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Program Semantics

SMCalFlow programs are written in the Lispress language. Executing those programs requires a library that defines the execution logic for each function. Although a library is not required for the semantic parsing task, knowing the program semantics can often help us understanding the dataset better, and sometimes helps making better modeling decisions.

In this document, we use some representative programs to explain how calendar events are created, queried, updated and deleted in SMCalFlow. We also illustrate how context reference and revision works by a concrete example.

Create Event

Here is a program for the utterance "Create a work meeting on Monday at 11 AM":

(Yield :output 
  (CreateCommitEventWrapper :event 
    (CreatePreflightEventWrapper :constraint 
            :date (?= (NextDOW :dow #(DayOfWeek "MONDAY")))
            :time (?= (NumberAM :number #(Number 11)))
        :subject (?= #(String "work meeting"))

This program constructs a compositional constraint of type Constraint[Event], which contains two sub-constraints: start and subject. Each sub-constraint can be compositional too. For example, the start field (which represents a constraint on the start time of the event) has two sub-constraints: date and time.

Let's take a closer look at the date sub-field. This field contains a Date constraint constructed by the ?= function. Here, ?= means "exact match". It takes an reference object of type T and returns a constraint that is satisfied if the input value is equal to the reference. In this example, the date constraint is satisfied if the event date is equal to "next Monday". Similarly, the time constraint is satisfied if the event's start time is equal to 11 AM, and the subject constraint is satisfied if the event's subject is equal to "work meeting".

Why do we want to use constraints, instead of concrete values, to represent date, time and subject? It is because that constraints are flexible enough to represent the ambiguity in natural language. For example, if the user says "Create a work meeting on Monday morning" or "Create a work meeting after the lunch", she doesn't specify any concrete time, but both "morning" and "after the lunch" can be represented as time constraints.

After the Event constraint is constructed, it is sent to CreatePreflightEventWrapper, which solves a constraint satisfaction problem to figure out the actual Event that the user wants to create. If a concrete solution cannot be determined, then the solver will either inject some heuristic preference (e.g. the meeting is preferred to be scheduled in the business hours and the default length is 30 minutes) to tighten the constraint, or throw an DisambiguationError which triggers a follow-up dialogue turn for disambiguation (See Section 5 of the paper).

If a concrete Event can be resolved, then it is sent to CreateCommitEventWrapper to be added to the database. This step incurs side effects to the outside world, namely changing the user's calendar. Before writing, the function will search the dataflow graph to see if the event creation has been "confirmed" by the user. In this example, it is not confirmed yet, therefore an UnconfirmedError will be thrown, which triggers an agent utterance like: "Does this look right? [showing an event card]".

The functions CreatePreflightEventWrapper and CreateCommitEventWrapper represent a common two-step process to modify a user's calendar. In a pre-processing step, the "Preflight" function takes a user constraint and runs constraint inference to figure out the actual change that the user wants to make, then the "Commit" function commits that change to the database. The "Wrapper" suffix suggests that both functions wrap a series of sub-steps in them, as we described above. The same naming convention is used in the update and the deletion programs too.

If the user says "Yes" in the next turn, then the confirmation program will be like:

(Yield :output (Execute :intension (ConfirmAndReturnAction)))

The ConfirmAndReturnAction function puts a "confirm" token to the dataflow graph and returns the last turn's program. The Execute function then re-executes that program. This time, since the creation is confirmed, the CreateCommitEventWrapper call will succeed and the event will be added to the user's calendar.

Query Event

The user can query events in the calendar. If the user says "Where is the avocado festival?", then the program is:

(Yield :output 
        (FindEventWrapperWithDefaults :constraint 
          (Constraint[Event] :subject (?~= #(String "avocado festival")))

This program builds an Event constraint requiring the event's subject to fuzzily match the string "avocado festival" (the ?~= function returns a "fuzzy match" constraint). It is then sent to the FindEventWrapperWithDefaults for querying the database. The "WithDefault" suffix suggests that the function may inject some default settings if they are not specified by the constraint, such as the default time zone and the default ordering of search results.

