaSlicer sources directory and use these commands:

mkdir build
cd build
cmake .. -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH="$PWD/../deps/build/destdir/usr/local"

The CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH is the path to the dependencies bundle but with /usr/local appended - if you set a custom path using the DESTDIR option, you will need to change this accordingly. Warning: the CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH needs to be an absolute path.

The CMake command above prepares PrusaSlicer for building from the command line. To start the build, use

make -jN

where N is the number of CPU cores, so, for example make -j4 for a 4-core machine.

Alternatively, if you would like to use XCode GUI, modify the cmake command to include the -GXcode option:

cmake .. -GXcode -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH="$PWD/../deps/build/destdir/usr/local"

and then open the PrusaSlicer.xcodeproj file. This should open up XCode where you can perform build using the GUI or perform other tasks.

Note on Mac OS X SDKs

By default PrusaSlicer builds against whichever SDK is the default on the current system.

This can be customized. The CMAKE_OSX_SYSROOT option sets the path to the SDK directory location and the CMAKE_OSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET option sets the target OS X system version (eg. 10.14 or similar). Note you can set just one value and the other will be guessed automatically. In case you set both, the two settings need to agree with each other. (Building with a lower deployment target is currently unsupported because some of the dependencies don't support this, most notably wxWidgets.)

Please note that the CMAKE_OSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET and CMAKE_OSX_SYSROOT options need to be set the same on both the dependencies bundle as well as PrusaSlicer itself.

Official macOS PrusaSlicer builds are currently (as of PrusaSlicer 2.5) built against SDK 10.12 to ensure compatibility with older Macs.

Warning: XCode may be set such that it rejects SDKs bellow some version (silently, more or less). This is set in the property list file


To remove the limitation, simply delete the key MinimumSDKVersion from that file.


CMath::CMath target not found

At the moment (20.2.2024) PrusaSlicer cannot be built with CMake 3.28+. Use CMake 3.27 instead. If you install the CMake application from universal DMG, you can invoke the CMake like this:


Running cmake -GXCode fails with No CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER could be found.

  • If XCode command line tools wasn't already installed, run:
     sudo xcode-select --install
  • If XCode command line tools are already installed, run:
    sudo xcode-select --reset

Xcode keeps trying to install m4 or the process complains about no compatible m4 found.

Ensure the homebrew installed m4 is in front of any other installed m4 on your system.

e.g. echo 'export PATH="/opt/homebrew/opt/m4/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.bash_profile

cmake complains that it can't determine the build deployment target

If you see a message similar this, you can fix it by adding an argument like this -DCMAKE_OSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET=14.5 to the cmake command. Ensure that you give it the macOS version that you are building for.


Works on a fresh installation of MacOS Catalina 10.15.6

  • Install brew:

  • Open Terminal

  • Enter:

brew update
brew install cmake git gettext
brew upgrade
git clone
cd PrusaSlicer/deps
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
cd ../..
mkdir build
cd build
cmake .. -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH="$PWD/../deps/build/destdir/usr/local"