bower install purescript-lrs
-- Creates a new party (public/private key pairs).
gen :: forall e . Eff (random :: RANDOM | e) Party
-- Signs a message in name of a ring (an array of parties).
sign :: Ring -> Party -> String -> forall e . Eff (random :: RANDOM | e) Signature
-- Asserts that one of the members of a ring signed a message.
verify :: Ring -> Signature -> String -> Boolean
-- Verifies if two signatures were signed by the same party.
link :: Signature -> Signature -> Boolean
import Crypto.LRS.SimpleAPI
main = do
-- 3 parties generate their public/private key pairs
alice <- gen
bob <- gen
eve <- gen
-- The list of public key is known and distributed
let group = map publicKey [alice, bob, eve]
-- Alice signs a message in behalf of one of the 3
signed <- sign group alice "The body is buried on the backyard."
-- Anyone is able to verify *some* of them signed that message
assert $ verify group signed "The body is buried on the backyard."
-- If that same person signs another message...
signed2 <- sign group alice "Just kidding, he is alive."
-- We are able to tell the signature came from the same person
assert $ link signed signed2
-- We are still not able to tell who it was.
Check Main.purs for the compiling exmaple.