Develop an overview of a proposed or hypothetical project including: data types, sources, and collection instruments; selected analysis methods and tools; initial and exploratory findings and visualizations. In Week 5, you will receive peer feedback and initiate discussion around our projects.
- Use what media is most comfortable for you. Thank about what output would be most useful to you in your work. Some example might be...
- A 5-6 slide deck is good if your are thinking of making a public proposal of your project.
- A 1-2 page double-spaced write-up is great if you need to submit and written proposal or woud like to do some initial writing for a scholarly paper.
- An audio/video recording such as a screen cast narrating you walking through a tool and exploring whether or not it's meet your research needs may be useful for those testing and learning new tools.
- Outline of lifecycle for a real or hypothetical project
- Create data or reuse data? Which data sources?
- What ethical considerations may there be?
- Which tools are most appropriate and why?
- Which methods are most appropriate and why?
- Explore analysis in a specific 1-2 tools you might be considering
- What worked and what did not?
- Where were the sticky points?
- What skills might you need to aquire to use the tool fully?
- Does the required upskilling fit within your research timeline?