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GGG 201b, jan 2022 - lab 2 - NOTES

Friday Lab Outline - 1/13


  • more variant calling with more snakemake!!
  • shotgun sequencing: process and assumptions

Day 2: More variant calling with more snakemake

learning goals:

  • connecting some rules in snakemake
  • understand basic assumptions of shotgun sequencing
  • discuss how shotgun sequencing and variant calling interact

Start a binder

We'll be using files from this repository.

Click on Binder and wait 20 or 30 seconds...

Open a terminal

...and set a prompt:

PS1='$ '

Recap week 1 --

The Snakefile contains rules that we can run by name, e.g.

snakemake -p -j 1 --use-conda download_genome

This runs the shell command in that rule to download a genome, which is

wget -O SRR2584857_1.fastq.gz

and the -p says to print out the command(s) being run, which are normally omitted by snakemake; the -j 1 says to use only one CPU (more on that later); and the --use-conda says to install any necessary software.

But what if we want to run all the commands at once? It gets annoying to run each command individually:

snakemake -p -j 1 --use-conda download_data
snakemake -p -j 1 --use-conda download_genome
snakemake -p -j 1 --use-conda map_reads
snakemake -p -j 1 --use-conda sam_to_bam
snakemake -p -j 1 --use-conda sort_bam
snakemake -p -j 1 --use-conda call_variants

when really all we want do is reach the end point, which is call_variants, which produces a variant call file!

Upgrading our Snakefile by adding 'output:'

Edit the snakefile in RStudio, and add

    output: "SRR2584857_1.fastq.gz"

to the download_data rule before the shell: line. Be sure to get the indentation right - it needs to be at the same level as conda: and shell:!

And try running the rule: snakemake -p -j 1 --use-conda download_data

Run it twice. Hey look, it doesn't do anything the second time! Why??

Try removing the file: rm SRR2584857_1.fastq.gz. Now run the rule again. It's aliiiiiive!

What's happening here is that snakemake is "smart" enough to know that if the output file exists, it doesn't need to be recreated. So once you tell it what the output of a rule is, it gets smarter about running it.

Upgrading our Snakefile by adding input:.

To the download_genome rule, add:

    output: "ecoli-rel606.fa.gz"

and to the map_reads rule, add:

    input: ref="ecoli-rel606.fa.gz", reads="SRR2584857_1.fastq.gz"

What does this do?

This tells snakemake that map_reads depends on having the input files ecoli-rel606.fa.gz and SRR2584857_1.fastq.gz in this directory, and that download_genome can produce it!!

What's extra cool is that snakemake will now automatically run the rule that outputs this file (which is download_genome) before running map_reads!

Try it:

rm *.gz *.sam
snakemake -p -j 1 --use-conda map_reads

and you'll see that it runs two things: first the download_genome rule, then the map_reads rule.

What is the output of the rule map_reads and how would you find that out in general?

In-class exercise A

Add "output:" with the correct filename to the rule map_reads.

Hint: look at what changes in the directory when you run the command. You can use the RStudio terminal window, or you can do ls -l --sort=time after running the rule.

Formatting snakefiles

A few quick notes:

  • input and output (and other things) can be in any order, as long as they are before shell.
  • you can either put things all on one line, or form a block by indenting.
  • you can make lists for multiple input or output files by separating filenames with a comma
  • rule names can be any valid variable, which basically means letters and underscores; you can use numbers after a first character.

Rewriting the rules to have less duplication by using {input} and {output}

If you look at the rules, you'll see that input and output filenames are specified multiple times. That's rude! (And potentially confusing, if you change the input: block and forget to change the shell: block, or something. Not that I've ever done that.)

Luckily, snakemake lets you use template variables in the shell: block so that you can just say {output} and it will figure out what to put there.

For download_data, change the shell command to be:

wget -O {output}

(This will also help us out later in other ways, as you'll see!)

You can do the same with {input}.

In-class exercise B

How would you fix the rules download_genome and map_reads to have shell commands that make use of {input} and {output}?

Note: you can rerun everything by doing rm *.sam *.gz followed by

snakemake -j 1 --use-conda map_reads

In-class exercise C

How would you fix the rules sam_to_bam, sort_bam and call_variants to have the appropriate input: and output:, and {input} and {output}?

Hint: look at the shell command for those rules.

Running lots of commands all at once

If you've fixed the rules properly, you should be able to run everything up to the rule ``call_variantsby just specifyingcall_variants` - try it!

rm *.gz *.sam
snakemake -p -j 1 --use-conda call_variants

(This can also be a good way to check to make sure you have all the output: information right, because you'll have files left over if you forgot to put them in output: :)

Re-running everything

You can tell snakemake to delete everything it knows how to make for a particular rule (including all preceding rules) by running

snakemake -j 1 --delete-all-output call_variants

Using filenames instead of rule names

You don't actually need to use the rule names (this will be important later on!). You can just tell snakemake what file you want produced, and run that.


snakemake -p -j 1 --use-conda SRR2584857_1.ecoli-rel606.vcf

will also work to run the rule call_variants, but you don't have to remember the rule name.

(Later on we'll see why this is important for other things.)

Bonus: create a default rule

By default, if you don't specify a rule snakemake runs the first rule in the file. (This is actually the only case where the order of rules in the Snakefile matters!)

So it's conventional to define a rule named all at the top; try it!

rule all:

Question: why specify the input for this rule, and no output or shell command!?

(There's no good reason. it's just a cute trick that matches the way snakemake thinks. 🤷)

snakemake recap

  • Snakefile contains a snakemake workflow definition
  • the rules specify steps in the workflow
  • At the moment (and in general), they run shell commands
  • You can "decorate" the rules to tell snakemake how they depend on each other.
  • This decoration comes in the form of "input:" and "output:" lists of one vor more files, quoted, separated by commas.
  • You can then use {input} and {output} in your shell commands, too!
  • input and output are how you connect rules: by saying which rules take which files as inputs and/or produce what outputs.
  • Snakemake cares about tabs :)

...and why is this all useful, anyway? We'll explore that in a bit more detail next Friday!


Once you're done creating that sorted bam file, you can also run

samtools index SRR2584857_1.ecoli-rel606.bam.sorted
samtools tview -p ecoli:4314717 --reference ecoli-rel606.fa SRR2584857_1.ecoli-rel606.bam.sorted

to actually look at the aligned reads.

Shotgun sequencing

  • assumption of uniform coverage
  • where these assumptions are violated
  • revisiting variant calling workflow

A very brief discussion of variant calling

Lots of whiteboarding goes here!