The query will return a response object, whose results field contains a list of events that matches the constraint. The program calls the singleton function to convert the list to an element, and in the last step, describes its location property. If no event matches the constraint, or if there are multiple matches, then the singleton function will throw a NonSingletonListError which triggers the error handling mechanism (See Section 5 of the paper).

Update Event

The user can update existing events. For example, if the user says "Change my meeting tomorrow to 4 PM", then the program is:

(Yield :output 
  (UpdateCommitEventWrapper :event 
              (FindEventWrapperWithDefaults :constraint
                (Constraint[Event] :start 
                  (Constraint[DateTime] :date (?= (Tomorrow)))) 
        (Constraint[Event] :start 
          (Constraint[DateTime] :time 
            (?= (NumberPM :number #(Number 4)))

In this program, UpdatePreflightEventWrapper takes two arguments: id and update. The id argument specifies the event id to be updated. It is obtained through querying the database via a constraint, which requires the event's date to be tomorrow. The update argument encodes the requirements for the update. Here, it requires the new event's start time to be at 4 PM. The UpdatePreflightEventWrapper function uses the id to extract an event from the database, then it uses the update constraint to revise it. The revision guarantees that the new event will satisfy the user constraint, but preserving the original properties as long as they don't conflict with the user constraint. For example, an "1-hour brainstorm meeting at 3 PM" will be revised to be an "1-hour brainstorm meeting at 4 PM".

If the revision is successful, then the new event will be sent to UpdateCommitEventWrapper to be written to the database. Similar to creation, this function will require a user confirmation before it actually takes the action.

Delete Event

Deletion is similar to update, except that you don't need to specify a constraint for the new event. If the user says "Delete my meeting with Emma", then the program is:

(Yield :output 
  (DeleteCommitEventWrapper :event 
    (DeletePreflightEventWrapper :id 
            (FindEventWrapperWithDefaults :constraint 
              (Constraint[Event] :attendees 
                (AttendeeListHasRecipientConstraint :recipientConstraint 
                  (RecipientWithNameLike :name #(PersonName "Emma"))

The program builds a Constraint[Event] specifying that the event's attendee list must contain "Emma". The constraint is sent to FindEventWrapperWithDefaults to query the database. If the event can be found, then its id is sent to DeletePreflightEventWrapper (which exists only to make the program's structure similar to update) and DeleteCommitEventWrapper (which performs the deletion). A user confirmation is required.

Refer and Revise

Sometimes the user may want to revise a previous request. If the user asks "Anything earlier?" in a follow-up turn, then we interpret it as "redo an existing computation but constrain the event time to be earlier than a previously mentioned event's time". The program is:

(Yield :output 
  (Execute :intension 
      :rootLocation (roleConstraint #(Path "output")) 
      :oldLocation (Constraint[Constraint[Event]]) 
        (Constraint[Event] :start 
          (Constraint[DateTime] :time 
              (Execute :intension 
                      (append #(List[Path] []) #(Path "start"))
                    (extensionConstraint (Constraint[Time]))

This program calls refer to extract a salient Time that was the start time of a previous event. Here, the roleConstraint requires that the referred computation is in the start field of a structure, and the extensionConstraint constrains the result of that computation. In this example, it only requires the value type to be Time.

The program then constructs a new Constraint[Event] requiring the start time to be earlier than the referred time. Finally, it uses ReviseConstraint to find an existing root program, and revises a sub-computation of it by the new constraint. See Section 3, Section 4 of the paper for more details about refer and ReviseConstraint.

It is worth noting that the above program is a valid revision program regardless of the type of the previous request: whether it is a creation, query, update, deletion or another revision, they all operate on a Constraint[Event]. This uniformity guarantees that the program can be written independent of the dialogue history.